Hello. Hope you are all doing well. Significant heat wave up here – have a number of stories related to that, but as always, there just isn’t enough time to do everything I would like. Prioritize? Sure, I’ll try that for a buck. lol
Anyway, here’s the first offering of the June 19 2017 LDPCSD BOD Monthly Meeting. SOS. Sill am amazed this fraud could continue for 37 years. So sad to think of the people harmed by such surreptitious behavior of those claiming a desire to assist this community. Perhaps it is the same everywhere….you know, some folks will always be “above the law”. Evidently they can do as they please with little concern for detection much less apprehension and accountability for their devious activities. Such is life, eh?
Remember the below photos and the blah, blah, blah regarding the new well fencing not having the gate locked and equipment site secured? You know, that old post is only six days shy of being exactly one year old?
Big weekend coming up -should the security fencing be secured?
Thursday, June 23rd 2016 – Still no lock observed since SECURITY FENCE INSTALLATION. ….as strong as the weakest link. I wonder if insurance would cover a loss without the district securing the gate with a lock? Why have an enclosed fence? What about an attractive nuisance and personal injury? Guess it could be a free temporary confinement facility! Just BYOL! (BRING YOUR OWN LOCK)! lol
OK….BACK TO REAL TIME…..SATURDAY, June 17th, 2017—-
As I recall one of the directors a year ago did in fact check into this matter and a lock was eventually used to secure the gate. Then that corrective measure was discontinued as the lock was seldom used to secure the gate. Why even have a fence if the gate isn’t locked?
Now imagine my surprise while reading the agenda packet for Monday’s June 19th, 2017 Board Meeting and discovering that an SWRCB June 2, 2017 letter to GM KAMPA mentions this specific issue. (Pages 6 & 7 of the meeting packet):
The following paragraph was applied to both the well sites:
“At the time of the inspection, the well was enclosed in a chain-link enclosure. However, the enclosure was not locked to prevent unauthorized entry to the well site. The District was asked to ensure that the enclosure was properly locked at all times.”
But here’s the kicker, that recent STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD correspondence is referencing a November 22, 2016 state inspection where it was noted that two of the well sites were, once again, unlocked.
See what I mean? EVEN AFTER A BOARD DIRECTOR ENCOURAGED THE CORRECTIVE ACTIONof putting a lock on the gate, 5 MONTHS LATER (during an SWRCB inspection no less) two other well sites were discovered to be unsecured.
GUESS WHAT? This posting IS NOT related to the water company! (LDPCSD) lol Yeah, shocking huh?
The two new hard drives are apparently working alright as is the new operating system on the one. I’ve been backing up data and ran across this almost two year old video clip of two C-17 cargo aircraft passing overhead the LDP Subdivision in a fairly low level close formation. Thought I had posted this once before, but didn’t see it when I checked, so here it is again in a different video presentation. Think it pretty cool to unexpectedly see such things every once in a while. Impressive. Wish I could locate an old clip of a flight of Russian helicopters in route to Yosemite National Park years ago. I recall hearing their approach and quickly grabbing the video camera in time to catch them flying overhead. Very loud and belching out trailing ribbons of dark exhaust smoke as I recall. Something you don’t see often. Didn’t know what I had captured until hearing about the excursion on the evening television news. Also have some video of old WWII bombers that were flying out of Castle AFB many years ago too. Only problem is I think those were all in 8mm format and require s0me special conversion equipment. Believe I have the equipment, but would I remember how to use it? LOL
Oh well, maybe someday if there is more time after C-17s successfully low level terrain drop logistical support to reclaim our surface water treatment plant from local insurrectionists – geez, just had to connect this to the LDPCSD someway huh? 🙂
Perhaps viewers should hear my {inappropriate?} audio/video “blah blah blah” first?
Your choice.
Once again at first blush I believe embarrassment might be appropriate but when I consider the conspiratorial nature of this continuing deception I think, “nahhhh – I’m right on target and these individuals are quite dishonest.”
