My best to you and yours, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
Just saw this…..
Here’s a myMotherLode news article on the recent lightning storms in the area:
Dangerous – but quite a light show by “Mother Nature”!
My best to you and yours, Lew
When the dog alerted me to this situation I wasn’t prepared for what I was going to discover. Didn’t know they did this.
Yes, still playing with the editing. Silly in respects but I learn something every time.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Hubble telescope image of the Eagle Nebula.
Certainly wasn’t planning on doing this again but while walking around to the front of the house last night I saw a beautiful bolt of branch lightning to the north low on the horizon ….quick, where’s the tripod? By the time I got set up the “big stuff” had already occurred. Oh well, snagged a couple of interesting shots. Speaking of which….two rattlesnakes, 6 buttons each within 20 feet of each other and waaaaaay to close to my dog. Life is strange. I’m currently at war with rodents yet dispatch two rodent eaters? Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Not quite.
Even though we get the canine rattlesnake vaccination every year I do not want to test the adequacy of that precaution by permitting known dangerous reptiles to take up residency. You know how it happens….a dog will instinctively stick that nose out there to get a better sniff and POW! they’ll get hit right on the snout! Nope, hate to do it but I draw the line at venomous snakes hanging around the house. Sure was a great night considering what could have happened tromping around out there. Didn’t even have my boots on either… sandals! (You know how that happens as well…. stupid people walking around rattlesnake country at night with sandals on! Sure could make for a painful fat foot!)
Anyway, didn’t get any really exciting images but I am still amazed at what the human eye misses and the camera can catch.
My best to you and yours, Lew
No, I really don’t know why I take the time for this sort of stuff. Guess because the lightning was there? Perhaps hoping some day to snag that “once in a lifetime shot”? Kind of like the lotto I guess, chances of winning are astronomically slim, however, completely nonexistent if you don’t try – right?
The time exposures are cool because once started I can leave for a bit – a minute or two depending upon lighting (to obtain another necessary adult beverage of course) and upon returning can see on the camera monitor if anything good “flashed by” while absent. Video, however, requires watching continuously to see if anything good occurs or completely watching it later when editing. Instantly knowing it was worthless video is good because I can delete the file on the spot.
Still rather amazing how just a seemingly insignificant flash of light with the naked eye can turn out to be a rather elaborate discharge of electricity when slowed down for viewing (or when a time exposure is utilized). Can you imagine how much power is in one of those bolts if we could only secure it for domestic use? Capture, store, regulate….. sounds like water huh? Anyway, since I already took the time to capture our little light show last night, thought I would share what I had. Unfortunately no “once in a lifetime keepers”. Kind of disappointing in a way as the battery was failing just as things were getting interesting. Why have an extra battery if you don’t keep it charged dumb ass? Hee haw….forgot I guess. Charging now, wouldn’t you know.
Funny.. point the camera in an anticipated lightning area but it occurs in the other direction, still you wait. Nothing. (You already know, right?) Finally, with nothing happening for some time – move the camera to the “active area” – then a great show where the camera had been. Hit and miss. Think I mentioned this once before….I had the telescope set up once and was taking images of the moon and just missed an aircraft passing in the foreground! DARN DARN DARN….missed by only seconds! That would have been a keeper for sure….big fat full moon with an airliner passing by….so darn close.
The little bit of rain was nice…but those lightning originated fires are quite common and always worrisome….hope we escaped any more. Seemed to clear the smoke out of the air for a little while – much of it back this morning.
Well, need to get back outside and do some work ….maybe I’ll find a talking Vole to interview about all the destruction he and his extended family are doing? Yes indeed, the rodent war is continuing with some excellent allied assistance from the “air force Owls”. Humm, there we go…….the souvenir department is right over here…. there we are,…… <insert dream like sequence>
“…perhaps I might interest a few of you in one or two of these “Owl Pellet Collectibles from Lake Don Pedro”? As you can see, these particular specimens are exceptionally exquisite – not only due to traditional dietary composition and consistently unique form, but they are quite valuable in another aspect – apparently they were struck with multiple lightning bolts in the exact same spot Monday evening, 9-11-2017, right here in LDP during a passing T-Storm to the south! Incredible eh? Cash or charge?
Would you like those gift wrapped with a card?” lol
later, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
Part L as in LAST! FINALLY! MEETING blah blah blah IS FINISHED! IS it me, or did this meeting really drag?
Yup. Distrust is a horrible thing. Makes everything so much more complicated than it has to be. Probably been going on since humans began recording their history on cave walls with charcoal. (Yeah! Right! My fire disappears during the night and then yours suddenly appears out of nowhere! Dog vomit! I don’t believe you!”)
Anyone notice the occasional searching for words on “sensitive issues”? Having to phrase something perfectly correct? You know, if someone is being forthright who cares how perfectly it is expressed? The word parsing conditions one to think the worst. DONE! DONE! DONE! I am going outside to work – no more computer (for now), later!
My best to you and yours, Lew
Perhaps it is because I listen to these meetings over and over and over when making these videos anyway, but it sure seems like this last one wasted a lot of time talking about insignificant issues.
