Monthly Archives January 2022


Told the nice lady at the parts department, “I will find that 16mm bolt before the replacement one arrives”.

Yup. I kept going over the fact pattern in my head…. with constant interruption by the others. Where did I place it after removing it from the engine? In the oil drain basin. Are you sure? Absolutely. Could the bolt have dropped through basin oil drainage holes? Are you kidding me? It was a 16mm bolt! Big ‘ol booger! No frigg’n way it could fall through those small drain holes. Was the oil draining container moved after placing the bolt there? Yes, but only a slight distance for maneuverability under the vehicle as I was on my back looking up underneath. Did you thoroughly check under and around the oil container and vehicle? Of course. Even checked the wheel wells, inside rims, brakes, everything! OK, calm down. When did the container leave the immediate area under the vehicle? When, after confirming the bolt was not there, I took it to an area out of the way behind the ATV. It was almost full of old oil and I didn’t want to trip on it going back and forth for tools and such. Did you double check that path just in case you missed seeing it in the container and it subsequently fell out in transport to the rear of the vehicle? Yes. Many times. Shirt pockets? Pants? Yes, yes, yes…. I also dumped all tool chests present and checked all sockets just in case the bolt had become stuck in a socket. Pulled nearby weeds, raked the entire area, even used an extended pickup magnet. Nothing. Double checked all paths taken away from the work site just in case I had it in hand and was distracted to something else, a long shot possibility, but I backtracked all paths taken, up the hill, around the house, into the house, …. nothing. Bathroom? Of course, that’s a frequent cargo drop. Nothing.

I woke this morning to those same questions and slight variations over and over again, like an internal inquisition that would not let up. The self ridicule, but worse yet, the self doubt and questioning. What did I do? How could you be so stupid? The moment the issue materialized in our brain that there was a possibility – even if slight – of losing a part or small tool, you should have moved the vehicle before starting the work. Why do the rest of us bother to suggest things to you if you’re just going to ignore us? I don’t ignore you. Did you move the ATV? No. You’re an idiot! I didn’t lose it. You’re a jackass and shouldn’t even have any tools. Hey, Hey! Lighten up. We were all there, we know what happened and the circumstances. No need for name calling you unsympathetic dickhead. (lol from entire chorus)

Still it didn’t make sense. If I didn’t move/lose it, what did? Could Liz in a playful mood have picked it up and dropped it somewhere? Doubtful, never did it before with tools or small parts. Maybe like in some strange movie? Could some renegade super intelligent Vole or ground squirrel have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to get back at the humans? Make them think they’re going crazy so they just finally pack up and leave? Or maybe some animal had just taken an interest in a shinny object and quickly snagged the bolt and scurried down some hole in the ground? Smelling of differential fluid? I seriously doubt it. Did one of those big Black Birds swoop down and think it a nice little trinket for the nest treasure chest? Get your head out of your ass, no animal stole your bolt. You are a dimwit for even bringing that up. Just spitballing.


Lew, I’m sorry, but you are in denial. Due to your own inattention, distraction, whatever, you did not responsibly care for parts removed from that vehicle. You had drain pans, towels, all sorts of things with which to properly place parts while working. Sorry, you fucked up. OK Ok OK, I must have screwed up somehow. But how? Is this what I am to expect until the end? You know, getting older? Ice cream in the fridge? Milk in the freezer? Fan control to change TV channels? Looking for glasses on top of my head? Dog in the dryer? Clothes in the dishwasher? WHAT’S NEXT? I’M LOSING IT! Then there will be more serious stuff like this frigg’n mystery that I can’t figure out – so the rest of you start doubting our combined competency and start pointing fingers at one another? Are we actually losing it but completely unaware? I vote he’s losing it and the rest of us are OK. <all hysterically lol>

On the toilet, in the shower, getting Liz her eye drops and biscuits. Let the hens out (did one of them eat it? A 16mm bolt asshole? A chicken isn’t going to eat a bolt that size. What a dumb ass. They’ve eaten smaller ones – I dropped a wingnut from 25 feet up in the air, when it hit the ground and before I could get to it, a hen ran over and gobbled it up. So? It wasn’t a fucking 16mm bolt jerk wad.

