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CHINA NEVER (list for alternative shopping!)


Tuesday, FEBRUARY 23rd, 2021@1050hrs UPDATE:


ANYWAY….SHOP USA! AND LOCAL IF POSSIBLE. Recently I started to order a dryer replacement part online but the delivery date was 1-2 months out! (I figured must be on a ship – right?) Sorry, a clothes dryer repair could not wait that long so to my utter surprise I located the part in stock in Modesto and the final price to my door was less than ordering online had the anticipated delivery date was acceptable! I now have a local contact for all such appliance replacement parts.

Anyway, good link below.


Categories: Uncategorized.


“Would chairman Joey care for some special sprinkle candies on his pudd’n pop?” <fades with tummy ache asking for a real doctor”>

Made up example of how this LAME STUFF works, because in this project the inspiration actually came from the idea of “intellectual or logical reasoning” being in a blender of FAKE NEWS INFORMATION and every time someone pushes a button the environment changes quickly — sometimes drastically – but it’s the same material of DISINFORMATION and/or PROPAGANDA from the LEFT often furnished and supported by those on the “known enemies list”.

A thought, concept or feeling put down in a short sentence or rhyme but then compelled for some reason to attempt illustrating (whatever it was) through the use of cool equipment which I don’t have the education, training, skill and expertise to use properly.

I bought a nice little sewing machine but my work is anything but good. Satisfactory for virus lock down at home dress code but probably not for going out in public to the store, although I believe EVEN THAT is changing. Why bother? Who cares? Besides those Frankenstien patch jobs on my jean knees might initiate a pleasant conversation with someone who actually does know how to properly utilize such a wonderful machine. (I am getting a bit better but have one heck of a time turning materials inside out and estimating the right patch size and satisfactorily ….. what ever. It works for me, Frankenstien patch or not.)

ANYWAY, this LAME. Yes indeed I believe these “FAKE NEWS REPORTERS” have betrayed this country (if their’s?) when continually dismissing information that challenges this last extremely peculiar election. That alone should warrant investigation. So many irregularities.

Don’t know how else to say it, but, without a legitimate investigation of all the reported issues as to suspicious ballot activity (WHO KNOWS HOW MANY WITNESSES WERE AFRAID TO SPEAK UP WHEN THEY WATCHED THE CANCEL CULTURE DISCRIMINATORY VIOLENCE AGAINST THOSE WHO DO?). Seriously. That’s called intimidation. If the LEFT’s Plans are so desirable and wanted by a majority of the American Public (as they claim is evidenced in a rapidly recognized fraudulent election) why the lies when representing what they intend to do? Why all the smoke and mirrors and absolute misstatements of fact that even intellectually challenged people and children can understand when PROVIDED TRUTHFUL FACT?

YUP what is happening in America right now is extremely dangerous on multiple levels especially those of most concern that I am neither qualified enough or comfortable enough to explain or discuss at this particular time. Sure, technically anything in the past is history, but folks, what’s happening right now to OUR USA will ultimately be one of the most important turning points in the recorded history of the United States of America.

OUR AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT will either survive this coordinated attack against OUR COUNTRY, its citizens and Freedoms granted under the US Constitution and protected under RULE OF LAW, or it will not.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

Thank you TImothy Clemmons for sharing like you do. Actually, thank you TO ALL PATRIOTS! I read, see and hear your supportive opinions, beliefs, wishes, Prayers, suggestions, watch videos, listen to music….laugh at the perfectly logical cartoons, quips, all of it….cry at other sincere offerings – all of which causes me to wonder…..Why isn’t there (maybe there already is, or are such entities and I have been too much of a semi-hermit to have been educated to the reality) a PATRIOT HOLLYWOOD dedicated to producing and disseminating the more conservative perspectives? Sure, I can boycott LEFT STUFF (if aware of who and what they are) but the flip side is also relevant – Where do I shop, consume, or receive services that support more (hate to use general terms) conservative, patriotic, FREE AMERICA etc dedicated entities without a comprehensive list of such supporting organizations, companies, etc? Heck, there was a group here in CALIFUSION that was advertising with the term “REPUBLICAN” in their title and accepting donations but were actually LEFTISTS! Can’t believe anything. Hummm….A TRUMP FOUNDED UMBRELLA ORGANIZATION WITH ALL PARTICIPANTS ALREADY VETTED? I’ve seen the concept Patriot Party suggested…IF TRUMP STARTS HIS OWN PARTY – I WILL JOIN AND LEAVE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY in a frigg’n heartbeat! OK, a “PATRIOT PARTY ICON STAMP OF APPROVAL” sort of deal with a host of products, consumables, services, maybe even procedures….etc…..Or would such political labeling be heading in another bad direction? I wonder though, would you feel more comfortable sitting in a medical office regarding your own life issues knowing the person in charge of your health and indeed continuing life was a Communist who believed America as you knew and wanted it to continue should be over? Or a doctor who supports your continuing opposition to the destruction of a free America? (Remaining silent and keeping political views to yourself could literally be a life saving decision in such a circumstance, yeah?) Could a licensed physician, nurse, attendant, etc. decide themselves that for the safety of society the CANCEL CULTURE PHILOSOPHY OF THE LEFT be utilized for CONSERVATIVE PATIENTS? Does a medical certificate carry any more of an assurance for political trust and confidence than a law degree? Or being elected “by the public”? What the hell does that mean now? A split system with everything to be read for desired information printed like those bilingual tool equipment instruction manuals, one side in English, flip it over, the other side in “whatever”. Same on a political qualification: listings for “conservative products, consumables, services, etc”, flip it over and the same book reveals a different listing for “Democrats, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Marxists anarchists, …. all the way down to just plain no nothing idiots wanting free stuff without any sincere work or effort …” Sorry, just blah blah blahing out loud. Need to get outside for some physical work – that has always helped….thank you all for your wonderful and encouraging dedication to a FREE AMERICA!! Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

+1…TWO MORE DAYS? Nah…could be up to …?

