Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study

A nurse prepares the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Southfield, Mich., on Nov. 5, 2021. (Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images)

A nurse prepares the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Southfield, Mich., on Nov. 5, 2021. (Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images) Vaccines & Safety

By Meiling Lee March 1, 2022 Updated: March 2, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

The messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA, according to Swedish researchers at Lund University.

The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA.

The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters the cell’s cytoplasm, where it translates into LINE-1 protein. A segment of the protein called the open reading frame-1, or ORF-1, then goes back into the nucleus, where it attaches to the vaccine’s mRNA and reverse transcribes into spike DNA.

Reverse transcription is when DNA is made from RNA, whereas the normal transcription process involves a portion of the DNA serving as a template to make an mRNA molecule inside the nucleus.

“In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro,” the researchers wrote in the study, published in Current Issues of Molecular Biology. “BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after BNT162b2 exposure.”

BNT162b2 is another name for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that is marketed under the brand name Comirnaty.

The whole process occurred rapidly within six hours. The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said would not happen.

“The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells,” the CDC said on its web page titled “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.”

This is the first time that researchers have shown in vitro or inside a petri dish how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, and is what health experts and fact-checkers said for over a year couldn’t occur.

The CDC says that the “COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way,” claiming that all of the ingredients in both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (administered in the United States) are discarded from the body once antibodies are produced. These vaccines deliver genetic material that instructs cells to begin making spike proteins found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 to produce an immune response.

Pfizer didn’t comment on the findings of the Swedish study and said only that its mRNA vaccine does not alter the human genome.

“Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell,” a Pfizer spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email. “It only presents the body with the instructions to build immunity.”

More than 215 million or 64.9 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated as of Feb. 28, with 94 million having received a booster dose.

Epoch Times Photo
A 3D print of a spike protein of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19—in front of a 3D print of a SARS-CoV-2 virus particle. (Courtesy of NIAID/RML)

Autoimmune Disorders

The Swedish study also found spike proteins expressed on the surface of the liver cells that researchers say may be targeted by the immune system and possibly cause autoimmune hepatitis, as “there [have] been case reports on individuals who developed autoimmune hepatitis after BNT162b2 vaccination.”

The authors of the first reported case of a healthy 35-year-old female who developed autoimmune hepatitis a week after her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine said that there is a possibility that “spike-directed antibodies induced by vaccination may also trigger autoimmune conditions in predisposed individuals” as it has been shown that “severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection are characterized by an autoinflammatory dysregulation that contributes to tissue damage,” which the virus’s spike protein appears to be responsible for.

Spike proteins may circulate in the body after an infection or injection with a COVID-19 vaccine. It was assumed that the vaccine’s spike protein would remain mostly at the injection site and last up to several weeks like other proteins produced in the body. But studies are showing that is not the case.

The Japanese regulatory agency’s biodistribution study (pdf) of the Pfizer vaccine showed that some of the mRNAs moved from the injection site and through the bloodstream, and were found in various organs such as the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries of rats 48 hours following injection.

In a different study, the spike proteins made in the body after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 shot have been found on tiny membrane vesicles called exosomes—that mediate cell-to-cell communication by transferring genetic materials to other cells—for at least four months after the second vaccine dose.

The persistence of the spike protein in the body “raises the prospect of sustained inflammation within and damage to organs which express the spike protein,” according to experts at Doctors for COVID Ethics, an organization consisting of physicians and scientists “seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety, and human rights in response to COVID-19.”

“As long as the spike protein can be detected on cell-derived membrane vesicles, the immune system will be attacking the cells that release these vesicles,” they said.

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, wrote on Twitter that the Swedish study’s findings have “enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive spike synthesis driving the pathogenesis of a whole new genre of chronic disease.”

