The “gift” that just keeps giving.
My best to you and yours, Lew
My best to you and yours, Lew
NOTE: A revision to this video can be located under “SO WWW?” (So Where Were We?) Top left of opening menu bar – “THANKS FRANK” 12/13/2018 0633hrs
My best to you and yours, Lew
Received this morning – felt it worthy of passing on to viewers who might be interested. Struck me as to how it appears to relate to the many difficulties the USA is experiencing as a result of politically motivated immigration to disrupt and confuse the differences between “RIGHTS”, “PRIVILEGES”, “PREFERENCES”, etc. within this freedom born and loving country.
Finally understand how normal life expectancy plays a critical role in their rewriting and perversion of true history. Once those who were physically present and knew the truth from the special interest propaganda that is intentionally spread to confuse and change issues for the invading forces are gone, who will stand against an anti USA position and scream from the top of their lungs:
then again, who will be here to receive and understand such a warning – much less care?
Yup, beginning to understand how natural death might be embraced after conversion into a stranger while in your own home.
* Please appreciate that race, ethnicity, culture, religion, etc. has little to do with being a LEGITIMATE CITIZEN.
My best to you and yours, Lew
Subject: Switzerland — What’s in a Handshake?
Wake up people!
At first glance this may seem like a trivial story, but what lies hidden beneath it could have serious consequences for our children and grandchildren.
In Switzerland it has long been customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. It’s a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga recently felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life.
And the reason she felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim brothers, aged 14 and 15, who have lived in Switzerland for several years (and thus are familiar with its mores), in the town of Therwil, near Basel, refused to shake the hands of their teacher, a woman, because, they claimed, this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members.
At first the school authorities decided to avoid trouble, and initially granted the boys an exemption from having to shake the hand of any female teacher. But an uproar followed, as Mayor Reto Wolf explained to the BBC: “the community was unhappy with the decision taken by the school. In our culture and in our way of communication a handshake is normal and sends out respect for the other person, and this has to be brought home to the children in school.”
Therwil’s Educational Department reversed the school’s decision, explaining in a statement on May 25 that the school’s exemption was lifted because “the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion.” It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake. Furthermore, if the students refused to shake hands again “the sanctions called for by law will be applied,” which included a possible fine of up to 5,000 dollars.
This uproar in Switzerland, where many people were enraged at the original exemption granted to the Muslim boys, did not end after that exemption was itself overturned by the local Educational Department. The Swiss understood quite clearly that this was more than a little quarrel over handshakes; it was a fight over whether the Swiss would be masters in their own house, or whether they would be forced to yield, by the granting of special treatment, to the Islamic view of the proper relations between the sexes. It is one battle small ,but to the Swiss significant between overweening Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Swiss.
Naturally, once the exemption was withdrawn, all hell broke loose among Muslims in Switzerland . The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, instead of yielding quietly to the Swiss decision to uphold the handshaking custom, criticized the ruling in hysterical terms, claiming that the enforcement of the handshaking is “totalitarian” (!) because its intent is to “forbid religious people from meeting their obligations to God.”
That, of course, was never the “intent” of the long-standing handshaking custom, which was a nearly-universal custom in Switzerland , and in schools had to do only with encouraging the right classroom atmosphere of mutual respect between instructor and pupil, of which the handshake was one aspect.
The Swiss formulation of the problem weighing competing claims will be familiar to Americans versed in Constitutional adjudication. In this case “the public interest with respect to equality” of the sexes and the “integration of foreigners” (who are expected to adopt Swiss ways, not force the Swiss to exempt them from some of those ways) were weighed against the “religious obligations to God” of Muslims, and the former interests found to outweigh the latter.
What this case shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential level, Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the Infidels among whom they have been allowed to settle [i.e., stealth jihad toward sharia dominance]. Each little victory, or defeat, will determine whether Muslims will truly integrate into a Western society or, instead, refashion that society to meet Muslim requirements.
The handshake has been upheld and, what’s more, a stiff fine now will be imposed on those who continue to refuse to shake hands with a female teacher. This is a heartening sign of non-surrender by the Swiss. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigenes have no logical end and will not stop.
And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society, and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by outbreeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society now dominated by Muslim sharia.
(The Muslims have no intention of assimilating into any non-Muslim society because their religion forbids it. The Western Countries had better wake up and start deporting the Muslims before a it is too late. The Muslims have a Master Plan for World Domination, but the Western Countries currently have no Master Plan for defending against it. – BKJ)
The Swiss handshaking dispute has received some, but not enough, press attention. Presumably, it’s deemed too inconsequential a matter to bother with. But the Swiss know better. And so should we.
