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By Bill Federer, November 14, 2018
In 1941, Lyndon Baines Johnson ran for U.S. Senate. Franklin D. Roosevelt made a speech on the eve of the election criticizing LBJ’s opponent, Wilbert Lee O’Daniel, nevertheless, LBJ lost by 1,311 votes.

LBJ alleged voter fraud. In 1948, LBJ ran for Senate again. On election night, Sept. 2, 1948, in the Democrat Primary runoff against former Texas Governor Coke Stevenson, it appeared LBJ lost.
Then, mysteriously, a box of uncounted ballots was “discovered” in the south Texas town of Alice in Jim Wells County, Precinct 13. Confusion reigned in Texas and by the end of the week, LBJ won by 87 votes. Both sides accused the other of voter fraud.
The FBI, Postal Department and other agencies investigated. Piecing together the details, the story emerged alleging that during the tabulation period, LBJ’s campaign manager, John B. Connally, traveled to Alice, Texas.
With access granted by wealthy “political boss” of Duval County, George Parr, who later committed suicide, John Connally was present when the ballots were recounted and the returns amended.
When the dust settled, the new totals showed 202 additional voters, some of whom were deceased and buried in the local cemetery or were absent from the county on election day. These voters “lined up” in alphabetical order at the last minute, signed in the same blue ink in the same handwriting and all cast their ballots for LBJ.
The New York Times published an article July 30, 1977, titled “Ex-Official Says He Stole 1948 Election for Johnson”:
“The disclosure was made by Luis Salas, who was the election judge for Jim Well’s County’s Box 13, which produced just enough votes in the 1948 Texas Democratic primary runoff to give Mr. Johnson the party’s nomination for the United States Senate … ‘Johnson did not win that election – it was stolen for him and I know exactly how it was done,’ said Mr. Salas, now a lean, white-haired 76 year old … George B. Parr, the South Texas political leader whom Mr. Salas served for a decade, shot and killed himself in April of 1975. Mr. Johnson is dead and so is his opponent … Mr. Salas said he decided to break his silence in quest for ‘peace of mind’ … ‘I was just going along with my party’ … He said Mr. Parr ordered that 200-odd votes be added to Mr. Johnson’s total from Box 13.
“Mr. Salas said he had seen the fraudulent votes added in alphabetical order and had them certified then as authentic on order from Mr. Parr … Parr was the Godfather … He … could tell any election judge: ‘give us 80 percent of the vote, and the other guy 20 percent.’ We had it made in every election …”
The New York Times article continued:
“The Associated Press interviewed … a former agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, T. Keilis Dibrell … He confirmed Mr. Salas’ statement that the last 200 votes had been in alphabetical order’ … Mr. Dibrell said ‘Also, the last 202 names were made with the same colored ink, and in the same handwriting, whereas the earlier names in the poll list were written by different individuals and in different color inks.’
The final statewide count, including the Box 13 votes, gave Mr. Johnson an 87 vote margin … earning him the tongue-in-cheek nickname ‘Landslide Lyndon.’”
The Democrat Central Committee was deadlocked 28 to 28 on whether to certify the questionable election results, so Connally persuaded Frank W. Mayborn, publisher of the Temple Daily Telegram, to cut short a business trip in Nashville, Tennessee, and return to cast the deciding Committee vote to certify the election results.
Coke Stevenson took LBJ to court and on Sept., 24, 1948, Judge T. Whitfield Davidson ordered LBJ’s name removed from the general election ballot.
LBJ turned to Washington attorney and former FDR appointee Abe Fortas. Abe Fortas persuaded Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, who was also appointed by FDR, to intervene.
On Sept. 28, 1948, Justice Black overturned the lower court ruling, letting the decision in the Johnson-Stevenson race rest with the Texas Democrat Central Committee.
In return for his favor, Abe Fortas was nominated by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 to be a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
During LBJ’s term as President, many records of LBJ’s contested race disappeared.
In 1966, Abe Fortas accepted money from a Wall Street financier investigated for securities violations. Abe Fortas resigned in 1969.
In the Washington Post article, “HOW ‘LANDSLIDE LYNDON’ EARNED HIS NAME,” March 4, 1990, David S. Broder reviewed Robert Caro’s book “The Years of Lyndon Johnson”:
“The slimy creature who stole the 1948 Texas Senate election … Lyndon Johnson … driven by ‘a boundless ambition … his career had been a story of manipulation, deceit and ruthlessness … the morality of the ballot box … in which nothing matters but victory and any maneuver that leads to victory is justified … Johnson … stole the victory in the 1948 Senate race … That campaign was an American classic … Johnson battled … a strongly favored opponent to win by the narrowest of margins — the 87-vote victory that earned him the derisive nickname of ‘Landslide Lyndon’ …
Johnson went through an equally breathless battle in the state convention and the courts to make his clearly tainted victory stand up.”
In March of 2006, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott posted a column on the Texas State Attorney General’s website, stating:
“Voter fraud is no newcomer to the Lone Star State. Six decades ago, the votes ‘found’ in Jim Wells County’s infamous Ballot Box 13 helped Lyndon Johnson squeak into the U.S. Senate in that 1948 primary.”
