Well, just don’t have the time to finish the LAME that was supposed to go with this – <repeat title> lol Outdoor work has been postponed long enough and I must rally an offensive attack against the invading weeds to establish some defensive firebreaks for summer.
Keep the faith (believe me I realize how difficult this can be when former “trusted sources” have been revealed as only the propaganda outlets for this Anti-America bullshit that has invaded and infested OUR BEAUTIFUL AMERICA.) Has anyone been able to identify an existing country on this planet that exemplifies what theses traitors are illegally attempting to accomplish here in the USA?
Their time will come – one way or another, (just hope I live long enough to witness some semblance of warranted punitive measures as justice for those who did not survive this leftist assault on America). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the legitimate PATRIOTIC LEADERSHIP of this country indeed knew full well what these traitors to America had already done, were doing, and, most importantly, were going to do, long before the 2020 election?
Ever hear the expression:
I have always interpreted that as meaning an adversary/enemy who has no integrity or moral compass in dealing with others, and who has lied and cheated to obtain what they already have, will simply continue that same behavior to achieve their other goals. (If one cheats to obtain a job they will continue to cheat to keep and maintain that job.)
Basically, corrupt individuals and their corrupted entities of preference, will naturally do corrupt things and when they believe they have successfully pulled a “fast one” (like stealing a national election from the LEGITIMATE WINNER and utilizing US GOVERNMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SPY AGENCIES to persecute political adversaries – both elected and private citizens) they become more embolden and arrogant believing they can proceed at an even faster pace for the “Transformation of America” they seek.
SO, what if…… rather than the traditional “good guy -bad guy” back and forth between looters, rioters, anarchists, etc and law enforcement —
(and under the ever growing potential for another extremely violent and deadly American Civil War fueled by millions of non-stakeholders, infiltrators, criminals, and “brain dead propaganda cultivated domestic sympathizers” – ie, public school political indoctrination of children is no longer just some “far out conspiracy theory” since parents recently had the opportunity (thanks to the COVID-19 lock down and home schooling) to observe first hand exactly what their kids were being taught by a carefully configured Socialist – Left educational agenda) [“Mike the Pillow Guy” was absolutely correct – a true unintentional blessing.]
—– and REALIZING any attempt to stop such momentum of the left (misguided populace) would be impossible without major bloodshed (while creating the perfect invitation for even MORE DANGEROUS FOREIGN GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT) —-
—THE GOOD GUYS setup an ingenious and complicated network for locating, capturing, identifying, and recording sophisticated evidence of such treasonous activities against the United States of America so that when the societal environment had settled a bit – with cooler heads prevailing …… this evidence would be slowly and incrementally released to the public in order to combat – with truth and fact – the decades of false information and propaganda our country has been subjected to by, no other way to say it, TRAITORS TO AMERICA within the RADICAL LEFT ELEMENT OF THE COMPROMISED DEMOCRAT PARTY.
wait a sec……that did happen……. that IS HAPPENING! Evidence of massive corruption has and is continuing to be revealed to the world every day…… yup!
Keep the faith – however strenuous it might be at times.
Until then, take care and –

– -My best to you and yours, Lew
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