The continuing dishonesty and blatant lack of accountability by the board of directors and their GM/TREASURER, managing supervisor/boss/handler, whatever, Peter Kampa, backed by his KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS llc, or KAMPACS, or KCS, or, whatever, special district management company, along with his CSDA (California Special Districts Association) and various members, affiliates, partners, friends, soldiers, comrades, whatever, is quite interesting, although certainly appearing far more dangerous than I could have ever imagined.
What have all these “supporters of special districts” really brought to Lake Don Pedro and the legitimate residential subdivision development between two counties that successfully maneuvered through the intricacies of permits, approvals, FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP ACT regulations, whatever, and were legally approved through local, state and federal entities as a COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENT, PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION and entitled to MERCED RIVER WATER under STATE WATER LICENSE 11395?
Oh yeah. Big help. Look at us. The most precious resource you could possibly imagine for this foothill region with who knows how many unknown pr documented diversions. Massive water losses for decades of both treated and raw water. Services sold outside clear legal place of use per water license restrictions. Special interest influences on local board of directors. Complete dismissal of state water license restrictions by two county LAFCOs. An unorganized community with a large absentee base. Utility thefts and mismanagement for many years. Who was looking out for the property owners? Their POA that started this mess? No. Some way to protect such a blessing, yeah? Especially since…..
Perhaps you’ve heard that somewhere? Well, it especially applies to OUR COUNTRY because WE are being INVADED and ATTACKED FROM WITHIN by THOSE WHO USE POSITIONS OF PUBLIC TRUST to fulfill their own personal/business/political agenda while simultaneously utilizing our limited public resources to do so. Essentially, agreeing to serve he public as a district official who then refuses to represent the primary customers responsible for paying the bills and WHO HAPPEN TO BE THE LEGALLY ENTITLED USERS OF MERCED RIVER WATER UNDER WL11395 – thousands of them betrayed by directors who handed our public agency over to a former disgruntled rogue employee brokering annexation deals on the side without board approval. Wonderful.
Welcome to crooked California special district politics and systematic abuse of public resources for private special interest benefit and gain.
THIS FOOTHILL WATER SCAM has ear markings of long time fraud, criminal conspiracy, local and state agency corruption, a particular political party ruling hypocrisy, socialist-left motivated activities, whatever, all designating the MR WECs (Merced River Water Entitled Customers of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision) as mandatory FINANCIAL CHUMPS FOR PERPETUTIY – or at least until they give up, sell their subdivision lot, home, dreams and just leave, which still “feeds those responsible” for this mess in the local real estate/land development game.
Think about it, this is quite an elaborate scam when you consider the decades it has been pursued with on again, off again, results for original creators and those who inherited the continuing water scam agenda for foothill development. Then think about it in the terms of the expert business camouflage complete with otherwise legitimate and ethical looking organizations…which of course may indeed be just that, however, with board directors like Pete Kampa and his background at their table for 20 years, one can only wonder… such unethical behavior of Kampa’s condoned and accepted? Did Kampa bring that to the table, or was he tauaght by other pros at the CSDA? California Speical District Association of what?
Yes, all looks bad but when I heard Board President Danny Johnson laugh at the concept of a 300% water rate increase for the LDPCSD saying it would “BE NICE”—
I immediately thought —What?
Nice for your already victimized legal customers whom you have betrayed for years with your outside water license expansion plans for Kampa’s 1990s LAFCO ANNEXATIONS? or,
NICE for a board that has used public agency resources and government grants to create a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM to circumvent WL11395 and serve EVEN MORE water outside the legal subdivision? Yeah, real nice, but does seem to adequately reflect the concern he has displayed for the MR WECs (Merced River Water Entitled Customers – of the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision) who pay the lion’s share of the bills.
But just like so mmuch of this …….Socialist-leftist garbage going on now (NOT GOING TO SAY DEMOCRAT – THERE ARE TOO MANY FROM THAT SIDE WHO ALSO DO NOT SUPPORT SUCH CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EITHER) they assume positions of public trust only to pervert and use that position for their own personal/political/business/whatever goals which are obviously contrary to existing law.
So what do they do? They intentionally violate the law for what they believe is for “the public good” or “in the name of the people”, “what is fair and just”, whatever.
They cost this country dearly in many ways. You know? Like the “deep state” actors we hear about on the news in very high ranking positions. What’s the difference? Cost us more money on all levels for such intentional refusal to obey the law and perform their duties with integrity. Pretty simple concept. Get the job, take the money for doing the job, then don’t do the job it in the name of your cause….in fact, work against the very thing you were hired to do because they know better than the law! It’s all a scam! And when they place their hands over their lying hearts and take that Oath I want to vomit. No integrity at all. Users and frauds of sincere public employees.
