(Continued from TIME LINE)
Since the South Shore Project was legally annexed by the SWRCB (State Water Resources Control Board) it could have used Merced River water pumped from a new “deep intake”. Obviously this project makes the most sense for our District in that an intake pipe closer to the Exchequer Dam means deeper water from which to pump to the treatment plant.
The primary reason Mr. Emery Ross is mentioned so much on this website is due to the fact he has been an obstructionist to District progress since arriving in Lake Don Pedro to realize his dream of becoming a cowboy. Already said, nothing wrong with folks following their dreams. Emery, however, was not content with just starting his Rancho Santa Teresa cattle business with a mysteriously appropriated water meter, no, he became one of the most, if not the most, outspoken advocate for district expansion using ground well water substitution. Those wanting water certainly appreciate Emery’s attempting to get it for them.
Mr. Ross has established a “built-in voting block” through the years because of the number of properties wanting water and the way Tuolumne and Mariposa Counties permitted annexations without confirming the district’s legal or reasonable ability to provide the water since the district could no longer continue to use L11395 as it had in the past due to POU restriction enforcement.
How can property owners pay nothing to the district yet be permitted to vote in district elections? How could county governments permit such a situation to develop and threaten a subordinate public agency in the form of a non-profit community services district? Ahhhhh, perhaps the counties receive benefits also?
Think about that for a moment. The owner’s property lies OUTSIDE the permitted service area, they receive no water, they pay no fees to the district, yet as a group can determine who represents the 99% of legal customers who receive their water through water license 11395. And over half of the “legal users” cannot vote anyway due to residency requirements that prohibit absentee owners from voting in district elections? WHAT?
So in other words,
- those trying to take resources from the legally possessing majority,
- have been granted substantial influence over the operation of a district, (from whom they demand water), through the right to vote in district elections
- which was approved by the “parent county” which
- grants annexations of property into the district through planning departments and LAFCos that do not verify the truthfulness of submitted support information for the annexation,
- resulting in an expanded district service boundary and
- establishes a right to vote in district elections for the newly annexed property owners
some never having paid a red cent to the district as all other legal water users have for decades.
WOW. What a fair and equitable system.
So, Emery Ross, the Ranching Lake Don Pedro cowboy is thus empowered to completely obstruct reasonable district progress concerning priorities such as sustainable water supply for the future. Serious discussion and action on the McClure Point Deep Water Project was hijacked for twenty years of turmoil about outside place of use and how to subsidize water for others outside the subdivision.
Emery Ross and his constituents could have pooled their money years ago to pursue this ground water substitution program, but they would much rather use a public agency’s funds and resources for such a risky venture.
Absolutely insane. Later.