Box of ivermectin tablets. (Carl DMaster/Shutterstock) US Features
By Alice Giordano February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmallerPrint
Dr. Meryl Nass was hailed a hero by veterans for helping them expose the connection between the military’s mandatory anthrax vaccine and the serious illnesses they were experiencing.
The 70-year old Maine internist has given Congressional testimonies in four states on vaccine efficacies, deciphered scientific studies for courts, and served as an international national consultant on biological warfare and pandemics for more than three decades.
Last month, the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine suspended Nass’s license and set a string of conditions for her to meet in order for her to get her license back, including undergoing a psychiatric evaluation, releasing a list of every patient she has seen in the past 6 months, and answering more than 25 questions about her medical beliefs, even asking her how she advertises her practices.
Nass, who has been in practice for 41 years, called her suspension “a tyrannical witch hunt.”
“The whole purpose of suspending my license was to scare doctors around the country not to go against the government’s narrative that the COVID vaccine and mask mandates are good,” Nass told The Epoch Times.

Members of the state license board did not return numerous phone calls from The Epoch Times for comment about Nass’s case.
Nass joins doctors and physician assistants in at least 10 states including Kansas, Florida, Hawaii, Washington, Texas, and Arkansas who have had their license suspended or found themselves under investigation by their state’s medical license board.
According to the state’s complaint, the Maine board’s harsh scrutiny of Nass stems specifically from three legal prescriptions she wrote for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
The patients didn’t complain about the prescription. All recovered from the virus. One complaint came from a Twitter user, another from a hospital doctor, and a third from a midwife associated with the same hospital. The midwife complained about Nass’s prescription of hydroxychloroquine to a pregnant woman.
The board also accused Nass of spreading “misinformation” about the pandemic by way of her personal blog, writing that she posed a “danger to the public.”
Nass certainly does not hold back on her blog. In announcing she would livestream the CDC’s Feb. 4 ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices) hearing, she wrote “the same cast of characters who lie, cheat and befuddle us with the poorest quality federal science ever invented, will be back tomorrow. Don’t miss their weasel words. Watch how they try to turn myocarditis into the mildest malady known to man.”
She added, “Watch how the CDC turns those who have taken the Oath of Hippocrates into robotic Hypocrites who merely want to transform your children into SpikeVax factories.”
According to documents obtained by The Epoch Times, the Maine board originally gave Nass until Feb. 1 to undergo its directive that she undergo a neuropsychological evaluation, which was to be conducted by a psychologist of the board’s choice and paid for by Nass.
“Failure of Dr. Nass to undergo the evaluation as directed constitutes an admission of the allegations against her,” the board wrote in its order.
Nass told The Epoch Times that she has yet to undergo the ordered evaluation or complete any of the other conditions set by the Maine board.
She emphasized that prescribing Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is not against the law, but the state said it is unethical.
In a joint statement issued last April, The Maine licensing board along with the state Board of Osteopathic Licensure warned that prescribing alternative drugs to prevent or treat COVID-19 “may lead to stockpiling of medication, inappropriate use, and potential drug shortages for patients with a legitimate need” for the medication. They drew the conclusion that “absent acute or emergency circumstances,” prescribing the drugs “is considered unethical and unprofessional conduct” and that “it may also violate applicable Board rules.”
“These are made up policies from nowhere,” Nass told The Epoch Times, “they should be [a] wake up calls to Americans—from local towns to state boards—the government is using them to replace the law and the Constitution.”
Nass said she fears her days as a doctor in Maine are numbered and that she suspects the board’s intentions may be to make sure she can’t get a job as a doctor anywhere else.
Nass told the Epoch Times on Tuesday that she just learned the Maine licensing board has already submitted her name to National Practitioner Database, the Laurie-list version for discredited doctors.
Nass, however, is still a hero at least to some in the northern reaches of Maine where she ran her private practice.
Daniel Lorey, a recently retired hospital clinical social worker who worked closely for many years with Nass at MDI Hospital, recently wrote a letter to the editor published by the Bangor Daily News in which he called Nass an “impeccable MD” with clinical skills “second to none.”
Lorey said Nass prescribed him “life-saving medication” to help him combat COVID-19 last October.
“I am quite convinced that her early interventions and timely prescriptions saved my life and limited my hospitalization to a brief two-hour emergency room visit,” Lorey wrote.
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