Monthly Archives March 2013
SO TRUE, SO TRUE …. and the wisdom of that expression actually encouraged extension of my recent blogging vacation! LOL Seriously, it is very frustrating dealing
with self appointed wannabe community leaders who consistently interject
themselves into matters they obviously do not understand while simultaneously
misrepresenting the truth. More on that later – let’s do happy stuff first.
BEEN A WHILE, HUH? No, ahh, actually I did not complete all the water irrigation projects during the last few months — but am very, very close. Three controllers and 12 automatic valves are operational so far. Heck, I’m almost looking forward to this Summer and putting them to work. No more forgetting to turn off ALL THE VALVES and wasting precious water. Yes, I know I’m getting too old for all this stuff but the future owners/residents sure will appreciate the upgrades.
THINGS ARE GOING GREAT AT YOUR LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT with General Manager Ralph Felix hitting the ground running and wasting no time in making improvements. Sure, there are still a few who attempt sabotage of the progress but they are merely bumps in the road to success and should be ignored as much as possible.
DO YOU REMEMBER my “thank you advertisement” in the Foothill Express newspaper after being elected? Well, that was over two years ago but the suggestion is still valid:
Thank you district voters,
I look forward to the work.
Be more involved with your CSD,
It surely could not hurt!
YOU KNOW, I do appreciate and truly admire ANYONE who sincerely attempts to assist their community however such an individual should take some time to educate themselves as to the facts before making public statements regarding an organization they advocate and profess to serve. Even if the activity is well-meant more harm than good is accomplished when incorrect information is distributed, especially by someone who claims to be a professional in regards to the subject matter.
I am sorry, but someone touting years of experience in the real estate business who repeatedly describes and advertises our Lake Don Pedro Owners Association (LDPOA) as an HOA (Home Owners Association) rather than a POA (Property Owners Association) – especially after being corrected as to its actual status, only demonstrates a lack of credibility. Unfortunately, that lack of credibility also reflects on any community which permits such misinformation to stand in the public realm without challenge and/or correction.
LDPOA members are not required to own a home to be members in good standing or utilize Association Common Interest property or facilities . An absentee owner’s property assessment is the same as a local homeowner’s assessment and both owners have the right to participate and vote in Association matters. The Davis-Stirling Act (California Civil Code) regulating Common Interest Developments applies to both an HOA and POA.
No matter how many times this particular person vocalizes at meetings, writes in letters and advertisements, or posts on multiple websites that the LDPOA is a Home Owners Association, it simply is not true. And once again this individual is absolutely wrong (about yet another subject), seemingly set on publically displaying their ignorance, and should really know better after living here for almost a decade and being in “the business”.
[But of course it could also be argued that I am displaying rather poor judgment myself by failing to heed the sage advice of Mr. Mark Twain. LOL]
Have a great Spring –
My best to you and yours, Lew