that Our United States of America, and her legal citizens, could be so seriously misdirected and damaged by traitors, organized criminals and evil doers posing as legitimate US representatives within OUR country?



Answer: The very same individuals and entities who have sought the ultimate destruction of OUR USA since 1948: THE COMMUNISTS.

You can shake, rattle and roll this nightmare anyway you want while attempting to identify these evil perpetrators with some sort of “catch all” political group description such as Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Leftists, Marxists, Anti-Americans, etc., but the reality of their evil concoction will still pour out as the same 1948 Communist poison that has been insidiously dissolving OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS that are clearly identified by, and protected under, OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.




PERHAPS A SHORT CRUDE SUMMARY? Sure. These are Godless fother muckers who are begging for legal removal as soon as possible – which obviously assumes, 1) US citizens still wish to remain and live in a free country, and, 2) the present, although almost invisible, weighted thumb of Communism is permanently removed from our election scales.

My best to you and yours, Lew

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