Remember the below photos and the blah, blah, blah regarding the new well fencing not having the gate locked and equipment site secured? You know, that old post is only six days shy of being exactly one year old?
Here’s that old post from June 23rd 2016 — WHAT IS THE POINT?
Big weekend coming up -should the security fencing be secured?
Thursday, June 23rd 2016 – Still no lock observed since SECURITY FENCE INSTALLATION. ….as strong as the weakest link. I wonder if insurance would cover a loss without the district securing the gate with a lock? Why have an enclosed fence? What about an attractive nuisance and personal injury? Guess it could be a free temporary confinement facility! Just BYOL! (BRING YOUR OWN LOCK)! lol
OK….BACK TO REAL TIME…..SATURDAY, June 17th, 2017—-
As I recall one of the directors a year ago did in fact check into this matter and a lock was eventually used to secure the gate. Then that corrective measure was discontinued as the lock was seldom used to secure the gate. Why even have a fence if the gate isn’t locked?
Now imagine my surprise while reading the agenda packet for Monday’s June 19th, 2017 Board Meeting and discovering that an SWRCB June 2, 2017 letter to GM KAMPA mentions this specific issue. (Pages 6 & 7 of the meeting packet):
The following paragraph was applied to both the well sites:
“At the time of the inspection, the well was enclosed in a chain-link enclosure. However, the enclosure was not locked to prevent unauthorized entry to the well site. The District was asked to ensure that the enclosure was properly locked at all times.”
But here’s the kicker, that recent STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD correspondence is referencing a November 22, 2016 state inspection where it was noted that two of the well sites were, once again, unlocked.
See what I mean? EVEN AFTER A BOARD DIRECTOR ENCOURAGED THE CORRECTIVE ACTION of putting a lock on the gate, 5 MONTHS LATER (during an SWRCB inspection no less) two other well sites were discovered to be unsecured.
And what’s the motto of this website?
Too bad the LDPCSD doesn’t feel the same way.
My best to you and yours, Lew