Thinking of Our Nation (the United States of America) as compared to where we actually, physically, live. How much would you personally accept and tolerate (or permit your family to do likewise) in order to avoid the confrontation and work necessary to properly maintain, protect, and defend your residence (tent to palace and anything in between) from destructive invaders? Just a thought transformed into another DIM LAME. (Did It Myself Lew’s Almost Music Expression – lol) later, Lew
Note: The inspiration for the above blah, blah, blah thanks to a comment on the Merced Irrigation District Facebook page (below) to which I added my own suggestion for a remedy to this continuing CALIFUSION DYSFUNCTION NIGHTMARE:
“Tamber Bliss California is so Friking CORRUP !!!! Let the land Run Red and Take out the Blue … ITS UP TO YOU.. TAKE CALIFORNIA BACK FROM THOSE THAT WILL AND ARE KILLING OUR STATE!”
Why did Director Emery Ross mention GM McGowan’s desirable connection with the Merced Irrigation District due to his Father’s 27 year employment with the MID? You know, when I first heard the name Patrick McGowan uttered from Pete Kampa’s mouth I admit to being suspicious because Kampa is an unethical, decades long exploiter of our California Special District, and all the while he was a Board Director for the CSDA (California Special Districts Association) a high powered lobbying organization specializing in guess what? What a co-incidence huh? Kampa sure has changed my perspective of the CSDA and what they actually do to the public if Kampa is an example as to typical CSDA director character.
Kampa’s affiliation with the CSDA alone should hold good ‘ol Pete (and his operatives within decision making positions in State Government) to a much higher standard of conduct because of their specialized education, training and responsibilities when dealing with important public service issues affecting millions of Californians on a daily basis (name a function of government or desired service and there is probably a Special District catering to that issue, ie, cemeteries, roads, libraries, street lighting, water, sewer, power, recreational parks, fire, mosquito abatement, etc.)
Special Districts provide services where the County, for one reason or another cannot, or will not.
Remember the 4 characteristics of a Special District like ours? (LDPCSD only provides water at this time)
1. Limited service
2. For a particular group of people
3. Within a designated service area boundary
4. Service provided for only the cost necessary for production
Every single one of these characteristics of a CA Special District, not only has been violated, but the LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (LDPCSD) ITSELF certainly appears to have been specifically designed and formed to violate every one of those defining attributes!
The limited water service by a surface water treatment plant intended for the subdivision has been reconfigured into a subsidized groundwater substitution facility to circumvent Merced River water restrictions contained in water license 11395 (held by the Merced Irrigation District -MID) by creating a GROUND WELL PUMPED ALTERNATE SOURCE OF WATER to blend with the quality water of Lake McClure so the mixture can be sold as a “blended water mixture” to owners of property Mariposa and Tuolumne County LAFCOs ANNEXED into the LDPCSD, (which is a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT created by the same LAFCOs – rather self serving don’t you think? Forming a Special District that they then exploit to their mutual benefit?). Even MID participated in annexations into our district EVENTHOUGH we could not legally provide water. Why? Because MID wanted the water rights of any the proposed annexations. (The Piney Creek Service Island (service islands are no-nos in LAFCO planning) was only annexed for the water rights supposedly possessed, but guess what? There were no water rights but it was still annexed into a district that could not provide it water! Gerrymandered for votes by non stakeholders as well to guarantee dysfunction for perpetuity on the board of directors. (WITH NO WATER SERVED IN 40 YEARS – SUCH ANNEXATIONS SHOULD BE DETACHED FROM THE LDPCSD by LAFCO AS NON STAKEHOLDERS AND NO LONGER BE PERMITTED TO VOTE IN DISTRICT ELECTIONS. MANY PROPERTIES HAVE PAID NOTHING TO THE DISTRICT YET VOTE.) Why should the MID care? Their officers don’t live here.) But how and why would MID also place such financial burdens on a district clearly legally bound to only serve the residential subdivision and golf course under MID’s water license? HELL! IT WAS MID’s LICENSE – THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONORING THE RESTRICTIONS, NOT SETTING OUR LDPCSD UP FOR VIOLATIONS AND FUTURE FAILURES not to mention the substantial added costs to MR WECs (MERCED RIVER WATER CUSTOMERS of the subdivision) for decades of litigation, fabricated documents and continuing community controversies.
2) Particular group of people? Yup, clearly was supposed to be the property owners of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision (previously Sierra Highlands Water Company). The subdivision possesses another entire layer of regulatory government over their property interests in the form of a PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, with CC&Rs, governing documents, elected directors, violation committees, fines, yearly assessments, blah blah blah….. Property restrictions these LAFCO ANNEXED PROPERTIES DON’T HAVE TO OBEY!
(Wonder how many of these LAFCO ANNEXED PROPERTY OWNERS demanding water service would voluntarily join such a Property Owners Association which restricts what they can do with their land? Like in the subdivision. WAIT!