Whether the findings of the study will occur in living organisms or if the DNA converted from the vaccine’s mRNA will integrate with the cell’s genome is unknown. The authors said more investigations are needed, including in whole living organisms such as animals, to better understand the potential effects of the mRNA vaccine.

“At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of BNT162b2 on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to BNT162b2, as well as tissues from human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination,” the authors said.

Categories: Uncategorized.


SHALL WE START OFF WITH A DISCLAIMER? This is a DIM LAME aka Did It Myself Lew’s Almost Music Expression”. I’m not a musician, but a senior citizen who late in life discovered how much fun self expression can be with a guitar, keyboard and handheld digital recorder, but again, am not accomplished with any of it, but it’s still rather enjoyable. Takes a lot of time, but something about this process is rewarding for some reason and I suspicion it has a lot to due with channeling otherwise useless energy wasted on frustration and anger into something that, not only expresses those emotions, but provides a context with which to explain precisely why they exist (granted, mostly about corrupt and contradictory politics, policies and activities by “pubic service agencies and their agents” and the obvious conspiratorially focused attempt by the Radical Left (and their supporters) to destroy the America I, and most of you have always believed, and continue to believe.) I digress.

Unfortunately the entire LAME process (at least to reach the point where I am willing to share these substandard productions with the public) takes a great deal of time especially when tech challenged as I am. Often I must “short hand” a project just to remember the darn thing. I don’t read and write music so all I have in the creation process for a record are the lyrics I type and what is produced doing it. Make sense? Sure, shouldn’t be that difficult for someone who must know about 10-15 almost chords now? lol

Anyway, if I don’t abuse the guitar and keyboard enough to patch together a draft project idea on the recorder while it’s still functioning in my grey matter and bouncing around in recognizable electric charges, it will be gone. Still find numerous jotted notes of great ideas but are not much help in putting the concept together in a presentation. (Yes I know….maybe God’s will viewers are not further tortured? lol)

SEE? I can’t even make a simple disclaimer statement without venturing off into other realms….. OK,

THIS 22CALINTHEi is only one small snippet of a much larger presentation, (the entire website is obviously the actual presentation) and believe me, this storage space issue is a BIG PROBLEM. Just don’t have the space for huge audio/video files and those that do furnish the space can also control content, which defeats the entire purpose of self expression if it runs afoul of what those others believe so any conceivable ugliness gets first priority in censorship.

Shortly after my problem with YouTube and the scrolling of “FUCKING CIRCUS” in reference to Washington DC policies, my website experienced a drop from between 500-800 views a day (sometime hovering in the four hundred area, other times jumping up close to a 1,000. I know this because part of my morning ritual was to check the site, compare temperatures between here and Nevada, check the news, and start my day. Just a morning routine that left a history from which I could see the dramatic difference. Again, if someone can provide you with something, they can also take it back.


AH OH…..they forgot one little detail which most Americans believe:


Sure there’s tyranny and a host of other bad things traitors and thieves can do with something rightfully belonging to another AND AMERICA BELONGS TO ALL THE PEOPLE and from what I have observed, the current commander and thief has very little support for his Anti-American policies from THE PEOPLE.

It is all a matter of time, and time is on the PATRIOT’S SIDE.




No different logic than what practiced on the geopolitical front and why the former Soviet Union was permitted so many more ICBMs and SLBMs (Intercontinental and submarine launched ballistic missiles) with significantly much larger nuclear warheads (and greater blast areas) than the United States arsenal during the SALT treaties (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty).

The MAD theory at the time (mutually assured destruction) was that since the USA MIRVs were so much more effective and accurate at hitting potential targets (multiple, independent re-entry vehicles where multiple warheads were expelled from the same missile and each with a predesignated target already loaded in the computer program. The Russians at the time were still in the MRV arena where, although they also had multiple warheads, they were not independently targetable and more like a shotgun that broadcasts lead pellets – they fall where they fall.) So in order to achieve parity, and eliminate the USA advantage, Soviets had monster missiles with much larger nuclear warheads – so essentially making up for the lack of precise targeting at that time. (Who knows where it all is now with all the espionage?)

