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I still wholeheartedly believe this new administration will be installed through a dishonest election process so I cannot in good conscience congratulate those who cheated and defrauded all legal US citizen voters to obtain the power, authority and “image of America”.  Only time will reveal if the 2020 election was truly honorable.  I will not congratulate thieves.

Yes the 2020 election certainly appears to have been conducted with a number of highly unethical and dishonorable methods designed to manipulate, reconfigure and dismiss the majority of votes by legal citizens of this country.  That term, “Legal US Citizen”, was once meaningful, but with the finalization of this election, has now also been simultaneously devalued if not made completely obsolete.  Likely all part of the plan.

Seriously, if the 2020 election is conclusively proven to have been riddled with deception and fraud, what does it even mean to be an “American Citizen” if those without the right to vote can determine elections and who represents the “stakeholders”?  Without open, free, and honest elections to determine the people’s choice to represent their interests – what are we as a country? Certainly not the America I was raised in, educated and worked to maintain.


Actions will speak louder than words (although already hearing some pretty intolerant HARD LEFT CENSORSHIP & CONTROL TECHNIQUES being proposed – the “cleansing of Trump supporters”?) but IF everything the LEFT has been saying is truthful (there was no fraud in the 2020 election) perhaps a new age for a distinctly American political perspective has been born that the majority of people in this country will accept, appreciate, embrace and willingly pay far more in taxation and loss of previous “rights”?  


However, if the LEFT’s victory is indeed conclusively proven to have been based on outright lies, cheating and various unethical cyber manipulations of voter data (which I believe it was based on the limited timely evidence presented by experts in the state hearings that were permitted), such outrageous lack of election integrity and citizen betrayal will likely dictate a very slow and painful downward spiral for the incoming administration resulting in an ultimate expensive and spectacular failure. 


Considering the concept of there being little honor among thieves, this in-coming left group is prepped for displaying some of the most intolerant, aggressive, vicious “no prisoners allowed” political violence the likes of which this country has ever experienced – but here’s the kicker – their most dangerous enemy was never the conservative Republicans they claim are responsible for everything they proclaim to be against, it is an evil invader within their own corrupted party which has successfully misdirected a once free nation.  Now they’ve got it… what to do?  It’s going to be quite a show which will slowly reveal exactly who and what they are. Look how many years it took to unravel the Russian Impeachment Hoax? These people are professional deceivers.

Like him, hate him, doesn’t matter when you look at the success – promises made, promises kept. Now we will see what the Left will do.

I feel sorry for the Left “true believers” when truth is once again considered important enough to seriously investigate, determine and reveal to the citizens.  I have true compassion for ANYONE who with a clear heart and mind honestly believes in what they’re doing and dedicates themselves to that effort to only later discover they were betrayed and simply used to accomplish the misrepresented goals of their handlers. Such is life.     


Who knows? Will our future “right to vote” exist only as a by-gone formality with its original meaning, importance and responsibilities dismissed as now unnecessary in determining what political party will represent your continually dismissed and vanishing interests and beliefs?  

Or will a new post 2020 “right to vote” somehow miraculously be reinstated and elevated to its rightful position as something precious to be protected and defended to keep America FREE?  (I believe and pray it will but like everyone else must wait for time.)  

You know, I could accept just about any legitimately supported majority change by the legal American citizen but I refuse to accept deceit and fraud that is permitted through an orchestrated failure to dutifully investigate and determine critical facts about a question so tremendously important – will OUR United States of America continue as a free country after the 2020 election?  


Until then I plan to focus a bit more on improving and enjoying my personal sub-environment within the new CCP created global environment. A virus focused environment which will likely escort and accompany all of us to our final day on this planet one way or another, directly or indirectly, whether a free people or not. 

Regardless, I will continue to be honest with others and not conceal what I understand to be the truth. I will continue to love my family and friends (and pets) and will most certainly continue to obtain my primary news from OANN (ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK) as CNN and the others have consistently reported all claims of a lack of integrity in the 2020 election are baseless and without merit which I can not in good faith believe to be factual based on the evidence presented thus far in state hearings.   No doubt there will be much more on its way.