“That’s not fair” they would cry. “We don’t want or need extra or legally enforceable rules and regulations telling us what to do on our own land under penalty of financial fines and liens on our property! We don’t want all that garbage ……we just want your quality subdivision water – and if we can’t get that, we’ll just change your surface water treatment plant into a subsidized groundwater substitution facility for all present and future LAFCO ANNEXATIONS INTO THE LDPCSD and subdivision residents can just drink the same arsenic (and other contaminate) treated water we must. If we wanted a subdivision lot we would have bought one. We demand you supply us water for other adjacent proposed subdivisions and whatever else we want to develop. Maybe some more cattle ranches, yeah Director Ross?” Whoooo-ha little doggies!)
And so it has gone on for over 40 years this month. That’s how you end up with a long time sitting board director OUTSIDE THE MIDPOU FOR MERCED RIVER WATER who runs a commercial cattle ranch with water clearly intended for domestic residential purposes. (Think ‘ol Emery owes all subdivision residents a few steaks every year because we have subsidized his cattle ranch water for two decades? Lol) Crap, he’s rarely prepared for meetings anyway but certainly guaranteed to create the same dysfunction he has for decades at the LDPCSD (don’t take my word for it, look at the documents from past meetings in the 1990s (TIME LINE MENU) with all his foolishness clothed in concern for the “community….of suckers” – all because he wanted to be a cowboy. (That in itself is cool, but simply having cows obviously doesn’t make one a cowboy anymore than possessing a 6-gun makes one a paid gunslinger, but orchestrating a system which forces thousands of innocent property owners to support his warped delusion of a “good guy cowboy” to the obvious detriment of thousands of MR WECs (Merced River Water Entitled Customers) in the subdivision all these years is simply selfish and unethical.)
Gosh, subdivision owners can’t have little commercial cattle ranches on their subdivision property? “THAT’s not fair!” …..I too would have preferred more acreage myself (still looking) but the availability of water, power, internet, publicly maintained roads, etc. was worth the compromise. (19 open area natural parks for the future too – however, some past local real estate leaders almost destroyed that wonderful concept with the pathetic lure of “selling parks to provide plenty of operating cash” – good grief!)
If I had only known 30 years ago just how corrupt this area was….. WAIT! Oh yeah! Such cheats are all over this DEM INFESTED STATE (and Nation!) – from all political backgrounds too, many are RINOs (Republican In Name Only) claiming to be conservative but when you look at their record? Just another one of their little scams to obtain what they seek – which, not surprisingly usually belongs to someone else! Oh well, what should we expect when selecting representatives for trusted positions from the human species? – Especially when so many repeat offenders are never punished for their continuing intentional misdeeds which harm so many other people?
3) Designated boundary area — again, this was clearly the residential subdivision but look at all the LDPCSD district boundary maps through the years – they don’t even indicate where we SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON PROVIDING RELIABLE, QUALITY WATER SERVICE! TO THE SUBDIVISION RESIDENTS who have paid for that right in numerous ways since owning their property! Golly Gee! Does this expansion of district service boundaries have anything to do with the fact the original LAFCO metes and bounds survey map has never been presented to the public in 40 years? Despite multiple requests from the public and other government entities? (Think of all the FABRICATED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS floating around out there in the CALIFORNIA WATER INDUSTRY DATA STREAM thanks to CSDA Board Director Pete Kampa! Hell, no wonder he would laugh so hard at my requests for public information …. all these local and state criminal bureaucrats are safe…..protected by a State Government and Water Board that believes the Merced River flows through Sutter County up north! Lol Actually, quite frightening when you think about it.) Sounds like a good bet the 1980 MIA (missing in action) ORIGINAL LAFCO MAP being critically important since what LAFCO APPROVED FOR THIS DISTRICT SERVICE AREA 40+ years ago IS FAR GREATER IN ACREAGE THAN WHAT WAS LEGALLY APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION.
Deceptions were orchestrated 10 years prior with the original developers and put into action with the creation of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT in the form of a COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT where thousands of unsuspecting property owners in the approved subdivision would be forced into subsidizing a foothill water empire plan based on unsustainable, unreliable and extremely expensive groundwater wells so properties MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO ANNEXED IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN FUCKING RULES (LAFCO Resolution 76-4) could be provided water thanks to the exploitation of the CSD and MR WECS (Merced River Water Customers) of the subdivision who were MANDATORY CUSTOMERS OF THE LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (LDPCSD) and had no other choice for water service other than selling and leaving their foothill dream and years of work all because they expected an HONEST COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT. <gasp!> take a breath Lew!
