Wow, it’s been awhile but my LAME (Lew’s Almost Music Expression) OPINION hasn’t changed much, with the exception of becoming even stronger. OUR COUNTRY, ie, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, and every single legal US Citizen (born or Naturalized) has been betrayed by the current “powers that be” that (in my opinion) clearly stole an election – and continue to cheat and lie. We often hear comments like, “This is insane what our government is doing”, “such stupid policies”, “ignorant politicians”, blah blah blah….. ahh, but such seemingly reasonable comments (in light of our Country’s current decline) are quite inaccurate because what is happening to OUR COUNTRY is not an accident but was carefully designed a long time ago and implemented while we were bickering about a myriad of other (often manufactured) issues that seemed more important at the time (and they may have been – such as life or death decisions made during the COVID-19 “plandemic”). But I digress. This LAME is another flashback to older material that still seems relevant and mixed with a current opinion as to the MAGA TICKET I’d like to personally see materialize based on what I have observed regarding these two individuals. Yup, from my understanding of the SWAMP a team like this is certainly required and would facilitate the sort of policies and action many of us have been screaming for since the Main Stream Media blinders came off. (Want to discuss absolute calculated betrayal?) …… QUESTION: Why haven’t true legitimate patriots stopped this Communist infiltration and outright mismanagement of our government and oppression of our legal citizens?

Answer: They have been fighting this invasion and destruction of OUR COUNTRY however, this next election could be the last chance for the survival of our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA without the proper and aggressive leadership at the helm.

Yes the only GREEN NEW DEALS I want to see would be spelled GREENE and come out of the OVAL OFFICE OF DONALD J TRUMP with MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE AS VICE PRESIDENT!

God Bless America, Donald J Trump (and whomever he chooses as VP) and all the patriots of this great nation.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

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