Stay safe and keep faith

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


These Democrat supporting fake news reporters are currently doing the same thing Shifty Adam Schiff did with the President’s telephone call to the Ukrainian officials (remember Schiff’s “Godfather” interpretation?) – attributing their own evil negative thoughts and opinions regarding Trump as President Trump’s own motive for the call. They “re-interpret” someone else’s intent with their bias and then sit in front of cameras telling the world “what the other person is really saying/doing”. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard their fake arguments that are generally based on some sort of misguided appeal to miserly or sympathy. “We must stop this president as he obviously has no care about how many Americans die from COVID19”! (And these democrat LEFT “opinion reporters” were the very ones upset that China was being associated with their own virus? Good grief.)


Yet they support a loser like Beijing Biden who has quite obviously sold his country out for the types of wealth China traditionally pays such traitors? WAKE UP AMERICA! China controls vast resources in this country (including most of the media) and TRUMP HAS BEEN THE ONLY PRESIDENT TO EFFECTIVELY STAND UP TO THE CCP AND CURTAIL THEIR INFLUENCE!

No wonder the CCP would prefer politicians (like Joe Biden) who desire personal wealth building over that of protecting America, her citizens, and our country’s ultimate survival.

Fake news does this all the time! It’s not news but carefully crafted disinformation to coincide with their ugly narrative based on their own fear that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORT TRUMP AS OUR PRESIDENT (whether they personally like him or not! lol)


(Fourth day with no foul language yet you know. lol )


Perhaps this is normal, I mean thinking the worst about your adversary as one should always be prepared for whatever they “might do”, but to re-spin, re-create, re-configure what was already said into something else so diabolically wrong is reprehensible conduct.

Conduct by the Democrats that the American Citizen has witnessed committed against Trump time after time, even BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT! A constant barrage of wrongful charges and accusations which culminated in the GIGANTIC FRAUD OF A PRESIDENTIAL IMPEACHMENT so full of holes it looked like Swiss Cheese to even the intellectually impaired.

It was a carefully crafted, knowingly wrong, consistent attack upon Trump based solely on DEMOCRAT DELUSION AND FEAR!


The following is how I would characterize what President Trump may have been saying in that telephone call but to completely understand the emotion/motive I am attempting to illustrate, please imagine with me a businessperson who’s company became the target of an organized crime family and was subsequently burglarized of all it’s necessary equipment to conduct and continue the good business it had traditionally done.


The law enforcement officials on scene say there is not much they can do about the past loss but some evidence collected at the scene might reveal some of the responsible individuals involved. The businessman is naturally extremely upset and anxious to get his equipment back because without it, his long established business will be destroyed.

Surprisingly, the law enforcement entity assigned to the investigation appeared to be “dragging their feet” in the investigation despite some pretty strong and convincing evidence that not only indicated who the perpetrators actually were, but that similar thefts from other “good businesses” were also revealed going back many years. Such criminal activity had been going on for many years against specific businesses?


The businessperson is watching the demise of his hard earned business as law enforcement officials make weak excuses claiming there is nothing they can do to recover the desperately needed equipment. But here’s the rub, the law enforcement officials are actually related to and beholding to the perpetrators of the burglary, thus if law enforcement takes action against those who stole the equipment, they would also be inditing themselves for permitting the wrongful activity of the crime family in the first place!

So here’s’ my point.

The telephone call between President Trump and the Georgia Secretary of State – that CNN and other FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDISTS have been hammering (since the unlawful release of that private confidential telephone call) might be more accurately understood using the hypothetical business person victimized by burglary example above.


The businessperson calls the law enforcement Chief, and while quietly recognizing the precarious (and highly unethical) relationship between the Chief and the Crime Family, the businessperson only asks for return of a small amount of his equipment that will keep his business in operation. Sure, he would like all of his equipment returned, and he might one day be successful in that endeavor, but time is of the essence and to continue business he only asked for return of the equipment absolutely necessary to keep working.

