Monthly Archives January 2022


Did It Myself Lew’s Almost Music Presentation. Of course this contribution is a tricycle on a speedway! (Recently became a “RAP FAN” thanks to exquisite work of Tom MacDonald, Nova Rockafeller and a host of other brilliant artists making up HOG: the “hangovergang”. Yup, I’ve been a hermit a long time.)

This LAME stuff reduces my frustration level and will hopefully auto-weave any infinitesimally small contribution into that growing tapestry objection. Just a small thread of expressed disapproval/contempt for a criminally based dictatorial organization that has coordinated the hijacking of our government processes through a long history of lies, fraud and now, actual treasonous activities to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States of America.

This LAME process appears to be therapeutic in reducing frustration and escalating anger while watching our country destroyed by traitors opposed to a continuing FREE AMERICA. They INTENTIONALLY PRODUCE BAD RESULTS then eloquently and passionately profess to be sincerely working FOR THE PEOPLE. Proclaim it was only the existing oppressive and racist society that prevented ultimate success and EVERYBODY’S HAPPINESS. Only another lie upon many others all without accountability. That’s going to change in 2022.

The left cultivates accepting “useful idiots” like any other crop designed to be grown, nurtured and eventually harvested and consumed for the grower’s purpose and benefit, Everyday “low information pawns” gobble up this DEMO RAT TRAP BAIT. The bait consists of promises of MORE FREEDOM, cash and FREE STUFF on the taxpayers dime – while Dems import more “useful idiots” for votes) while professing to be honestly working for THE PEOPLE. The fact they fall tremendously short of the number of “useful idiots” required to vote and approve their nonsense scams is not important due to their redundant system of election cheats which we are still uncovering from the last election. The deeper an investigation goes only intensifies the stench of swamp gas.

The reduction/management of personal frustration and anger is soothing despite the obvious amateurish quality of submissions (I would like to believe sincerity makes up for quality issue.) I acknowledge they are essentially meaningless, that is until viewed through the lens of a “do what you can with what you’ve got” attitude in conjunction with the belief there are millions of others who feel the same but contribute nothing for various reasons. Inability to do so (finances, work/family, extra time, etc) or possibly a reasonable FEAR OF A HIGH PROBABILITY of ugly consequences for self creating a leftist backlash in PERSONAL CANCEL CULTURE ATTACKS.

Intentionally produced confusion as to the actual motives, purposes and anticipated results of amateur submitted material. An elaborate redirection of public focus to the obvious absurdity that ANYONE would seriously compete with professional grade artists or attempt to compare amateur projects with those of experienced and skilled performers. That’s not the issue! The goal is to shut you up!

ANY COMPASSION for these traitors should be temporarily placed somewhere else for now because THEY WILL ONLY continue to use and reconfigure any compassion and understanding into weapons against us. IRONICALLY they seek to destroy the very origin and environment that birthed that compassion and understanding that they consistently pervert and misuse for evil purposes: the hearts, minds and souls of the American people who have, up to now, resided in a FREE AMERICA WITH CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and PROTECTIONS. Not perfect but we try.

None of this will matter in the least if this aggressive ENEMY is allowed to continue mandating their concept of “acceptable and appropriate behavior” through unethical and immoral intimidation techniques accomplished with the misuse of power and authority of legitimate government that legal voters NEVER GRANTED THESE THIEVING TRAITORS!

THE POWER AND AUTHORITY RADICAL LEFT DEMOCRATS ARE EXERCISING RIGHT NOW WAS STOLEN THROUGH A FRAUD OF A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Yet still the Left claims is was the most secure election in history. Unbelievable. (Head up ass so far they need a window in their bellybutton to see where they’re going!)

So, with the above in mind, thank you for any tolerance and the opportunity to contribute, however minimally, to this historic fight to save America from a low down, dirty rotten, constantly cheating, Anti-USA criminal organization called the DNC. And God Bless America (if you choose to participate naturally. lol)

How protest is manufactured/expressed is far less important than the content and how it is received. Even a chalk scribbled protest on a sidewalk could have a profound and enduring influence on those experiencing the work – despite the fact it will simply vanish with the next rain.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


If someone a few days ago had told me I would soon be listening to one rap song after another, well I would have laughed and said they were mistaken. I am indeed laughing right now but for a different reason – this old dog has learned a new trick! Tom MacDonald. This guy (and his HOG – HangOverGang) is absolutely amazing. (Genius qualities)!


There were always a few rap songs that I enjoyed through the years because I can appreciate the emotional expression, but it just wasn’t my thing. Sure, absolutely, I have some difficulty understanding “fast raps” (apparently a learned ability because it seems to be getting easier), but this guy and his lyrics encourage repeated listening to get the whole message. Brilliant! Guess it is just a process like everything else. Anyway, just thought I’d pass on something new to me that is extremely encouraging (while simultaneously entertaining) – regarding what has happened to OUR AMERICA and the insane direction it is currently headed. I still have difficulty accepting the reality and seriousness of the situation.

Yup, this artist is completely new to me (I live in a an echo chamber remember? lol) so I don’t have a “total understanding” of everything TOM MACDONALD may, or may not, support and/or advocate….but so far (after listening to a bunch of his material) I have not heard anything that has caused me the least bit of concern. I especially appreciate his disclosures about his life which has shaped his career and defiant attitude. (THE ULTIMATE “DO IT YOURSELF SUCCESS!) Again, this guy is amazing as is his wife who produces his videos. (Nova Rockafeller a former famous rapper herself I just read.) Again…..forgive me if I misunderstand some details as I am new to this whole rap scene stuff and I’m rushing to listen to more! Seriously.