I didn’t even want breakfast – I just wanted to resume the search from the previous night. I had to try again this morning. So went through the whole search again. Yes, looked again under and around the ATV. (Even used a flashlight the night before hoping a glimmer of clean metal might shine enough to differentiate it from any surrounding grime around the engine. Nope). Oh, well. A new plug is on the way. No reason to worry or even think about it, just wait for the replacement and perform some other chores. Weed eating? Spraying? Still need to stack firewood. Do something else until the new part arrives. Simple.

NO! This CAN NOT BE LEFT AS IS. I must find that bolt. This is a mystery and it must be solved. Period.

Hey shithead, want to round up all suspicious voles and big birds and interrogate them as potential thieves? <all laugh and snicker> Fuck off! All of you! I know that bolt was in the used oil basin. I know it was. I saw it next to the other plug, OK, OK,…slow down take a deep breath. Forget them, they’re just fooling around. What’s the clearance between the oil basin and the skid plate under the ATV? Not much. OK, What if, just what if, when you pushed that container out of the way, the bolt somehow got stuck under the ATV? Does it have a magnet on it like the other drain plug? Maybe it’s just stuck on the engine somewhere by the magnet? No. No magnet. I did think of that, but nope, not under the ride. I looked under the ATV many times. OK, but what if, what about some actual contact and friction between the bolt the ATV undercarriage? I already looked under the ATV. OK, here’s an idea, look again, but this time focus your attention on any openings in the skid plate large enough for that 16mm bolt to be pushed through. Look underneath the plate for an opening, any opening, a cut out, drainage opening, anything. OK, but I don’t think it will do any good, already looked a number of times.


Right tool for the right job – although it took a while to fish that BIG BASTARD out of there! lol Evidently when I pushed the drain pan back this bolt found its way through a skid plate opening, and with that frictional force pushed the bolt up and wedged it nicely out of sight on top of the metal skid plate. The discovery made my day and shut those other annoying assholes up! So hard working with them sometimes, but what can one do? lol

Apparently when I pushed the basin out of the way to the rear of the ATV, there was just enough room for the bolt to be pushed though a drainage opening cut into the skid plate further back. So when I slowly pushed the oil container back the bolt must have been forced up through that hole and up on top of the skid plate – and wedged just out of sight until I wiggled underneath a little bit further and saw one small part of a clean thread in a dark oil covered area.


Well, this lesson was under $50 at least – and I’ll have a backup 16mm bolt for the next oil servicing…. just in case. lol

Funny how things like this, really insignificant in the scheme of life, can never-the-less be so annoying and bothersome when they just don’t make sense – at first blush. Of course the same observation applies to very serious situations as well. Fortunately I didn’t declare an official war on all Voles and Big Birds and begin waterboarding them for information on the theft of my 16mm bolt in a ridiculous distraction from my own inability to recognize and explain a curious situation I created all by myself. Why does that sound so familiar? Later!

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

Conservatives, Stop Being So Nice! (Listen to Kid Rock!)

Kid Rock We the People by N/A is licensed under N/A N/A

One of my main problems with most conservatives is that they are generally too damn nice. Too polite. Too respectful. And (no offense to this website) too intellectual. They are just (as has been said by others) too conservative! And while conservatives are playing nice and obeying all the rules, Leftists are being mean, playing rough and tough, and cheating like hell. The result: Conservatives lose and Leftists win—time after time after time. 

Perhaps this conservative niceness is because most of them are religious. I’m not religious. And I’m not really a conservative. I’m more of a libertarian. But I side with conservatives on most issues, especially advocacy for small government and individual freedom. Unfortunately, we have lost profoundly on these issues in recent years, and right now we are losing more than ever before. 

The single time that conservatives showed any genuine muscle recently—in the “insurrection” of January 6, 2021—most conventional conservatives condemned it. That is a losing attitude! Those protestors and “rioters” should all be praised as American heroes.

