Whoa! That’s something you don’t want to see in place of your website homepage but that’s exactly what hundreds of visitors observed on this site Friday December 9th, 2011 beginning at 1824hrs and lasting through the weekend. Shortly after I discovered the disturbing message telephone calls and emails started coming in….”What’s happened Lew?” “I don’t know” was my computer illiterate response.
I knew it had nothing to do with billing since I pay in advance. Posted material wasn’t of concern. What remained was that nagging ever present fear of third party intrusion by others. Monday morning it was confirmed, my site had been “hacked” and someone tried to enter malicious content which prompted the hosting server “defense software” to simply shut everything down to prevent further intrusion.
Actually it’s pretty cool when you think about how fast such a defensive response occurs. The only problem I had with the whole procedure was how the term “suspended” might be misinterpreted [or intentionally portrayed by some] as indicating the site administrator (yours truly) had done something inappropriate – heck I even researched my receipts to make absolutely sure I was paid up in advance. LOL
Considering the fact government entities, major corporations, and about any computer system you can imagine has been hacked at one time or another I guess it was only a matter of time before I experienced such frustration. Fortunately, other than inconvenience and some worry, no harm was done.
Oh yeah, fixing leaks before the rainy season. Looks like most, if not all, of the precipitation anticipated in this vicinity will actually occur a little further South so my withholding irrigation water idea didn’t work out too well. Since meticulously watching my water meter I was curious about how routine water use adds up towards the next month’s bill.
Ever wonder what a toilet flush looks like on a water meter? Check it out:
[Equipment and dog whining in background – non meter related! lol]
The math appears to be correct since the water supply must not only fill the tank but the volume of the flushed bowl as well. If a tank dispenses 1.6 gallons per flush and the bowl is designed to hold the same, two times 1.6 gallons equals 3.2 gallons. The meter read approximately .44 of 1 cubic foot of water (7.48 gallons), so .44 times 7.48 = 3.29 gallons which needed to be replaced. (Float adjustment will affect how much water is immediately replaced in the tank, a higher float will mean more water in the tank.) A while back one of my neighbors showed me one of those new pressure assisted flush toilets. Amazing, lifting off the tank cover revealed equipment similar to something under the hood of a high performance sports car! Some models even have a 1.1 gallon option for liquid flushing only.
You can imagine how a water meter dial must spin during bathing, laundry and other routine water uses … especially maintenance of landscaping. Although I enjoy the lower bills due to reduced irrigation during the “wet season” I receive too much pleasure from the trees, bushes, flowers and resulting wildlife to complain, however, reasonable methods of conservation will always be considered.
I discovered a new resident inside my meter box this morning: the wired module that will allow LDPCSD employees to read meters remotely while driving by the location. Imagine the amount of time that will be saved without having to stop a vehicle at each box, exiting and approaching, removing the meter box lid, reading and recording the meter readout, replacing the box lid, returning to the vehicle only to start the whole process over at the next property. Think of the potential dangers that are eliminated with climbing up embankments, down into ravines and indigenous wildlife.
My best to you and yours, Lew
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