Funny, I’ve probably heard MacDonald’s music a number of times from other waiting vehicles in heavy traffic or at a stoplight and likely (and incorrectly) ASSumed it was just some more of that ANTI-AMERICA violent imagery stuff I heard in the past and didn’t care for the way it “left me feeling”. MacDonald’s music/beat/special effects/imagination AND INTENSITY – whatever – the entire package, left me feeling hopeful, stronger, more determined and confirmed I am not alone in recognizing the evil that has systematically been consuming America and OUR FREEDOMS behind the scene for decades.

(Sure we saw the individual pearls of legislation or laws that we thought defied common sense and were potential rabbit holes to more dysfunction but the potential ramifications in actual damage at the time appeared minimal and there were other more pressing and important battles to fight. Some excuse like that, yeah? Anyway, we now clearly understand each one of those single individual pearls has been crafted into a nice looking and expensive long string of deadly objects forming a garrote around OUR COLLECTIVE NECK and the left is attempting to apply the finishing torque to complete the planned suffocation.)


Yup, old dog – new trick – Seriously, because if I could have heard and understood the lyrics (of MacDonald’s songs while waiting in traffic) I would have tracked that audio blasting vehicle down just to find out who the artist was they were sharing with everyone so I could obtain some of the material myself! It feels like some part of me that has been AWOL for some time suddenly and surprisingly reappeared due to MacDonald’s lyrics and presentation. Difficult to explain but I guess a one word description would be encouraging.

Hope you folks can also override any potential preconceived ideas that might still orbit around “rap music” – especially for this particular performer and his message. Tom MacDonald. Sure am glad I clicked the music video link. Now I’m going to purchase some of his merchandise in support!

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


Had extra time due to waiting for some carburetor parts and “light duty work” as a result of some minor dental surgery for a broken crown. Thank Heavens for modern day dentistry. Caught up on a number of old Rawhide episodes and couldn’t help but reflect on what I know regarding medical/dental care back then. Glad to be here now. Also took some time for these revisions to the last DIM-LAME PROJECT (BOO HOO — PRIVATE WEALTH). Also might have some Disclaimer information to discuss with you as I have been self diagnosed with ECS (Echo Chamber Syndrome), sub classification DIM-LAME (Do It Myself Almost Music Expression). Might be some acknowledgement and release of liability paperwork for you to read and sign before viewing future LAME Videos.


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


HAPPY NEW YEAR! And I believe it really will be considering what we’ve ALL GONE THROUGH in 2021. Seems long overdue to reintroduce Washington DC to BASIC COMMON SENSE. Democrats are bailing from positions because they can read the writing on the wall (or someone explained recent events to them).

The 2022 Mid terms will likely be a slaughter house for the Demo Rats unless they can revive their dead voter base again, and illegal voters, non existent voters, foreign voters,…..the ballot tabulating tricks used by their high tech agents of fraud. ALL TRAITORS TO OUR COUNTRY AND SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. On and on it goes with such UNETHICAL and IMMORAL INDIVIDUALS in charge of OUR GOVERNMENT. They enter government like the rest of us yet leave as millionaires which is not reconciled with their pay scale received. Humm, from where could such unexplained fortunes in undocumented cash and property possibly originate? Gosh….for what possible purpose? Who might possibly want to bestow great wealth on American Politicians already compensated for their service to the public? Why would these politicians be provided FURTHER PAYMENT when the American Public has already clearly voiced their extreme opposition and disapproval with the outrageously idiotic activities of this administration and its handlers?

Surely I am not the only one to recognize the hypocrisy of this DEMO RAT run organization (all about the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and DIGNITY OF EVERY CITIZEN) when they actively participate in such cruel exploitation of a well known American elder. Democrats have quite a lengthy history cheating at elections but even when they win (by unethically/illegally stealing an election) they still lose miserably when it comes to effectively running and protecting the country and her citizens – who are now themselves exposed to a much greater physical and economic threat than before this “LET’S GO BRANDON” farce of a legitimate government administration took over.

Seriously, consider the massive failures that have already happened in only one year! MONUMENTAL FAILURES (Hey,m since they removed the traditional statutes we’ll have plenty of room for “LET’S GO BRANDON” markers all over the country! Yup, MEGA HISTORIC! LET’S GO BRANDON sure will have a special place in American History along with all the BIG NAMES who have supported such lunacy. Poor ‘ol Joe is an obvious victim of severe elder abuse AND NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT RESCUING HIM – not even his wife Dr. Jill. (What a loving family, huh?)

Those perpetuating this crime AGAINST OUR USA (the entire world actually when considering the ramifications of having such an incompetent figurehead in the oval office rubber stamping anything that falls on his food tray) – despite the fact that they personally could care less about the health of an individual they are using to obtain goals, should never-the-less ultimately be held accountable when the dust finally settles from this UNORTHODOX LEFTIST ATTACK ON AMERICA AND HER CITIZENS. Certainly creative.

The exploitation of a doddering, feeble dementia compromised greedy old man for political leverage to push the Leftist agenda for America is reprehensible, but evil is as evil does.

Can you hear the screaming passengers on the deck of this modern day sinking Titanic yet?

My best to you and yours and wishing you all a happy New Year, because it sure is going to be an interesting one!

Later, Lew

My best to you and yours, Lew

HEY MOM ….. LOOK! No cursing or swear words this time!

Categories: Uncategorized.