I just saw this and have not researched the matter (figuring it was legitimate) but if this is true, well, you already know my opinion. I’m going to look around a bit…… first thing to pop up was something from 2013 when the same issue was raised and judged as false by one of those since discredited outfits. Then again in 2016…hang on. Then there’s this:
Which certainly would lend credence to this:

Weird. The link worked when I first put it in…. was “supposedly” a message from Kid Rock (hear the new song?) with a non-edited photograph of the above scene which evidenced the soldiers missing legs. Seems to me that is an active “anti-inclusive” policy if nothing else.
<Cool….auto save worked! Tried to multi-task and lost some stuff- rather thought I did. lol> anyway
What can we believe anymore about anything in print, radio, TV, anything when OUR CURRENT ADMINISTRATION IS DECEIVING US ON A DAILY BASIS (vaccines only one major issue) and now apparently gearing up to produce more AMERICAN HEROES whose sacrifice in service to this Country will be reduced through Leftist media censorship by the save forces of evil the USA is suppose to be fighting against?
I honestly don’t know about this particular matter because so much garbage by the left has been revealed for exactly that – garbage. Yet still proxies of this Leftist Administration continue to censor and de-platform differing opinions. Why? I still don’t understand what Trump’s BIG LIE about the 2020 election actually is, because from what is slowly coming out, everything OUR LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT has said about that rigged election has been revealed through a number of extremely precise investigations into many “election irregularities” which had they not occurred, the current COMMANDER AND THIEF would likely be facing serious charges along with his entourage of USA traitors and sellouts.
I’ll say this, although absolutely disgusting (if photo cropping and such is taking place to conceal war injuries sustained) it would not surprise me in the least, because frankly, we (legal US citizens) have been betrayed by FORMER main stream media (in addition to social) for a long time now. But hey! The blinders are coming off.
The non-transparency of this appointed administration and their cronies is appalling. We’ve witnessed it in many third world countries and that is where it needs to go – OUT OF THE USA. Thank God so many are waking up to the reality these traitors are attempting to force on the majority of American Citizens and their beloved United States of America.
My best to you and yours, Lew
PS Sorry if there are OTHER ERRORS I missed – just had to comment on this real quick regardless of the controversy of whether or not factual. Writing “off the cuff” when upset about something is not a good idea generally. Yup, whether this particular message was legit or not doesn’t matter because the flavor of it fits with everything else that is wrong in our hi-jacked country that I’m observing – so I really don’t give a……. call it what you want, but it must end ASAP. later
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