There’s an old Scottish saying that in one variant reads: “Many a little makes a mickle.” That is, the accumulation of many little things leads to one big thing. That’s what’s happening in Europe today. This was one victory for the side of sanity. There will need to be a great many more.
This needs circulation far and wide. Hopefully the U.S. can learn before it’s too late. In fact, some schools in the U.S. are now letting Muslim male students bring and use their prayer rugs, but we can’t have prayer in our schools?
Over a decade of MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO ANNEXATION FILES missing from their website?
Sheriff/District Attorney/Grand Jury etc, unable/unwilling to investigate and make corrections?
California Attorney General and his Department of Justice suggest contacting local and state law enforcement and various state and federal political officials for assistance or perhaps hiring private legal counsel — IF you can even find adequate representation that does not have a “conflict of interest issue” with any one of the many extremely powerful players (or KAMPA supporting organizations such as the CSDA) in this Lake Don Pedro water right scam spanning decades.
Court? As in risking your own future financial security to pursue complaints of local public agency corruption in a Superior Court? That’s what the DOJ is supposed to do.
Look what happened to prior Lake Don Pedro victim residents Jim and Marion Dean before they left this realm of existence after losing close to 1/2 a million dollars for simply attempting to get the County of Mariposa to obey its own frigg’n land development regulations and STATE RESPONSIBILITY AREA 1991 FIRE SAFE MINIMUM ROADWAY STANDARDS IN A DESIGNATED HIGH FIRE SEVERITY ZONE 12 YEARS AFTER THEY WERE PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE!
Think about that! 1/2 million dollars of private retirement funds lost in simply trying to get the County of Mariposa to follow land development regulations it set up for public safety and the good of the county!
Then later – recognizing the many failures and liabilities PERMITTED TO CONTINUE FIRE WISE, DESPITE CLEAR ENFORCEABLE LAW TO THE CONTRARY, the state decides to charge a “Fire Fee” to all regular citizen property owners within the SRA for more revenue AND WAS ABLE TO KEEP THE MONEY after it was determined to be essentially an illegal TAX! So much for record keeping and filing protests for those years….the state still kept MY MONEY yet permitted a land developer to intentionally violate 12 year old state regulations regarding minimum roadway standards in a residential high fire severity zone by constructing substandard roads to serve multiple proposed residences, one even violated six separated state public safety regulations specifically designed to protect life and property! What have we all witnessed year after year after year after year? The senseless loss of life and property due to wild fire and the failure to abide by public safety fire regulations in land developments. Lake Don Pedro was fine for decades until that “late on the scene” land developer from the Bay Area constructed many of these “developer convenience roads” to reach traditionally difficult to develop properties within this CALIFORNIA SUBDIVISION MAP ACT APPROVED SUBDIVISION to cut expenses for traditional individual driveways. That geriatric couple, my friends, each died (within a couple of weeks of each other) with an incredible added stress due to fighting a righteous and legally grounded public safety cause yet losing in Mariposa County Superior Court because of the private special interests that can so often be easily and quietly elevated above common sense law. A COMMON SENSE LAW that increasingly appears to only apply, and be enforced against, powerless citizens through, and by, an out of control special interest local government with no accountability to anyone or anything. (What is it “they say”? Accountable to the public they represent and serve? lol)
Repeated failure to respond to written requests for lawful public information?
A semi-secret meeting between LAFCO and LDPCSD officials in 2014 that dramatically changed the LDPCSD operating water service boundary to permit a previously proposed 900 acre residential subdivision across the street from the LDPCSD Administration Office – without providing requested evidence that such annexation was properly performed back in 1995 -even though that annexation was then evidently actively kept a secret from the public for over 20 years until shortly before Pete Kampa was unethically returned to the LDPCSD as GM/TREASURER and tasked with providing an “alternate source water” for a massive groundwater substitution program to serve many LAFCO ANNEXED PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTS outside the water license Place of Use for Merced River water – and utilizing state and federal grant funds intended for existing customers during a state wide drought emergency?
Yes, a big ‘ol honk’n sentence for a big ‘ol water suck’n scam by slick special interests who always use public funds and resources for their private land development benefit, aka, GIFTS OF PUBLIC FUNDS!
(Yes, didn’t sleep well last night.)
