My best to you and yours, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
August 12 2013: Alternative (a made up and pitiful attempt at humor) explanation for my extremely sore Coccyx:
[HEY! IT’S GOING TO HURT REGARDLESS ANYWAY, RIGHT? So I might as well appreciate the fact it wasn’t more serious, learn some lessons, and laugh about the whole thing. Healing is such a wonderful thing.]There was something bothering me for a while but it worked itself out. You know the old expression – “Knock the “$hi7″ out of something?” Well, I recently experienced just the opposite. I hit the ground so hard it must have “knocked the “$hi7” back further into me! I kid you not. I couldn’t go for three days. True I wasn’t eating much anyway and sitting was agonizingly painful, but seriously, I still had some prior traffic already in a holding pattern and was anticipating a forthcoming arrival, or rather, delivery.
Unfortunately, when my ass hit that hard ground something “snapped inside” and my body’s Intestinal Motility Union evidently decided to go on strike – because nothing was going to move. Funny though, just before I was successful for the first time after the accident, there was a bit of sharp internal pain accompanied by an audible “crack”. I figured it was just something popping back into position naturally. Yeah, that’s it. No worries. Simple realignment. Everything is just back like it was. No biggie. Unless something is misaligned, splintered or fractured; separated pieces of bone…..
I don’t want to do this any more…..New Videos located on top menu bar
My best to you and yours, Lew.
Everything is probably right where it is supposed to be….right? lol
Interesting how some things appear attractive at first blush but are actually dangerous and destructive.
I have maintained this plant in various water containers for many years because of the beautiful flowers and great amphibian environment. Thought it was just a “water lily” until curiosity prompted a little research as to its true name. Wow, what an education!
Rather than repeating the same 411, here’s some information on Water Hyacinth, or Eichhornia crassipes, in California:
Needless to say, emptying aquarium plants (and/or animals) in natural water ways is prohibited because of the propensity for non-native species domination and ultimate destruction of the aquatic environment.
I also read Hyacinth is used in the manufacturing of wicker type furniture and as a major compost ingredient. The reproduction rate of the plant is incredible so periodic removal is helpful in maintaining the pond.
[Stepping on a discarded plant dried in the Sun is like walking on bubble wrap due to the plant’s bulbs “popping” when compressed under foot. Kind of gross when walking in the dark and then feeling a soft “POP” under your foot …….. was that a Tarantula? Yuck!]
ANYWAY, hope you all have a fun filled Safe and Sane Fourth of July absent any negative contact with invasive non-native plants and/or animals.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Interesting how life experiences unfold sometimes. A few months ago I was given four fish which were identified as KOI. (Three Orange with white spots and bands and one primarily white.) Unfortunately, one of the orange ones disappeared from the outdoor pond almost immediately but the remaining three proved to be quite prolific producing numerous fry (young fish). When I say numerous I mean hundreds of them! (The parents, and other predators, consume the young ones and thus keep the pond population down.)
I was surfing the internet for images of KOI fry (to rule out the possibility the offspring might be another species previously habituating the pond) when I began to doubt they were KOI at all because they did not have the mustache like “barbels” that KOI do.
Later a friend of mine checked with a pet store and was advised they were a specialty bred Goldfish called Fancy Comet. Here’s some 411 on Comet Goldfish:
You know, it doesn’t really matter what they are because watching them is rather relaxing.
ANYWAY, no big deal, just thought it peculiar: losing Comet my long time geriatric pet cat then inadvertently ending up with a pond full of Comets.
My best to you and yours, Lew
“Number three. Calling number three”
Yup. Number three and there will likely be more. Check out “Third Rattlesnake this season” under NEW VIDEOS.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Since I had not checked it out for weeks, I logged on to the NASA Human Space Flight website and discovered I had approximately 10 minutes to set up for a pass of the International Space Station (ISS). The schedule had the ISS for June 18 2013 appearing at 2309hrs, 81 degrees, approaching from 16 above NW and departing 36 above NW for a total observation time of about 1 minute.
After locating the tripod and camera I decided to try several single 4 second exposures because experience had taught me attempting to merely videotape the speck of light would be unsatisfactory. (Leaving the shutter open for an extended exposure creates a better “light trail” of the object making it easier to see.)
Just as I had anticipated, there were 6 images of a short straight line of light (with darkness in between as the ISS moved across the sky while the camera processed the image and the shutter was closed) passing by the bottom of the Big Dipper. The ISS entered my field of vision coming from the direction of Modesto and departed towards Mariposa with the entire process taking under a minute. I snapped another 4 second exposure as soon as the camera had processed the one before. (Sure wish I could find out if it is possible to increase the exposure time or if the equipment is factory set at 4 second exposures.)
ANYWAY, here’s the ISS that passed over tonight along with a couple of photos of the KOI fry that are beginning to show color despite their small size.
Oh yeah, the LDPCSD water board meeting yesterday went very well despite a three director attendance.
My best to you and yours, Lew
PS: Here’s the link to that NASA website:
Prior to attending the June monthly meeting of the LDPCSD Board of Directors I snapped the below photo.
Below photo taken across from the LDPCSD on Merced Falls Road.
The below photo was taken on Lazo Way looking east. Lake McClure is this side of the hills in the center of photograph.
Below: Returning home from the meeting I took another shot of the Carstens Fire plume which was spreading north and south.
Sierra Sun Times:
Mariposa Gazette:
To all those affected, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
My best to you and yours, Lew
0745 Monday, June 17, 2013
Does not look encouraging from here. Early this morning the smoke started to again billow up over the mountain horizon. Current estimate is three days to containment.
Here are some links for information, photos, maps, and video of the fire:
Sierra Sun Times:
Mariposa Gazette:
Map of the area showing hot spots 6:45 A.M.
My best to you and yours, Lew