Did It Myself Lew’s Almost Music Presentation. Of course this contribution is a tricycle on a speedway! (Recently became a “RAP FAN” thanks to exquisite work of Tom MacDonald, Nova Rockafeller and a host of other brilliant artists making up HOG: the “hangovergang”. Yup, I’ve been a hermit a long time.)

This LAME stuff reduces my frustration level and will hopefully auto-weave any infinitesimally small contribution into that growing tapestry objection. Just a small thread of expressed disapproval/contempt for a criminally based dictatorial organization that has coordinated the hijacking of our government processes through a long history of lies, fraud and now, actual treasonous activities to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States of America.

This LAME process appears to be therapeutic in reducing frustration and escalating anger while watching our country destroyed by traitors opposed to a continuing FREE AMERICA. They INTENTIONALLY PRODUCE BAD RESULTS then eloquently and passionately profess to be sincerely working FOR THE PEOPLE. Proclaim it was only the existing oppressive and racist society that prevented ultimate success and EVERYBODY’S HAPPINESS. Only another lie upon many others all without accountability. That’s going to change in 2022.

The left cultivates accepting “useful idiots” like any other crop designed to be grown, nurtured and eventually harvested and consumed for the grower’s purpose and benefit, Everyday “low information pawns” gobble up this DEMO RAT TRAP BAIT. The bait consists of promises of MORE FREEDOM, cash and FREE STUFF on the taxpayers dime – while Dems import more “useful idiots” for votes) while professing to be honestly working for THE PEOPLE. The fact they fall tremendously short of the number of “useful idiots” required to vote and approve their nonsense scams is not important due to their redundant system of election cheats which we are still uncovering from the last election. The deeper an investigation goes only intensifies the stench of swamp gas.

The reduction/management of personal frustration and anger is soothing despite the obvious amateurish quality of submissions (I would like to believe sincerity makes up for quality issue.) I acknowledge they are essentially meaningless, that is until viewed through the lens of a “do what you can with what you’ve got” attitude in conjunction with the belief there are millions of others who feel the same but contribute nothing for various reasons. Inability to do so (finances, work/family, extra time, etc) or possibly a reasonable FEAR OF A HIGH PROBABILITY of ugly consequences for self creating a leftist backlash in PERSONAL CANCEL CULTURE ATTACKS.

Intentionally produced confusion as to the actual motives, purposes and anticipated results of amateur submitted material. An elaborate redirection of public focus to the obvious absurdity that ANYONE would seriously compete with professional grade artists or attempt to compare amateur projects with those of experienced and skilled performers. That’s not the issue! The goal is to shut you up!

ANY COMPASSION for these traitors should be temporarily placed somewhere else for now because THEY WILL ONLY continue to use and reconfigure any compassion and understanding into weapons against us. IRONICALLY they seek to destroy the very origin and environment that birthed that compassion and understanding that they consistently pervert and misuse for evil purposes: the hearts, minds and souls of the American people who have, up to now, resided in a FREE AMERICA WITH CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and PROTECTIONS. Not perfect but we try.

None of this will matter in the least if this aggressive ENEMY is allowed to continue mandating their concept of “acceptable and appropriate behavior” through unethical and immoral intimidation techniques accomplished with the misuse of power and authority of legitimate government that legal voters NEVER GRANTED THESE THIEVING TRAITORS!

THE POWER AND AUTHORITY RADICAL LEFT DEMOCRATS ARE EXERCISING RIGHT NOW WAS STOLEN THROUGH A FRAUD OF A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Yet still the Left claims is was the most secure election in history. Unbelievable. (Head up ass so far they need a window in their bellybutton to see where they’re going!)

So, with the above in mind, thank you for any tolerance and the opportunity to contribute, however minimally, to this historic fight to save America from a low down, dirty rotten, constantly cheating, Anti-USA criminal organization called the DNC. And God Bless America (if you choose to participate naturally. lol)

How protest is manufactured/expressed is far less important than the content and how it is received. Even a chalk scribbled protest on a sidewalk could have a profound and enduring influence on those experiencing the work – despite the fact it will simply vanish with the next rain.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

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