So I decided to again attempt to find out what’s been going on up in Sacramento with the State Water Board regarding Pete Kampa’s multiple attempts at filing his FAKE POU MAP in replacement of the SWRCB OFFICIAL ONE ON FILE (so as to enlarge the PLACE OF USE FOR MERCED RIVER WATER UNDER WL11395 and reduce the degree and severity of intentional violations he’s known about for over 20 years).
[Don’t have time right now, but a 2016 KAMPA denial played next to a 2018 acknowledgement of “potential”financial exposure of the district might make for an interesting comparison – yeah?]Actually thought I had found the information I was looking for
yet after downloading and attempting to open the file from the SWRCB website a security alert warning advised the file is probably dangerous and may allow a malicious user to take over my computer! YIKES! That doesn’t sound good, eh?
Been there – done that! My aging curiosity certainly is not worth risking compromising my computer with garbage quite costly to remove. A government website really screwed up my laptop years ago….I was happily downloading all sorts of great information left and right when suddenly, a momentary flicker on the monitor and then …..BSOD! (BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!) What a horribly helpless feeling.
So, guess I’ll just continue to wait and hope for a legitimate SWRCB investigation, illumination of the truth, and some semblance of justice and accountability for the years of wasted public resources and distraction from legitimate LDPCSD business, but of course, while “WE WAIT” Kampa & Kompany (and his supporting organizations) are simultaneously continuing to misrepresent and deceive costing MR WECs more money each day with a likely corresponding reduction in the quality of entitled service.
Think I’ll limp around outside in the sunshine for a while.
My best to you and yours, Lew
(BELOW) Don Pedro Waste Water Pond in the top right corner of this file photo.
Found this document this morning. Considering the discussion at the last LDPCSD Special Meeting on November 12, 2018 reported yesterday, I thought it might be of interest to those concerned about the issue. Lots of background information and tons of technical stuff.
Although I have not read every single word in the document I did scan it rather thoroughly for any mention of the process of dumping toxic liquid landfill leachate (the brownish nasty liquid stuff which accumulates at landfill basins when precipitation percolates through the garbage) into the facility for treatment – without success. I did read something about how using such a system for any other purpose not specifically approved by the state could be a violation. I honestly do not know if that prior leachate dumping by tankers from the Mariposa landfill is continuing or exactly how it was initially set up by the county, but it sure sounds like something our community should find out if the County of Mariposa is indeed attempting to force that financial MONEY PIT/nightmare on the MR WECs of the Lake Don Pedro subdivision WHO (as you might have heard somewhere – lol) HAVE ALREADY BEEN UNETHICALLY SADDLED WITH THE SUBSTANTIAL COSTS in providing a subsidized groundwater replacement program for LAFCO ANNEXATIONS outside the WL11395 Place of Use boundary for Merced River water. (Properties, incidentally, our district has no legal duty or moral obligation to provide water service which certainly makes the program appear to be more of a GIFT OF PUBLIC FUNDS AND RESOURCES FOR PRIVATE LAND DEVELOPER BENEFIT.
When you think about it, MR WECs are already subsidizing that waste water facility with KAMPA’s GRANT FUNDED GROUNDWATER WELL SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM since the facility is outside the legal Place of Use for Merced River water and must receive groundwater. Although this document does mention that the facilities source water is a “blend” of surface and groundwater it FAILS TO EXPLAIN WHY THIS MUST BE DONE!
Anyway, here’s the link to the document:
Don Pedro Waste Water Facility Information
My best to you and yours, Lew
Pre-meeting discussion by LDPCSD Danny Johnson of his recent vacation in Europe and visiting areas such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, etc. Mentioned riding on a high speed train in Switzerland that was never-the-less very smooth.
1303hrs start meeting, Hankemeier absent; pledge.
Johnson comments on Veteran’s Day, military, and everything we have in Don Pedro.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ruth Smith was confused about new subdivision tower on Arbolada Drive, it was not a cell tower but a data tower – is that true? (the one on Arbolada Drive….NO SERVICE!) GM/Board Treasurer Peter Kampa states yes, it is a data tower not cell tower and it brought data to the LDPCSD, but no cell service.
1307 VP Dan Hankemeier arrives.
No presiding officer’s report by President Danny Johnson except for thanking customers who attended.
PETE KAMPA: (CD 9:04) No time cards so Directors could receive the $100/meeting. 18% treated water loss, RAW water loss: readjusted lost water report added acre foot – 7 AF in loss. Project for service lines and meter vault replacement out to bid. Several hundred service lines…… in the future the new proposed water meter will help with identifying water loss.
(CD 14:04) Danny JOHNSON: Do we have an engineer as of today?
