Etc., etc., etc……
The BIG CRIMINALS only use and exploit the plight of the smaller ones to maintain and increase their Leftist control – often through the intentional misdirection of legitimate citizen anger and outrage over (often individual) misconduct or wrongdoing. Punish entire country for crimes by a few.
The policies of the above, FAR MORE DANGEROUS LEFTIST POLITICAL CRIMINALS, will eventually insure destruction of the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of every single United States of America citizen if ignored and permitted to continue. Their perverted sense of “collective good” clearly takes priority over ANY INDIVIDUAL RIGHT the US CONSTITUTION guarantees every citizen. These “LEFTIST DEMOCRATS” do not believe in OUR CONCEPT OF America or the principles for which it stands and strives to perfect. They abuse freedom through carefully orchestrated incremental attacks on OUR COUNTRY and SOCIETY (again, OUR means every single US Citizen – regardless of whatever distinctive differences make them the individual they are. Doesn’t matter what race, culture, religion, sex, etc., that’s what America is all about! The freedom to be yourself and live a life of your choosing, remember? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – YOUR RIGHTS – not the government’s! Your GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
Naturally such awesome individual freedom requires the corresponding responsibility of citizens to confine their behavior/conduct within the established law approved by the voting public. Freedom isn’t cheap and citizens have the EQUALLY AWESOME RESPONSIBILITY to stay informed on issues and select honest officials with integrity who will represent their interests WITHIN ESTABLISHED LAW or WORK TO CHANGE THE LAWS WHICH NO LONGER REPRESENT THE CITIZENS BEST INTERESTS.
Everything falls apart when citizens are ignorant and throw away their votes on dishonest people who will promise them ANYTHING only to gain the power and authority with which they pursue their CLEARLY ANTI AMERICAN policies. Call them what you want Communists. Socialists. Leftists. Fascists. Anarchists. But do names really matter? Concepts are constantly evolving, adapting and changing often distinguished only by minor differences……yet, WHAT IS IMPORTANT is the general direction of their policies….. do they pass the “common sense test”? Do they promote more individual freedom (with the corresponding responsibility of citizens to operate within the accepted and defined parameters) or do they ignore, restrict, or abolish those rights?
Seriously. They want a country without borders? With no voter identification to validate such a precious right is protected? Tax citizens more to give away public funds to private interests to which our country has no legal duty or moral obligation? Restrict and/or abolish Second Amendment right to own and use firearms? (There’s that responsibility of the individual again) And now the bright idea of de-funding law enforcement protection for citizens? Large Democrat run failing cities with shocking murder rates to abolish police? (Remember that movie “Escape from New York”?)
Quite clear their LEFT “STATE COLLECTIVE” goals will always be placed over that of the US CITIZEN.
Well, it is a burn day so I need to get to work – so chronic callers can exaggerate what they see (or don’t understand) and have a reason to call. Yup, happened again, but this time the poor firefighters were in the middle of dinner and called out only to confirm everything was OK so I could continue my controlled burn in preparation for the season.
Oh yeah – get this… during the same time there was a “real uncontrolled” fire in the Hunter Valley area again with plumes of smoke clearly visible on the eastern horizon. Do these people who call in ever consider the possible consequences of their actions if once again wrong? The firefighters MUST RESPOND even if they suspicion it to be a controlled burn as has been done for 30 years.
Consider, what if that real fire was in Lake Don Pedro and not Hunter’s Valley? What if a residence were involved and lives jeopardized? What if lives were ultimately lost due to a slightly longer response time because of another unnecessary “controlled burn” call out?
Again, no attempted contact with me prior to calling CALFIRE. Why should they care if call was unnecessary or not? Doesn’t cost them anything. Think of the expense, inconvenience, and lack of necessity. I’ve got some photos of the vehicles involved, but again, what’s the point? You can’t make people be nice or considerate to others.
Yup, must get to work because the burn opportunities are likely drawing to a close. But who knows? Someone told me about potential rain in the near future – wonderful, and so the cycle continues.
My best to you and yours, Lew