Yup, just another outrageous example by THE LEFT DEMOCRATS of their total lack of integrity and continued intentional misdirection of the American Citizen as they attempted to destroy America. Think these TRAITORS will ever honestly acknowledge their wrongful activities against President Trump and others and then simply correct their evil ways and magically become legitimate politicians and representatives of the legal American citizens in this country? Not a FRIGG’N CHANCE!

RECALL recently how Nazi-Nancy and her CO-CONSPIRATORS wanted to make sure TRUMP could never hold another public office after they successfully railroaded him out of office? Well, seems to me that concept is certainly appropriate for everyone involved in these two impeachment hoaxes which were clearly used for their nefarious LEFT political agendas. ALL OF THESE LEFTIST DEMOCRATS should not only be severely punished for their YEARS OF WRONGFUL ACTIVITY – (some no doubt have earned a capital punishment sentence) but at the minimum permanently barred from holding any local, state or federal position in OUR GOVERNMENT for the rest of their miserable treacherous lives!

Imagine all the other wonderful things President Trump could have accomplished for OUR COUNTRY AND CITIZENS IN HIS FIRST TERM without the outrageous criminal activity orchestrated by the likes of dishonest individuals like Nancy Pelosi, Nadler, Max Watt, Schumer, Schiff, etc..
Well, for the hopeful good news: let’s see what OUR DONALD J TRUMP will accomplish in his WELL EARNED SECOND TERM as the DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!
Why don’t WE THE PEOPLE actively identify and boycott all those who supported the DEMS attempted coup de tat of our country? Let’s see a public list of all these back stabbing political traitors! The “Cancel culture concept” used against its own duplicitous creators? Sounds appropriate.
My best to you and yours, Lew