Kampa – we have two candidates instead of four. Kampa sent questionnaire for more information. Fresno company taken out. KJ principle engineer and primary contact has resigned. Jennifer is the new engineer but Kampa doesn’t believe is adequate. Kampa leaning towards Jeff Black (Black Water) and Alfonso ????? out of Modesto least expensive, but Kampa concerned about capability to produce.
Johnson suggests going with BLACK WATER. WARREN: They have WASTE WATER experience as well. Kampa has worked with them before with the wastewater side in two other districts. (17:20)
RANCHITO WELL STILL NOT COMPLETED. Binkley still working on that above ground plumbing. Surveyor has completed his work …out to bid in early December. Hank: if out in December, when done? End of January……??? Ranchito well #2 needs to have valve replaced?
Kampa reading and researching on the district boundaries and annexations regarding POU. No contact from state yet regarding matter.
Planning Grant application being submitted to state (1/2 million for intake system, treatment plant and some distribution components,)
Dollar General questions by Warren…..Kampa: Dollar General still owes us completed material and our district needs to place a serious threat…. They are not producing the documents CSD asked for four months before completion. (21:00)
JOHNSON RE GRANTS: Back up generation grant? Kampa- still out there, no information.
RANDY’s REPORT BY KAMPA: (23:30) Due date, 90 days from start, have had it approximately 50 days…,
Everything torn apart…. Kampa expecting more information but couldn’t get in touch with Randy.
Kampa: Leak on intake and Ranchito well #1 still down are the two big projects. Distribution system leaks, fire hydrant work done by contractor. August, 15 leaks but we’ll get reimbursed – District should consider getting more money to do the remainder of the service lines.
JOHNSON: Look at the price we are paying…..can’t have our guys do the work? A dedicated crew?
Emery: $4,000 for each lateral repair that’s $400 a foot.
JOHNSON: THE BIG SCOPE OF WHAT WE NEED TO DO…..raising rates…..? Can we get somebody to work on call?
WARREN: Capital needs, need to have a meeting to look at long term capital stuff….. time to have a meeting only about capital stuff and a plan. Drought – lucky to have money to get that water.
JOHNSON: Service line replacement will only do about a third of what is needed.
No plan – what people to do work? ….. tells Kampa to plan for a long meeting in December.
JOHNSON: SPECIAL MEETING only for that topic. KAMPA: We have money in budget to help prioritize the projects – models to assist in designing a program. Kampa wants BOARD DIRECTION
Various director comments about District being stuck in drought matters that are over but we are stalling elsewhere now.
JOHNSON: Ranchito Well # 2 repair…… how long to get three flange gaskets? Johnson’s dander up because repair wasn’t made quickly. JOHNSON said he was going to throw a grenade:
36:50 WHAT IS OPERATIONS DOING NOW? He then requested an accountability report from Kampa. The “cookie cutter reports” each month do not make Johnson feel comfortable.
JOHNSON we have to move forward – original Ranchito well is down and now Ranchito #2 is off line, what if something else fails?
ROSS: Must tell the board what is happening, very basic stuff so reports only mention recent activities. Just trying to find stuff for monthly meeting reports and discussions. Wants to know what Randy is actually doing? (As Chief Operator why does he rarely attend board meetings?)
JOHNSON: discussed for years, what is happening with our LDPCSD operations? Treatment plant doesn’t take that much to report.
KAMPA state the matter was not on the agenda for discussion and they would discuss next month.
JOHNSON reminded about public comment, any Public Comment?
WES BARTON: will provide the board with his entire written comment as he would probably go over the three minutes. First meeting in years where he’s heard anything intelligent coming from a board meeting – yes we do have serious leadership problems, serious management problems, serious staffing problems, whether we have cash problems is unknown because we don’t have anyone to keep track of the cash – so….this is good. It’s not good that we don’t know where we are at, but it is good that we’re talking about it.
Johnson, I respect your point Pete so we’ll discuss it next month. Move on to item to #4 – Treasurer’s report and minutes approval. Wes Barton requested a copy of the shrinkage report which Kampa said would be available, Johnson stated he would see to it Barton received the information. Approved.
LAFCO and DON PEDRO SEWER ZONE DISCUSSION (44:45) Purpose of the special sewer zone was to charge those using the sewer system around the golf course to pay for the services. Sierra Highlands was formed first, then the sewer zone, and then the LDPCSD in 1980 with the resolution of formation stating the condition that the LDPCSD would assume the operation of the sewer system in the future.
