Still can’t seem to get rid of my 1978 Chevy Camaro. Every time I clean her up; throw “for sale” signs in the windows; and go for a hundred mile or so spin, I do the same thing when I get home. Take the signs out, park it, cover it, and talk about selling the darn thing some other day.
Since I am the original owner I decided to do what would likely make me the happiest. Getting older I realized I was going to need some specialized transportation around the hilly terrain and usually I joke about creating my own four wheel drive type Hoverround or Lark personal access vehicle. Why not make use of what I already own? A few homemade modifications and the old Dead Sled might be transformed into the Tarantu-Rattle Erosion Hauler. LOL

My best to you and yours, Lew
PS- Yes this is a joke.