The PRIORITY IS TO BE PREPARED WITH THE BARGE/FLOAT PUMPS IF OUR LAST PERMANENT INTAKE PUMP FAILS! The rest is babble. Last century equipment? Dear Lord. Word games to disguise the deceit and fraud against MR WECs for the last 37 years. Excuses and denial of responsibility for why district equipment and facilities have been so neglected for DECADES – yes, the proper use of the word.
AFFORDABLE QUALITY WATER in a drought prone area such as these beautiful Sierra Nevada foothills? A blessing which should have been defended and protected years ago from those who exploit such RESOURCES for the sole purpose of personal/business monetary gain.
They didn’t want LAKE DON PEDRO subdivision property with water.
They wanted LAKE DON PEDRO subdivision water on their property.
Pure and simple.
Decades of special interest influence and manipulation of this district culminating to the point where a fledgling employee 20 years ago could be returned as a president of his own management company and mighty BOARD DIRECTOR on the CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION (CSDA) to reconfigure our SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT into a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FACILITY. Why? So as to circumvent state restrictions on MERCED RIVER WATER use and supply groundwater for annexations to the district KAMPA advocated 20 years ago. All with public funds and government grants intended to assist existing customers during unprecedented drought.
An extreme minority of land developers and real estate interests manipulating this district to the injury of thousands of Lake Don Pedro property owners with no clue to what was/is going on with their water company to which they are also mandatory customers due to property ownership in the subdivision. What a scam. Built-in victims to fund a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM for property owners not entitled to MERCED RIVER WATER. Great neighbors.
My best to you and yours, Lew
I think it would be best if viewers take a look at the topic of discussion first before entering the blah blah blah realm of meeting discussion.
Although I am quite sure I have written about the following VERY DISTURBING POSSIBILITY I am not sure if I posted such. (As I have joked before, what is actually posted is only a portion of what is composed – so be thankful for that! lol)
No doubt the following is a shockingly horrible thing to suspect but when you consider and compare it to other KNOWN ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE WITHIN THIS DISTRICT (arson of the administration office at top of the list) it certainly remains a strong possibility. — Frankly I would not be surprised in the least if some of the difficulties with our DISTRICT (especially LAKE INTAKE) are the result of internal district sabotage in an effort to further push the groundwater well projects. There. I said it, no reason to belabor the point because as we all know suspecting something is a long way from conclusively proving it as fact.
OK, let’s get started with the BINKLEY ASSOCIATES letter to the General Manager/Treasure and his Board of Directors.
Yes, I underlined some portions in red to STAND OUT! lol
OK, with that delightful good news out of the way, let’s return to the August 21st, 2017 meeting via PART J where discussion is going to begin regarding this letter.
Video is a little longer than I had anticipated….still didn’t finish the meeting subject of BADLY NEEDED LAKE INTAKE REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT. What a shame our district was hi-jacked and denied such a fabulous opportunity. Various California state water agencies and the Federal Government through the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) offered reduced interest loans/grants so water purveyors such as the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District (LDPCSD) could make MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THEIR SYSTEMS during the devastating drought emergency that they (water districts) otherwise could never afford. Essential projects that languished for the substantial
Our permanent intake pipes (tubes) and baskets for example. No way to work on them when covered with a million acre feet of Merced River water impounded by New Exchequer dam creating Lake McClure. Past LDPCSD MEETING MINUTES TWO DECADES AGO [WHEN PETE KAMPA WAS HERE THE FIRST TIME INCIDENTALLY] documented how crucial INTAKE REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT had to WAIT FOR LAKE LEVEL TO DROP for access so the project was always side tracked for “some other time”.
DURING THE “GREAT DROUGHT” certain application and permitting processes were streamlined to expedite the process for districts to secure the money to make major improvements and get the construction done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Certain regulations and requirements were also suspended or waived in order to FAST TRACK these needed infrastructure repairs/improvements to make systems run more efficiently for the public they served.
FOCUS ON GROUNDWATER WELL PROJECTS so Kampa could finally furnish an ALTERNATE SOURCE OF WATER to property annexations with which he was personally involved 20 years ago when starting his infamous water career at the LDPCSD (1994-1998).
perhaps you’ve heard this somewhere…..?
Since MERCED RIVER WATER could not be served outside the residential subdivision, groundwater substitution was used to circumvent VERY CLEAR PLACE OF USE REGULATIONS IN water license 11395.
MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS (MR WECs) may have lost a once in a lifetime opportunity to finally address very serious district problems that have existed for decades with their SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT (LIKE SUBSTANTIAL UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER LOSS – BOTH RAW AND TREATED) – all for the special benefit GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION program REQUIRED for Kampa’s old annexations into the district 20 years ago.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Part I: as in an: Insincere Individual Introducing Intentionally Inadequate Information?
Distrust is a horrible thing, like some kind of cancer that eats away the part of you inside that still wants to believe in another despite their documented past betrayals.
My best to you and yours, Lew