What unmitigated gall. The arrogance of these self designated water law experts to unilaterally correct the STATE WATER BOARD on a decsion not only made forty years ago, but that has withstood multiple challenges.
Laughing off and ignoring easy to ascertain facts, public suggestions, requests, even pleas to simply contact the STATE WATER BOARD for legitimate water license information instead of listening to a documented former rogue employee with a special interest in outside POU water expansions to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS he set up 20 years earlier. (NOw I know I mentioned this earlier…..must stop doing these spelling checks….always end up adding something and writing more, and repeating more! lol)
What have KAMPA & Kompany been doing since 2014? Catering to the special interest land developers who have schemed for decades to get more groundwater substitution for their development projects outside the legal subdivision! Yup, professional CSDA SERVICES PROVIDED BY A ROGUE FORMER EMPLOYEE. Brokering “deals on the side” while simultaneously misrepresenting our districts position to other government entities!
Who was KAMPA ACTUALLY WORKING FOR BACK THEN WHEN SETTING UP ALL THESE ANNEXATIONS WITHOUT AVAILABLE WATER AND IN VIOLATION OF LAFCOs OWN OPERATING GUIDELINES? Was he quietly working for the two county LAFCOs? Land developers with competing residential developments? Project consultants? Or LAFCOs to clear up their decades of surreptitious violation of their own regulations while creating a foothill water empire for further tax revenue?
Then again, does it really matter? But why appoint him GM/Treasurer and give him our over ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH without even looking at his employment history? Especially right here at the LDPCSD? Wouldn’t that be prudent? Responsible? Guess they already knew what they were getting. Emery Ross sure did when he called Kampa with confidential information so Kampa could show up at the next meeting with a management contract ready for board approval before public announcement of a GM position opening! Done and done. KAMPA WAS BACK FOR MORE CORRUPTION AND SECRET DEALINGS.
The main point is, back then as well as now, KAMPA is certainly not working for the vast majority of legal customers who pay the bills, but rather only a very small minority of land owners wanting water to make money. Simple equation.)
THEY DIDN’T WANT SUBDIVISION LAND WITH WATER, but ONLY SUBDIVISION WATER ON THEIR LAND – and without all the subdivison rules and regulations attached to their property title!
Perfect example of what is happening across this entire country (but especially here in California) thanks to the extreme socialist-left influence (I refuse to use the term DEMOCRAT as there are far too many DEMOCRATS who also do not agree or support such ANTI-AMERICAN BULLSHIT VIOALTION OF LAW AND CONTINUED MISAPPROPRIATION OF OUR ALREADY LIMITED PUBLIC RESOURCES FOR PRIVATE FINANCIAL BENEFIT AND GAIN. It’s illegal, unethical, and costly to MR WECs and all citizens of this country. But these cheats don’t care about America or the law only what they can scam and get away with and they obviously feel pretty damn comfortable with the professional liar like Pete Kampa.
Then there is the whole rationale for creation of a SPECIAL DISTRICT in the form of a COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT in the first place:
- A limited public service,
- to a particular group of people
- in a geographically defined area, and
- Provided for only the cost necessary in production of that service.
#1: The limited water service to the intended residential subdivision has been expanded through the decades to many other properties outside the legal PLACE OF USE for Merced River water according to water license 11395. The water has also been used for purposes not contained in the water license.
#2: Again, that particular group of people consisted of the property owners within the residential subdivision whose property designation and use is legally controlled through the California Civil Code as a Davis Sterling Act Common Interest Development (CID) in the form of a POA, (Property Owners Association), which has CC&Rs (Covenants, Codes and Restrictions) attached to property title for perpetuity which also govern how that property will be maintained and for what purposes it may be used in the future. Many legal strings attached to LDP subdivision properties yet each and every property within this subdivision that was approved by the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) in January 1981 for service, has the right to demand water service any time and that service SHALL BE provided by the district. THEY HAD/HAVE A RIGHT TO THAT MERCED RIVER WATER SERVICE. WHAT IS SO FUCKING DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?
Imagine, a traditionally drought prone, fractured rock geologic foothill region with a sprawling near 12,000 acre residential subdivision nestled between two major state reservoirs, many large natural parks scattered about for the future, a golf course, owners Hacienda, etc., and each one of the thousands of CPUC approved lots entitled to quality Merced River water with the legal guarantee of delivery upon demand! What a deal! Why isn’t this development not prospering much more than it has? What happened? EXPLOITATION BY EVEYONE IMAGINABLE!
