- 01/26/2022
- by: A. J. Smuskiewicz
- Source: IntellectualConservative
Kid Rock We the People by N/A is licensed under N/A N/A
One of my main problems with most conservatives is that they are generally too damn nice. Too polite. Too respectful. And (no offense to this website) too intellectual. They are just (as has been said by others) too conservative! And while conservatives are playing nice and obeying all the rules, Leftists are being mean, playing rough and tough, and cheating like hell. The result: Conservatives lose and Leftists win—time after time after time.
Perhaps this conservative niceness is because most of them are religious. I’m not religious. And I’m not really a conservative. I’m more of a libertarian. But I side with conservatives on most issues, especially advocacy for small government and individual freedom. Unfortunately, we have lost profoundly on these issues in recent years, and right now we are losing more than ever before.
The single time that conservatives showed any genuine muscle recently—in the “insurrection” of January 6, 2021—most conventional conservatives condemned it. That is a losing attitude! Those protestors and “rioters” should all be praised as American heroes.
I prefer my conservatives on the rough and tough side. Not afraid to be rude, to be brash, to insult opponents, to swear or even use vulgar language. To show some muscle and throw their weight around, to be confrontational and pugnacious and break the rules. That type of pugnacious roughness is what I have always liked best about Trump. Despite the fact that he is a billionaire businessman, he is very comfortable talking and acting like a regular blue-collar guy, like a construction worker. That is probably because he spent a lot of time with those kinds of guys on his building projects.
I have a blue-collar background and, although I am educated and make my living sitting on my butt by a computer, I still tend to have a coarse, cuss-filled lingo in my personal life. I value raw blunt hard-hitting honesty over diplomatic BS niceties. Nothing hurts liars like the truth. And I generally believe that people who swear a lot are more honest than those who “talk nice.”
As I’ve indicated, I believe that one reason conservatives lose so much is because they act too nice. They have got to be tougher and meaner. They have got to stop censoring themselves and they have got to always (as we used to say in the 70s) “tell it like it is.” And they have got to be brave enough to break the rules. We are clearly in a civil war in this country, and there is no more time to be fussy about rules or to be afraid about offending people with words. Conservatives/libertarians/freedom-lovers have got to loudly and consistently speak the total truth and to be as mean, nasty, rude, and offensive to our opponents as our opponents are to us. Then we will be fighting at the same level and intensity as the Leftists, and we will have a better chance of beating them.
You may bemoan our modern coarse society, but coarse it is and increasingly coarse it is likely to become. Political and social arguments are not won these days by carefully selecting intellectual debate points. They are more likely to be won by consistently throwing verbal bombs at your opponents and enjoying the explosions, by insulting and demeaning and mocking them and watching them cry, and by playing mean and dirty while having a helluva lot of fun doing it!
For inspiration, we don’t need “God Bless America” in 2022. The 1950s are gone and they ain’t ever coming back. Today, we need bad-ass anthems like Kid Rock’s new song “We the People.” If you have not yet heard this joyous F-bomb explosion against Biden, Fauci, and the media, YOU HAVE GOT TO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKfm4rqMd78. Listen while you can—before the social media fascists delete it. Here are some of my favorite lines from the song:
We the people in all we do
Reserve the right to scream F— you
Wear your mask, take your pills
Now a whole generation is mentally ill
F— Fauci, F— Facebook, F— Twitter too
And the mainstream media, F— you too
Inflation’s up, like the minimum wage
So it’s all the same, ain’t a damn thing changed
But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free
And every human being doesn’t have to agree
And you social media trolls, y’all can suck on deez
To see the rest of these fine lyrics, go to: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/kidrock/wethepeople.html
When I first heard this song yesterday, I was overjoyed that at least one prominent person on the Right side has the guts to speak his mind in such a blunt, bold, and fun manner. And the lyrics are so spot-on, so direct and to-the-point, and just so damn funny, that I literally laughed out loud.
I hope that this song will inspire others on the Right with its irreverent, rebellious, free-wheeling, fight-back, f— you attitude. That kind of attitude is healthy, uplifting, and empowering, and it is exactly what we need now—discouraged and depressed as many of us have become—to help us fight back hard against the fascists/communists and to defeat those evil un-American bastards.
Therefore, I propose that American conservatives/libertarians/freedom-lovers/Trump-lovers officially adopt Kid Rock’s “We the People” as the political anthem for our Save America movement.
On a personal note, I emailed the link to Kid Rock’s song to the director at the university that fired me from by work-at-home job for not getting the vaccine. She responded, “I find that offensive.” Yes lady, that was my intention!