Did pretty well there for a while but during this last meeting I once again – and to my almost embarrassment – became rather…..what was that descriptive yet forgiving term? Oh yeah, “passionate”.
OK, I’m passionate about what is happening to our Community Services District. Yes, I admit to being disgusted and angry with the continuing “parsing of words” by Board President Johnson and GM Kampa. Yes indeed, their carefully selected words and flowing speeches are designed to misdirect public attention while concealing their multi-year duplicitous scheme of re-configuring our surface water treatment plant into a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FACILITYfor third party private land development interests – interests, clearly prohibited from receiving MERCED RIVER WATERunder the water license.
Kampa started his infamous water career in Lake Don Pedro in 1993 by advocating and participating in the expansion of special benefit water service OUTSIDE THE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT Place of Use, and was returned 20 years later in 2014 by those same special interests, he quietly resumed that endeavor under the guise of an emergency drought. Kampa utilized grant funds (specifically intended to assist existing customers during extreme drought) which were NOT TO BE USED TO INCREASE SERVICE CONNECTIONS, to create an “alternate source of water” (groundwater) so as to increase the GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM for even more outside POU water service.
Kampa doesn’t live here. He and his company are only exploiting the greatest resource the subdivision possesses – quality water from Lake McClure. Please also realize none of this could have been done without the treacherous and coordinated assistance of particular local neighbors who falsely claimed a desire to serve the district and its customers. These despicable individuals have been working behind the scene for years to assist Pete Kampa in building his “water empire” for land developers not entitled to MERCED RIVER WATER – and guess who they believe should pay for this deception?
I am not a public speaker and will avoid it when possible (I hate the sound of my own recorded voice – especially when elevated with “passion”), but having to sit there and listen to so much calculated word parsing deceit, repeated over and over and over by Kampa and Johnson, – well, it just kind of builds up and eventually manifests itself in pressured – frustrated speech. So what? I’d rather be known as a “big-mouth” than an absolute liar and traitor to my community.
Remember a while back when I mentioned how most of us live day to day, week to week, month to month, etc., whereas those in land development and real estate think more in terms of decades and beyond? While we are engaged in “How are the bills going to get paid this month?” these land development interests are busy creating intricate and devious plans on how to circumvent, bend, or even completely violate regulations without “getting caught” so as to meet their project demands. Yup, they are focused on long term end game goals while we “common folk” are busy just trying to survive the best we can with existing conditions.
This “impartial” map issue is a good example of how these unscrupulous people can incrementally build their program of “major change” without the constraints of having to publicly announce the particular goal much less conform to legal prerequisites and/or existing procedureswhich, not surprisingly, often prohibit what these “cheaters” are attempting anyway…..thus the whole reason for being the low-life cheats they are.
Such surreptitious change requires not only the co-operation (both intentional and unintentional) of other individuals in various capacities, but works best when the necessary components of the “major change” remain dormant without drawing public attention until required for implementation. This insures that by the time the public realizes what has happened an otherwiseextremely difficult or impossible goal has already been quietly achieved and put into action. PRESTO! Land developers get what they want, we get stuck with the bills, and the cheaters can laugh and pat each other on the back for successfully betraying their community and getting the once impossible done.
Eventually, those harmed will finally understand what has been quietly accomplished in the background and will inevitably say things like, “how could this have happened?”, “Are there not laws protecting us from such activity?”, “How can they get away with such wrongful behavior?”, “They lied to us!”, etc. But guess what? It is likely a done deal by that time.
This is why I am so passionate.
Do you recall that LAFCo meeting I was prohibited from attending back in 2014 while still on the Board of Directors? Here’s some of the paperwork resulting from that extremely peculiar process which resulted in different LDPCSD Service Area and SOI (Sphere of Influence) maps with greatly expanded boundaries being placed in LAFCo records (technically their Policy and Procedures Manual).
