Always draws a respectful and thankful group of residents.
I was inside the house when I heard that unmistakable sound of aircraft orbiting overhead, yet looking out the window could not observe the traditional column of smoke rising in the sky to identify the location – probably because the atmosphere was already pretty hazy with smoke from all the other much larger fires in the state. Never heard sirens, just the drone of three fixed wing aircraft (observation & flight control?) and of course a CAL FIRE helicopter which always draws a number of interested locals.
Sure enough, only a couple of miles away, north of Ranchito Drive just east of Banderilla Drive, a small fire behind a residence was being extinguished through the efforts of a number of responding fire units. Staying away from the immediate area I was unable to confirm, but believed, they were from CAL FIRE and Mariposa County (Lake Don Pedro fire station). The helicopter was making short trips from the Gregoris Park pond on Ranchito Drive to the fire which appeared to be approximately a mile away. Obviously our subdivision ponds serve a vital role in fire suppression in this dry, fairly isolated, and drought prone area.
While taking some photographs and video at Gregoris Park I couldn’t help but notice the power and telephone lines running along Ranchito Drive close to the pond which I would imagine makes the helicopter’s approach and departure far more risky. That got me thinking: should those large orange “visibility balls” be installed on power/telephone lines near these subdivision ponds where helicopters often dip water for local fire control? Perhaps there are good reasons for not installing them, but if they could help these pilots in anyway during these dangerous operations, seems any cost could be justified in the name of safety. Just curious.
Certainly hope there were no injuries/deaths or significant property damage as a result of this, what appeared to be, small fire.
Anyway, GREAT JOB TO ALL INVOLVED, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, but most of all, HAVE SAFE TRIPS BACK TO YOUR HOMES, FAMILIES & FRIENDS. (I’ll raise a toast to your success later) My best to you and yours, Lew
BELOW: SHORT compilation of photographs and video clips of the fire suppression. (UNDER 5 MINUTES! didn’t think I could do it, huh? lol)