LDPCSD is a California Special District, right? A public agency accountable to the taxpayers and citizens it is supposed to ethically and honorably represent, right? I mean they take a sworn (or affirmed) Oath of Office to do that, right? A public agency which you would naturally assume to be an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER, right?




Director Emery Ross has once again decided to flex his micro-managing muscle and personally orchestrate a situation where his long time friend and former LDPCSD co-worker was the ONLY APPLICANT TO FILL A VACANT IGM POSITION THAT NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT. THAT’S the kicker….the vacancy was only announced in a privileged and confidential email to the LDPCSD Directors.

Loose lips sink ships right?  (Or maybe a lucrative contract?)

The notice at the bottom of the September 23, 2014 email which contained the attached resignation letter stated:

“The information contained in this email transmission is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email message is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, or retransmit this communication, but destroy it immediately. Thank you.”

During Friday’s meeting Emery said he hadn’t seen the GM’s resignation email but merely heard the news from someone else…..Sounds more like the typical EMERY ROSS “the dog ate my homework excuse”. Not too believable, but it would fit with the late night faxing of A FIRST STRIKE PROPOSAL BASED ON INSIDER INFORMATION.

But why would Emery take it upon himself to call his friend with this “heads-up” confidential information (resignation wasn’t publically announced) when the agenda was already prepared? Come to think of it, how was that agenda so suddenly and covertly changed to have Emery’s friend’s proposal with prepared contract ready for signature in a public agenda board packet?



I’ve read and watched some information about Kampa’s personal energy in the field of water treatment and for the most part thought it quite complimentary.  I agreed with some of his ideas and comments. The fact Kampa was terminated from his position at TUD (Tuolumne Utilities District) about a year ago really wasn’t too earth shattering for me since the voting public often does not understand the issues and the hard unpopular decisions that must be made in order to keep the water flowing. I always figured it was a local political thing, similar to our situation here in Lake Don Pedro.

A handful of people that don’t know their assets from a hole in the ground call all their friends and acquaintances telling them who the best candidate is who won’t raise their rates and give them everything they want for Christmas!
Then POOF! An otherwise competent and goal oriented GM/DIRECTOR hits the road because of rumors and disinformation. But now, after meeting him for the first time and observing the connection with EMERY ROSS, perhaps my natural inclination to believe the best in people was misplaced in this situation? Just like it was with EMERY ROSS.

As the former GM of TUD (Tuolumne Utilities District) Mr. Kampa was obviously all too familiar with the often cumbersome restrictions and regulations of the Brown Act, Request For Proposals, standard operating procedures, etc. . He is familiar with the typical district and how transparency in government is crucial to public trust — especially when about the only news a customer gets is the notice of a rate increase.

Perhaps there is no hard core illegality going on here, but face it, there is clear evidence that smacks of favoritism in a governmental process of recruiting the best person/company for a very important job. Kampa may be the best solution for the position, but thwarting an honest above board recruitment process that is open to all who might be interested is cause for pause.

A SNEAKY PETE OR NOT? (I really don’t know)
Didn’t any alarm bells go off in Kampa’s head? I mean, his long time friend DIRECTOR EMERY ROSS was providing him with “insider trading” type information. The Board could have met and determined going with Kampa may have been the best thing to do, but when things are done contrary to the norm and in secrecy, I get nervous.

When Emery is involved I know there is a reason to slow down and consider things carefully because, frankly, Emery is less than candid. Didn’t Kampa wonder or worry how Emery might try to assist him and fix things behind the scene? Seriously, Kampa has known Emery for two decades and anyone who knows Emery is aware that he pretty much does and says as he pleases with little or no accountability. If you personally speak with him for a while you would understand this. Shouldn’t Kampa have wondered why a sitting Director on a CSD Board would provide him WITH FIRST STRIKE OPPORTUNITY TO GET HIS PROPOSAL in before others? Didn’t Kampa sense something was wrong when he sent such information to EMERY ROSS personally at 1158 PM on September 30th – the same day the original agenda was prepared and distributed but then quickly changed to include only Kampa’s proposal?

Did Kampa even know his proposal was set up to be THE ONLY ONE THAT COULD HAVE  POSSIBLY BEEN CONSIDERED?

Again, there may not be any hard and fast illegalities here calling for jail time or anything, but in my mind it was in violation of CSD policy regarding director conduct, and policy as to how the agenda is created (the President of the board had no idea of the agenda changes), surreptitious, under-handed, sneaky, unethical, but most of all —- all too typical for THE EMERY ROSS METHODOLOGY OF MICRO-MANAGEMENT. I have so much more to share on this later.

