Seems to me the ballot envelope containing our most precious right in the United States of America (to vote for our elected representatives) should be the same for every voter regardless of the diversity of the particular American citizen.
One ballot – one vote. But how do you insure your vote counts? My ballot envelope contained a message on the back:
Large print: “WHERE’S MY BALLOT?
Haven’t signed up for ballot tracking? It’s not too late – Sign up at
I can tell you for a fact that not all ballot envelopes had this printed on the back because I observed another ballot envelope without the message. Plus I know someone, who with some of their co-workers, availed themselves to the service (just as I had) but unfortunately they never received confirmation of their vote arriving at their county election’s office whereas I did. How can this be considered equal vote processing?
How can this be fair when some voters receive such confirmation of receipt and others do not? (Apparently in some areas these envelopes are separated from the actual ballot and destroyed.)
Also consider how the government could use such a “specialized tracking system” for evil purposes.
Make no mistake, our country is under assault by an organized criminal element concealed within a lofty good sounding name: the Democrat Party.
(NOTE: This does not mean all Democrats are criminal – however, their top leadership most certainly is. Now do you understand why the Democrats have consistently refused any effort at voter identification to insure ONE VOTE FOR ONE LEGAL US CITIZEN? They claim such verification is voter suppression yet look what they themselves are doing with the LAME STREAM MEDIA and corruption of the voting process!
GOD please continue to bless the United States of America and provide our legitimate representatives and their supporters the courage, strength and determination to fight this highly organized criminal element within the Democrat Party.
I honestly never thought I would live long enough to see such blatant political corruption and perversion of our voting rights in this country.
You were absolutely correct Dad. I’ll see you soon.

My best to you and yours, Lew