So this is good? Both sides can destroy and blast the other one into oblivion (multiple times no less) which was somehow equated to:


MAD was the perfect acronym. One side could more effectively destroy military installations, the other could likely destroy the installation and a whole lot of collateral civilian damage as well as an added deterrent. Yup, mad.

ALSO…. I do not condone or suggest bad people be assaulted and beaten up while on the toilet or sleeping in bed either. But it happens. That’s also a very old wartime strategy of catching your enemy “off guard”. Still, pretty ineffective as a solution for the whole problem this country is currently facing – eliminating particular individuals might assist the public in believing accountability is at hand, (or just make you warm inside) but is not a viable solution from the “SWAMP CORRUPTION” as it currently exists.

Just something to think about SO IF AFTER LISTENING to 22CALINTHEi and any viewer is overcome with the urge to begin surveillance of public restrooms for the off chance a top federal official might stop by to urinate or drop a biden, or are currently attempting to figure out a way to sneak into a leftist’s bedroom and provide a surprise WAKEUP CALL FOR THE WOK, ….. DON’T DO IT! lol

OK, that’s it – there is absolutely no encouragement to violate God’s or man’s law by committing violence and harming/dispatching other people just because they are lowlife leftist infiltrators attempting to destroy Our America. There are legal methods addressing that as I blah blah blah right now. Patience is a virtue. So, remember, just some harmless observations, put to almost music, which continues on whether viewed or not! lol


A contentious band member vote regarding whether to post proposed LAME “22inthei” finally met with unanimous band approval after concluding “non violent alternatives” would also be (eventually) presented in 22inthei’s short but violent response to the current criminal assault on America and her legal citizens by the Radical Left which is evidently currently in control of Washington DC.

Long time founding band member “Keep it curt Curtis” known for his often violent lyrical expressions in condemnation of what he claims to be “the current appointed leftist administration” was pleased with the final decision.

“Guess you could say I advocate and support a “reciprocity of violence” policy and believe the history of our freedom in this country reflects the reality that such a position can be extremely successful – especially when consistently followed with unwavering enforcement. “Don’t tread on me” exemplifies the same attitude.” Keep it curt, Curtis , Mar2022

Further inquiries as to whether his traditional “strike back” attitude depicted in much of his past LAME material –

  • (inside sources had earlier reported that in the LAME tune “TRANQ’d OUT- The Simple Answer” “, other members eventually cajoled Curtis into the accepted revision of “non lethal” control of rioters and looters utilizing Tranquilizer darts rather than jacketed 5.56 rounds spinning towards targets referenced in his initial draft recording which has never been made public at band request.)

was actually socially responsible during such turbulent times in America but was only responded to with a big smile and a laughing “you’re fucking kidding me right?” as he sped off in his internal combustion petroleum powered pickup spraying gravel as he fishtailed out of the parking lot in a cloud of dust.

According to internal band agreement documents, the below posted “22inthei draft” may be posted for now but with the understanding additional “nonviolent alternatives” will be subsequently updated to the continuing project when available and time permits.

The following lyrics were objected to by other band members who contend although the website is notorious for “attempted humor” in the form of juxtaposing various elements of the “current human condition” it is a fallacy of logic to perceive only guns are responsible for violence.

This project expression in no way was a serious attempt by Curtis to foster or encourage further violence but rather, an “in progress comedy based offering” as to the vulnerability of any human to potential injury or death by a host of causes far less effective in destroying an enemy when compared to the stolen capabilities of a world government for mass murder with more traditionally recognized dire threats such as nuclear, biological or economic warfare, to name a few, and used against a betrayed domestic citizenry.