I prefer my conservatives on the rough and tough side. Not afraid to be rude, to be brash, to insult opponents, to swear or even use vulgar language. To show some muscle and throw their weight around, to be confrontational and pugnacious and break the rules. That type of pugnacious roughness is what I have always liked best about Trump. Despite the fact that he is a billionaire businessman, he is very comfortable talking and acting like a regular blue-collar guy, like a construction worker. That is probably because he spent a lot of time with those kinds of guys on his building projects.

I have a blue-collar background and, although I am educated and make my living sitting on my butt by a computer, I still tend to have a coarse, cuss-filled lingo in my personal life. I value raw blunt hard-hitting honesty over diplomatic BS niceties. Nothing hurts liars like the truth. And I generally believe that people who swear a lot are more honest than those who “talk nice.”

As I’ve indicated, I believe that one reason conservatives lose so much is because they act too nice. They have got to be tougher and meaner. They have got to stop censoring themselves and they have got to always (as we used to say in the 70s) “tell it like it is.” And they have got to be brave enough to break the rules. We are clearly in a civil war in this country, and there is no more time to be fussy about rules or to be afraid about offending people with words. Conservatives/libertarians/freedom-lovers have got to loudly and consistently speak the total truth and to be as mean, nasty, rude, and offensive to our opponents as our opponents are to us. Then we will be fighting at the same level and intensity as the Leftists, and we will have a better chance of beating them.  

You may bemoan our modern coarse society, but coarse it is and increasingly coarse it is likely to become. Political and social arguments are not won these days by carefully selecting intellectual debate points. They are more likely to be won by consistently throwing verbal bombs at your opponents and enjoying the explosions, by insulting and demeaning and mocking them and watching them cry, and by playing mean and dirty while having a helluva lot of fun doing it!

For inspiration, we don’t need “God Bless America” in 2022. The 1950s are gone and they ain’t ever coming back. Today, we need bad-ass anthems like Kid Rock’s new song “We the People.” If you have not yet heard this joyous F-bomb explosion against Biden, Fauci, and the media, YOU HAVE GOT TO LISTEN TO IT: Listen while you can—before the social media fascists delete it. Here are some of my favorite lines from the song:

We the people in all we do
Reserve the right to scream F— you
Wear your mask, take your pills
Now a whole generation is mentally ill
F— Fauci, F— Facebook, F— Twitter too
And the mainstream media, F— you too
Inflation’s up, like the minimum wage
So it’s all the same, ain’t a damn thing changed
But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free
And every human being doesn’t have to agree
And you social media trolls, y’all can suck on deez

To see the rest of these fine lyrics, go to:

When I first heard this song yesterday, I was overjoyed that at least one prominent person on the Right side has the guts to speak his mind in such a blunt, bold, and fun manner. And the lyrics are so spot-on, so direct and to-the-point, and just so damn funny, that I literally laughed out loud. 

I hope that this song will inspire others on the Right with its irreverent, rebellious, free-wheeling, fight-back, f— you attitude. That kind of attitude is healthy, uplifting, and empowering, and it is exactly what we need now—discouraged and depressed as many of us have become—to help us fight back hard against the fascists/communists and to defeat those evil un-American bastards.

Therefore, I propose that American conservatives/libertarians/freedom-lovers/Trump-lovers officially adopt Kid Rock’s “We the People” as the political anthem for our Save America movement. 

On a personal note, I emailed the link to Kid Rock’s song to the director at the university that fired me from by work-at-home job for not getting the vaccine. She responded, “I find that offensive.” Yes lady, that was my intention!

Categories: Uncategorized.


Just an excerpt from Old Time Flowers in response to the following announcement that Pelosi is running for reelection. (She should be running from multiple investigations as to how she and her Leftist Demo-Rats cooked up that “false flag” J6 scam – just like all the other scams and frauds they have perpetrated so the public’s eye is off what they are really doing…… hi-jacking OUR COUNTRY! In my echo chambered opinion of course. lol)

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

Nancy Pelosi Says She’s Running for Reelection in 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks at her weekly press conference at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on Dec. 8, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks at her weekly press conference at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on Dec. 8, 2021. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images) 2022 Midterm Elections

By Jack Phillips January 25, 2022 Updated: January 26, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

After months of speculation on her future in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday announced she is running for reelection.

