A routine for over three decades
Last night was dramatically changed
A life for which I was responsible
Passed quietly without a complaint.
Thirty-three years that I know of
How old before that? Anyone’s guess.
Zack the green and red Conure,
Soared on his over-due rest.
Obviously his end was approaching
But still had a strong appetite
Slept far more than remaining awake
And for years incapable of flight.
Blind in one eye, balance not right
Stumbling and grumbling when he’d walk
But still a comedian and at just the right time
He’d blast out some comical squawk.
In his prime he really put on a show
Swinging upside down from a bar
Chattering and squawking the words that he knew
He even liked riding in cars.
Bathing was one of his favorites
Flapping and splashing his wings
Dunking his body and head under water
Shooting water from nostrils in streams.
Outlived his mate and another two pair
Became loud, bad-tempered, and could bite
But in his youth what adventures he had
When still able to fly.
Once in Sacramento near the executive airport
And through the Bing Maloney Golf Course
From tree top to tree top, over fairways and ponds
Eight hours to snag that noise source.
Zack flew in Don Pedro years ago
Four hours of flight in the breeze
Circling so high in the blue Summer sky
With landings in big old Oak trees.
Zack was an accomplished imitator
Woodpeckers, Blue Jays even Turkeys
But an off-color word sometimes he would voice
And to my shame he learned it from me.
So many years, concerned about noise
With his whistles, chattering and squawks
Now only wild birds do I hear all around
Already I miss his styled talk.
“Hello” “Good Boy”
“OK” “Alright”
“Good morning” “Good morning”
And one last “Ni-Night”.
Early Wednesday morning March 27th, 2013 discovered Zack had died.
Zack was a Mitred Conure (Bright green body, red head and freckles.
Pet since (1979-1980?) 33-34 years (Reference materials suggest 20+ lifespan up to 35 years.)
Unknown age at time of purchase
Family: Psittacidae
Scientific name: Aratinga mitrata
Native: South America
Note: Quite loud. Sunrise and Sunset typically. Good Earthquake alarm also. lol
Originally had two Mitred Conures: Zack & Zeb, the later passed years ago in an outdoor aviary for unknown reasons.
Food: Seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and select snacks.


Getting a nice warm bath (sitting at the bottom of the cage gets messy)



YEP, Zack was an interesting animal and although his squawking was at times quite anonying, I miss his daily chattering along with the wild birds already.
My best to you and yours, Lew