No, we are not happy with the words Curtis chose to express his growing frustration and anger with what is happening to the United States of America and her citizens, and we share that concern and disappointment. His words may arguably be seen as inappropriate by some on the surface yet drill down just a bit and the absurdity of chasing individuals around for some type of vigilante justice in a bathroom or bedroom is revealed as nonsensical – because after all, your entire once glorious nation and everything you believed in is literally being destroyed from the inside out by a cancer of hardcore traitors with only hatred for this country. Perhaps Curtis did not go far enough?

Be that as it may, without some solid evidence to the contrary, it is just that, merely frustrated expression “to vent off some steam” without the requisite intent or desire to harm anyone, much less those lying fother mucking leftists unlawfully holding positions of public trust who were appointed by individuals and entities that successfully rigged the 2020 presidential election.

Agree or disagree, the facts coming out about that manipulated election (and the misinformation/disinformation also slowly coming out about the entire COVID-19 CCP biological attack and our failed government response – denying life saving proven medications for an EUA experimental non-vaccine?) are truly shocking revelations and represent a clear and serious threat to the continued survival of this nation…..

yet there are those who would rather focus on simple words accompanying “almost music” which might possibly represent some form of crude home grown justice for these traitors to America – or that there might be people out there so stupid or foolish to believe Curt’s lyrics were indeed in someway communicating to them personally and commanding them to track down these low-life traitors to America and sneak up on them while they’re on the toilet or sleeping in bed — and cold blooded murder them? Seriously?

Don’t suppose you have their email address or telephone numbers yeah?






The other four members of the band could not be reached, or refused comment.

Our best to you and yours, Lew 🙂





Please refer to and the post to which this video is linked for a more extensive explanation regarding this “disclaimer”.

My best to you and yours, Lew

PS: BELOW this was my YouTube short video title narrative.




Please refer to and the post to which this video is linked for a more extensive explanation regarding this “disclaimer”.

My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


I must get outside – but first…..

ever notice how those who consistently lie and cheat usually have some common “standby” self defense technique? Like when they get caught “in the act” telling untruths but defensively and quickly charge that the entire matter was only a “conspiracy theory” and therefore meaningless and unworthy of consideration?

“Sneaky Pete” Kampa tried that crap with me after an LDPCSD board meeting years ago. Hilarious! I had been talking about this same old 40+ year Place of Use fraud issue and how the District was actively working with other individuals and agencies within the state and federal government against the very interests of the 99% of legally entitled water users of the subdivision (per water license 11395 held by the Merced Irrigation District).
Kampa made some crack about my being a “conspiracy theorist” but before the board chuckles and dismissive comments had faded I had one very important and to the point question for KAMPA.

I was so pleased he brought up that worn out “knee jerk” defensive accusation often used by such miserable lying little cheats when they get backed into a corner compliments of their own history of dishonesty and dirty dealing. Walking right up to the dais (behind which Kampa was seated) I stood there and while looking ‘ol “Sneaky Pete” right in the eyes I asked him:


Seriously, I kid you not! The look on KAMPA’s face was priceless. Who knows how many times that little POS (PIECE OF SHIT) special interest operative had accused others of such a thing just to immediately distract from the seriousness of whatever topic was being discussed at the time?
Consider, whether words or a shocking odor, all a perpetrator in trouble requires is a quick distraction, a small moment in time in which to escape the perceived danger…… yup, rather like when a skunk sprays his defensive odor.
Not just smelling that well known odor, but having the spray droplets actually touch your own body or clothing? Truly, it is a shocking experience! Almost like electricity hitting you – you’re momentarily stunned – likely in shock and by the time you realize you’re OK and just got “skunked” and will survive (that stuff can burn soft tissue also!) that little rascal is long gone and safe from whatever it sensed was a danger. Extremely effective non-lethal defense. lol
So too, when these leftist turds get caught up in their own dishonorable activities in a public setting and someone begins to logically analyze exactly what they have done and are continuing to do, the “turd” senses the formation of this “truth net”, (where escape will be impossible without admitting contradictory activities), so they instinctively, (due to countless past successful deployments of the maneuver), pivot, point and distract with accusations that the matter is only a “conspiracy theory” and therefore meritless for further discussion.

