SPIRIT ROT? – pretty self explanatory I had hoped, but basically the rotting away of a good and/or free spirit – with that process of deterioration or destruction intentionally choreographed by evil people apparently afflicted with such severe TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they have lost all sense of morality and ethics to the point they can no longer differentiate between simple right and wrong. They wanted a convenient target to express their anger and outrage (guess they don’t have a website like this to publicly stand by their positions for so many years. yeah?) because they feared legitimate reports and projections of what was coming in the November election? Maybe some are concerned about legitimate investigations that somehow might trickle down into all sorts of local stuff here that had “slipped through the cracks of deceit and coverup” by this leftist cabal? (Likely sporting a few RINO useful idiots as well.) Little things folks forget with the passage of time and more pressing matters of life, especially in this economy and environment so INTENTIONALLY DELIVERED TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY! Little things like the total destruction of the LDPCSD Administration Office during an investigation regarding the Water License 11395 and intentional violations costing millions? And who pays? All set up some 50 years ago with the LAFCOs (Local Agency Formation Commission) of Tuolumne and Mariposa – and of course, all those who stood to make a fortune with someone else’s beautiful quality water right out of Yosemite National Park clearly prohibited by the water license. And who was that person that set it all up in the 1990s and returned 20 years later to finish the job? The most precious and valuable asset this foothill subdivision had (in addition to the beautiful foothills in general – where even its 19 beautiful natural parks were considered for sale to developers!) was stolen by the very departments, commissions, agencies blah blah blah…..that were suppose to protect the same. I don’t know what’s been going around here lately other than some proposed world class water park at the old golf course. Other than that I’ve been taking care of my “own business” end of life environment plans – which included supporting DONALD J TRUMP and JD VANCE for the hope of our country returning to COMMON SENSE. Anyway, SPIRIT ROT is the slow degradation of someone’s spirit through repetitious assaults in one form or another to dissuade or stop “whatever they find offensive”. In this case likely because I’ve brought a message to these evil cowards that they (the leftists) don’t want to hear? OK, don’t log on and read/listen/watch. I don’t have the cops break into your house, hold you down and make you read/listen/watch. People like you actually caused the throttling of traffic on this site from several hundred hits a day (sometimes over a thousand on weekends) to 40-50? And that was on a site without two-way communications! – I was just opening my private log on the web – and as I have commented many times, it was actually therapeutic for me. weBLOG! But again, it drove people like you (control freaks) crazy because you couldn’t complain, sabotage and contaminate my private thoughts made public (regarding what was happening to this country) – because you were the very enemy I had been speaking of for many years – thanks to your own actions. You are traitors to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and rule of law. Again, that’s you. OK. and I’m me. Take pride in all the conflicts, confusion and distrust you and your comrades in arms have cultivated all over this country with your childish yet highly dangerous games. In fact when you stop and think about about what you’ve done recently you should probably be charged with … …… Whooooa! <STOP!> This is NOT A BLOG POST. — it was supposed to be a frigg’n short title! lol welcome to my world now – sorry – later
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