In a video posted online, Pelosi said, “I am running for reelection to Congress and respectfully seek your support,” explaining that she believes her reelection could bolster Democrats’ and President Joe Biden’s agenda.

“While we’ve made progress,” she added, “much more needs to be done to improve people’s lives.” She also invoked the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol breach as another reason why she’s running again.

The 81-year-old, who was first elected to the House in 1987, was the first woman to serve as House speaker and was expected to step down, particularly as her party braces for the potential loss of its majority in the 2022 midterms. In November 2020, Pelosi reiterated that her current term as House speaker would be her last.

Based on her Tuesday announcement, it’s not clear if Pelosi will again seek the House speaker position.

During several interviews in 2021, Pelosi sought to downplay speculation that she would retire from office.

“People make their own decisions about timing” and “don’t have to comply with somebody else’s view,” she told MSNBC in June 2021, without elaborating. And months later, in October, Pelosi demurred when a CNN reporter asked about the retirement speculation.

It comes as some members of the House Democratic caucus have publicly suggested the idea that Pelosi hand over her leadership reins to a younger, fresher face. Self-described socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) can be counted among those, who told news outlets in 2020 that new leadership is needed.

Pelosi’s reelection bid might also be designed to prevent her Democratic caucus from further hemorrhaging members. Also on Tuesday, longtime Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) announced he would not seek reelection after his congressional district was redrawn.

“You backed me more than almost anyone in Tennessee history, making me the state’s third longest-serving member of Congress,” said Cooper, who spent 32 years in office.

With Cooper’s decision, it means that at least 29 Democratic lawmakers are retiring in 2022. In mid-January, Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) and Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) both announced their retirements.

For 2022’s midterms, Republicans need a net gain of five seats in the 435-member House of Representatives. On average, the party that wins the White House during a presidential election loses House seats in the forthcoming midterm election.

Republicans at the time said that the latest announcements were signs that the Democrats’ party majority is at risk.

“Nobody wants to run as a House Democrat because their majority is doomed,” Mike Berg, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said in a statement earlier in January.

Categories: Uncategorized.

NEW SONG BY KID ROCK (adult language naturally)

Like it or not this is what FREE SPEECH is all about – expression. And when it comes to this leftist Demo-Rat appointed administration (that seems dedicated to doing everything opposite of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN), well the expression is often one of anger. (Where is the support for this RECONFIGURATION OF AMERICA?)

I understand this wholeheartedly because the RULE OF LAW has been ignored for sometime in favor of the LEFTIST DEMO-RATS who have incrementally hi-jacked OUR COUNTRY to the point of absolute nonsense. Enough. You already know.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


Watched part of this hearing by Senator Johnson yesterday morning (difficult to get going tied to the television – need to record the next presentation on OAN – no wonder LEFTIST DEMO RATS are trying to take OAN away from those American citizens who demand the truth from all these traitors who take our money for “news” and feed us nothing but bullshit CCP propaganda).


Ahhum (clearing throat – lol), anyway, absolutely shocking …….

(though quite believable considering traditional Leftist Demo-Rat methods of operation – lies, deception, concealing truth, violating existing law, fabricating government documents, rigging local, state, and federal elections, etc)

…… what REAL SCIENCE and MEDICAL/SCIENTIFIC, ETC PROFESSIONALS were reporting as to the truth about the vaccine development, use, and negative health ramifications –


what the AMERICAN PUBLIC AND WORLD were being told


by OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and subordinate departments, administrations, agencies, etc.

(— specifically under the current LEFTIST DEMO-RAT appointed administration thanks to a hi-jacked presidential election – in my echo chambered opinion – of course. lol)


WORTH THE TIME TO WATCH TOO (you can jump ahead to the 40′ mark – or do something else while waiting)

QUESTION: Why were these differing professional opinions silenced? (Could it be as simple as following the money and politically motivated abuse of government power and authority?)

