Episode 11: LDPCSD May 16 2016 Meeting: Misinformation? Crazy comparisons? Misstatements – again?
Pretty much already covered in the video intro – Episode 11 starts with Kampa comment about misinformation and ends with yet another example of a KAMPA PREPARED RESOLUTION CONTAINING MISSTATEMENTS READY FOR BOARD APPROVAL! Now remember – this is the same public noticed meeting during which the agenda/packet was reprinted and changed but still lacked page numbers for easy reference during questions/discussion – even for the Board Secretary! Director James Sult was extremely diplomatic and understanding about the misstatements in the Resolution and his questioning indeed resulted in correction. GOOD JOB! (Of course you can hear Kampa meekly say in the background the material would have been removed – lol) I can not help but wonder what other “misstatements” and/or “misrepresentations” have been successfully slipped through by Kampa & Kompany? I admit to being distrustful of his motives for returning to our CSD since the day his director orchestrated “private interview/closed recruitment process- IGM appointment without a background check” was successful. I believe HOW HE BECAME GM speaks volumes as to what he believes acceptable and ethical – not only in the client acquisition process, but generally…….like in a general manager. My best to you and yours, Lew
Episode 10: Outside Place of Use complaint with misinformation?
Episode 9: Retrospective WATER LOSS REPORT not included comment by GM Pete Kampa at meeting
Episode 8: LDPCSD May 16, 2016 BOD Monthly Meeting: Now money into original “remedy well”?
When speaking of ground well water production being sufficient for anticipated demand, don’t forget what originally happened with Ranchito Drive “Remedy Well” #1 in Pete Kampa’s own words: