Pack Rats tormented us this last desert trip
And often I’ve cursed their name
But after the intrusion into my home
Realize Pack Rats and I are the same
I keep things believed important
Not for now but some future time
And after the invasion of my home
The Good Lord has now shown me why
I had forgotten many of the things
They wrongfully said and had done
But after my therapy Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo
Thought I’d rummage through some boxes for fun

Here’s only one small portion of what I was screaming at them 24 years ago when they illegally attempted to enter my property:
Lew Richardson recorded on August 3, 2000 after an escaped control burn was reported and CDF responded wanting to put water on a non existent fire. I told them I would sign a citiation but they were not coming onto my property – which they did not until the sheriff and other ranking officers showed up to see this conflagration that NEVER OCCURRED!
Amazing, they finally accepted what I offered originally, I would sign a citation for burning on a no burn day but they weren’t coming in to put out a fictitious fire. The sheriff told the two instigators to leave the scene.
Here’s a teaser…. at one point (while I’m inside my 6′ chain link fence compound a considerable distance from these “invaders outside the fence”), the Sheriff’s Dispatcher broadcasts:
“I recontacted CDF they stated the weapon is an 8 – 10 inch knife that is strapped to some web gear.”
Actually a 6″ fixed blade Buck gardening knife WHICH NEVER LEFT IT’S SHEATH (which they later reluctantly admitted) and the web gear, are you ready for this one? Was a pair of wide rainbow suspenders like Mork From Ork use to wear on the television series! I kid you not! Still have them actually. (Poor fireman – probably just accustomed to exaggerating the size of some other hose on one of those sleazy telephone dating sites as well – if you catch my drift. lol)
Here’s another one:
“Hi this is Ken with the Sheriff’s department in Mariposa. I have a subject holding my officers off with ahh a knife, his name is Richard Lewis, he has an address out of Merced, do you have any information on him?”
(Crap, they even changed my name! lol At least the name change was appropriate because I feel like a comedian just telling you what those bozos actually did! lol)
“What’s the status of the fire? (long pause)no active flame, and there are a couple of spots smoking however….”
LONG PAUSE AS HE TRIED TO MUSTER THE COURAGE TO SAY NO ACTIVE FLAME! GOOD GOD! Can’t wait to find my video tape so I can show viewers that it was absolutely nothing! A simple campfire, but yes I should not have put dry weeds on (my bad), but it was out before they even got there, I could hear that engine coming up and down the hills for miles. And the smoldering> – hardly more than a cigar burning in an ashtray (bet even “short hose” could have pissed it out! lol) All in the middle of a weed cleared area where I was to eventually build the house, a house they would 24 years later, illegally enter to “look around” to make sure I was safe and I wasn’t even home. (Humm, reasonable circumstances for a warrant less entry? Probably less than a handful of people have been in my house over the last few years. What made them think I was inside the house when they arrived? My dog, truck, and trailer were gone and those assholes could see that fact from outside the fence!
Wonder what they would have done if that alarm hadn’t scared the shit out of them?
Hey…. that might make for some interesting nice short videos of how and what they did when illegally on my property and inside my house looking for someone who obviously wasn’t there. And that’s another troubling fact, surely they observed some of the cameras (not all of course), but they were clearly on notice….. but I don’t think they counted on another system with an audible alarm. Think it rattled them a bit because they both quickly exited the garage and regrouped outside before realizing the Genie was already out of the bottle and there was no turning back after the forced entry through my chain link fence. In for a dime in for a dollar. Hummm, did I have a microphone out there also? lol Scumbag cheats.
Back then I had prepared my own case with tons of information, the video, transcripts and photographs, but the very crucial piece was what these “public servant frauds” were saying on the radio. Making up stories to “pump up the other responding units”. He’s got a knife! No he has a pistol! No he has a semi automatic rifle …. close all the streets in the vicinity! I’m serious, they did.
But I made a major mistake, I requested a copy of the sheriff’s tape from the District Attorney’s Office and was surprised how easily they provided one, until that is, when we got to court and the Judge said it wasn’t certified and couldn’t be used as evidence and would not give me more time to obtain one! (Bet they’ve been laughing about that for the last 24 years while I have struggled because of what they did and who they are……fucking liars without honor. Guess that judge wasn’t too interested in the truth either, he could have easily given me a continuance to get a certified copy, but hey, the County of Mariposa just wanted to bury what they had done to me with impunity.
