The less significant traitors to America should have the option between incarceration or deportation to another country more suited to their political ideology. (The “heavy-hitters” require a more abrupt, yet humane, disposition according to law.)
Perhaps, even better…..somewhere along the wall (that these Leftist Traitors did everything they could to prevent, build a large amphitheater for a periodic televised one-for-one exchange of individuals where each of our tried and convicted treacherous citizens (local, state and federal politicians, judges, law enforcement, media, ballot manipulators, etc.) are exchanged for a vetted immigrant from another country who legitimately desires to become a legal American citizen with all rights and privileges.
A “Goodbye” and near simultaneous “welcome” celebration televised for the world to witness a new humane policy for dealing with those who essentially voluntarily sacrificed their own US citizenship through their betrayal of America.
Think about it….. CNN fake news reporters could video document the entire process from the internal perspective of how traitors to our country end up forfeiting their citizenship for acts of treason, cooperation with hostile foreign government operators, interference in our elections, suppressing/censoring free speech, etc. Naturally there will undoubtedly be a FAKE NEWS special express exit lane for batch processing of entire families.
IMAGINE…….<Ceremonial drum roll and trumpet introduction over background cheering – suddenly, over an echoing loudspeaker through a canyon – the opening announcement of the proceeding culminating in the goodbye – welcome name format:
“Goodbye Dom Lemon/CNN”
“Welcome Miguel Santana Rodriguez”
“Goodbye Anderson Cooper/CCN”
“Welcome Dmitry Ivanov”
“Goodbye ……”
Watching the REAL NEWS NOW makes so much more sense……. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS WHO ARE GOING TO SAVE THE USA FROM THE “___________________”(call ’em what you want) Leftists, Demorats, Socialists, COmmunists, etc.,….. essentially ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS to the US Constitution and Rule of Law.)
My best to you and yours, Lew