YouTube, like anything human being envisioned, created and utilized by other humans, is vulnerable to the unethical, immoral, and/or illegal misuse by individuals (and groups of individuals) who (for one reason or another) possess a desire to intentionally inconvenience, disrupt, harm, and/or even destroy the lives of other people.
Unfortunately, the severity of the damage is often only dependent upon the commitment and capabilities of the one misusing the particular technology.
The simple writing instrument, like a pencil or pen, was designed to be held in the human hand and used to produce written characters, numbers, symbols, etc. on various media such as paper, plastic, glass, etc. in order to communicate information to others (who of course must also understand that particular language) in a physically documented written form.
What a wondrous concept that can essentially transcend time and space! Can even be used to save innocent lives too!
Sure, think about this simple example…..
Imagine you are out hiking a new unfamiliar region but somehow discover a particular (and attractive) water body, say a creek and pond, which contains a concealed dangerous chemical element that could severely injure or kill any animal that might inadvertently consume the water. (For the sake of argument, let’s assume you had some “high tech” water quality testing equipment that could detect that dangerous contaminate.)
You are only passing though the area but are never-the-less concerned about the possibility another thirsty hiker unaware of the danger might drink the contaminated water and suffer the effects which could be fatal. You can’t stand there forever waiting to warn and dissuade others who might happen by ….. but you can’t close off the area with a physical barrier of rope, branches, rocks, etc…… but you could create a simple warning sign with a pen and paper using words, symbols, or combination of both.

WARNING! and other blah blah blah
“POISON”, “DANGER”, “DO NOT DRINK”, or perhaps a drawing of the classic “human skull with crossed bones”? Yup, you could leave such a cautionary message for other potential visitors even though you have physically left the area. (Naturally, once back to civilization the dangerous condition should be reported to “proper authorities” for more substantial and permanent protection.)
“WET PAINT” “QUICK SAND!” “WET CONCRETE” “WAIT” “STOP” “GO” “Exit 289 3 Miles Ahead”,……. “RADIOACTIVE” “FALLING ROCK” …. “meet me at the love shack @ 1300hrs”….lol…. whatever!
Recognizing dangerous situations can be tricky.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Oh yeah! Almost forgot the above
a) observation, and,
b) corresponding EZ example of “extraordinary misuse” –
a) Unfortunately, the severity of the damage is often only dependent upon the commitment and capabilities of the one misusing the particular technology.
b) now consider that simple every day commonly utilized pencil or pen forcibly shoved into the carotid artery of a person’s neck by the hand of someone like James Bond, Jason Bourne, John Wick, etc…..

(Like attempted ……. humor?)
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