Perfect attendance for almost four years (four year term up in December). Never missed a meeting.  Have never been late for a meeting.  Friday was however a breaking point. Emery and Betsie have obstructed positive district progress since they arrived in Don Pedro and started cattle ranching with water they KNEW FOR A FACT THEY WERE NOT ENTITLED UNDER THE WATER LICENSE, yet they have cultivated the false appearance as victims of a greedy selfish water district.    Now they apparently plan to insulated themselves further with their long time friend as the new IGM.

When I realized precious time was being wasted discussing something three directors had already made up their minds to accomplish, and that once again EMERY and BETSIE ROSS were the instigators of another plot to help conceal how they actually wrongfully started a foothill cattle ranch using treated water unquestionably intended for domestic human consumption and in direct violation of Water License 11395, I did honestly feel sick to my stomach.   Oh sure, I was angry also and that’s not healthy either.

I believe I have abstained from voting only once because the evidence in support of the motion was weak, but the results would have been significant.
On Friday I could not vote “YES” for Mr. Kampa’s proposal because as Emery spoke I recognized it was just another MUCKED UP SITUATION BECAUSE OF HIS CONSTANT INTERMEDELING AND MICRO-MANAGING OF DISTRICT BUSINESS. Certainly I couldn’t vote yes knowing that it was another EMERY ROSS CHEAT.

How could I vote no in light of the positive things I had heard about Kampa? Listening to Emery and observing his typical orchestrated theatre of a few supporters in the audience was slowly eroding any confidence in Kampa’s proposal. My belief that Mr. Kampa had undeservingly been terminated from TUD because of dirty politics was being tainted with the known underhandedness and dirty politics so typical of Emery Ross.
Yup, I felt sick to my stomach that such nonsense continues unabated.

Have much to do in a short period of time so excuse spelling, grammar, style, etc.  , but until later and as always-

My Best To You And Yours, Lew

PS: MUCH MORE on all this later, but for now here is the information request I sent to the CSD office today – perhaps we can figure out what happened together?

Hello Syndie, could you please also include (with the previous request):

1) the LDPCSD policy/procedure for hiring independent contractors;
2) the standard operating procedure for solicitation and acceptance of management/consultant services;
3) the current established committees and their assigned personnel;
4) all committee meetings/reports regarding the GM vacancy
5) all LDPCSD emails (including Director and Staff) FAXES, reports, telephone messages etc., following the resignation of Ralph Felix
6) all communications with CEA (California Employer’s Association – who assisted in our last GM hiring) since the resignation letter
7) what personnel and/or Directors were involved with the preparation of the October 3rd 2014 Agenda?
8.  what personnel and/or Directors were involved with changing DISCUSSION / ACTION item c. to include “management proposal from Pete Kampa”?

Seems to me what occurred at the Friday, October 3rd, 2014 Special Meeting was an intentionally constructed closed recruitment process orchestrated by Director Emery Ross to have the Lake Don Pedro Community Services District specifically contract with a personal friend of his to be the new IGM. How could any other “independent contractors” possibly compete for the position if Emery Ross didn’t call them with the news of a GM vacancy also? Why was the Board President and Vice President not notified that Director Ross was going to personally choose the next IGM? Why didn’t the LDPCSD advertise for a new IGM/GM as originally proposed in the first agenda? I cannot help but believe since Emery Ross made a point of saying I was against OUTSIDE PLACE OF USE WATER SERVICE that his personal choice for a new IGM might be more comfortable with Director Ross living outside the LEGAL PLACE OF USE under Merced Irrigation District Water License 11395 while supporting his cattle ranch with treated chlorinated water that was clearly intended for domestic residential consumption.

You know Syndie, I had hoped to sit back and quietly ride out another few months and finish my four year term without incident and just chalk it up to local political corruption and decades of cultivated low information resident apathy. My days are pretty busy taking care of Tara as she slowly fades away. I have never done so much laundry in my life! So sad, cannot use her front legs now but is in great spirits, no pain, and loves to go on cart pulls and still plays catch. I know our time is short but this latest self serving, micro-managing stunt by Emery has caused me to change my plans a bit. Obviously Ross didn’t learn anything from being removed as Board President a couple of years ago by the Grand Jury for such behavior.


Lew Richardson, Vice President, LDPCSD

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