4) Finally, COST. Furnishing the service for only the frigg’n cost necessary for providing the water service to the legal customers in the subdivision, not 40 years of turmoil and wasted public funds, then a bunch of 1/2 million dollar unreliable groundwater wells, some of which have already failed requiring expensive repair – all so the EMERGENCY DROUGHT GROUNDWATER produced could be sold to speculators to greatly increase their profit margins with water service to their LAFCO ANNEXED properties all over the area. DUHHH! Always comes down to money and the unscrupulous conduct some people utilize to acquire their prize. So sad for all involved – but there is ohhhhhh so much more.
All the while MR WECs has been lied to for over 40 years and has paid for these ever increasing costs for groundwater substitution for LAFCO properties while watching our surface water treatment plant deteriorate to the point of critical breakdown. WHY? TO FORCE MR WECS INTO WHAT LAFCO, MID, LAND DEVELOPERS, REAL ESTATE, AND THEIR ANNEXATIONS NEEDED – ABUNDANT CHEAP WATER SERVICE FOR WHICH THEY WOULD NOT BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE. Enter MR WECS who purchased LDPOA property believing a Property Owners Association was there to protect the interests of their property owners. LOL Welcome to CALIFUSION where such ideas sound great but never work as planned, advertised and sold to the unsuspecting and victimized public. <gasp>
OH YEAH! And a county constructed sewer system in a drought prone foothill area that is now dependent upon expensive groundwater for operations? Of course the county wants to force that loser on the LDPCSD – NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS leading to this absolute mess of a community because simple regulations were not followed BECAUSE OF GREED – starting with their own. (County makes money on developments, why should they care if property owners in the subdivision have been screwed for 40 years? Seriously – who can a citizen trust in government anymore?)
YUP, even MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO had Resolution 76-4 that effectively prevented such annexations into an existing district by requiring all initial applications to clearly document water and/or sewer availability for the proposed project — just to be EVEN CONSIDERED FOR ANNEXATION!
What happened to that COMMON SENSE RULE?
What happened to the NO SOI GROWTH decision by the County?
Didn’t obey their own rules, screwed every single owner of property in the subdivision who, because of CCRs – were essentially imprisoned mandatory customers of a corrupt CSD which was designed by LAFCOs to be just that – a fraud of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT only to be exploited for its water service potential for isolated regions of Tuolumne and Mariposa Counties.
Another sad aspect is how many people through the years were harmed for standing up for the principle and RULE OF LAW. Same as with the anarchists now, they’re not concerned with the facts or history that had to be lived for the last 244 years in order to form and improve this country to make America the most desirable freedom loving country in the world. They just want to do things their way and the law is an obstruction easily over come without the requisite respect and duty that comes with freedom. Strange huh? They use America’s freedom in order to attempt destruction of America’s freedom? Such MY WAY or NO WAY examples are boundless. (Same as our Board Defectors, who only used positions of public trust to impose their personal/business desires while violating the law to the public’s detriment. And now they want to raise our water rates and fees again because of the millions they squandered violating regulations for a PROPERTY ANNEXATION SCAM SPANNING TWO DECADES? lol Each one is CA GOVERNOR MATERIAL! lol
Heck, I read where a past LDPCSD attorney was charged with investigating the feasibility of possible water service outside the subdivision but when he advised it could not be done the way the board wanted – PRESTO! new attorney! Re-start. Look for an attorney that will say yes. lol Sure that’s life. But shouldn’t a pure heart and truth count for something? (I mean besides just after the last call? {Death}) Truly very sad with all the conflict and community turmoil for decades — all due to those who simply refused to obey the law and substituted their own wishes while occupying positions of public trust and responsibility – Oath sworn positions of public trust in fact. Just like Pete Kampa. Reminds me, did you know
Pete Kampa is a long time CSDA (California Special Districts Association) Board Director with powerful connections throughout the water industry and California government? Oh. You did huh? OK then, well, ahhh,…. lol
Every single aspect of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT ignored and sacrificed for increased profit margins and enhanced county revenue streams assisted by a State Water Board that believes Yosemite’s Merced River flows through Sutter County up by Yuba City.
No one cared about the thousands of property owners in the subdivision scratching out homes for their families in this rugged rural foothill region. Absolutely disgusting. Innocent property owners victimized by every single public and private organization dedicated to public service. What a fraud and perfect example of how government transparency in these California SPECIAL DISTRICTS actually works when crooks are at the helm of management!
Ooops, digressed again, huh? Fingers get moving so fast on the keyboard……anyway, back to the beginning…..hearing the name Patrick McGowan from Pete Kampa made the issue suspicious.
Could have been any name because anything from Peter Kampa should be viewed as suspicious when it concerns SPECIAL DISTRICTS, LAFCO ANNEXATIONS, WATER LICENSE 11395 RESTRICTIONS, GRANT APPLICATONS, MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT, LDPCSD BUSINESS – specifically service boundary maps, fake documents, anything that might require a modicum of integrity and honesty, etc.