Since only a LAFCo can legally change existing boundaries of the LDPCSD’s Service Area and SOI, why would Mariposa County LAFCo (on more than one occasion) request the LDPCSD to provide LAFCo with LDPCSD’s most up to date service area map?
In other words, how could the LDPCSD change boundaries in the first place without specific LAFCo approvals?
LAFCo SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE FIRST to know of any “boundary change”.
{Doing otherwise smacks of a situation where a law enforcement officer would have to ask a criminal suspect what penal code sections could be enforced against them, or a judge asking a criminal defendant during trial what evidence could be used by the prosecutor, or perhaps where a correctional officer would ask a convicted “in custody” how much time they are supposed to serve before release.
You catch my drift right?
Why would “any authority”(LAFCo) be required to seek approval of their work responsibilities from those subject to that authority? (LDPCSD)
Confusing, eh?
Can the mere “updating” of a LAFCo Policies and Procedures Manual with incorrect map information actually change the previous legally approved physical boundaries of a Community Services District without the highly formal and detailed public annexation process which I believe also includes an environmental review?
NOTE: The fact the LDPCSD’s legal counsel was evidently involved (in some capacity) with this 2014 map process is not really all that relevant due to one simple fact:
The LDPCSD does not always provide the attorney with
factual pertinent information regarding district operations.
I discovered this while on the Board of Directors years ago. While talking with the LDPCSD attorney about this outside MIDPOU issue I questioned why the county would build a new sewage treatment facility outside the MIDPOU (Where MERCED RIVER WATERCOULD NOT BE USED WITHOUTGROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION.) This was during the time I (with support of two other directors of course) was pursuing payment of about $40,000 from the county in outstanding water fees for that facility – go figure……that treatment plant was only being billed for “gallons” rather than “units” of water used for years – paying only a fraction of the actual cost. Supposedly the “wrong meter” was initially installed.
ANYWAY, the attorney was completely unaware of this fact and asked me to send him information indicating this, which I did. I was very surprised that our attorney had been specifically denied that information which was just another clue indicating how “special interests” were manipulating (controlling?) aspects of district operations.
Seems to me our attorney and engineer should always be involved with pertinent facts regarding district operations related to their responsibilities.
Here’s some of the paperwork used to “update” LAFCo records back in 2014:
PAST LAFCo ACTIONS? What actions could change an established service and SOI area? Such paperwork should be easily obtainable from Mariposa and Tuolumne County LAFCos.
Obviously, Mariposa County Local Agency Formation Commission did not “hear and consider” all comments regarding proposed updates because I was denied the opportunity to attend that meeting as I had planned!
Oh my. How sneaky and duplicitous Ross, Johnson and Kampa have been for years – planning on using these “current” LAFCo maps on file for KAMPA’s FRANKENSTEIN SPECIAL INTEREST-BENEFIT MAP. (Others initially involved with this scheme have since left the community – good riddance traitors!)
I decided it might be worth the two hour 87 mile round trip to Mariposa County Planning to drop off the below request letter to Sarah Williams the County Planning Director and Executive LAFCo Officer since none of this makes sense based on what I have researched regarding the subject. But there is only one way to find out what is happening and that is to ask, right?
This is incredible.
When PETE KAMPA’s +$10,000 mapping project was first brought to the board it was made quite clear that “LDPCSD fingerprints were not be on that proposed map” yet that is precisely what those treacherous former and current Board Directors and GMs have planned for three years.
Once again I am so very disappointed. Seems a couple of individuals I had previously respected and trusted (to a point) were, unfortunately, far less deserving of my confidence in their “doing the right thing”.
Emery Ross once told me the world had far more evil people in it than good, at the time I disagreed, but now I wonder – was this opinion merely based exclusively on those with whom he has associated regarding this OUTSIDE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLACE OF USE issue? Whether or not people may be evil is certainly not for me to decide, but based on objective performance of some of these people I sure as hell can unequivocally state they are not being honest with the legal customers of this district and have gone to great lengths to intentionally avoid and conceal the truth. This continues at every single monthly board meeting.