WARREN: Discusses information from 2008 —-doesn’t know what the current condition of the facility.
KAMPA states the facility is fairly new but he had only operated the old sewer facility on the golf course. Johnson understands county wanting to combine services (water for entire district and waste water system around golf course) but the original system was on the golf course, but the county built a new multi-million dollar facility without sufficient financial income to support the system. Stated a county supervisor asked for his help in getting CSD customers to support taking over the golf course sewer facility but Johnson refused stating “you’ve got the wrong boy” because of the substantial amount of money owed on the system (millions) would be a terrible liability for the district. Johnson said the sewer customers don’t want to pay a higher cost for their sewer system and the district had a hard enough time.
Kampa stated if we refused Mariposa County Counsel would likely attempt to enforce the “will take” condition in the District’s formation resolution. He also said the county would subsidize any difference when the CSD acquired the facility.
Johnson discussed the problem of finding adequate staffing and the waste water part had to be completely separate from the drinking water part of district business.
Warren asked how many properties were served around the golf course, Kampa advised 200 and something yet President Danny Johnson stated only 70 actually had a residence. Kampa said there were less than 4, say 300 customers, but the system had six sewer lift stations that are unimproved since original installation. Old equipment. Kampa believed the processing system had been upgraded but the lifts have not.
JOHNSON asked who built the new waste system and Kampa indicated Boise Cascade built it and dedicated it to the County.
Kampa stated he had been contacted by the District II County Supervisor (Merlin Jones) who wanted to set up a meeting to discuss the LDPCSD taking control of the sewer system.
Kampa indicated the county was evidently prepared to force the issue of acceptance on the district.
Emery Ross said had warned about Supervisor Jones wanting the district to take it years ago. He said the users of the system were barely making the payments on the USDA loan for the facility. He said the majority of the vacant lots are delinquent on property taxes which was the problem. Emery said it was a real estate problem and there just wasn’t enough money. Ross said the system was rejected in 2008 when it was in better condition. Customers have twice voted down a necessary rate increase. He advised lot owners pay $900 a year for the sewer service. He then read the rates proposed for the next few years for the sewer bill. Emery said the lots owners just couldn’t afford the estimated increases as many are on fixed incomes.
Director Warren stated most of us have septic (on site private system) why not properties around the golf course?
Johnson suggested it was due to the density of the homes in the area and condos and all that.
Hankemeier thought the whole uphill design of the system was wrong because a failure could mean it all coming back downhill; also we weren’t involved in such a creation, why would we want it now?
Emery Ross continued about the costs of the system and the required qualified employees.
Someone asked if it was the Porter properties. Johnson replied it was everything around the golf course not just Porter’s property, the condos over there, where the homes are closer together. Emery continued reading a report about sewer water running down the street which is illegal.
President Danny Johnson commented on the hype years ago of Lake Don Pedro becoming the next Tahoe area. He said the County would not have invested in the place unless they thought the area was really going to prosper and develop but it was a bust.
VP Dan Hankemeier repeated that we had nothing to say about it.
Johnson commented this issue has been on and off for years.
Kampa said it was a public process and the district didn’t exist in 1980, but Sierra Highlands was already in place and LAFCO processed the projects.
Johnson asked for Kampa’s recommendation, he said when they sit down and discuss we should require an engineering condition assessment, how regulations are being met, facility/water monitoring….on the collection side, are their predictions of financial stability accurate, etc.
Johnson told Kampa to say hello for the board. Kampa advised he had work to do on the assessment concept.
Johnson asked Kampa if the old treatment plant would have met the needs of the homes present?
He said, no. It could not be upgraded so a new one was required.
Discussions about Kampa’s prior experience with the old system. ??? He believes they are the same lift stations from the old sewer system.
Ross continued reading various financial facts from some article about the cost of running the system.
Johnson commented our district had enough problems with water running down the street without taking on sewer water running down the street as well.
Danny Johnson stated a few years ago he was told they owned 6 to 7 million dollars for that system.
Wes Barton agreed around that time it was 6 million dollars.
Kampa commented on the testing required and strict permitting…… engineering to keep it in compliance.
Ross asked what the direction was for the GM?
Johnson said, go there and find out, move forward, talk to county, if question comes up if board interested— no we are not.
Warren wanted more information, system worth, cost of operation, how it will pay for itself….
Ross said it cannot pay for itself which is the problem.
Johnson said Kampa needed to talk to the county.
Kampa wanted the board to specifically direct him —- talked about property values in the area…….