(Psst……Did you know Peter Kampa is a long time board director for the CSDA – California Special Districts Association up in Sacramento? Oh, you did.)
A year ago I researched McGowan online and viewed his Father’s fairly recent obituary in the Merced Sun Star. Having lost my own Father years ago – when work required I just maintain and continue the best I could during that heartbreaking period of loss (fortunately we had a great relationship and things he told me in preparation for “that day” kicked in and truly helped me move on), anyway, reading the obit I thought of Mr. McGowan’s loss. I didn’t know him, only that he was a son who had recently lost his Father and there he was, at new job with lots of controversy and unresolved questions left by Pete Kampa’s 2nd resignation from the LDPCSD after lying and screwing customers, a State Water Board Notice of Complaint along with a pissed off former director who knows the facts and says so with annoying rambling blah, blah, blahs until he forgets where the hell he was going with this particular ……….
Oh yeah, OK, so Patrick McGowan’s Dad worked for Merced Irrigation District for 27 years –so what? Sure, he’s probably got a lot of good connections there from his Dad’s work, company picnics, bar-b-ques, etc. Perhaps he is indeed a “ringer brought in by Kampa & Kompany” to quietly continue the decades of deception and fraud so typical at the LDPCSD? But then again, maybe not. Maybe he’s a good guy trying to clean up a mess?
I figured we’d wait and see after all, just because a person has a familial connection with the MID, that doesn’t make them unacceptable for a GM position working closely with the Merced Irrigation District which holds Water License 11395 – which has been violated to the point of absurdity by this district and others for over 40 years? (You knew that too yeah? Lol) Again, we’ll see.
(FOR PETE’S SAKE! Then again, why is GM/Treasurer McGowan apparently concealing that 1993 MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT shape file map that Kampa used to misdirect our district, government granting entities, and customers since 2014 (actually, all the way back to 1993….care to take a wild guess what Kampa has been doing in Sacramento these last 20 years when he had a VALUABLE CROP OF LAFCO ANNEXATIONS that had matured and were ready for harvest in Lake Don Pedro – JUST ADD WATER RIGHT? And with the help of his prior partner in crime in the mid 1990s, that inter-meddling wannabe cowboy director who unethically relayed confidential board information to Kampa so he could have a management contract ready for signing at the next meeting, the deed was done. Board essentially sold our district to Kampa and his KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS, llc, and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO PROTECT THE LEGAL CUSTOMERS WHILE GAMBLING WITH THE SUBDIVISION’S FUTURE WATER SERVICE WITH FURTHER OUTSIDE POU SERVICE VIOLATIONS THEY WERE ACTIVELY PLANNING. They catered to Kampa and his LAFCO Special Interests refusing to even check with the State Water Board to confirm the legitimate PLACE OF USE for MERCED RIVER WATER under the license. Worthless shells of integrity as they continue to pat each other on the back and recount how they saved the entire community from drought. lol
A “DO NOTHING BOARD OF DEFECTORS” and the Mariposa COUNTY LAFCO which only months before Kampa’s unethical return to finish his annexation plan, changed the LDPCSD water service boundary in a semi-closed meeting. And now? All records are prohibited from public review. You know Kampa even assisted in wring a State LAFCO manual as I recall. (If you’re going to cheat might as well cheat with the best.) Lol Professional crooks in government positions of public service pushing special interests while the taxpaying public always ends up paying more for less.
So there I go again….why did outside MIDPOU cattle rancher and long time LDPCSD Board Director Emery Ross bring up the little fact that McGowan’s Dad worked for the MID a year after Patrick’s employment anniversary date? (Probation period? Lol Why did Board President Danny Johnson hide all his past employment information from the public before and after McGowan’s appointment? Such activity only makes something look suspicious that maybe innocent, yeah?)
So why did “get along ‘ittle Rossi” bring this up at the meeting? Who knows? Small talk to sound knowledgeable? Raising questions as to the GM being an another MID operative working within the LDPCSD again for outside interests?
Maybe because Emery just can’t help being an asshole? 🙂
Note- Inspiration for the above blah, blah, blah thanks to a comment on the Merced Irrigation District Facebook page (below) to which I added my own suggestion for a remedy to this continuing CALIFUSION DYSFUNCTION:
“Tamber Bliss California is so Friking CORRUP !!!! Let the land Run Red and Take out the Blue … ITS UP TO YOU.. TAKE CALIFORNIA BACK FROM THOSE THAT WILL AND ARE KILLING OUR STATE!”
Wow! This is so much easier (in some respects) doing individual posts rather than editing a long running page (Years 2020 & 2019), but for the last year I have held tight to the dream some honest employee in State Government might have the authority to intervene in this outrageous criminal conspiracy spanning decades that was ALMOST SUCCESSFUL with the planned substitution of a DIGITAL FAKE MID POU MAP with the real one (1978) on file with the State Water Board in Sacramento.