That’s what (I believe) Trump was doing when I heard the long play of the telephone call. He was essentially saying…..votes were stolen from me all over the place and in different ways, we are going to fight this because it is absolutely wrong and illegal, but all I want from you right now is to recover part of that massive theft in the form of approximately 20,000 votes out of the many more that were stolen.

Trump was negotiating with those who either assisted in the initial theft or at a minimum, are now doing everything in their power to keep that theft concealed from the public.


I will continue to support Our President Trump as the allegations and charges from the DEMO-LEFT have been consistently based on their shared hatred for the man and not truthful facts of the situation.

Frankly, these FAKE NEWS OUTLETS are active traitors to our country by disseminating LEFT propaganda to our citizens – only because they hate Trump so much.

What does that tell you as to their priorities and Patriotism?

My best to you and yours, Lew

PS: Have you watched and shared this yet? :

Categories: Uncategorized.


One day at a time yeah?

Come on…..I dare you! Watch the below 1:32:51 video and understand how the SALAMI METHOD of THEFT/STEALING, traditionally associated with liberating interest from someone else’s financial account, can also be used to help explain how this election could easily have been stolen by use of an algorithm*.

* a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as if finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation (repetition of an operation? Like manipulating one ballot after another……over and over until reaching the desired goal?)

This is how the number of votes in any given situation can be instantly “computer software” changed through fractional manipulation – remember? The 30 second “freeze” in the voting report in multiple states?

You know, it sure seems to me if the LEFT won legitimately and wanted the legal American citizen voter to believe in their alleged historic victory over PRESIDENT TRUMP, they would cheerfully throw their cards on the table with the genuine enthusiasm of an honestly competing candidate who ultimately won.



In fact, the LEFT does JUST THE OPPOSITE by refusing to legitimize their own claimed victory with the American voting public. The LEFT says: We won, it’s over, nothing to discuss or investigate. The LEFT expects the voting public to just accept their liar, cheat, and China beholding Biden and head of the Biden Crime Family as America’s best choice for US President? And Harris? Not going to even waste my time describing what a fraud and danger she is to America. But think about that nightmare for a moment …… someone like Harris with a lackluster support from even her own party becoming a US PRESIDENT?

Sorry. This garbage will never work long term. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I have enough common sense and education to recognize another absolute scam when I see one. Nothing makes sense that the LEFT PRESENTS because it must be all “smoke and mirrors” to daze and confuse the American citizen. Why? Because the American Citizen WOULD NEVER SUPPORT WHAT THE LEFT OFFERS IN REALITY – BECAUSE IT MEANS THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR CURRENT COUNTRY!

Point to another country on this planet with as much freedom as the USA?

What about this new country dream of the LEFTISTS? Where does such a country exist right now? It doesn’t. So they want to destroy the best government up to now for a “chance” at creating something else far better but since the American Patriot will not support such a thing – they have to lie to them to get their cooperation? Or rig elections to make them believe the rest of the country believes like the LEFTISTS?

A simple scam by bad folks seeking to destroy America and we all stand to lose BIG TIME!


OK, OK, everyone has things to do (I’m certainly behind in a lot of house/property chores right now also), how about this……? If you don’t have the one hour thirty-two minutes and fifty-one seconds to watch the entire video (link below) right now (and send the link to ALL THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW) watch it incrementally, a little now, a little later. It’s broken down into chapters anyway which would make great intermissions.


But to jump ahead (using the video counter) to the SALAMI METHOD explanation and applications, forward to 40:40 on the video and discover what can be done in a mere 30 seconds by those operating such vote tabulators and such.

Absolutely horrorfying what a small group of Anti-American traitors can accomplish to keep their supporting DEMOCRATS IN POWER as the Communist Chinese Party continues its assault on the United States of America because the last person they want as US PRESIDENT is DONALD TRUMP who has clearly taken an AMERICA FIRST STANCE. (Conversely the CCP certainly wants a greedy, sell out loser like Beijing Biden and his clan in office because it will make the domination of America that much easier.)







