August 18, 2020 @ 1006hrs
Good morning Syndie. I am still interested in reading about the monthly activities of the LDPCSD Board of Directors so when the CD is available please advise and I will make arrangements for pickup and payment.
Yes, I am still interested in the operations of this local SPECIAL DISTRICT public agency despite GM McGowan’s refusal to respond to my multiple requests for that MERCED IRRIGATION DISRICT 1993 shape file map (illustrating the Place of Use for Merced River water per water license 11395 which former LDPCSD GM/Treasurer Peter Kampa used as the basis for his and his BOARD OF DIRECTORS multi-year departure from the legal management of this special district. Kampa repeatedly stated during recorded meetings, this MID shapefile map conclusively proved Merced River water could be served outside the POU boundaries established in June 1978 which were of course, the golf course and the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision (formerly Sierra Highlands Water Company). Pete Kampa also refused years of requests for this extremely important piece of evidence.
Since this matter has apparently been closed by the State Water Board (after three other separate attempts at closure based on patently FALSE INFORMATION ALSO PROVIDED BY PETER KAMPA) what is the purpose of continuing to withhold this information?
Over ten years of my life have been spent trying to understand this district’s outrageous and contradictory water service activities – four of them while on the board as an oath sworn director during which time I was provided incorrect information upon which I based my decisions.
District difficulties/dysfunction seem to have been particularly troublesome during Kampa’s two tours of employment: 1994-1997, and 2014-2019 and this shape file map lies at the center of district deceptions and customer betrayals. I will continue my requests to secure this public information that has been used against customers since 1993, then again in 2014 when Kampa was summoned back to the LDPCSD to finish what he started back in the 1990s. Kampa was only returned to develop and provide an alternate source (groundwater developed with government grants intended for drought relief not increased service connections outside the POU) which he and his cohorts required for development of various LAFCO annexed properties into the LDPCSD that were set up 20 years earlier without board direction or approval. Imagine, a proposed 900 acre residential subdivision across the street from the LDPCSD which was concealed from the public for 20 years…..yet only months before Kampa’s unethical return in 2014 Mariposa County LAFCO quietly (semi-closed meeting) changed the water service boundary maps and stated those properties were legally annexed back in 1995 when Kampa began his infamous water career here in California? No municipal service reviews or plans, no open public meetings for discission, just a quick boundary change to include Kampa’s 1994 slumbering subdivision deal on the shores of Lake McClure.
Dear General Manager/Treasurer Patrick McGOWAN, Will the outside MIDPOU report ever be returned to the agenda packet?
Following Peter Kampa’s second return to the LDPCSD in October 2014, this report was removed and replaced periodically many times but ultimately permanently removed from the agenda. This is a peculiar decision for you to maintain if the district is sincere about regaining and building customer trust (presumably for the support required for the successful passage of another PROPOSITION 218 needed to once again substantially raise our WATER RATES AND FEES).
Since this MIDPOU report was the ONLY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT which permitted customers to easily view and understand exactly where and how much Merced River water was being delivered OUTSIDE THE LEGALLY APPROVED PLACE OF USE BOUNDARY (the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision and golf course HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE LEGAL BOUNDARY) and determined exactly HOW MUCH GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION would be required to remain compliant with the water license restrictions (how much of an equal or greater amount of groundwater to replace the Merced River water illegally delivered outside the POU) this report is essential for an accurate accounting and understanding of this SUBSIDIZED SPECIAL BENEFIT WATER SERVICE FOR LAFCO ANNEXATIONS PETE KAMPA setup without board permission back in the mid 1990s for which “normal legal customers” have been paying for since 1993 when the first groundwater well was required and developed as a legal remedy for the initial water service delivery violations outside the subdivision which have only continued through the years. (Kampa actually proposed this ridiculous cycle in a drought prone foothill area …. annex more land into the district, construct another ½ million dollar groundwater well, annex more land – develop more groundwater wells. Absolute insanity driven by decades of greed and deception.)
I do not understand why the MID shape file map and the MIDPOU compliance reporting are still being withheld from the 99% of legal customers (MR WECs – Merced River Water Entitled Customers) who must pay these increasingly expensive bills as mandatory customers of the LDPCSD. Personally I could never support another rate and fee increase until assured these illegal activities have indeed been terminated once and for all and not just more deviously concealed from the bill paying public as has been the case for the last 20 years with great assistance from other cooperating county/state departments and entities such as the Tuolumne and Mariposa County Planning Departments, their Local Agency Formation Commissions, and other Kampa agent operatives implanted within State water agencies such as the State Water Board Division of Water Rights and Department of Water Resources.
How can the District assure customers it is now being honest about where Merced River water will be delivered in the future and thus deserving of another substantial PROPOSITION 218 rate and fee increase? (The money from the first PROP 218 was used by Kampa and his Board of Directors to fund his 2014 LAFCO ANNEXATION expansion plans.)
Quite simple: Honestly respond to legitimate questions and requests for public information while re-establishing the Outside Merced Irrigation District Place of Use report in the agenda so customers can see for themselves where their expensive EMERGENCY DROUGHT GROUNDWATER is actually going and for what other purposes than intended residential domestic use. (ie, And not more commercial cattle ranches OUTSIDE the MIDPOU owned, developed and operated by sitting LDPCSD Board Directors!)
Until next month,
Lew Richardson