This has ALWAYS BEEN the Official State Water Board Place of Use map for water license 11395.
When Pete Kampa explained the State of California was requiring a digital format for responding to their NOTICE OF VIOLATION – it certainly didn’t sound right and opened the door to disinformation being commingled with legitimate materials. Can you imagine how screwed up the State Water Board must be when they submit to the public that the Merced River flows through Sutter County up north?
Did any of you check out last meetings agenda packet? (Have you requested to be added to the list?)
Geez….the Agenda Packet below sure took some time to post …forgot how to upload/download a pdf file! lol seriously! I can’t take a break from this stuff without having to retrain. Anyway, one of the points I want to stress is the fact the District and other local government entities have not been honest with the mandatoryMERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS (MR WECS) of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision who have paid the lion’s share of costs of operation since formation in August 1980. Unfortunately, much of those costs were focused on violating the water license to provide water to developers wanting to create other subdivisions adjacent to ours – while we paid for their planning, development and extra costs for their “specially blended water” which we must now consume also instead of the quality Merced River water in the lake! (They must receive groundwater substitution but don’t want to pay for their own groundwater well, whereas in the subdivision we generally can’t have private groundwater wells where CSD is available and are thus MANDATORY CUSTOMERS who have no choice but to pay and pay without district answers to legitimate festering questions lingering for years!
LAFCO ANNEXED PROPERTIES have a choice develop their own well and develop. Or don’t.
Problem is, many real estate folks told prospective owners of such property they had a right to water and would receive such water service in the future. WRONG! Buyer Beware!
Worse yet, the original developers of the subdivision and water company also manipulated land prices and sales with promises of future water and they remained our engineers for over 50 years until only recently leaving during the State Water Board Notice of Violation – and the three separate attempts to close the investigation with further FALSE INFORMATION provided by Pete Kampa and his agents in deceit. (Did you know Pete Kampa is a 20 year board director for the CSDA? California Special Districts Association in Sacramento which is an enormously powerful lobbying organization for special districts like ours? oh, you knew that huh? lol)
Employees at the LDPCSD (many inherited from Boise Cascade) also intentionally violated regulations to supply their friends and associates holding property outside the subdivision who were assured they could get water……eventually. Sure, there were some who wanted water so they could live here but many were grandiose plans for other subdivisions just to make money while the lowly LDP subdivision property owners paid for their expensive groundwater substitution. What a scam!
Imagine, it has taken 5 years just to get our current Board of Defectors to recognize the legal PLACE OF USE for MERCED RIVER WATER per that very clear language contained in water license 11395 held by the Merced Irrigation District (MID) and the equally clear conditions in the water agreement with the MID.
CHECK OUT the Blackwater Draft Preliminary Engineering Report (July 2020) on page 233 where the MID WATER AGREEMENT – highlighted in yellow – requires monthly reporting.
Why has our traditional MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT OUTSIDE PLACE OF USE report (which satisfied the MID reporting requirements) not been returned to the monthly board packet? (Kampa removed it soon after his hi-jacking of our district thanks to the board of do nothing defectors who would not ask one simple question: WHERE IS THE LEGAL MERCED RIVER WATER PLACE OF USE BOUNDARY PER LICENSE RESTRICTIONS?)
Heck they gave Kampa $35,000 for a digital mapping program to answer that question but what did we get for that money? An incorrect fabricated map produced by yet another CSDA affiliate which suggested contacting the MID for place of use information. LOL
MID was working with Kampa because his water service to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS helped them too. They advocated for some of those annexations so they could snag the water rights the property held with a promise of future water service! Essentially forcing the LDPCSD to pay for their added water right benefit. Think about that,.
The water license is held by the MID. They are responsible for making sure restrictions are not violated, yet there they are making water right deals left and right and passing on the “payment” to a district operating under their license which couldn’t possibly provide water to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS outside the subdivision. Full circle. MR WECS has been betrayed by every single entity involved with this fraud of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT.
Look what entity created the LDPCSD….the LDPOA! When did you ever hear of our association using any of its substantial revenue or legal influence to protect their own property owners within the subdivision who are mandatory customers of a rogue special district?
What about their water rights in the future?
They are the only owners the California Public Utility Commission recognized as legally entitled to that lake water.
Then why all the lies, deceit, and misdirection? Why misuse of the initial EMERGENCY DROUGHT GRANT FUNDING to develop extremely expensive and unreliable groundwater wells by Pete Kampa and his board when those funds (and relaxed permitting process) was the perfect opportunity to start development of the McClure Deep Water Project which has been on the books since the 1990s?
Simple answer, providing water to the legally entitled subdivision owners was LESS IMPORTANT than creating an ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF WATER to mix with our quality Merced River water so it could circumvent water license restrictions and be served outside the legal POU of the SUBDIVISION to LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission)) ANNEXED PROPERTIES Pete Kampa set up between 1994-1997.
