I should have also noted below that even the “good memories”, almost forgotten with the passage of time and pace of life, can have significant emotional results that can be very misleading. Even to the point that at first blush, the memory seems to hurt so bad when recalled it must therefore also be a “bad memory of a bad time” because of the high degree of emotional expression and response. Ahhh, but that is not necessarily true and was/is primarily a matter of perspective. You know, the old “glass half full, or half empty”. (As someone I love and respect very much recently reminded me.) So yes, very sad how and why she left, but the past and enduring rewards of our time together far outweighed the natural heartache of a best friend headed for that rainbow bridge. Yeah? And we very slowly forget (or successfully suppress and wrap for that hallway closet? lol) that nagging pain of losing a beloved companion. (Which of course could be a goldfish to a five year old child, or an almost 10 year old German Shepherd Dog to a senior citizen. It’s all perspective with the corresponding reactions and acceptance depending upon a myriad of variables in “life”. )


The loss was certainly painful but when considered in light of all the good years Tara and I had together before her death, perhaps the emotional result of having that “sense of absolute loss reignited momentarily” again (by viewing an old video made at the time) is actually a BLESSING IN DISGUISE by forcing re-acknowledgment of the wonderful years actually spent together?

Yeah, not too clear. Shorthand – many people know the pain of loosing a beloved companion – a living animal they loved very much (Interrupting little smart ass voice says: “So get your head out of your ass and think about the totality of what that relationship actually meant and how it enriched the lives of two different species for almost ten years.”

So anyway, while trying to organize this mess of files I found this. I certainly hadn’t forgotten that sweet girl, but watching the video brought it all back like it was yesterday – and you know what? I am truly thankful.


I often find numerous mistakes in previous posts but don’t like to go back and change things if unnecessary for clarification or “readability/listening”. Perhaps some kind of character flaw, I see obvious errors in all sorts of public information and much of the time the reader/listener can “automatically” adjust the error in their own head and continue absorbing whatever….. but I MADE THE MISTAKE ON MY WEBSITE….so it’s different. lol

Case in point. Below I corrected the original lyric that had the word “hated”, which was a typo, instead of “hatred”. (I could have also misspelled it while typing and the spell checker replaced the word had I been in the word processor, but I wasn’t it was “off the cuff” composition on the blog without the more logical approach of typing in the processor then “pasting into the post”. Of course not all “writing options” make the trip successfully to the post which causes more difficulties. Just like the guitar, Casio keyboard, cameras, computers, cell phone, etc….. I don’t have the knowledge to use them to their full capabilities and am content with just “getting the basic job done” for my purposes.

Yup, thought about leaving the error “as is” because of how it was used in the sentence – considering a reader’s “auto correct” understanding because of the context of it’s use in the statement. But I couldn’t let it go……especially with a word like “hated”.

“Your hated….” with a viewer’s auto-correct understanding not contextually correct , might see it as “You’re hated…..”, in stead of “Your hatred….”, so I corrected it and just wanted to be “up front” with what done since the original post. Again, probably no big deal.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.

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