They got away with the whole fucking lie and coverup. (Just like the LDPCSD changing some of the highest quality water available in California and turning it into a Frankenstein mixture with inferior groundwater. Notice the staining in sinks and tubs that wasn’t there before? Me too. Thank good old Kampa and his YES BOARD OF DEFECTORS for destroying the best quality water one could have ever hoped for in a drought prone area. Get use to the rate increases, they’re required for all that FREE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT….lol, and you believed it!) False reports, false information, forcible entry onto my property without a warrant AND NO EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCE TO JUSTIFY THE ENTRY OR THEIR ASSAULTING ME. I stood up to those pricks and will do it again, this is so incredibly wrong.
Everything they did illegally, they got away with – which obviously only emboldens them to do the same to some other poor person that gets angry with what they’re doing and gets “thumped” for interfering with an officer in the performance of his duty. Bullshit. It’s spelled official “dootie” because these fabricators are pieces of, and full of, SHIT! What was that recent lame? Oh yeah, SWS4B Skull Wrapped Shit 4 Brains – lol
Hell, even a former neighbor who worked for the Tuolumne County DAs office (along with his dishonest lying bitch wife the office help for the LDPOA) falsely reported to Mariposa that I had a semi automatic rifle on my property and he wanted my guns taken from me because he was afraid I would hurt him some how because I knew he was the primary instigator of the mess. (Precisely why I am against these “RED FLAG LAWS”. Typical bullshit, he starts this whole deal with a FALSE REPORT OF AN ESCAPED FIRE on my property through the California Department of Forestry (now CAL FIRE) so he wouldn’t be identified through SO dispatch, but was afraid I’d act like those very same jerks. What a bunch of cowardly duplicitous pricks.
Anyway, I have much reading to do. Found some other interesting information that will also assist in documenting how these lying fother muckers can ruin someone’s life with lies to cover their asses for abuse of discretionary authority as a firefighter/peace officer with impunity. This is very, very ugly business and as taxpayers we pay the bills so they can deny us our rights even further? Insanity.
And all of this was tied into what they did to me at the LDPOA election meeting when I video taped their fraud of an election. What a scam – illegally changing the governing documents quorum percentage so their people could be elected board members and hi-jack our association. Absolute dishonesty and fraud.
Here’s what my knee looked like the night of CDF’s cluster fuck party. Do you think I wanted to be any where near those assholes or to dance with them? Dear Lord that was a painful night.

After repeatedly screaming about what they were and how they could not legally enter my property, (then later being observed as the jackasses they were by other responding higher ranking officers) …. what chance do think I would have had coming out of that with far worse injuries? “Well, he looked like he might become violent so we hit him in the right knee to calm him down so we wouldn’t have to shoot and kill him.” lol
Yup, those lying sock cuckers!
Well, I’m tired and although probably won’t be sleeping much again, I might try some more reading. I must confess, it is often quite difficult and emotionally taxing (I actually forgot much of what those scum bags disguised as firemen actually did to me and my life, and of course Mariposa Sheriff’s deputies just blindly backed them up believing their lies – but some of them also had there own preconceived and/or incorrect ideas of the facts. Quite hurtful actually and something I’ll never forget.).
Want to hear something funny? When they heard the media was in route from Fresno, they had me quickly sign a citation for burning on a no burn day, packed up the whole fucking circus of fire trucks, CHP and Sheriff units, cancelled their SWAT version, and the outdoor lighting coming, etc. and quietly drove away leaving me traumatized, in severe pain but still camping on my own property and NOT ONE FUCKING DROP OF THEIR BULLSHIT WATER SCAM TOUCHED MY PROPERTY, because there was no reason for it other than cost me a bunch of money for nothing — as everyone there with a functioning brain could see.
Just remembered something else…..a VISITING JUDGE heard my case and fined me $147 (I think, it was $147, not sure yet) but guess what? I believe even that judge could see though the bullshit and did not make the standard one year probation as a condition of my sentence. Maybe he realized I had suffered far too much already and probation might lead to more unwanted and dangerous sheriff harassment? I don’t know but sure did appreciated his understanding of the situation. Just before his order he asked if I had anything to say…..I smiled and quickly, and loudly, slapped the palm of my right hand over my mouth, the judge chuckled and made his decision.
