Monthly Archives February 2016


Lately I have tried to understand some things that broadly fall under the category:  “NOT AS THEY APPEAR”.   I believe we have all experienced those circumstances when for one reason or another we believe, or were told, one thing – only to later discover our analysis was incorrect or we were deliberately misled.

Many years ago I read about an incident involving a business advertisement where dancing ducklings were displayed in a front display case window to catch the attention of passing pedestrian traffic.  [I believe it was a legal case but don’t recall if it was Tort based (a civil wrong for monetary damages) or, a criminal matter (animal abuse, code violation enforcement, etc.]

Apparently it was quite an attraction and gained the attention of many people especially after it was discovered the poor creatures were comically jumping around not because of music, but rather, the fact their dance floor was a disguised working hot plate!  Needless to say the public outcry was tremendous.

Torturing young animals in an attempt to increase business sales?  What sort of mind conjures up such a despicable plan?  What lengths will some people go in the attempt to achieve personal and/or business goals?


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.