PART B October 16, 2017 LDPCSD Board Meeting


HD.  Yup, 16:9. Nice picture but longer upload. Blah blah blah… made a bunch of errors – even failed to setup the new camera properly after the recess! Always a problem if separated from equipment on other side of boardroom. lol. Anyway, I imagine it will be the same routine with buffering (maybe not, I don’t know actually) we’ll see.

What to do? They (KAMPANY & KOMPANY) continue their pursuit of further outside POU service connections. Pay others to continue the same. 24/7 somewhere someone is figuring a way to “get theirs”, while sticking the expense/loss to innocent “others”. Tried using more of the D chord for simple background sound for reading text. What the heck? A little bit different. At least it is mine and don’t have to worry about copy right infringement (the canned music I have is great and I can legally use it but figure I should save the “real music” for special projects and torture you folks with my audio expression experiments. Wish I had placed the microphone closer to PO PO but frankly (oops! Sorry PO PO), ahhh, seriously — ahhh, actually though, I was afraid he might suddenly bite it and I understand the PSI force of their jaws is quite powerful – so a piece of plastic shielded electronics likely would not have survived – better safe than sorry. later, Lew

My best to you and yours, Lew


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