My best to you and yours, Lew

Such traitors to OUR COUNTRY should be identified and neutered in some fashion so their evil never again jeopardizes Our Country’s Freedoms under the US Constitution, Rule of Law and republican form of democracy (which our public schools have so obviously and intentionally failed to inform generations of students). How sad as there is no doubt many of these misinformed citizens actually “believe” what they are doing will promote a better government and judicial system when in fact it actually destroys the best one on this planet after centuries of war.

It’s come down to the the choice of keeping AMERICA FREE (as a beacon of hope for the rest of the world also – gosh, why does everyone want to come here and become a citizen if the United States of America is so horrible?) or allowing the Communist Chinese Party and such other totalitarian entities to carve up Our Country like a Christmas ham!

My best to you and yours, Lew



(Three days and counting …—… this may be tougher than I thought. lol)





Categories: Uncategorized.


Yes, I know. My language has been pretty bad lately.  Perhaps I’ll get it under control after January 6th, but right now I am sick and tired of the lying assholes ruining everything for everyone else.  From Lake Don Pedro to the current fraud of a US Presidential Election compliments of the Demo-RATS and other Anti-American leftist traitors to The United States, Our Constitution, and Rule of Law.  I am exhausted from the nonsense. No more compassion for those who exploit our trust  –especially those who camouflage themselves in “public service” yet lack the integrity to honor their oaths of office, professional licensing, certification, whatever.  No more, shame, shame, shame wagging an index finger or shaking head from side to side.  Right now my response is more apt to be a middle finger salute and a hearty “FUCK YOU lowlife cheats!” maybe even a “Hope you all receive exactly what you’ve earned!” for good measure. lol   

Yeah, I realize the following sounds weird after the above rant, but unless you are one of those lying fucking cheats, I never-the-less still intend

My best to you and yours, Lew

….even if a bit vulgar at the moment. 🙂

Categories: Uncategorized.


I can’t help but think of the years of the BORED OF DEFECTORS failing to provide answers to legitimate questions by customers and former directors who still attended meetings. All their absolute falsehoods and disinformation routinely put out without a hint of accountability.

Well at least until the CALIFORNIA STATE WATER BOARD finally took minimal action on a decades old problem because the investigation was hi-jacked by operatives of Peter Kampa, the almost 20 year board director on the CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION (CSDA). Boy did that change my perception of the CSDA! But hey, if the Bored Of Defectors decided they were going to lie and cheat might as well hire one of the best professional cheats there are to control the LDPCSD for five years as our “do nothing bored of defectors” wouldn’t even take the time necessary to make a simple telephone call to check with the State Water Resources Control Board as to whether or not their actions were legal under water license 11395 regarding the PLACE OF USE FOR MERCED RIVER WATER. Just took orders from Kampa who was finishing up the fraud he started twenty years earlier with LAFCO Annexations into the LDPCSD. A 900 acre proposed residential subdivision hidden from the public for twenty years? lol WOW! Both the LDPCSD and LAFCOs (Local Agency Formation Commission – essentially the “power of the state” exercised on a local level for developing community services) possess all the integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election!

Foxes running the hen house for sure. And now they need more money?

CONSIDER THIS…..the current BORED cheated the legal water using MR WECs for five years with SNEAKY PETE KAMPA and actively concealed important facts from the legal customers…..just like Mariposa County LAFCO has been doing with their LDPCSD annexation records for years! WE “the public” CAN NOT EVEN VIEW OFFICIAL COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS OF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO OUR COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FOR YEARS AND EXACTLY BY WHOM!

We don’t even have the rights as citizens of this country! Yet this BORED OF DEFECTORS and their MID connected GM want more money? OK, enough for now…’s my take of the the meeting but PLEASE LISTEN FOR YOURSELF BEFORE AGREEING to slit your own throats by giving these liars more money without their acknowledgement of what they have already done in attempting to violate the water license even more than it has already been violated for decades!