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


This particular rant should have been a separate post, yeah? ….so…..

CHECK OUT the below explanation of “GASLIGHTING” and realize…..when you think about this in regards to the current COVID-19 PANDEMIC for example – the LEFTIST-DEMO RAT regime has been “gaslighting” American Patriots for a very long time from the FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL government levels. It is a politically organized attack by unscrupulous individuals who do not think for themselves but only follow the “PARTY LINE”.


Not unlike the current Board of Directors at the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District who in 2014 unethically rehired PETER KAMPA who was the corrupted GM in the mid 1990s who began the special interest reconfiguration of our COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT into a special benefit GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FACILITY to provide an EXPENSIVE SPECIAL BENEFIT SUBSIDIZED GROUNDWATER SERVICE (in a designated drought prone area) TO PROPERTY ANNEXATIONS FRAUDULENTLY BROUGHT INTO THE DISTRICT WHICH CLEARLY VIOLATED THE STATE WATER LICENSE on where Merced River water could be legally transported and consumed! Gosh, same thing as our “national borders” being dropped to permit non stakeholders to enter, exploit and ultimately destroy EVERYTHING funded, built and intended for citizens of this country! Exact same thing but on a different level.

EVIL LEFTIST INFLUENCE EVERYWHERE! (Disguised? Oh yes, but look carefully)

Such individuals (where ever they set up their evil deceptions) continually abuse their positions of authority and power to push their LEFTIST AGENDA TO DESTROY AMERICA and disenfranchise her legal voting citizens – and almost always with the same worn out scam of “working to help the community and taxpayers”.

WHY DOES THIS DECEPTION CONTINUE? (Take a look at the last rigged Presidential election for the answer!)

This attack continues” because PATRIOTS consistently reject the LEFTIST-DEMO RAT agenda for America when provided a legitimate opportunity to do so – which is precisely why Demo-Rats have so severely corrupted our elections – EVERYWHERE!


They must lie and cheat and deceive people into supporting their corruption of the RULE OF LAW. Gaslighting is only one of many techniques these traitors to America use.

LEFTIST DEMO-RATS are criminals who clearly intend the destruction of OUR COUNTRY “by any means necessary”and likewise should be dealt with by our judicial system (also severely corrupted by the Left – RE: last presidential election for perfect example) as the traitors to America and her citizens that they have always been.

Yup, a simple and accurate explanation as to why so many long time residents of CALIFORNIA are leaving the ENTRENCHED GASLIGHTING STATE of CALIFUSION!


Also explains why the Left continues to push experimental “fake vaccine treatments” and their draconian policies against our people. They know it is all a scam and that is called a BIG CLUE. To use an old expression: “They’ve painted themselves into a corner!”

This also illuminates the reason why those who speak the truth have been de-platformed on social media sites (and everywhere else) and silenced like a Fauci lab Beagle. The LEFT abhors the truth.

LEFTIST DEMO-RATS don’t give a rat’s ass about legal American Citizens or what they believe and desire for THEIR OWN COUNTRY, rather, they’re only frantically attempting to hold on to their stolen and corrupted power and authority to continue their Anti-America assault against OUR COUNTRY AND HER LEGAL CITIZENS who are growing more outraged by the minute. WHY? Because truth is leaking out from the aggressive and UNCONSTITUTIONAL DEMO-RAT CENSORING OF INFORMATION.

GOD BLESS AMERICA – now let’s get to work and support the efforts to hold these traitors accountable for all the ensuing negative ramifications of their continuing betrayal of America and her legal citizens!

Lew has stepped off his digital soap box. lol

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

California School District Faces Legal Action Over LGBTQ+ Activist Teachers

A school in Tustin, Calif., on March 10, 2021.  (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

A school in Tustin, Calif., on March 10, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) Northern California

By Brad Jones January 20, 2022 Updated: January 20, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

A mother of a student has taken legal action against a school district in Salinas, Calif., over policies she claims allowed two teachers at Buena Vista Middle School to secretly brainwash her teenage daughter into identifying as bisexual, and later as transgender.

