My best to you and yours, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
Yup, just another outrageous example by THE LEFT DEMOCRATS of their total lack of integrity and continued intentional misdirection of the American Citizen as they attempted to destroy America. Think these TRAITORS will ever honestly acknowledge their wrongful activities against President Trump and others and then simply correct their evil ways and magically become legitimate politicians and representatives of the legal American citizens in this country? Not a FRIGG’N CHANCE!
RECALL recently how Nazi-Nancy and her CO-CONSPIRATORS wanted to make sure TRUMP could never hold another public office after they successfully railroaded him out of office? Well, seems to me that concept is certainly appropriate for everyone involved in these two impeachment hoaxes which were clearly used for their nefarious LEFT political agendas. ALL OF THESE LEFTIST DEMOCRATS should not only be severely punished for their YEARS OF WRONGFUL ACTIVITY – (some no doubt have earned a capital punishment sentence) but at the minimum permanently barred from holding any local, state or federal position in OUR GOVERNMENT for the rest of their miserable treacherous lives!
Imagine all the other wonderful things President Trump could have accomplished for OUR COUNTRY AND CITIZENS IN HIS FIRST TERM without the outrageous criminal activity orchestrated by the likes of dishonest individuals like Nancy Pelosi, Nadler, Max Watt, Schumer, Schiff, etc..
Well, for the hopeful good news: let’s see what OUR DONALD J TRUMP will accomplish in his WELL EARNED SECOND TERM as the DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!
Why don’t WE THE PEOPLE actively identify and boycott all those who supported the DEMS attempted coup de tat of our country? Let’s see a public list of all these back stabbing political traitors! The “Cancel culture concept” used against its own duplicitous creators? Sounds appropriate.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Even if old news, to hear this from someone who knows what is going on is extremely reassuring to me personally, but guess we’ll find out for sure sometime between now and January 20th…….or shortly after ………. or …….?
At least there are “good guys” on top of this gigantic fraud on the American voter!
My best to you and yours, Lew
@ 1633hrs, Facebook has reactivated President Trump’s accounts which have been deactivated since Jan 6th because of what happened in DC.
Interesting, Jack Dorsey of Twitter had also just been exposed for his premeditated and coordinated exclusion of Trump with a forecast of much more to come for a longer period of time.
OK, I’m dreaming, …. but like the old song said “wouldn’t if be nice if…” these Social Media Cyber Tyrants were read the “riot act” by an authority they had no choice but to acknowledge which had the immediate power and authority to SERIOUSLY ENCOURAGE THEM to open FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA AGAIN or face …..?????
Besides (still dreaming) President Trump may need those platforms for one of the most important and meaningful announcements to the American public in this Nation’s history…… you know? Something like….”stay home, your government has detected and is addressing massive Treason of the United States of America by government agencies, departments and officials in cooperation with private entities and foreign governments. There is no current danger but please remain calm, stay home and reassure your families, and anticipate other announcements made every hour.”
(loud noise like chair crashing to floor) Wha wha what what?…oh .sorry nodded off there for a bit. (ever have one of those dreams you wish wouldn’t end?)
My best to you and yours, Lew
Well, I don’t know if this will work, but here is another rather disturbing article pointing out where the benefits of our tax dollars are actually ending up…. in the hands of the Communist Party which seeks to destroy America with the assistance of their DEMOCRAT TRAITOR FRIENDS! This is absolutely insane! GO GO GO TRUMP! CLEAN UP THE SWAMP!
Seems to me the CCP is already in the USA operating through the DNC and its own inventory of other supporting Anti-America activists” and “Old Friends of China” like Beijing Biden. Our Country has ALREADY BEEN INVADED BY GLOBAL ENEMIES THANKS TO OUR HOME GROWN DNC TRAITORS.
Am I the only one feeling a “wind up” before something BIG?
Or is it just wishful thinking to believe something as great as the United States of America and everything she stands for cannot just be sold by obvious unethical politicians like “Trader Joe”?
Well, I hope this works…..it’s very important information.