Yup, well worth the time it takes to enlarge each image and read the narrative. Frankly, this material has confirmed a number of things I have believed about this COVID-19 nightmare since the beginning and how it fits quite well with everything else these TRAITORS HAVE DONE, AND ARE CONTINUING TO DO to OUR COUNTRY. What do you think about such documented betrayal of the AMERICAN TAXPAYING CITIZEN by their own government and officials? – (Not to mention the threat to life on this planet with such “Gain A Function” research.) And not just that one treacherous politician either – don’t forget the commissioned and appointed vast armies of private consultants, corporations, companies, , blah blah blah….. all blurring the lines of responsibility and accountability for that coveted sanctuary of plausible deniability when the shroud of conspiracy is lifted. What about the Leftist brainwashing of our children in public school? (Referencing those schools not carefully monitored by TRUE EDUCATORS, parents, guardians, etc. Although this Anti-American process had certainly been slumbering in our public schools for decades despite clear warnings, only recently has “the country” as a whole observed and truly appreciated the resulting societal harm triggering yet another positive GREAT AWAKENING with proposed corrective action. )
The Rule of Law has been transformed into non regulated/enforced suggestions for the elite special interests while taxpayers are compelled to increasingly fund organizations and activities that are clearly in opposition to their own CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Have you considered all the rigged elections at every level of government in every State in OUR UNION? The outrageous and politically LEFT MOTIVATED Presidential impeachment frauds utilizing carefully constructed fabrications of truth mixed with the traditional propaganda of foreign governments? AND THEN THE EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH DISINFORMATION ACROSS AMERICA by a corrupted Main Stream Media? (Well, perhaps once “main stream” but increasingly less so with each passing day.) Open borders which only fuel a host of other very serious economic and social problems for OUR COUNTRY and OUR LEGAL CITIZENS? Law enforcement and intelligence entities intended to DEFEND OUR COUNTRY reconfigured to target political opponents while true American patriots are fed a consistent barrage of disinformation from the current ANTI-AMERICAN appointed administration that is destroying OUR COUNTRY with DECISIONS AND ACTIVITIES that defy any basic concept of COMMON SENSE?
Sorry, bad day for self expression. I need to do something else. Later.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Right click the below image, open in new tab/window, then you can enlarge each image and read the narrative. Such utter betrayal!