Kampa was unethically brought back to the LDPCSD to finish the MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLANS he assisted in setting up 20 years earlier by providing a water service with which to develop – all to be paid for by MR WECs of the legal subdivision for perpetuity.
I digress….anyway, below is the agenda packet for the last meeting so you can double check my scans and read for the entire context.
Sorry, but this is clearly meant to mislead the reader……
Those fines were one of the last things I voted on as a director when leaving my 2010-2014 term. Originally Kampa and his supporters wanted $500 to $1000 fines, I objected and suggested the lower amounts that were ultimately approved. Apparently I wasn’t the only one fearful of even a $250 fine for using what “they said” was “too much water” while simultaneously selling our emergency drought groundwater to properties outside the subdivision – our customers used 50% of what they normally would and many lost valuable landscaping.
Notice the difference in description contained in the below Tuolumne County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan report regarding our LDPCSD groundwater wells? (Thanks for the honesty Tuolumne County!)
07202020 Tuolumne well 411
Well, I’ve spent waaaaaaay too much time on this but will no doubt return many times as there is much misleading information. You know, it’s rather like an incremental relay race. Every year they push just a little further, lay back (or resign) until the next individual incrementally pushes the scam a little further – all the while steadfastly refusing to acknowledge their negligent and wrongful activities of the past.
Well, I’ve waited for over one year so it would seem reasonable to stop the hopeful waiting for a CALIFORNIA STATE WATER BOARD response and answer to a slew of legitimate questions about the attempted digital substitution of a 1993 Merced Irrigation District shape file map from an abandoned project for the real McCoy June 15, 1978 MID Place of Use Map hard copy for water license 11395 filed at the State Water Board in Sacramento. Gosh! No one, not even the State Attorney General is concerned about such a criminal conspiracy to violate long established State Water Law regarding Merced River water. Heck….the State Water Board still references the Merced River as being in Sutter County up north under Water License complaints – and complaint resolved even! lol The State Water Board doesn’t know where the Merced River is? Wow .
OK, we’ll be done with that as the opening post for now on but I will likely be posting links to it in the future because it is very important. It shows how people within government – even those trusted with enforcing the law equally – can manipulate the system to the benefit of whomever they choose. It’s called corruption. Anyway, no big surprise huh?
Speaking of covering up decades of criminal conspiracy to violate state water law, here’s the last LDPCSD Board of Directors Meeting I would guess was held on July 20th 2020 at sometime after 1300hrs, but you’d never know it from the official meeting recording – either as a label on the disk or from information gleaned from the audio recording. You’ll see, and hear for yourselves in a little bit. Anyway, some quick notes of that board meeting follow.
LDPCSD JULY 20 2020 Monthly Board Meeting (meeting date per the agenda, not on recording or CD)
Vice President Dan Hankemeier (file photo)
VP Hankemeier – A very quick start to meeting without any prior notice or any of the normal opening statements such as the date, starting time, purpose of the meeting, directors present, absent, etc…. stated there were no public attendees; gavels meeting to order; and starts the pledge of allegiance which he apparently recited incorrectly (changed by the board? lol) VP stated without anyone there the meeting should go faster and announces first item on the agenda, …. no public comment without attendees, then Board Secretary Syndie Marchesiello reminded this multi-year sitting Vice President he needed to establish a quorum….
VP Dan Hankemeier stated three directors were present, Russ (Director Warren) would not be coming in due to work issues and Danny Johnson (Board President) was not there… so three….. Emery Ross and Syndie stated for the record they did have a quorum with Ross, Sperry and Hankemeier to which the VP responded “yes”. No public comments, no presiding officer’s report so straight to the General Manager’s report by Patrick McGowan.
General Manager/Treasurer, Patrick McGowan
LEW’S BLAH BLAH BLAH NOTE: This current GM/Treasurer, who has a MERCED IRRIGATION DISTRICT past family association (a family association which was specifically withheld from public knowledge by current Board President Danny Johnson who also refused to release the particulars of Mr. McGowan’s past employment record prior to and after his hiring with the LDPCSD – after Kampa resigned and suggested McGowan’s hiring),
still hasn’t responded to my requests for the 1993 Merced Irrigation District (MID) shape file map which former GM/Treasurer Peter Kampa and his board of directors WRONGFULLY USED (with clear assistance/cover from State Water Board cooperating employees in the Division of Water Rights) in his/their attempt to surreptitiously replace the LEGITIMATE MID Place of Use MAP on file with the State Water Board in Sacramento with the incorrect “1993 digital MID shape file map” to provide even further water service to other OUTSIDE MIDPOU LAFCO ANNEXATIONS Kampa set up between 1994-1997 during his first tour of employment with the LDPCSD.