Not once have I heard an acknowledgement of their wrongdoing and even more importantly, what they sat back and allowed that crooked PETER KAMPA to do to our district AGAIN FOR A SECOND TIME! (Actually Kampa was just finishing up on the fraud he started 20 years earlier which the BORED TOTALLY SUPORTED.) Heck, this bored is too busy patting each other on the back telling themselves and anyone foolish to believe a word these deceivers say ….. that they were the SAVIORS OF LAKE DON PEDRO DURING THE DROUGHT! What a bunch of worthless lying fucks!

OK, here we go……..

Wow. New board positions and then a 3-1 approval vote for which of the multiple plans to use for the next 5 years of rate increases (IF approved by customers in a PROPOSITION 218). And what was the BORED of DEFECTORS DECISION?

7% increase broken down as: 70% Fixed cost (monthly service charge – before you use a drop of water) and 30% Variable cost (how much water is actually consumed).


Bored of Defectors claim they need, more money to help district out,

But last time used Prop 218 million, only to sell MR WECs out!

Screw us once SHAME ON YOU, screw us twice?



Why do you think our scumbag bored hired a crook like Kampa to begin with anyway? A track record of corruption. Kampa could do what they wanted…. increase our costs, get us tied into grant money (which requires such rate increases)….. and all actually planned so as to sell a blended water outside the PLACE OF USE OF WATER LICENSE 11395 which supplied some of the best drinking water in the state to the residential subdivision before the KAMPA RECONFIGURATION OF A GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FACILITY. Well at least VP Mumbles can still water cows with a treated product meant for human consumption. FOLLOW THE SPECIAL INTERESTS AND THE MONEY!

Why are public records regarding this district denied public inspection? Our LDPCSD has been a fraud of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT since formed in 1980 (even the original service map has been absent for 40 years despite many requests to have it redrawn according to the LAFCO SURVEY that still exists!)

ALL the MR WECs (MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS – under water license 11395) have paid far more for their water service than necessary for decades due THE CONTINUING DECEPTION BY THE SPECIAL INTERESTS REPRESENTING THE OUTSIDE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLACE OF USE CUSTOMERS THAT OUR DISTRICT HAS NO LEGAL DUTY OR MORAL OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE JACK SHIT! MUCH LESS OUR SUBDIVISION WATER that is now a subsidized groundwater substitution for the quality water from McClure we should be consuming as originally intended and designed.

MR WECS are entitled to the quality MERCED RIVER WATER STORED IN LAKE Mc CLURE not a Frankenstein blend mixed with contaminated groundwater that has to have things like arsenic removed so the final product can be sold outside the approved subdivision. Mr WECS pays more yet receives less – in the quality of water and service.



Years ago, due to a grand jury recommendation, Director Ross (the commercial cattle rancher outside the Place of Use for Merced River water) [thank you again Mariposa County for orchestrating this Gerrymandered District to keep such duplicitous characters on our BORED OF DEFECTORS] had to step down as Board President, yet has now apparently weaseled his disingenuous way back into a VP position. Wonderful, and pretty darn impressive for someone who is unable to read and understand the agenda packets much less make unbiased decisions! But guess who assumes the position of president if Hankemier leaves? That’s right, MUMBLES THE SPECIAL INTEREST WANNABE COWBOY gets crowned king again! Around and around and around we go – right back to a different type of dysfunctional Bored of Defectors.

50% +1

“50% PLUS ONE” of the customers must reject this proposed water increase in writing when, and IF, provided the opportunity.

Many years this board has violated the rights of customers with impunity – even preventing and suppressing their public comment objections (when customers still attended meetings) and this Prop 218 vote will be the ONLY OPPORTUNITY FOR CUSTOMERS TO CLEARLY REJECT SUCH WRONGFUL ACTIVITY AND DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE PAST WRONGFUL ACTIVITIES LEADING TO THIS NEW PROPOSED RATE INCREASE!

Look how much money we will pay each month BEFORE USING A DROP OF WATER! Exactly opposite of what a California Special District is supposed to do! In five years close to $90 a month before a drop is used.