By the time you realize you have been “had” the damage is done and those responsible simply move on without the slightest bit of accountability for, or acknowledgment of, their wrongful behavior. True, such dishonest miserable little people are everywhere but that does not negate the fact that positions of public trust should be reserved for those who would honestly discharge their duties – without the obvious favoritism towards private third party land development entities pursuing higher profit margins.
This is another good example of how covert incremental manipulations of “the system” can take place behind the scene. All done in the attempt to ratify incorrect information in further assistance to GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION for land developers OUTSIDE the PLACE OF USE for MERCED RIVER WATER.
#1 Obtain the original LAFCo Service Area Map created in 1980 during the LDPCSD’s formation, and then
#2 Indicate each specific boundary change APPROVED by LAFCo through their annexation process.
<<<What remains is the official LAFCo approved water service area boundary for the LDPCSD.>>>
REPEAT PROCESS FOR SOI (Sphere of Influence)
#1 Obtain the initial SOI Map approved by LAFCo.
#2 Indicate each specific SOI boundary change approved by LAFCo.
<<<What remains is the official LAFCo approved Sphere of Influence boundary for the LDPCSD.>>>
CURIOUS….what ever happened to that proposed (and logical) ZERO SOI for the LDPCSD in the mid 1980s?
With these two LAFCo approved maps established, it will be of little difficulty to ascertain the number of locations and acreages involved where MERCED RIVER WATERhas been diverted and served to properties by the LDPCSD that are not only OUTSIDE THE APPROVED LAFCo SERVICE AREA, but also, OUTSIDE THE MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT PLACE OF USE PER WATER LICENSE 11395 [MIDPOU].
Where is the logical place to begin ANY INVESTIGATION?
Yes, at the beginning then run it to conclusion!
My best to you and yours, (a very frustrated) Lew
PS: Just thought of another example of Pete Kampa’s pathetic attempt ……..like in a car race where car #3 unequivocally wins the race. (Unaltered video from beginning to end documents this fact.) Yet Kampa, ignoring the video, is jumping up and down waving a photograph taken during the middle of the race where his car #8 is slightly ahead screaming he is the actual winner and demands his photograph be accepted as the proof!
(g) Quick backtrack regarding the arsenic in the groundwater wells and proposed operation of the wells for the future…..then a status report of the Emergency Barge, Filter Renovation and Intake Booster #2 projects.
PART (f) Well, trying something different to speed things up a bit while maintaining the essence of the meeting. Some interesting information regarding the groundwater arsenic problem our district now must deal with for perpetuity. Seems to me KAMPA should have considered and calculated that issue into project development since he was personally aware of it 20 years ago when working here the first time. But of course KAMPA & KOMPANY were in such a big rush to complete everything and get those wells working something had to suffer for expediency. Why not primary surface water treatment plant equipment and our safety?
Kampa seems to never provide the whole story – only his spin. Same as when he first came aboard–the second time that is in 2014 – ….behind the scene agreements; closed recruitment process; submitted a contract price for his services; dug himself into our operations; made significant expensive changes; proposed many great sounding projects; and once comfortable with his parasitic designed environment (like a tick on a dog) increased his price for all the “extra work” necessary.
Yup, just like the wells. QUICK! QUICk! QUICK! You are going to run out of water; the community will be lost, but I can save you if you only let me! Hurry! Advertise this in all available media,…tell the world! Kampa is going to save Lake Don Pedro! Quick, give me more authority and access to all your savings to get things done quickly since environmental review regulations have been suspended due to the critical time issue…….we need to get the ground wells online ASAP!