6 years I’ve waited to see this map which apparently did make it into various other state water regulatory entities in various forms, yet only they and Kampa have seen this shape file map used to misdirect our LDPCSD for decades behind the scene! Oh yeah, and that CSDA affiliated CAD SOLUTIONS in Modesto that created Kampa’s FABRICATED DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAP to answer all the water license POU questions once and for all…… yet he final product never even mentioned water license 11395 – only suggested contacting the Merced Irrigation District for further information! I kid you not! And we paid dearly for that as well. Anyway…..
GM/Treasurer McGowan has offered absolutely no reason for his refusal to furnish this public information which would certainly assist in explaining how KAMPA and HIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS – since 2014 were able to apply for State and Federal emergency drought grant funds with incorrect map application information.
Once received, and approved (based on that information) those grant funds were used to develop groundwater wells with which to create an “ALTERNATE SOURCE” of water utilized (blended with river water) to circumvent restrictions in Merced Irrigation District’s Water License 11395 in order to provide water service to LAFCO ANNEXATIONS clearly outside the PLACE OF USE for Merced River water within the subdivision. (Both Tuolumne and Mariposa counties.)
So, in addition to greatly expanded costs for this groundwater, those legally entitled to the quality Merced River water held in Lake McClure within the Lake Don Pedro subdivision PLACE OF USE, must now consume water that has been treated to remove arsenic and other contaminants. Notice all the staining since blending water for all those LAFCO ANNEXATIONS?
Unfortunately, without further information it certainly appears as though the new GM/Treasurer is only continuing KAMPA’s decades of betrayal of MR WECs (MERCED RIVER WATER ENTITLED CUSTOMERS of the LDP subdivision) and concealment of public information related to the special interest mismanagement of a CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT by former GM/Treasurer PETER KAMPA, who just happens to also be a
I admit to being extremely disappointed as much of what McGowan has accomplished thus far within our district was long overdue and appreciated, however, without some reasonable explanation for his apparent cooperation with Kampa, his board of directors, and others in concealing this critically important MID shape file map, I now must consider the possibility all this “improvement stuff” is just part of yet another extremely elaborate scam to gain MR WECs support for yet another rate and fee increase that is only necessary BECAUSE OF PAST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACIES TO VIOLATE LAW AND CONTINUE THE FRAUD. They got caught yet won’t even admit it to the victimized customers! This has been going on for decades….all the way back to the formation of this fraud of a CSD.
Kampa resigned his LDPCSD employment and left the LDPCSD for his next CSD victim in McCloud up north back in 1997 when his “behind the scene” LAFCO annexation activities were discovered by the LDPCSD board of directors (there were even questions about rumors of a residential subdivision across the road from the LDPCSD by a director THAT WERE NEVER ANSWERED BACK THEN OR SINCE! However, after 20 years of silence, MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO (and Tuolumne evidently), only a few months prior to KAMPA’s unethical return in 2014, quietly announced through a LDPCSD service boundary map change (closed meeting), that a proposed 900 acre residential subdivision that Kampa had been working on in the 1990’s had actually been approved in 1995 – despite the fact LAFCO maps illustrated it as only Sphere of Influence until shortly before Kampa’s return.
Just as KAMPA had resigned and left in 1997, he did the same in 2019 when confronted with a State Water Board Notice of Violation along with his multiple attempts (with cooperating Water Board operative employees) to close the investigation with even further absolutely false information provided by Peter Kampa. Kampa simply left the LDPCSD with MR WECS once again left holding the financial losses due to his special interest management of a California Special District for his LAFCO ANNEXATION INTERESTS setup 20 years earlier.
Some record yeah? Cheats us the first time and leaves with no accountability, then is brought back by Emery Ross and the board only to cheat and lie again and leave in 2019 after finishing the job (groundwater wells developed with grant funds) for the annexations he wrongfully setup twenty years before. Some dedication yeah? But to what? Intentional violation of the law and once again saddling the innocent legal customers of the subdivision (already enslaved with CC&Rs and another layer of owners association government regulating how water will be obtained and used) with the higher costs for a subsidized “groundwater substitution program” for Kampa annexations – while the legal customers must consume a diminished quality of water! Thank you CSDA for such a wonderful Special District manager!
YUP! CONSIDER: A 20 year criminal conspiracy to violate California State Water Law ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE CONCEPT OF A California Special District which is to simply provide a
1) limited service (water/sewer), 2) for a particular group of customers (LDP residential subdivision property owners per the California Public Utilities Commission approval), 3) within a designated service boundary (the LDP Subdivision boundaries) , and 4) for only the cost necessary in providing that limited service (a surface water treatment plant for Merced River water to the subdivision) and
extremely expensive groundwater wells to circumvent water license restrictions to blend and serve water to outside MIDPOU LAFCO PROPERTIES – many of which were proposed subdivisions in this drought prone area which would also have to be provided expensive groundwater paid for by Mr WECS to develop —water that was supposed to be for drought emergencies! THEY SOLD US OUT AGAIN!)
