ENLARGED VIEWS OF MAP NOTICE “DOMESTIC WATER USE” WHAT A CO-INCIDENCE….THERE’S A LAKE McSWAIN down river from LAKE McCLURE!  (lol) __________________________________ Now let us compare the Sierra Highlands Water Service Boundary with that of the Merced Irrigation District Place of Use boundary which LDPCSD was held to:      <MAP ON RIGHT>  MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLACE OF USE (MIDPOU) PER WATER LICENSE 11395 UNDER WHICH THE LDPCSD PUMPS MERCED RIVER WATER FROM LAKE McCLURE See what I mean?  Other than the South Shore Club project to the west below Don Pedro Reservoir (which has been the only proper annexation to the LDPCSD) – how could ANYONE SERIOUSLY confuse this issue? They didn’t, they just expanded the boundaries the way they desired and passed most of the expense on to the 99% of legally entitled Merced Water users in the Lake Don Pedro Subdivision who had no idea what was going on with “their water”. Sure seems like the LDPCSD should owe every single property owner in the subdivision some money for decades of payments to a public agency that used public funds for private third party benefit while to the detriment of legal customers.  What are those called?  You know…… when you receive those unexpected checks in the mail for around $20-$40 because of over-payments for products  and services of which you weren’t’ even aware? Come on……you know, when someone who did pay and later found out they were ripped-off became so angry about it they filed a lawsuit on behalf of everyone else who also over paid…. CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT!   That’s it. A “class action” lawsuit is one in which a group of people with the same or similar injuries caused by the same product or action sue the defendant as a group. Who knows if such a thing is even possible in this case, but the point is, over 3,000 people have for decades been financially supporting a PUBLIC AGENCY operating a California certified surface water treatment plant that was obviously catering to land development, real estate and other third party interests that were not entitled to Merced River water. How could there have been an “accidental mistake”.  Look at the maps – a child of average intelligence could read those and tell you what is inside or outside those lines.   [Don’t they still teach coloring within the lines?   LOL] Personally I do not believe there was any mistake.  What about the respective Counties of Tuolumne and Mariposa who never questioned how this WATER EMPIRE was going to supply the demand to thousands of acres of annexed properties? Not their concern or problem?