Our community reputation……engineering evaluation, condition of assessment, operating expenses, depreciation, what is financial picture, what are we taking on? , Capital improvements…..if they provide this then the board has something to discuss.
Warren wanted to know about unfunded liability for past personnel.
Ross said Wes had some good points.
Kampa said never in his career had he turned his back on someone who wanted to discuss a matter.
Warren said all we see are things we can’t afford, this doesn’t help to pump and treat water for our customers.
Johnson said if a county supervisor would like to come to the meeting and educate directors, bring it on. Come to the meeting and spin it to the board. That way the board does not say just NO, but come and dance in our house! Warren stated we did not represent their interests.
Johnson requested a motion from the board. Kampa said he is going to be asked to attend a meeting with the supervisor one way or the other.
Syndie stated she had several directions….Pete to talk to supervisor and ask him to attend one of our meetings…. Johnson said it was just a suggestion, but we have to tell Pete what to do.
Warren said the supervisor should come to our meeting and tell us the facts!
Hankemeier said they reject it based on what Emery said.
Warren said Kampa didn’t want to slam the door in their face.
Kampa said we could check on our legal options……..what are the other options? Go to LAFCo? What are our opportunities? Application to LAFCO to have condition removed?
Johnson said for Kampa to go and get those answers, board is researching,
Warren said we should talk with our attorney and see what he says…..Kampa to talk with our attorney and bring back to board the attorney’s suggestion.
1423hrs adjourn
SAME OLD GAME….do whatever it is you want and then attempt to change the rules and mitigate damages to those innocent victims already harmed.
Check out how support for this proposed “administrative change” by the STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB aka “STATE WATER BOARD”) was initiated and why.
Should not such a request have been forwarded to the SWRCB PRIOR TO ANNEXING properties into the LDPCSD that were clearly outside the POU of WL11395?
The WRONG POU MAP had been filed with the State of California instead of the map “KAMPA & KOMPANY” (and his LDPCSD predecessors who advocated district expansion beyond the water license boundary from “day one”) claim was the correct map and included many of the LAFCO ANNEXATIONS into the district that had already started receiving water – not to mention all those which were planned to also be served outside the POU.
Apparently the incorrect June 20, 1977 map which included many LAFCO ANNEXATIONS “reserving water for future use”was indeed filed with the state during licensing yet was later revised June 15, 1998 to remove those areas “reserving water for future use” which were clearly outside the WL1395 POU boundary.
Here are the words from the September 28th, 2017 SWRCB NOTICE OF VIOLATION to the LDPCSD (page 31-32):
Recall what the result of this orchestrated request for a POU change based on more incorrect information provided by the LDPCSD was?…….
continuing the same waste and misuse of substantial public funds and resources in another attempt to re-litigate and expand POU BOUNDARIES [changing water license] that were legally established over forty years ago. Why? Special interests want to include properties for Merced River water service despite the fact they are clearly outside the legitimate POU of the entitled residential subdivision.
Appreciate the “DOUBLE WHAMMY” in financial costs and reduced services for MR WECs?
If no POU CHANGE – pursued with local public funds for private land developer interest benefit – then their “fallback position” is simply the continuation of the unethical and EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE SUBSIDIZED GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION FOR WRONGFUL MERCED RIVER WATER DIVERSIONS outside the POU of WL11395!
The original Ranchito Drive well #1 has been down for years which means EVERY SINGLE DROP OF GROUNDWATER being used to remedy these intentional violations of the water license (providing water outside the subdivision) has been funded with STATE and FEDERAL GRANT MONEY THAT WAS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO ASSIST EXISTING CUSTOMERS THROUGH EMERGENCY DROUGHT CONDITIONS…….NOT TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL FINANCIAL WATER SERVICE BENEFIT TO LAND DEVELOPERS WITH LAFCO ANNEXED LAND OUTSIDE THE SUBDIVISION PLACE OF USE !
I believe such could be considered a misappropriation of government funds if requisite intent could be established.
The MR WECs of the LAKE DON PEDRO residential subdivision have been paying more for their water service since DAY ONE (higher availability fees had to be approved due to low population in subdivision but then that extra revenue was used to pursue further service OUTSIDE THE FRACK’N SUBDIVISION!) because of the intentional failure of the District to abide by the water restrictions contained in WL11395 while simultaneously catering to the special interests of real estate/land developers holding vast areas of land outside the license boundary which required water for development.
Also please remember that the 1987 establishment of a huge SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (SOI) BOUNDARY [where water service might reasonably be provided in the future] was based on a detailed LAFCO commissioned SOI RESEARCH STUDY and Report that……..