BORED of DEFECTORS claim they need, more money to help district out, Last time used Prop 218 $million, just to sell MR WECs out!

-or maybe….

Screw me once SHAME ON YOU – try to make it twice?

Fuck you cheats! I’m voting no – and that’s being nice!

Yup, Lake Don Fraud’o is alive and well. Later my fellow chumps!

My best to you and yours, Lew


Categories: Uncategorized.


Absolutely unbelievable the disinformation and censorship so frigg’n obvious in the “lame stream media”. I get so frustrated with the constant emotional and illogical rants by these pretend news reporters – I seriously doubt they could be as ignorant as presented. Have they watched ANY of the hearings regarding the manipulation of the 2020 election? They actually seem more like actors. Like on a television sitcom (situation comedy) or old time day soap operas spanning decades – You know?,…the sort of series where a former viewer could miss a bunch of programming yet drop in for 35 minutes weeks later and be up to speed with with the gist of new information. Rather like CNN et al with their typical excuse for news, which is essentially their opinion that everything bad is Trump’s fault and their choice for a leader will make everything good. Pssst…regardless of the real serious news about Biden and his family “such lame stream” won’t report to their viewing sheeple. Of course these news sitcoms are all professionally produced and glued together with Socialist Left Democrat politics with a few excellent advertisements with general social appeal and appreciation just so viewer’s don’t accidentally see past the actor’s draped carcass of wool apparel.

Categories: Uncategorized.


Current Time 16:09/Duration 16:091x 2020 Election

Jenna Ellis to the American People: ‘Take Heart, This Is Not Over Yet’

By Janita Kan and Jan Jekielek December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020 biggersmallerPrint

Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis on Wednesday urged the American people concerned with election integrity to have hope in the ongoing efforts aimed at exposing voter irregularities and alleged fraud.

“I would just say to the American people: Take heart. This is not over yet. And we absolutely have every intention of continuing to fight for election integrity,” Ellis told The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders.

Trump’s legal team, which is led by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, is fighting against the clock to ensure that the sanctity of the ballot box is preserved. The team and its allies have been building a case to ensure that all concerns about voting irregularities and alleged unconstitutional actions passed by state and election officials in the 2020 election are investigated to secure confidence in the election outcome for all.

Although Dec. 14, the day that presidential electors case their votes for president, has come and gone, Ellis argues that President Donald Trump still has time to challenge the election results and that state legislatures still have time to decide which set of votes from dueling slates of delegates to send to Congress on Jan. 6, the day when the electoral college votes are counted.

This comes after Republican electors in seven states cast alternate votes for President Donald Trump, setting up a new challenge for Congress when they count the votes next month. Critics argue that those votes are merely symbolic and have no force of the law. However, alternate votes have been accepted by Congress before.

In 1960, Democrats successfully cast an alternative set of votes for John F. Kennedy in Hawaii after the state’s governor certified the electors for Richard Nixon amid a recount. Congress ultimately counted the votes from Kennedy electors, who were signed off by the governor as well, even though he wasn’t declared the winner in the election until 11 days after Nixon’s electors were certified.

Republicans in the seven states said their rationale for sending dueling electors to Congress was to preserve Trump’s legal claim in the election as his team pursues legal challenges over the counting of “illegal votes.” The offices of the Nevada and Pennsylvania secretary of state told The Epoch Times that they have only received the certificates of the vote from Democratic electors and not Republicans.

Ellis is urging state legislatures in the contested states to hold an electoral session to consider evidence of potential election fraud and pass a resolution to send to the Republican slate of electors.

“If one state is willing to do this, I think others will follow,” she said.

She also believes it is the responsibility of every American to protect free and fair elections, noting that there is a group of Americans who would like to get to the bottom of all the allegations.

“It’s incumbent, though, upon every American—regardless of who you voted for, whether or not you like the outcome of this election—to stop any cheating, to stop any lawlessness, to stop anything that runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution to make sure to protect free and fair elections,” she said. “I think there is a movement among the American people who really want to get to the bottom of these questions.”