However, once the project was locked in and everybody and their brother misled as to the actual motive for publicly funded groundwater wells and the wells ready to produce – up jump the two infamous attempts to rescind the 2013 prohibition on further outside place of use properties. Why? So they could start selling (what they told us was) our newly developed EMERGENCY WATER SOURCE!
Double whammy! Screwed the 99% of legal customers twice with the same deceit. [1- LIED: groundwater wells were always intended for Outside MIDPOU land developers, and, 2- EVEN IN AN ACTIVE EMERGENCY DROUGHT (rationale for well development) they were going to sell that newly developed “emergency water” to Outside MIDPOU land developers anyway! Sure seems like despicable conduct by neighbors who claim to represent the best interests of the legal customers in this Community Services District.]
Yup, KAMPA & THIRD PARTY LAND DEVELOPERS WANTING SUBSIDIZED CHEAP WATER were in a hurry to get it flowing because (as we know from past LDPCSD shady deals) once the water deliveries start and people become dependent on it – you can’t stop the flow. They FINALLY OBTAINED ENOUGH “ALTERNATE SOURCE WATER” to begin expanding that special benefit water service even further outside the MIDPOU. Exactly what KAMPA tried 20 years ago when expanding District service but could not obtain the water – so he returned to the scene of the crime to complete the job.
And now? OH NO! There’s arsenic in the water? Golly gee – POOR PETE KAMPA was so busying saving us he forgot all about that darn arsenic in the water stuff – gosh darn it! (along with mandatory compliance reporting to MID; signed certificates of district solvency; service area map boundaries, and past misrepresentations to government entities, etc….)
But have no fear! All is not lost. Take a deep breath and relax because PETE KAMPA & KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS LLC, and those supporting the betrayal and hi-jacking of our surface water treatment plant, have, once again, delivered us from impending disaster and provided the wonderful people of Lake Don Pedro the answer to yet another KAMPA CREATED PROBLEM …………(this one is KLASSIC KAMPA)—
(phew! and I was worried?)
Oh? Anything? Like constructing a paper “water empire” with public funds then dumping the perpetual maintenance, reporting, repair, and replacement costs on the financial backs of property owners in the subdivision who do not require a GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM because they are LEGAL USERS OF MERCED RIVER WATER? KAMPA & KOMPANY figured no one would ever realize the depths of their scam during the emergency drought….I mean after all, they WERE SAVING THE COMMUNITY FROM CERTAIN DOOM! (I don’t know about the rest of you, but I made some major changes/additions in my property and lifestyle in preparation for the worse case scenario based on what Kampa was spewing to cover what was really up.)
We need emergency groundwater wells in case the lake dries up! Technically, had our system been maintained, I believe a very good argument could be made that we would have simply struggled through as we had in the past when it appeared Lake McClure might dry up. Kampa again misrepresented that fact by saying the possibility of that happening had never been considered by the district before. Absolute rubbish! I have a copy of the petition filed by the LDPOA in the 1990s (somewhere around here….I’ll check later, maybe – but I’m sure it’s here) because of concerns water for environmental purposes would restrict or eliminate their available water. It’s a frigg’n cycle. Drought. Flood. Drought. Flood. Capture in flood, wisely use in drought.
So we jump into their “alternate source water” for emergencies argument, but what is the result? Due to groundwater arsenic in all the wells, that “emergency water” may not be safe for consumption without sufficient lake water to dilute the arsenic to a safe level. POP! Goes the Weasel! Wa…aait a minute ….isn’t the groundwater for when there is no lake water? …..right?
OH WELL….here’s the offering…
Hope you all have an enjoyable and safe weekend. UPS just delivered another “transplant” so once this (f) is uploaded and posted…..I will be involved with another “procedure” with bare feet firmly planted on cold tile (discharge of potentially harmful static electricity so I don’t shock my CPU to death! lol – wish me luck!) My best to you and yours, Lew
Don’t know how to break the news to you, so I’ll just put it out there: 36 MINUTES and 18 SECONDS! – the longest LDPCSD meeting video ever posted by this blah blah blah idiot AND despite laws against cruel and inhuman punishment.