Jessica Konen blasted members of the Spreckels Union School District (SUSD) at a board meeting in mid-December, claiming the teachers, who ran a LGBTQ+ club during lunch-hour, “coached” her then sixth-grade daughter to change her gender identity and use a masculine name and pronouns at school.

Her daughter has since switched schools, returned to using her feminine birth name and gender, and seems to be happier, according to her mother—and no longer showing signs of gender dysphoria.

Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty, which is representing Konen and her daughter, told The Epoch Times on Jan. 19 the case is important to protect parental rights.

“It’s terrible what happened to this family,” Dhillon said.

“Supreme Court precedent has made clear that parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and their right is denied to them when schools keep secrets from parents, especially on matters as foundational as a child’s identity, name [and] pronouns,” she said.

“That’s what happened to our clients. This is a violation of the clients’ civil rights—the parent and the child. Every parent has a right to know what’s going on at school.”

Dhillon accused SUSD and Buena Vista Middle School of adopting a “parental secrecy policy,” to keep parents in the dark about certain information regarding students’ gender expression and identity.

The case, Konen v. Spreckels Union School District, was filed on Jan. 19.

In California, filing a claim under the Government Claims Act is a precursor to filing a lawsuit, so the state has a couple of months to respond to the claim “and either resolve it, or if they don’t then we can proceed with lawsuits,” Dhillon said.

Epoch Times Photo
Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, former vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 19, 2016. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The claim alleges the policy adopted by SUSD “authorizes minor children to make mature, consequential, and potentially life-altering decisions—such as what gender to identify as, what name to be called, what pronouns to use, and what privacy facilities to use—with no notification to or input from parents.”

Teachers Lori Caldeira, Kelly Baraki and the school’s principal, Katelyn Pagaran, are named in the claim. As a minor, Konen’s daughter is referred to only as “A.G.”

“Sometimes, Ms. Caldiera and Ms. Baraki would introduce and push LGBT+ identities on students that the students resisted” and “planted the seed in A.G.’s mind that she was bisexual,” the claim states. “That idea did not originate with A.G. In fact, she did not fully understand what that term meant.”

“We suspect that what happened to Jessica and her family is just the tip of the iceberg,” Dhillon said. “We believe that there is a lot of this going on and this is something that parents should really be concerned about.”

Konen told The Epoch Times about her experience after a leaked audio recording of the teachers at a California Teachers Association (CTA) conference revealed Caldeira and Baraki encouraging other teachers to hide the nature of Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs from parents.

The CTA’s 2021 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference, “Beyond the Binary: Identity & Imagining Possibilities,” was held in Palm Springs, Calif., from Oct. 29 to Oct. 31. There, Caldeira and Baraki led a workshop called “How we run a ‘GSA’ in Conservative Communities,” at which they described the obstacles they faced in concealing the activities of LGBTQ+ clubs from parents.

At Buena Vista, the GSA club—the “Equality Club”—was renamed the “You Be You” or “UBU” club, one teacher said in the audio clip obtained by The Epoch Times.

The teachers also suggested that parents who refuse to call their child by pronouns of the child’s choosing should be arrested and charged with child abuse, according to a source who attended the conference.

In the audio clip, the teachers talk about spying on students’ online searches and activity as well as eavesdropping on their conversations to identify and recruit sixth-grade students into these LGBTQ clubs whose membership rolls are kept hidden from parents.

“We totally stalked what they were doing on Google,” one of the teachers said.

The teachers have since been suspended with pay pending the outcome of third-party investigation, according to a recent statement from SUSD.

A previous statement from Superintendent Eric Tarallo, SUSD Board President Steve McDougall, and Buena Vista Middle School Principal Kate Pagaran said the teachers were using personal leave to lead the workshop at the CTA conference and that they weren’t officially presenting on behalf of the school district.

“Many of the comments and themes stated in the article are alarming, concerning, disappointing, and do not in any way reflect the District or the Board of Education’s policies and practices,” the Nov. 19 statement reads.