She added that every state legislature should also be looking at their own laws and their own administration to ensure the integrity of votes.

Ellis said Americans have the ultimate say in holding their leaders accountable for their actions, and there are a series of actions that can be taken to ensure that politicians are held responsible.

“We can do that through not only contacting them and through putting pressure on them to continuing this fight, not only in the media, but also to make sure that our elected officials know that that’s what we expect of them—to take election integrity seriously,” she said.

She said that Americans in some of the contested states could also consider initiating recall petitions—a procedure that allows citizens to recall and replace public officials before their term ends. The petition requires a specific number of signatures over a specified period of time. If a valid number of signatures are collected, then a recall election can be held. Different states have different rules for this procedure.

“And so now, when we’re looking at the state legislatures, if that branch fails, then it’s up to ‘We the People’ to make sure that we go through the constitutional processes, that we can then change those who are in authority because no person in the United States is entitled to government authority,” she said.

Categories: Uncategorized.


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington in a file photograph. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington in a file photograph. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Election Integrity

Rand Paul: Voter Fraud ‘Happened’ and Election ‘In Many Ways Stolen’

By Tom Ozimek December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020 biggersmallerPrint

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said at a Senate hearing on election security Wednesday that there were instances of voter fraud in the November election and that it “in many ways was stolen.”

The Kentucky Republican told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing that he believes allegations of fraud in the 2020 election are credible.

“The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen and the only way it will be fixed is by in the future reinforcing the laws,” he said.

At the hearing, Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) disputed the notion that voter fraud was widespread enough to influence the outcome of the election and called integrity enhancing measures adopted by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) ahead of the 2020 election “very successful.”

“President Trump’s own Department of Justice concluded, and I’m going to quote the Department of Justice … ‘we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.’”

Paul characterized as a distraction arguments that the fraud was not widespread enough to sway the election.

“We can’t just say it didn’t happen. We can’t just say ‘oh, 4,000 people voted in Nevada that were noncitizens’ and we’re just going to ignore it,” he said.

He also challenged assertions by Christopher Krebs, former CISA director, who signed onto a joint statement by CISA and a coalition of elections infrastructure advisory councils, which called the election “the most secure in American history” and that “there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

“While elections are sometimes messy, this was a secure election,” Krebs said during the hearing, adding that he stands by the earlier CISA statement, which was opposed by President Donald Trump, who challenged the characterization and fired Krebs in November.

Epoch Times Photo
Christopher Krebs, former director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, testifies during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in Washington, on Oct. 19, 2017. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

“I think his job was keeping the foreigners out of the election,” Paul said, referring to Krebs’ work as head of CISA. “It was the most secure based on security of the Internet and technology, but he never has voiced an opinion—and he’s welcome to today—on whether or not dead people voted. I don’t think he examined that,” Paul said.

“Did he examine non-citizens voting? So to say ‘it was the safest election,’ sure,  I agree with your statement if you’re referring to foreign intervention, but if you’re saying it is the safest based on no dead people voted, no non-citizens voted, no people broke the absentee rules, I think that’s false and that’s what has upset a lot of people on our side, is that they’re taking your statement to mean ‘oh, there was no problem in the election.’”

Before he was fired, Krebs repeatedly said the election was run in a secure fashion, though he later clarified his remarks were not meant to refer to allegations of fraud.

“Rumor Control: I never claimed there wasn’t fraud in the election, [because] that’s not CISA’s job—it’s a law enforcement matter. We did provide info on measures election officials use to prevent and detect dead voters, tho,” Krebs wrote on Twitter.

Paul also said he wants hearings next year on election fixes, including limiting the involvement of courts and election officials in amending election laws, as some Republican lawsuits in key battleground states have alleged.

“I think state legislatures will need to reaffirm that election law can only be changed by a state legislature,” he said, referring to the fact that the U.S. Constitution gives the authority to establish election laws to legislatures, not courts or elections officials.

Categories: Uncategorized.