Imagine how many people’s lives have been irrevocably ruined or even taken by such dishonorable fother muckers pretending to be honest public servants who escape justice. No wonder this country is in the shape that it is. SHEEPLE IN UNIFORMS AS WELL? Example: “Hey you Deputy FuckinOff, I want you to count and shoot every third person that comes out that door”- “Yes SIR right away sir ….. “one”, POW!, oops, I’ll try again, “One, tw (POW!), dang it!”, …….. “one…three”, POW! “three” POW, crap! POW….” gosh darn it….. POW….. etc. etc. etc.
This is starting to look more like a book – always thought I’d write one about the LDPOA and LDPCSD, but this would dovetail perfectly into such organized criminal activity. Yup, found much information. And the video? Haven’t found it yet but it’s coming back to me now – those lying assholes. Wonder if either of the two deputies who forcibly entered my property October 4th (this month) and later set off my intrusion alarm inside the house (WITHOUT EVER FUCKING TELLING ME WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DID except a few words on a business card stuck on the main gate where any porch pirate would understand my fence was unsecured — while I was out of state!) were involved or related somehow to those involved 24 years ago with what very clearly could have been the end of me – all because of those lying jerk wads broadcasting patently FALSE INFORMATION in and effort to blur what they were actually doing and get others responding involved catching this threat to law enforcement! Here comes that vomit again.
Just like those poor folks you read about startled by cops suddenly in their houses and become (allegedly) so out of control the cops had no choice but to kill them to protect themselves. AND THESE VICTIMS WERE NOT CRIMINALS, JUST PEOPLE WHO WERE SUBJECT TO A FOOLISH COMMUNITY CARE DOCTRINE THAT PERMITTED THE COPS TO LEGALLY ENTER YOUR HOME JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE ALRIGHT! (Naturally if they found heroin or something else illegal in the house, that’s a bonus, because now they could thump you for resisting arrest. BS.)
Guess what though, apparently the US Supreme Court had put a stop to this insane aspect of the doctrine in 2023 and now (like for regular crimes where a warrant is needed) requires exigent circumstances (serious emergency conditions that a reasonable person would think the circumstances warranted) circumvention of your FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS! (save a life; stop serious crime; stop destruction of evidence, etc.)
- Cops arrive to check on granny but there are more flies behind the window glass than outside along with the horrid stench of a decomposing body. “ding ding ding ding ding….. our studio audience agrees – force entry to check on what’s left of granny.”
- COPs arrive to check on Billy, they announce themselves, Billy comes to the door but does not want to talk with them. He’s not intoxicated, appears in good condition, but a bit angry and told the officer to get the fuck off his property because “I don’t need any assistance”. The officer gets mad at this disrespectful behavior opens the door and steps in…. OOPS! The wellness check was over, there was no reason to enter the house without exigent circumstances to believe something was wrong. Ahhhhh, but there was something wrong, the officer was abusing his discretionary authority by entering Billy’s house without reasonable cause.
Done for now, but will soon have more (unless attacked by the sheriff’s office for the third time because they only want to stop by to ascertain that I am OK.) How absurd is that? I want to vomit.
Yikes, just looked at some of the above, my language got pretty rough. But you know, I really don’t give a fucking rat’s ass at this point. This is all so wrong and there is no accountability. They’re not going to get away with it this time…..again!
THAT PREVIOUS COMMUNITY CARE DOCTRINE INTERPRETATION, WAS IN THEORY, A “FUCK THE FOURTH AMENDMENT” LICENSE THAT COULD BE USED BY DISHONEST COPS TO LEGALLY beat up, arrest, or even ASSASSINATE PROBLEM OUTSPOKEN CITIZENS. Not to mention planting evidence, bugging their home, etc.. Coming into your home against your wishes, but if you speak up and protest you could end up in the hospital or worse, because after all, they are from the government and are only there to assist you. What could possibly go wrong? hummmm Absolutely diabolical.
My best to you and yours, Lew
But for you “responsible parties” (and you know exactly who you are) you can kiss my skinny white ass and go straight to fucking hell you low life, unethical, immoral, evil imposters!
Phew! Better get some sleep sometime soon……yeah?
Heart pounding like a big bass drum, spinning thoughts in deep gray matter, how can government get away with this, never mind – just look at our borders!
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