I was musing this morning that it is too bad simple attendance numbers for CSD meetings is not the deciding factor over some of these serious management created issues. Issues that the district appears to be moving away from as quickly as possible while steadfastly refusing to provide satisfactory answers to the rate paying public as to how they (serious issues) materialized.
8 to 7! WE WIN!
Yes indeed. Had numerical superiority been the decider at the last CSD meeting the audience would have been the victor by squeaking out a win with an eight member audience compared to the 7 member CSD team. Well, to be fair, at least one attendee was not a customer but a former general manager of our District. He had come to address issues concerning his (and another three previous employees of our district) with questions as to their available benefits after retirement. But I digress – we will delve into that interesting comment when it pops up later in the meeting.
Yes I am getting old and definitely know so because I can recognize with first hand experience patterns of local government activity and the predictable negative results for current and future residents. Still, I foolishly envision property owners of the LAKE DON PEDRO OWNERS ASSOCIATION (aka mandatory customers of the LDPCSD) one day taking an interest and attending meetings to not simply ask pertinent questions that never receive answers, but to overwhelm the board room fire code capacity while DEMANDING ANSWERS TO SIMPLE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE RE-CONFIGURATION OF OUR SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND THE SUBSTANTIAL ADDITIONAL COSTS THAT WILL BE PLACED ON CUSTOMERS FOR PERPETUITY.
Unfortunately, the really BIG CUSTOMER CROWDS don’t usually show up until it is too late when the only “shrink” they notice or care about is the reduced household budget due to significant water rate increases. Then a three minute PUBLIC COMMENT TIME LIMIT makes sense and will be absolutely necessary – if everyone wants to get out of the board room on the same day that is. And only then does that angry crowd of customers begin to understand the significance of those routine monthly and special public meetings that are often quite boring and drag on forever. Meetings, however, that are designed and dedicated towards incremental movement towards some plan, and like chess moves, every Board Decision approving a Kampa recommendation moves our NON PROFIT CSD a little closer towards some goal. The question is, does the achievement of that goal reasonably and/or honestly benefit and serve the majority of customers?
WHY 3 ,1, 2 RATHER THAN 1, 2, 3?
I got ahead of myself yesterday by posting my 3 minute PUBLIC COMMENT out of chronological order from other comments because I wanted to quickly grind out a meeting post and my presentation was already digitized and ready to go in the computer. So today I will report on the other opening PUBLIC COMMENTS – I mean, heck, the District sure doesn’t seem to care.
Board President Danny Johnson explained that our Regular monthly board meeting was being held in the multi-purpose room of the LDP High School because of construction around the CSD facility, no air conditioning in the board room, and a later scheduled community information meeting to be held at 1800 hours. You can imagine the added difficulties in hearing those who spoke, much less understanding the audio recording of their statements made in a large echo producing gym with air conditioning sporadically going on and off. Thank goodness we had very similar uncomfortable folding metal “back torture” chairs to sit in for hours and the ever present “beeping” of President Danny Johnson’s PUBLIC COMMENT TIMER to make things feel ….well, “more like we were home”. LOL Perhaps KAMPA can schedule the next board meeting at a heavy equipment construction site for convenience? Maybe under Lake McClure by the dam? (Must bring your own scuba gear)

WES BARTON, at podium, has been asking for specific information for three months yet District officials refuse to respond. Why? If everything is legit, why the refusal to provide the information?
WES BARTON (former CSD Director, the customer’s Financial Watch Dog, and steadfast meeting attendee – only a few of his many volunteer efforts) stated he was still waiting for answers to his questions about discrepancies in government grant funding and approved projects. As you will recall, the projects changed and money had apparently been reallocated.
Please also recall that there was an “impromptu unofficial meeting” following a regular board meeting a while back where Wes received a lot of flak (including focused yelling and screaming) from GM Kampa and others for his financial questions during meetings. The upshot of that discussion was that the GM was to furnish Wes the information to answer his financial questions regarding actual costs of these ground well projects whose plans and funding have shifted dramatically from their original applications and subsequent approvals.
Barton stated USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) project plan costs seemed to have gone up exactly the same amount as the funding for well number 6 which was completely abandoned (apparently due to diminishing funds). He stated it almost looked as though someone was trying to obtain grant money from state and federal government sources “at no cost”.
Barton referenced the very first line of the USDA’s commitment letter which stated all the revenue follows the expense. He said from an audit, control and honesty standpoint what has been happening sure makes this place look bad. Barton said it has now been three months and no one from the district wants to discuss the matter.

VICTOR AFANASIEV advises the Board of Directors that their 3 minute limit on PUBLIC COMMENT is in conflict with the BROWN ACT governing OPEN MEETING procedures.
VICTOR AFANASIEV (Former CSD Director and also a long time community volunteer) questioned why the public is only permitted three minutes to speak (very reasonable question considering the very low meeting attendance so it is not like customers are lining up outside for a chance to say something before the board.) Victor said the Brown Act permits public members to speak for as long as necessary so long as it does not prevent others from public comment.
Board President Danny Johnson stated that the district has always used the three minute limit for public comment to which Mr. Afanasiev again stated the Brown Act permits as much time as necessary (which sounds far more reasonable than constantly interrupting or “timer beeping” speakers during their extremely limited opportunity to comment on serious issues.)
Victor stated he had discussed the matter with officials from both counties who agreed the LDPCSD 3 minute limit was improper.
OK, that brings us up to the last public comment presentation (mine) which was posted yesterday.
I’ve included two examples (below) of what to look for so you don’t accidentally over look all this important information that fellow customers would like to share with you!
lol (not)
KAMPA states he wants to continue his public outreach program to customers. Really? Why not just identify the subject matter comments already made by those few who attend meetings so that other customers can read and understand? Heck, there may be many customers who agree with the comments, complaints, suggestions, etc….. Ohhhhh, I see, that’s what you’re trying to avoid.
I have a lot to attend to right now, but will get back to the meeting report as soon as possible. Until then, and as always,
My best to you and yours, Lew