And so – does the criminal conspiracy just continue with Patrick McGowan covering the most important paper trail of evidence left by Peter Kampa and his board of DEFECTORS and others?
A 20 year California Special District Association [CSDA] (extremely powerful state lobbying organization) board director (along with his co-conspirators within local and State Governments) criminally conspiring to further exploit our LDPCSD which is a California Special District.
PURPOSE? Primarily for the special interests of Pete Kampa, his KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS, llc, two county LAFCOs exercising state power on the local level, and LAFCO annexed property owners Kampa worked with 20 years earlier before screwing us the first time and leaving for McCloud CSD where he fractured that community as well.
Welcome to Democrat controlled Califusion, formally California.
Along with ANY other party candidate opposed to this continuing insane left democrat nonsense! It is time for government accountability across America!
Ahem,….sorry, I’m OK, actually feel better, now back to the LDPCSD board meeting…..
Patrick McGowan. Some information not in packet, any questions ask. GM forgot his “cheat sheet”, has to leave board room to obtain.
Consumer Confidence Report not in packet. Everything good.
Water tanks cleaned – with video footage.
McGowan here for a little over one year with district, no workers compensation injuries. (Excellent)
Ordered 48 more water meters, 147 ordered since McGowan here.
More grant information, costs for environmental review might be less than now stated.
Leaks everywhere with another raw water line leak at Barrett’s.
Outside MIDPOU cattle rancher Emery Ross comments – wants to see more money in savings.
(Really? REM: Ross is the director who orchestrated Pete Kampa’s unethical return in 2014 by disclosing confidential board information for directors to Pete Kampa so he could have a contract ready for next meeting’s signature…..and the board went along….all without a simple background check which would have revealed an extremely checkered past – even here at the LDPCSD.)
Closed monthly meeting for Public Hearing: 1320hrs – (NO PUBLIC to dispute availability fee delinquent account billings)
Ross questions what availability actually means?
Budget vote also in this Public Hearing. Approved. 3-0 (2 absent) 1327hrs Public Hearing closed, back to regular board meeting. (Still no date of meeting mentioned – at least I didn’t hear it announced during this meeting thus far and the Meeting CD mailed to me from the office had no label indicating the date or what was on the disk – guess I shouldn’t complain, didn’t cost me another $3! lol)
Deep water project requiring detailed EPA investigations – species affected, etc. Environmental review. Army Corps of Engineers, much paperwork might be able to push through.
Director Ross commented how the local Miwok Indians camped here in the past which makes such investigation necessary regarding cultural artifacts, etc.
Passed. 3-0 (2 absent)
General district election: (3) 4 year terms. Director Ross explained the procedure about making appointment, wearing a mask, the paperwork involved, etc.
(Consider this, VP Hankemeier asked if Director Ross (with whom he has served for years) went to Tuolumne County or the Sonora city elections office for election filing—- despite the fact Emery Ross is a well known Mariposa county resident and outside MIDPOU cattle rancher – ie, cattle watered with a blended groundwater/river mix to circumvent water license restrictions (providing water service outside the legal place of use that is within the residential subdivision.)
AT&T CONTRACT: Two different options of monthly payments for space for towers. GM suggested option A. Board approved. 3-0 (2 absent)
Discussion item, USDA Final Draft: Water Intake Pump Station. GM stated there were a host of minor changes. Barge should be operational September 1st. The Deep Water Intake project was designed in the 1990s to reach the “minimum pool” of the lake during drought conditions. GM McGowan mentioned there were other sources available to district other than the barge as discussed with MID…..but no further information as to what these immediate sources of water would be.
Director Emery Ross for the first time during a public meeting since McGowan was hired a year ago mentions the fact that the GM’s father was a long time employee of the Merced Irrigation District. Strange huh?
VP Hankemeier closes monthly meeting at 2:48 PM
NEVER EVEN MENTIONED THE MEETING DATE OR PURPOSE DURING THE ENTIRE MEETING – much less the start time as strongly suggested by a prior Grand Jury report. (They) Do what they want, when they want – no accountability, but we pick up most of the bill while they call it a “community”….sounds like the start of a LAME yeah? lol – Sorry, but I had to add some sort of video to qualify as a video for upload so…..where do you get your news? lol think about it anyway!
Only in Lake Don Pedro can you have a local government business meeting without ever announcing the date, time and purpose for the official meeting record. Thank Heavens the Board Secretary was there to remind the Board Vice President he and two other directors were present constituting a quorum to conduct business, well, at least physically they were there. (VP couldn’t even recite Our Country’s Pledge of Allegiance correctly? — or has the LDPCSD board changed that for convenience also?)