How ‘Landslide Lyndon’ stole the Senate race in 1948,
How ‘Landslide Lyndon’ stole the Senate race in 1948 added by World Tribune on November 14, 2018
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My best to you and yours, Lew
wanted to mention this to you because I just discovered it myself – LEFT SOCIAL MEDIA DICTATORS have even removed the “Pillow Guy’s” videos about the claimed 2020 election corruption and computer ballot manipulation! (WHY? If it is bullshit show the world it is bullshit! Seems far more likely now that it is legitimate information that the cheaters don’t want the American citizen to understand. What do former military generals and a pillow manufacturer have in common? Telling the American people about the last “RIGGED” election apparently!)
(I received my first censorship with the link to “Married To Election Fraud Rap” LAME tune being censored by Youtube. Still on the MeWe platform. I never thought I would live long enough to see our Constitutional Right to Free Speech so egregiously violated by private Anti-American wealthy social media regulators.)
You know, I could accept just about anything from the majority of American citizens in an honest free election – but not this fraud appointment of government leaders and establishment of Anti-American policies quickly pushed through thanks to a hi-jacked election by the extreme Left. If the election was legitimate why not just prove it as that with a 100% digital forensic scan of all paper ballots? Once and for all be done with the issue as to whether or not our elections have been honest?
And there never will be without a legitimate investigation as to whether or not ballots were legitimate. (Counting that 5th Ace in a crooked card game over and over is ridiculous – it’s lunacy if looking for election integrity! REFERENCE TO BELOW LINK:
Since that video actually suggested sharing with as many people as possible before possibly being “cancelled/censored” and PROHIBITED from public viewing (which both videos have been since and replaced with numerous links to attempted humor of the Left regarding their successful THEFT OF A U.S. ELECTION) I took some photos from the computer monitor as I was viewing the video just in case it was later removed. Kind of like 411 insurance – lol.
Imagine that? In OUR AMERICA? FOLKS, if this information is legitimate we are all victims in an EXTREMELY SERIOUS BETRAYAL OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS as CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! I can decide for myself what I believe to be credible – why is an alternative to MAIN STREAM MEDIA being censored? Anyway, select the below link to those (insurance) “still images” from the now cancelled Pillow Guy video:
My best to you and yours, Lew
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
Last week, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, spoke on the US House Floor.
McCarthy was Tuesday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”. Here are his words:
“Mr. Speaker — Democrats won the House by the slimmest of margins in November: a mere five seats and 32,000 votes nationwide.
Their victory in the other branches was also tight.
Usually, when one party has a tiny majority, they recognize that governing requires compromise.
Not this majority.
Less than two months into controlling the House — despite promising to solve problems and restore democracy — Democrats have proven that their primary goal is not governing, but grievance — the politics of censorship, not common ground.
In January, they eliminated the Motion to Recommit — the last chance for the minority to improve legislation — without a single Republican vote.
Already, millions have lost their voice in Congress due to this brazen partisanship.
What Democrats are doing this week is even worse.
Today, they will hold a subcommittee hearing that will focus on broadcasters’ and cable news’ ‘devotion to journalistic integrity’.
This explanation should concern every American.
It has never been Congress’s role to define and enforce journalistic standards. The First Amendment expressly prohibits the government from controlling what the press says.
But Democrats are trying to give themselves the power to dictate what you can read and watch in your own home.
And their assault on free speech goes beyond today’s disgraceful hearing.
On Monday, Representatives Eshoo and McNerney sent a letter to 12 cable, streaming, and satellite companies — essentially threatening them to remove Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network from the airwaves.
Here is just a quick snapshot of the answers they’re demanding from the carriers:
‘What moral or ethical principles … do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?’
‘What steps did you take … to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans?’
‘Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network both now and beyond any contract renewal date? If so, why?’
These are Members of Congress who are using their official positions to coerce and control the information Americans can watch and access in their homes.
They are demanding more censorship, more deplatforming, and more control over what Americans can watch.
In their letter, Eshoo and McNerney suggest that censorship is necessary because conservative views are not only different — they are dangerous.
This is not only false, it is the same script used in countries like China to silence speech they disagree with.
Democrats would bring those same socialist standards to America.
Yet those standards are dangerous, vague, and easily abused. They have no place here.
Democrats’ actions this week make it clear that the greatest threat to free speech today is not a law from Congress, which is bound by the First Amendment.
The greatest threat is politicians who bully private companies to silence dissenting views.
Lastly, beyond these serious threats to free speech, the irony of Democrats’ actions this week should not be lost on us.
For the last four years, we were told that the greatest danger to free speech was President Trump.
To underscore this accusation, a liberal legacy newspaper in Washington adopted its first official slogan: ‘Democracy dies in darkness.’
As usual, the heated rhetoric from the other side was off base — badly.
The same party that is now worried about ‘misinformation rumor mills and conspiracy theory hotbeds’ was comfortable with endorsing destructive and false narratives for four years.
Back in August, Rep. Eshoo herself baselessly alleged that the Trump Administration was intentionally attacking the U.S. Postal Service. She called it ‘election theft’ and a ‘campaign of sabotage.’
How about Rep. Schiff? For years, he said he had more than circumstantial evidence of Russian collusion. That was false. Nonetheless, networks like MSNBC continued to perpetuate the baseless accusation.
Or how about Speaker Pelosi, who said in 2017 ‘Our election was hijacked. There is no question.’
Mr. Speaker — The American people are capable of making decisions about how best to live their lives.
They deserve to decide how to take care of their families or open their businesses during a pandemic.
And they deserve to decide to watch the news, judge the information they choose, and draw their own conclusions about its accuracy.
They need us to trust them, not try to control them.
If Democrats accepted robust debate, they would find that more people would trust Washington.
I yield back.”
The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.
Written by Mark Truppner.