However, the CTA and the California Department of Education have issued guidance to teachers about how to talk to students about sexual orientation and gender identity issues without their parents knowing about it, Dhillon said. “That’s the official policy of our California government.”

Epoch Times Photo
A file photo of a high school in El Segundo, Calif., on Oct. 29, 2020. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

But California is not the only state that has trampled on parental rights. It’s happened in many other states, she said. “You have governors, and other public officials saying that parents don’t have a right to control their children’s education.”

“I, as a taxpayer, certainly do not sign up for my tax dollars being used to indoctrinate otherwise healthy children with fears and questions about their identity, and certainly parents don’t sign up for that either. And so, we are standing right next to those moms, and all parents,” Dhillon said.

Celeste Fiehler, deputy director of, urged more parents to come forward and expose the actions teachers’ unions have taken to subvert parents.

“Parents have been gaslighted,” Fiehler told The Epoch Times.

Fiehler applauded Konen for having the courage to fight for her daughter and rights as a parent.

“I’m extremely proud of Jessica and all parents who are speaking up while risking everything to protect children,” she said.Brad Jones Follow Brad Jones is an award-winning journalist based in Southern California.


Howdy, LEW HERE…….

CHECK OUT the below explanation of “GASLIGHTING” and realize…..when you think about this in regards to the current COVID-19 PANDEMIC for example – the LEFTIST-DEMO RAT regime has been “gaslighting” American Patriots for a very long time from the FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL government levels. It is a politically organized attack by unscrupulous individuals who do not think for themselves but only follow the “PARTY LINE”.

(Not unlike the current Board of Directors at the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District who in 2014 unethically rehired PETER KAMPA who was the corrupted GM in the mid 1990s who began the special interest reconfiguration of our COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT into a special benefit GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FACILITY to provide an EXPENSIVE SPECIAL BENEFIT SUBSIDIZED GROUNDWATER SERVICE (in a designated drought prone area) TO PROPERTY ANNEXATIONS FRAUDULENTLY BROUGHT INTO THE DISTRICT WHICH CLEARLY VIOLATED THE STATE WATER LICENSE on where Merced River water could be legally transported and consumed! Gosh, same thing as our “national borders” being dropped to permit non stakeholders to enter, exploit and ultimately destroy EVERYTHING funded, built and intended for citizens of this country! Exact same thing but on a different level.)

Such individuals (where ever they set up their evil deceptions) continually abuse their positions of authority and power to push their LEFTIST AGENDA TO DESTROY AMERICA and disenfranchise her legally voting citizens – and almost always with the same worn out scam of “working to help the community”. This attack continues” because PATRIOTS consistently reject the LEFTIST-DEMO RAT agenda for America when provided a legitimate opportunity to do so. (Which is precisely why Demo-Rats have so severely corrupted our elections – EVERYWHERE! BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT WIN IN A FAIR ELECTION BASED ON OBVIOUS AND DOCUMENTED TRUTHFUL FACT! They must lie and cheat and deceive people into supporting their corruption of the RULE OF LAW.

Gaslighting is only one of many techniques these traitors to America use. DEMO-RATS are criminals who clearly intend the destruction of OUR COUNTRY “by any means necessary”and likewise should be dealt with by our judicial system (also severely corrupted by the Left) as the traitors to America and her citizens that they have always been. Yup, a simple and accurate explanation as to why so many long time residents of CALIFORNIA are leaving the ENTRENCHED GASLIGHTING STATE of CALIFUSION! Also explains why the Left continues to push experimental “fake vaccine treatments” and draconian policies on our people that are not even legitimate vaccines! CALLED A CLUE. This also illuminates the reason why those who speak the truth have been de-platformed on social media sites (and everywhere else) and silenced like a Fauci lab Beagle.

They don’t give a rat’s ass about legal American Citizens or what they believe and desire, rather, only holding on to their stolen and corrupted power and authority to continue their Anti-America assault against OUR COUNTRY AND HER LEGAL CITIZENS who are growing more outraged by the minute.

Categories: Uncategorized.