Generally during a public meeting such a question could never be asked and even if it were, would not be answered as the “lead turd” merely scoots off to another business item on the agenda with carefully scripted and well performed management tidbits to cajole support for further misdirection. No different than the smelly little skunk who scrambles back to their safe, comfortable burrowed home in the earth which has never, ever, not even once, hinted of any obnoxious odors. (aka, skunks don’t smell their own holes. lol)


While the bored of defectors and their professional “CSDA SPECIAL INTEREST ECONOMIC HIT-MAN” were still dismissing my arguments with giggles and chuckles regarding legitimate questions based on a substantial documented history of unethical and dishonest activities by good ‘ol “sneaky Pete” Kampa) – “this management turd” suddenly realized he could not simply escape and move on to the next agenda item. He openly accused me of being a “conspiracy theorist” (this happened more than once but during meetings) so I asked him: “DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A CONSPIRACY IS?”

one of extremely subdued shock and surprise – like realizing a squeezed out fart had been accompanied with some unanticipated anal leakage!


My best to you and yours, Lew

* Apparently our current GM doesn’t either.

Categories: Uncategorized.


UPDATE NOTE: Yup, had to correct some spelling errors (regieme?) what a pain! Had to photo shop the “eme” out of the original file, retype the “me”, save, upload and replace. While checking for other errors and making minor corrections (while still in the post editor after inserting the new photo) before I knew it I was adding to the post! lol

Sorry, I don’t normally like to do this – (stressful) so this is just a head’s up on some additional blah blah blah being added to the existing traditional worn out repetitious blah blah blah.


The LDPCSD (Lake Don Pedro Community Services District) is an excellent example as to how government, ostensibly created “by the people for the people”, can be incrementally hi-jacked (aka insidiously stolen) from the intended control by the “tax paying, benefit-entitled legal citizens”.

So what happens when “the people” just sleep, or incorrectly trust, or are distracted, infected, misdirected, de-platformed, internet throttled, effectively silenced, etc,., and essentially continue to allow dishonest individuals to pursue their own personal political and societal goals while “serving the public”?

OUR GOVERNMENT is surreptitiously re-configured into a Frankenstein-like system which promotes, protects and hosts a network of various parasitic criminal players (and their organizations) all operating within the presumed legitimate government structure.

Nestled in the complex processes and procedures of traditional government these “traitors” comfortably and successfully camouflaged themselves within an expanding environment of special interest contradictory decisions, policies, and operations. The best part for these local low level “bad actors” is the complete lack of responsibility and accountability for their intentional violation of law, unethical activity and complete betrayal of MR WECs (Merced River Water Entitled Customers) of the Lake Don Pedro residential subdivision. (Such a government at the next level (when complaints are received) will deny any responsibility for the corruption and laughingly respond with the typical solution of “then just vote them out of office it’s YOUR DISTRICT” neglecting the fact the entire voting process had been setup to discourage and prevent the “people’s voice” from realistically being heard or acted upon. Just look at the revelations only now coming out regarding the 2020 presidential election fraud and FAKE IMPEACHMENTS of a FORMER PRESIDENT for doing what was best for AMERICA FIRST. Think about that next time grocery shopping or fueling your vehicle or maybe purchasing new batteries for your electric ride.)

Personally, I prefer the descriptive amalgamated form of the words “California” (the once beautiful and proud state) and “confusion” as the best nickname for this choreographed state betrayal:


How can that be? One might reasonably ask.

Because the LDPCSD BOARD OF DEFECTORS serve the same government corruption that created their “elected/appointed” positions in the first place with the formation of a COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT that by design and function actively violates every defining and desirable characteristic of a California Special District (CSD)!


Institutionalized FRAUD!

What are the characteristics of a California Special District anyway?  A limited public service; a defined geographical service area; a specific class of designated customers, and the service is provided for only the cost necessary in delivering that service to the customer, yet all four characteristics in our CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT have been ignored in favor of beneficial exploitation for LAFCO ANNEXATION DEVELOPMENT PROMOTERS  and all to the detriment of the MANDATORY LDPCSD CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION.   Imagine, all the decades of expensive turmoil only continued by the same organizations that formed the LDPCSD in the first place back  in 1980.   Apparently this was all an intentionally designed trap for the “deep pocket” designated LDP property owner.  Creating a community services district with a deep pocket MANDATORY CUSTOMER BASE OF INNOCENT LAKE DON PEDRO PROPERTY OWNERS WHO ARE FORCED TO SUBSIDIZE AN EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE GROUNDWATER SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM TO CIRCUMVENT MERCED RIVER WATER PLACE OF USE RESTRICTIONS IN 11395 FOR LAFCO ANNEXATIONS INTO THE LDPCSD THAT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN APPROVED 20 YEARS AGO ACCORDING TO LAFCO’s OWN REGULATIONS?   LAFCO RESOLUTION 76-4….

LAFCO Resolution 76-4? (Can’t read it now? BS!)

Fortunately, prior to Mariposa County making such information “unavailable” on their public website (and physical office) I had already obtained and scanned many of the documents for posting on this website. However, when attempting to obtain some other critical “pieces of the ANNEXATION PUZZLE” the information was denied and the website access cut off.

Anyway, if LAFCO had followed their own established guidelines approved four years prior to the formation of the LDPCSD, well, this DECADES LONG NIGHTMARE OF DECEPTION AND BETRAYAL WOULD NEVER HAVE OCCURRED! Imagine, if those public employees had simply followed their own fucking rules like they FORCE citizens to follow regulations…….


IS some of my OLD Blah blah blah on the same subject matter –

you know, that’s another great aspect of telling the truth – older information will always remain relevant and I don’t have to go back and change ANYTHING to conceal deception!


Individuals, (and the entities within which they “work and exploit”), who misrepresent truth and fact (commonly recognized as lying their asses off and being deceitful) cannot simply re-post or use as a reference their past material without meticulously going over it and checking for


They must first locate, review, and then remove any uncomplimentary or contradictory information to prevent the public at large from recognizing the obvious deceit and trickery used to achieve whatever the goal was at the time.

They can not allow “evidence” of their past lack of integrity and duplicity to be publicly acknowledged because of the irrevocable harm it might do to their public reputation and community trust which would negatively affect other future endeavors – perhaps even legitimate ones.

The fact that decades of public records (documenting Mariposa County LAFCO PROPERTY ANNEXATIONS into the LDPCSD) have been prohibited from public inspection, review or acquisition is called a BIG CLUE.

As I recall other LAFCO resolutions were still available regarding other districts, but now all are unavailable between 1966-1995. (Problems with all annexations at the time, or that it looks better if all are unavailable rather than just the LDPCSD? Who knows but those involved?) 2005-2019 resolutions all appear to be accessible, but WHERE ARE 1995-2005 resolutions? Unless of course there were absolutely no resolutions at all during that nine (9) year period. I do recall there was a moratorium by the State on annexations for a while but didn’t know what that timeline was – perhaps this is it? If so, seems to me a note on the Mariposa website might be in order to explain the situation, yeah? Perhaps, “no LAFCO annexations were approved during this period due to ,……”. Definite lack of TRANSPARENCY the public is told all government entities practice.

If those properties were legally annexed into the LDPCSD why prohibit an investigation into what was actually done back then that has unequivocally resulted in 40+ years of major community turmoil and wasted resources here in Lake Don Pedro?