Peculiar, yeah?
My best to you and yours, Lew
PS: Latest request for Public Information:
12:05 (today)
Perhaps Pete Kampa has not actually read the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) September 28th, 2017 Notice of Violation for alleged WL11395 Water Right violations?
How could he miss and/or ignore the State’s clear determination of facts relating to the PLACE OF USE for Merced River water per Water License 11395 held by the Merced Irrigation District (MID)?
Why does Kampa continue displaying the June 20th, 1977 MID POU Map on the LDPCSD website as the official MID POU Boundary map when the REVISED JUNE 15th, 1978 IS THE OFFICIAL MAP ON FILE WITH THE SWRCB?
Is he trying to passively communicate with others who might view the website for information as to their outside MIDPOU property interests Kampa has previously promised water for their developments?
Why does Kampa ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE the legitimate June 15th, 1978 MID POU Map which is on file with the SWRCB as the POU for WL11395?
How can Kampa be allowed to continue managing a local public agency like the LDPCSD according to his own SPECIAL INTEREST rules and regulations which clearly contradict what the State of California has already determined, established and documented as the operating law?
Below is the map Kampa still displays on the LDPCSD website – WHICH IS INCORRECT!
…but, but, but……how could that happen with a dedicated and honest employee on the job you might ask? lol!
That question presumes a dedication and honesty to the lawful functioning of the LDPCSD to the benefit of the intended customers of that former SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT the MR WECs of the subdivision that simply did not exist.
The focus since “DAY ONE” of the LDPCSD (and obviously encouraged and supported by the two district forming county LAFCOs who gained land development revenue without the liability of being required to provide the necessary potable water service in a known drought prone area) was to extend those main pipelines even further beyond the PLACE OF USE BOUNDARY OF THE SUBDIVISION FOR MERCED RIVER WATER PER WL11395.
Back then KAMPA was forced to keep his private ANNEXATION DEALS concealed from the BOARD OF DIRECTORS yet now, KAMPA has a fully co-operating board of defectors that have taken ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST WHAT-SO-EVER IN THE LEGAL POU OF WL11395 preferring instead to fund a $35,000 digital mapping project which enabled PETE KAMPA to fabricate his FAKE POU MAP to include his annexed properties from 20 years earlier.
Since Pete Kampa returned to the LDPCSD in October 2014 he has only continued the LAFCO ANNEXATION expansion plans made over twenty years ago with which he was also personally involved.
Here’s a quick update on the most recent PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST:
November 12, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.
This Meeting replaces the November 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting (PDF below…if this works – CONTROL PAGES BOTTOM LEFT IN DOCUMENT. YOU KNOW, I worry sometimes that I am only a sneeze away from forgetting how to do any of this! lol)
Imagine, MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO waits a month after the STATE OF CALIFORNIA declares the Merced River water fully appropriated and being put to maximum beneficial use per the State Constitution to then quietly, and greatly, expand the water service area boundary for its new LAKE DON PEDRO CSD that is clearly far beyond what the California Public Utilities Commission was prepared to approve. In fact, the CPUC went to great lengths in that decision to clearly explain what properties were, and were not, to be provided water by the new LAFCO formed district. The reason for the last 38 years of that missing LAFCO SERVICE AREA MAP? Evidence of the deception?
Yup, in August 1980 LAFCO quietly enlarging the LDPCSD water service area (apparently re-confirmed in Kampa’s recent statement that Unit 7 was part of the Sierra Highlands residential subdivision and therefore, within his “interpretation of the WL11395 POU) only months before receiving the SIERRA HIGHLANDS WATER COMPANY facility and assets transfer approval from the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) in January 1981, effective February 1981?
The official service area map missing for over 38 years – despite the fact the 11 pages of metes and bounds survey still exist?
Refusal to provide that original area service map to other requesting government entities and individuals through the last almost four decades!
Missing MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) records on their internet page and refusal to reply to multiple FORMAL REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION REGARDING HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS ANNEXATIONS INTO THE LDPCSD?
A SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (SOI) boundary developed by LAFCO based on an in depth detailed report 7 years after LDPCSD formation without a service map (and after the logical ZERO SOI PROPOSED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT) – A DETAILED SOI REPORT THAT DID NOT EVEN MENTION STATE WATER LICENSE 11395 restrictions on Merced River water use outside the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision (formerly Sierra Highlands Water Company subdivision)?
