Remember a while back I was curious as to how someone like Pete Kampa could participate in a “closed recruitment process” orchestrated by a sitting director; then subsequently assume the position of GM without any background check; accumulate even more power through an acquiescing board; proceeded to burn through hundreds of thousands of dollars in district savings to continue his twenty plus year old dream of district expansion through further ground water substitution at the financial expense of the 99% of legally entitled Merced River water consumers of the subdivision?

This does not make sense.

How could Directors on the board be required to take an Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution and laws of this state yet Pete Kampa, who was obviously in control of the the CSD, did not?   ANYWAY, here is another perfect example of why Lake Don Pedro CSD should also have adequate recordings of our meetings available online.  Listen to what I discovered on the Los Osos website only hours before our own Lake Don Pedro Board meeting on Monday!


Disappointing that 3 of the four LDPCSD Directors at our meeting yesterday believed Kampa deserved to be considered a “full GM” and thus dropped the “Interim” qualifier that Kampa rarely used anyway.  ( Remember?  Less than a month as IGM:  GM KAMPA INTRO LTR TO MID)  HOWEVER, at least they did not immediately approve another KAMPA KONTRACT because that’s how we got into this mess!


My best to you and yours, Lew

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