Also, to my knowledge (as of 2-27-2022 @ 0943hrs), the Merced Irrigation District 1993 “shape file”map (from a proposed major subdivision project in the mid 1990s which was abandoned when Pete Kampa was employed here the first time), the one Pete Kampa utilized on his “SECOND TOUR OF EMPLOYMENT CORRUPTION WITH THE LDPCSD” to produce his FAKE DIGITAL POU MAP EXPANDING DISTRICT SERVICE BOUNDARIES – and that was staged to surreptitiously replace the legitimate POU MAP on file with the State Water Board (thanks to KAMPA OPERATIVES WORKING WITHIN THE WATER RIGHTS DIVISION), has never been seen by ANYONE other than KAMPA and those involved with such an outrageous conspiratorial scam to defraud already victimized LDPCSD customers even further! Anyway, here’s some of that older material. phew!

Don’t forget to exit the following long string of older posts (if you select the “Part II Mar 18th 2019 LDPCSD BODM” post LINK) to return to the current ranting blah blah blah! lol (LINK didn’t turn out as anticipated.)



These directors only follow instructions from the special interests that control them and this fraud of a CSD since formation over 40 years ago.


So with LAFCO (who through the decades approved many nonsensical annexations into their CSD district that could not legally provide the water for proposed developments) and assistance from the CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (where former GM “Sneaky Pete” KAMPA has been a 20 year Board Director), the LDPCSD is now doing exactly what it previously said it would never do: provide new service connections outside the POU using extremely expensive groundwater wells WE WERE TOLD WERE ONLY FOR EMERGENCY DROUGHT USE (that’s what the government grant was intended to provide and such new water connections were SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED from being made with that grant money for developing new groundwater sources. Lies and cheating through the entire process.

So many “tricks” and “deceptions” used by these crooks. POU in water law terminology stands for PLACE OF USE, always has but guess who changed the traditional MIDPOU (Merced Irrigation District Place of Use) name to further confuse the issue? (Heck, the name change suggestion came from the Merced Irrigation District itself holder of Water License 11395 no less!) Here’s the link for some POU information on the website titled: OPU Restrictions

Call it POU or OPU – the policy was/is the same.


Yet in a recent board meeting ( – on page 28) the General Manager apparently recommended in writing that the board violate existing LDPCSD policy and serve EVEN MORE of our emergency drought groundwater outside the Merced Irrigation District Place of Use for Merced River Water! This is the real reason our rates will continue to go up – subdivision property owners are subsidizing a groundwater substitution service to circumvent the water license and furnish water to MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO annexations into the LDPCSD that NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN APPROVED IN THE FIRST PLACE! (Consider this, one proposed 900 acre residential subdivision was concealed from the public view for over 20 years until shortly before PETE KAMPA was unethically returned to finish his annexation scam by securing government grants for development of groundwater sources. And MR WECs continues to pay more for their water than is necessary.)

Only MARIPOSA COUNTY LAFCO working with “UNETHICAL AGENTS” within the LDPCSD (and likely TUOLUMNE COUNTY LAFCO also officials – however, Mariposa County was the lead agency in the formation of the LDPCSD) could have possibly pulled off a scam like that!

Imagine, concealing an entire proposed residential subdivision for over twenty years until PETER KAMPA was brought back to finish the secret deal by obtaining government grant money for drought emergencies by misrepresenting the actual service boundaries of the LDPCSD to qualify!

And that was only one of about seven proposed subdivisions that all required the LDPCSD to provide our ENTITLED SUBDIVISION WATER to properties outside the legal service area of the Merced Irrigation District Place of Use for Merced River Water.

PETER KAMPA actually stated that continued development outside the POU should proceed and the district would simply develop more 1/2 million – 3/4 million dollar groundwater wells when water consumption began to exceed production. FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE STATEMENT MADE IN A DROUGHT PRONE REGION!