Sorry, but wanted to finish up on the financial discussion regarding some of the “anticipated grant money”. Perhaps some of the meeting portions coming up can be “briefed” without the video/audio? Something like….”meeting started with blah blah blah, meeting ended with blah blah blah” My best to you and yours, Lew
Have no fear…..don’t believe I will be uploading such a monster again!
Yes, yes, yes…I took advantage of the over 15 minute video limit YOUTUBE now allows. Ahhhh, come on …don’t be like that……it’s really not that bad. Under 20 minutes as I recall. Maybe a tad bit over. Didn’t really check but the “end of video” notice was right around 19 minutes….so….pretty close.
This Lake Don Pedro CSD situation is very ugly because it illustrates quite well how personal and business desires of only a few can pervert, corrupt and destroy an otherwise fantastic idea. (ie, Community Service Districts: limited services to a defined group for only the cost necessary in providing those services.) Unfortunately there are many great ideas that appear reasonable and achievable on paper but when exposed to “real world” corruption quickly mutate into highly undesirable outcomes never intended by the designers.
Seems legitimate government activity (all that “by the people and for the people” stuff) is always closely shadowed with some form of illegitimate behind the scene special interest influence seeking some sort of a parasitic relationship (usually financial) with the legally approved “host activity”. These external forces essentially want some benefit they are not otherwise entitled to for nothing or at a greatly reduced cost. Naturally those “legally entitled” to the benefit/service always end up paying for that cost difference. (Like how shoplifting raises the cost on items for all consumers.)
Yes the LDPCSD situation is ugly but I also acknowledge what I do sometimes in opposition to our District’s reconfiguration into a THIRD PARTY SPECIAL BENEFIT WATER SERVICE FACILITY (based on groundwater substitution for MERCED RIVER WATER TRANSFERS OUTSIDE THE MIDPOU) could be considered ugly as well. OK, satire hurts when it illustrates the truth, but I digress. What I’m attempting to communicate is this, I think my sense of humor satisfactorily expresses legitimate points – but hope my feeble attempts at encouraging a laugh or two is not too offensive to the sensitive. (Heck, believe it or not, I too am a sensitive individual but I’m in “fight mode” or “resistance mode” if you prefer. Remember the purpose of HARD HEART BEATING CARDS? lol)
KAMPA & KOMPANY (and other such exploiters of the weak, uninformed, apathetic, etc.) have significant financial resources, companies (limited liability and otherwise), corporations, professional support organizations, lawyers, CPA’s, auditors, the ear of public officials and “movers and shakers” of a community, and Heaven knows what other assets they can mobilize and utilize to force their “SPECIAL INTEREST AGENDA” whereas I have a sharp tongue sometimes and a website to post the blah, blah, blah. So what? Fight with what you have right? I too often shake my head at the way I present some of the information about this near 40 year turmoil over the intended functioning of this Community Services District.
Still, it is absolutely amazing how much time, energy and resources KAMPA & KOMPANY have put into this ELABORATE GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION schemefunded with public moneybut also how much additional effort and resources they now must expend in covering up what they successfully accomplished while denying involvement.
Crazy huh? But that’s what happens when “corners are cut” by a public agency’s Board of Directors and management. That “oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” truism. Anyway, suffice it to say it does not please me to ridicule those responsible because that only indicates they are still in positions of authority while pursuing (and concealing) personal/business objectives. Objectives which I do not believe are in the best interests of the 99% of entitled MERCED RIVER WATER using (and MANDATORY CSD CUSTOMERS) of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision.
What KAMPA and his supporters (KOMPANY) have already done, and continue to do, is very dishonest, which when you think about it, is a clue as to why the subjects of GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION and OFFICIAL DISTRICT SERVICE AREA BOUNDARIES can not make it to a meeting agenda for open and logical discussion of the facts.