April 18 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT Part II


REMEMBER THIS?  DRILLING NEXT TO A POND AND STILL NOT FINDING A GOOD POTABLE WELL?  (Running through YouTube and freeing space on server)

Just purging old video files because they take so much space.  These were different shots of the massive exploration around a couple of subdivision ponds looking for ground water sources.

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The name Wes Barton is quite familiar when the topic of discussion is the Lake Don Pedro CSD.   Wes is well known not only for his many years of financial experience, dedicated CSD meeting attendance, (and former service as a director as well), but mostly, Wes is recognized for his courage in directly speaking his mind about the financial status of our district and why we continually have serious problems.  Mr. Barton is a regular speaker during the “Public Comment” portion of meetings and has had many letters to the editor published in the Foothill Express bi-monthly publication.  I was extremely pleased to see 15-16 meeting attendees last Monday which was surely due to Wes Barton getting the word out.   More customers need to attend or perhaps volunteer in some other way?   Here is a thank you email I received from Wes Barton – sent to those who showed up for the meeting.

This is a thank you note for your time to consider this request to attend the Board meeting and to read/consider the request to attend.  The main issue of a 5 year contract for Kampa LLC was sent back to committee for study.  Kampa LLC was made the GM (not IGM) however.  CSD has been a troubled organization since I have been here (not because I’m here) but as I understand this development was troubled with water issues from day 1.  It is Not going to get better with todays’ understanding of water management and human nature.  Though this Community is rich in members and capacity, there will always be persons trying to take advantage of us “to line Their pockets” (and pride).  For sure Kampa LLC and some members of CSD’s Board are a challenge; limited Water and lack of community participation and will to work together (and sometimes compete) doesn’t help.

I pray that we will act as neighbors  to make a great home here at LDP.  I thank all of you who attended and e-mailed me.   We all will be called up on again  – Wes Barton


Lake Don Pedro Owners Association members had better wake up and smell the chlorine and get involved ASAP (As Soon As Possible) because Pete Kampa with the Board’s approval is cooking up some extremely expensive surprises for all of us to swallow very soon.

THERE WE GO! Had to dump a couple of files to make room! EXCELLENT JOB WES!

THERE WE GO! Had to dump a couple of files to make room!



Please take a moment to look at the numbers Mr. Barton has been kind enough to accumulate in one place for us to review and consider.  Things have been, and are, happening very quickly and by the time a customer can sift through all their “feel good garbage propaganda” and discover what they’ve really been up to, well, they had a  good head start on the deceit – but the truth is on our side and is starting to emerge.


One figure in this material which seems to surprise and anger many customers is relatively small in comparison with the  other more significant amounts of money being spent (and proposed to be spent) by Kampa  – but I guess it is the PURPOSE OF THE EXPENSE which is so frustrating – because you already know who will eventually be responsible for all of this enormous spending don’t you?  (Look in the mirror time if you own Lake Don Pedro property in the subdivision)

Here is the one number that upsets a lot of folks:  Kampa has planned to use at least $54,000 of OUR MONEY as a consulting fee to another company to pave the way for a successful proposed PROPOSITION 218 VOTE FOR A MAJOR RATE & AVAILABILITY FEE INCREASE to obtain EVEN MORE OF OUR MONEY TO USE AGAINST US!

Be assured, this is only another “foot in the door” for such consulting fees because Kampa has placed this district in serious financial uncertainty while pursuing his district “water empire” expansion plans.

Lake Don Pedro Owners Association property owners represent 99% of the {MANDATORY} customer base  of the LDPCSD and are the legal Merced River water consumers under L11395 but have been SET UP TO SUBSIDIZE WATER SERVICE for outside Place of Use properties (including other subdivisions that will “compete” with Lake Don Pedro subdivision property values with OUR WATER) with an extremely expensive ground water substitution program constructed with District and government grant funds.  (Grant money State and Federal government agencies intended for the use of maintaining the current drinking water demand for customers during a drought emergency  – NOT CREATING NEW WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE the PLACE OF USE!)

Much more to come….



My best to you and yours, Lew

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