Drought at Lake Don Pedro

PLEASE  NOTE: OTHER THAN THE PREVIOUSLY POSTED ARTICLE FROM THE MARIPOSA GAZETTE … I have no idea if the out of court settlement between the County of Mariposa and the Merced Irrigation District will actually solve the water problem here in Lake Don Pedro, but it sure sounds like a tantalizing possibility.

Mariposa County to receive $1.5 million; $300,000/year for 30 years, and 8,000 acre feet of water from McClure?  WOW!  Even MID’s water license 11395 only provides 5,160 AF for the Lake Don Pedro area and we traditionally consume only about 1/4 – 1/5 of that (but of course the subdivision is not fully developed yet either).

[NOTE: The Lake Don Pedro Community Services District’s actual water consumption rate has for decades been WRONGFULLY INTERPRETED AND STATED TO MEAN (by those desiring water outside the PLACE OF USE of course), that the LDPCSD had “EXTRA WATER” it could deliver anywhere it wanted – which is completely incorrect.]

Could this settlement be an equitable remedy for the LDPCSD’s 37 year water problem that has torn this community apart?  Just think of the possibilities!

Finally, and for the first time in it’s history, the LDPCSD might be able to focus on the primary mission of supplying water to the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision/golf course area, while the County of Mariposa might simultaneously meet the WATER DEMAND FOR ALL THE PROPERTY ANNEXATIONS MARIPOSA LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) ADDED TO THE LDPCSD THROUGH THE DECADES!   Annexations that for the LDPCSD REQUIRED AN EXPENSIVE GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM that LDP subdivision property owners simply do not require (nor should be required to subsidize) since they are entitled to Merced River water from McClure under WL11395.

Some very exciting possibilities.  Although the community of Cathey’s Valley was specifically mentioned in the article as a potential beneficiary, sure seems MARIPOSA COUNTY/LAFCo SHOULD START WITH RECTIFYING A MAJOR PROBLEM THE LAKE DON PEDRO CSD (and area) HAS SUFFERED WITH SINCE FORMATION DUE TO EXPANDED WATER SERVICE BOUNDARIES OUTSIDE WL11395 PLACE OF USE – CREATED BY MARIPOSA LAFCO.  

You know, take responsibility for creating the problem in the first place?

Just think, Mariposa County/LAFCO may now finally have the water available to make good on the thousands of acres of property annexations they approved despite the LDPCSD not having the water.

Hallelujah brothers and sisters!  Decades of suffering may be coming to an equitable end for at least the Mariposa side of the LDP subdivision, but we shall see.  After all, how many times has something appeared wonderful at first blush but then just ends up biting us in our collective ASS    ets?


My best to you and yours, Lew


PS,  You know there is something wrong when you search the internet for LAKE DON PEDRO CSD and the result states:

“Water treatment plant in La Grange, CA” but with a photo of a GROUNDWATER WELL used to substitute MERCED RIVER WATER that wrongfully leaves the Place of Use of the water license!   not so lol

Categories: Uncategorized.