That major selling point of quality water availability was simply stolen and used elsewhere for private real estate profit, and increased county revenue and the LAFCOs that formed the district were involved up to their collective eyeballs by INTENTIONALLY CIRCUMVENTING STATE WATER LAW by never even recognizing the license restrictions in a detailed 1987 LAFCO SOI REPORT STUDY to be used in expanding district services EVER FURTHER BEYOND THE WATER LICENSE THAN THEY ALREADY HAD BEFORE EVEN RECEIVING THE FACILITY AND ASSETS FROM THE PRIOR WATER COMPANY IN THE CPUC DECISION!
(Added properties to the service area in August 1980 metes and bounds survey but CPUC didn’t approve transfer until January 1981, effective 30 days later! Plus, the State of California declared the Merced River fully appropriated in July 1980 – what did the LAFCOs due the very next month? Sneak in substantial lands beyond what the State had inventoried as legal places of use for the water. All that takes considerable co-operation between local, state and federal authorities. Surely some were lied to about the facts, but others were obviously “hands on involved” in this massive deception to form a “FOOTHILL WATER EMPIRE” on paper for future development or future development scams?)
The failure to obey regulations has been incredibly damaging to not only property values in the subdivision but positive HONEST GROWTH. (Not the uncontrolled exploitative greed-fed development permitted in the past which created even more problems for the Don Pedro Wastewater Facility operation.)
So once again, the “PARTICULAR GROUP OF PEOPLE” characteristic is blown out of the water as well since owners of property outside the subdivision receive extremely expensive SPECIAL BENEFIT GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION to circumvent water license restrictions on Merced River water leaving the subdivision, so with the river water replaced with expensive groundwater… PRESTO! No violation of the license.
Same water service, same “blended water”, same price – and MR WECs pays for this subsidized special benefit.
Why should the 99% of MR WECs be forced to consume “blended water” when entitled to the quality Merced River water stored in Lake McClure because of minority of outside POU users who should never have been provided service? Ahhhh, because County LAFCOs approved the annexations for added county revenues without the responsibility of providing water necessary for development. Just let the CHUMPS who purchased Lake Don Pedro subdivision property pay for it!
Consider also, the MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS (MR WECs) of the subdivision, due to their MANDATORY CUSTOMER STATUS AS A RESULT OF THAT SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, have essentially BEEN FORCED TO FINANCE THIS SPECIAL GROUNDWATER REPLACEMENT – which incidentally the LDPCSD has no legal duty or moral obligation to provide in the first place, SINCE LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) FORMED IN AUGUST OF 1980.
#3: In a geographically defined area? Same as above. The CPUC approved water service area was quite clear – the residential subdivision but services continued to expand beyond the water license POU.
#4: Groundwater wells to circumvent the water license for PETE KAMPA LAFCO ANNEXATIONS made 20 years ago at approximately $400,00 – $500,000 each, plus all the state monitoring and testing equipment, reporting, treatment, blending, blah blah, blah…it all costs additional money that MR WECs has been forced to subsidize.
All the legal work and lawsuits through the years by people demanding water like they owned land in the subdivision! ALL BULLSHIT, just like the far left-socialist crap now, but hey, we were all young once and had idealistic views and opinions, but changing our country like this?
Let’s hope someone takes these folks aside and explain how they too are being CHUMPED by those against AMERICAN VALUES! Perhaps not even their fault, but again, we were all young once. They had better wake up and realize what they have right now in this GREATEST FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY THERE IS – BAR NONE! Yup, way too great of a gamble risking what the rest of the world already wants.
SO? Back to Lake Don Pedro…. Abandon my dream of a foothill residency and near three decades of back breaking work in creating the environment so gangs of greedy carpet bagging cheats led by characters like Pete Kampa can make their fortunes on others’ work and dreams?
Geez, it’s really not the money so much as it is the principle of the matter. Go somewhere else and start again without worthless organizations as a CID, HOA,POA, CSD, whatever,…..?
Don’t think so chucko! I choose to STAND MY GROUND AND FIGHT with whatever I can because this is not just about Lake Don Pedro and water service, this is my home, my State, and my Country and lowlife cheats like Pete Kampa backed by his powerful CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION lobbying outfit need to be exposed for what they have, and are doing, to rural disadvantaged special districts like the LDPCSD.
Yup, they can kiss my ass
To viewers…sorry, I’m pissed and tired, but always
My best to you and yours, Lew