In other words, LAFCO was approving annexations into the LDPCSD for development that the district could not possibly legally provide water and all these annexations were based on a “detailed” and contracted SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDY REPORT (resulting in a huge SOI Boundary for properties and their “potential future water service”) that NEVER ONCE MENTIONED
Please also consider….
A proposed “slumbering 900 acre residential subdivision across the street from the LDPCSD” that was acknowledged twenty years later and only a few months before PETE KAMPA/KAMPA COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS / aka KAMPACS, unethical return and appointment as general manager without even a rudimentary background employment check? (Accomplished through a LAFCO – LDPCSD semi-closed meeting in Mariposa that I was repeatedly told I could not attend which just happened to result in a NEW LDPCSD SERVICE BOUNDARY THAT INCLUDED ONE OF KAMPA’s 20 year old LAFCO ANNEXATIONS REQUIRING an expensive GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM TO DEVELOP?
Granting Kampa unlimited access to over one million dollars in district funds accumulated due to the successful passage of a proposition 218 to avoid bankruptcy?
That million dollars was used to leverage state and federal grants in order to develop groundwater wells that the government and public were told would only be used for emergency drought purposes, yet was actually used to create a massive “ALTERNATE SOURCE OF WATER” with which to sell to the many LAFCO ANNEXATIONS OUTSIDE THE WATER LICENSE LEGAL PLACE OF USE PETE KAMPA SET UP OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO when starting his infamous water career in California?
Still waiting for the conclusion to the State Water Board investigation and Pete Kampa’s obvious attempted change of the WL11395 Place of Use Boundary (to include the annexations he pushed twenty years ago) for Merced River water with a fabricated incorrect boundary map Kampa submitted to the State Water Board in defense of his wrongful activities?
An acquiescent Board of Directors who despite years of requests by the public would not even simply pick up a telephone and request a legitimate POU map from….oops! repeating myself….lol
Yup, what a perfect time for Kampa and Kompany to schedule a Special Meeting (cancelling the regular meeting with its procedures and routine production of public information) to discuss another financial deception and betrayal by the county and LDPCSD “remote management”.
My best to you and yours, Lew
What about the county’s dumping of tanker truck loads full of toxic leachate from the Mariposa County Landfill into the Don Pedro wastewater facility when their leachate basins overfilled during heavy precipitation?
Is that what caused the premature damage and eventual replacement of wastewater plant equipment?
Will that LEACHATE transport-dumping procedure continue when necessary or was it just a temporary answer to a serious County problem that the Don Pedro facility was used to remedy while in the county’s control?
there is soooooooo much more to this betrayal ……but I have ignored my own work long enough, later
Sorry for the copy quality. The above page was in a Mariposa County LAFCO TRAINING presentation to the Mariposa Board of Supervisors on September 26th, 2018. (This LAFCO TRAINING presentation had been continued from the April 18th and June 27th, 2018 meetings.)
ANYWAY, had just started looking over the material as to SPECIAL DISTRICTS (which are supposed to have “limited boundaries” you know) in MARIPOSA COUNTY that were subject to this LAFCO authority when the description of our LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (LDPCSD) on page 11 jumped out at me….. (so naturally, I will emphasize that information to make it JUMP OUT AT YOU! lol)
That description may be technically correct but it is extremely misleading and far from accurate if the Board of Supervisors (or anyone else for that matter) is truly interested as to why the LDPCSD has been a dysfunctional and corrupt SPECIAL DISTRICT since formed by the LAFCOs of both Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties in August 1980.
(Our district’s’ EXPANDED ANNEXED AREAS of water service beyond the subdivision is precisely WHY THE MANDATORY CUSTOMERS OF THE LDP SUBDIVISION HAVE BEEN PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THEIR WATER since day one!) The above description was simply how the LAKE DON PEDRO CSD was sold to the public and other government entities, however, the actual district that was established was — (years before formation) — FAR OUTSIDE THE WATER APPROVED LDP SUBDIVISION.
So a more accurate description of this unorganized, sprawling, and unethically managed SPECIAL DISTRICT under MARIPOSA LAFCOs authority might more accurately be described as:
“The LDP Subdivision properties in both Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties for which a surface water treatment plant was designed and constructed to serve Merced River per State Water License 11395 to that PLACE OF USE residential subdivision, PLUS, thousands of additional acres LAFCOs later ANNEXED INTO THEIR MUTUALLY FORMED SPECIAL DISTRICT OUTSIDE THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION which require an extremely expensive groundwater substitution program subsidized by the mandatory property owners of the LDP subdivision.”
Or something like that, lol.
My best to you and yours, Lew