that appointed president Biden made that prior posted speech. Hell, I’d bet you money, marbles or chalk he could not even correctly (or coherently) read such a transcript – much less comprehend what we are now told he composed and spoke. (See the video clip of him walking right past his security detail and off the sidewalk onto the lawn despite verbal clues and hand signals by the secret service who were attempting to keep him on the right path to the White House doorway? Looked like some kind of a zombie moving aimlessly forward unaware of the frustrated herders who were unable to guide this shell of a man to his destination. <below>)

I still honestly believe this is a horrific example of ELDER ABUSE BY ANTI-AMERICAN MANIPULATORS ON THE FAR LEFT who don’t give a flying rat’s ass about America (much less their conveniently exploited Biden puppet) or the principles for which “SHE”, OUR BELOVED COUNTRY, has always proudly stood and struggled for centuries to achieve. We have been told many things since the 2020 cyber-stolen election regarding how hard this appointed fraud of an administration is working for the American people while supposedly “Building Back Better”. (Ever notice how so many of these Biden plans are merely reconfigured (and perverted) extensions of what OUR TRUE PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP, HAD ALREADY instituted or planned to initiate? The Biden brethren are simply “copy cats” concerning anything that remotely sounds reasonable or makes common sense and are desperately hoping their nefarious deceptions are not noticed – which of course they certainly are.)

“Build Back Better?” Oh really? Take a quick look at our country’s current open southern border and the serious and highly dangerous consequences that have, and will continue to erode our sovereignty due to the foolish betrayal of ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS. That alone is an excellent example of what these disingenuous traitors believe to be “better”.

Yup, capital punishment or mandatory revocation of citizenship and expulsion from the USA are reasonable responses for these intentional traitors to our country whereas Biden should probably just finish out his life in a supervised care facility safe from those who would continue to slip their leftist hands up his ass to make his mouth move as if he were saying something important.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Sure hope I am not one of those American Citizens who leave this life while such a pathetic, demented and dishonest “commander and thief” pretends to be the legitimate leader of the FREE WORLD while his “sock puppet handlers” incrementally destroy OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with words and activities this puppet president could not possibly orchestrate or comprehend. Yup, they should all be criminally charged with elder abuse and dealt with quite harshly for their monumental betrayal of OUR AMERICA. later.

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