Two more days?  A touted 72 hour window after inauguration for some kind of an emergency broadcast regarding ???? is closing.  Can and will the FREE AMERICA that patriots know, love and pledge allegiance to be saved?  Or has an evil INCREMENTAL LEFT MUTATION already taken hold and ripened into a full fledged totalitarian state? I believe and pray there is a plan. 


Did you see the huge pile of Executive Orders stacked on the desk of the now TOP TRAITOR AND CHIEF (of the former USA) ready for signature?   Each (EO) representing just another nail in FREEDOM’S COFFIN….one after another like clockwork.  (“The Hammer” hammers nails – right?) 


I (we) can PRAY TO GOD that these evil traitors may in fact be unintentionally excavating one of history’s most carefully crafted political DEEP STATE TRAPS of all time with no chance of escape once the bait is taken and trap engaged.  What bait”? A limited power and authority temporarily granted “for show purposes” that will clearly flush out true intentions of the TRAITORS far beyond the traditional and frequently used insincere political promises just to garner votes.


But wait, REAL VOTES didn’t even count this election suggesting the LEFT’s prospective margin for success was quite small from the start……..part of the trap my friends— force the left to cheat to such a degree, evidence of the massive cheating and betrayal is spread all over the place – just waiting to be collected like eggs at a child’s Easter event! All takes time.


The beauty of this is that the TRAP will be constructed of clear evidentiary proof of their clear knowledge and intent to betray the US CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW, and ALL LEGAL CITIZENS. (Don’t forget the betrayal to all those honestly desiring to become legal American citizens.) All of which (the evidence) will be comprehensively displayed on a global stage as to how such evil can and will (if permitted to mature) conquer even the greatest of free countries.     


But even if this “dream of salvation” were true, would they (what remains of the “righteous legitimate authority”) have the grit to appropriately finish such treachery once and for all?  Or would some misplaced sort of compassion and understanding excuse the treason and allow it to again fester, re-infect and spread again betraying the WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?  But how?  Execution?  Prison?  Deportation?  Perhaps mandatory sentences to risky deep space exploration projects… aka…. DEEP STATE ACTIVISTS FOR DEEP SPACE PROJECTS  (already done in many SCI FI presentations …. but why potentially create other EVIL WORLDS somewhere OUT THERE based on Earth’s discarded political garbage? Not so lol)


News this morning reported CA Gov Newsom’s Attorney General filed 9 more lawsuits against the Trump admin on OUR PRESIDENT’S LAST DAY IN OFFICE ……with Newsom naturally predicting a smooth relationship with DC in the future – now that dementia and treachery reigns supreme in the White House.  (Perhaps DARK HOUSE now?)   Surely registered gun owners in leftist states like California realize how such a smooth cooperation could easily translate into more persecution and ultimate confiscation?    I  cannot (nor can you apparently) remain silent as to what I (we) believe to be the deliberate destruction of our country by the (brief accurate description)  EVIL ANTI-AMERICAN FORCES. 


I still pray in the firm belief OUR FREE AMERICA is not yet beyond recovery but it will certainly be a miraculous “save” considering the massive dumbing-down of the American population augmented with the substantial influx of invaders claiming a desire to be “citizens” only to obtain more “free stuff without work” as their treacherous self serving demands only increase the already unsustainable drain on our country’s resources. (Just as planned.)


Right or wrong (perhaps it doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things now), I have finally decided for myself since dutifully watching and contemplating over the known facts presented about our continuing nightmare –

the release of the Wuhan China virus WAS NOT an unfortunate accident but part of a much larger organized global plan to conquer the USA during the chaos.


I realize many of you may be quietly smiling and/or rolling your eyes as you read this because you came to that logical decision some time ago.   You also may possess the common sense to not scream, shout, jump up and down or make up stupid little songs to express your frustration and angered perspective about this ugly reality. Instead you have continued your quiet and effective work to hinder, obstruct, and ultimately prevent solidification of this global treachery to over throw America.   What can I say?  Each of us will commit what we can to the common effort to save America but thank you for your patience because I accept the title of being a slow learner in this instance. I originally thought the virus was an accident that was later exploited by the CCP for political reasons, but in hindsight (which is often 20/20) I now believe it was always a planned attack to thwart PRESIDENT TRUMP’S EARNED AND VOTER APPROVED SECOND TERM which was obviously contrary to the CCP intent to ultimately dominate the world.

God Bless America and all those who have, will, and continue to serve in her recovery and survival as a free nation!  

Nope.  It’s not over by a long shot but I will NEVER FORGET OR FORGIVE WHAT THESE TRAITORS HAVE ALREADY DONE – that’s a job for the Good Lord above (which such terrorists don’t generally believe in anyway…..go figure).

My best to you and  yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


DAY 0…..Ladies and Gentleman, and respectfully to every and any one in between these apparent archaic classifications, whatever, welcome to what will unquestionably be one of the most historic days in American history. Regardless how smoothly or choppy things may unfold. God Bless America and all her citizens. Please fasten your seat belt, place dining tray in the upright position and remember we are never truly alone……oh yeah….didn’t I just see something about popcorn? Oh yeah, on MeWe – advertisement about Pop Corn …. Swear I can smell it now… my stomach is growling……. it is going to be a long day yeah? later

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