These leftists will sell water outside the POU until we need more 1/2 million – 3/4 million dollar ground water wells. It’s all about making money for the “right people” while degrading MR WEC’s water quality and service and passing all additional costs to the “DEEP POCKET” OF ALL SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNERS. This is INSANE! (Unless intentionally trying to destroy yet another COMMON SENSE POLICY!) Open borders? Selling emergency drought water? Demented Joe would likely be very pleased.

Yeah I know, I wasn’t going to bother with these low-life lying deceiving cheats anymore but this is simply wrong and the fact our current GM is now following in the same disingenuous CSDA steps as SNEAKY PETE KAMPA, (even creating a new district for the area) well, I can’t remain silent and watch this scam continue. More later as I’ve got some other stuff that must be done.

WANT TO HELP SAVE AMERICA FROM OUR NATION’S CURRENT LEFTIST DEATH SPIN? Start at home – learn the facts and what such special interest cheats have been doing for 45+ years here in your own backyard. Won’t get better until we make it better with the truth!

Here’s an interesting and informative re-post regarding the “climate change movement” and what it might actually be doing:

Consider this one quote from the above post (there are many excellent points):

“If a community takes the grant, they accept the restrictions. In short, they must implement the guidelines of Agenda 21. In the back rooms of city hall and the state legislature, your government officials work hand-in-hand to write policy with the very NGOs which created Agenda 21.”

Receiving grants might be good in some respects (although we were told the groundwater source was specifically for EMERGENCY DROUGHT USE ONLY AND NOT CREATING NEW SERVICE CONNECTIONS and selling that emergency water outside the entitled subdivision), but when Pete Kampa intentionally lied and submitted false information about our actual service area and dismissed the POU restrictions contained in WL11395 in order to obtain that grant money, the LDPCSD was set on a deceitful journey that will not end until the truth is finally revealed and appropriate corrections made.

My best to you and yours, Lew


Why do you think the official LDPCSD water service boundary area map (approved by the California Public Utilities Commission during LDPCSD formation approval) has been missing for over 40 years?

Why was the LDPCSD formed by Mariposa County LAFCO shortly (one month) AFTER the State of California declared Merced River water fully appropriated?

Why do you think the original map filed with the state was a fraud with expanded service areas (which was later corrected with the legitimate map by the State Water Board)?

Why are all public records of LDPCSD annexations prohibited from public viewing and/or acquisition?

Why did the State Water Rights Division repeatedly attempt to close an investigation based solely on erroneous information provided by the actual responsible violator Pete Kampa?

Why were no criminal charges brought against those who attempted to substitute Pete Kampa’s fabricated digital map with the legitimate POU MAP on file with the State Water Board?

Why are laws no longer enforced against intentional criminal acts and conspiracies to violate established law?

Why have I not stopped writing and started that other work?

Categories: Uncategorized.

Maine Doctor Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Prescribing Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine

Box of ivermectin tablets. (Carl DMaster/Shutterstock)

Box of ivermectin tablets. (Carl DMaster/Shutterstock) US Features

By Alice Giordano February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

Dr. Meryl Nass was hailed a hero by veterans for helping them expose the connection between the military’s mandatory anthrax vaccine and the serious illnesses they were experiencing.

The 70-year old Maine internist has given Congressional testimonies in four states on vaccine efficacies, deciphered scientific studies for courts, and served as an international national consultant on biological warfare and pandemics for more than three decades.

Last month, the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine suspended Nass’s license and set a string of conditions for her to meet in order for her to get her license back, including undergoing a psychiatric evaluation, releasing a list of every patient she has seen in the past 6 months, and answering more than 25 questions about her medical beliefs, even asking her how she advertises her practices.

Nass, who has been in practice for 41 years, called her suspension “a tyrannical witch hunt.”

“The whole purpose of suspending my license was to scare doctors around the country not to go against the government’s narrative that the COVID vaccine and mask mandates are good,” Nass told The Epoch Times.

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. Meryl Nass (Courtest Meryl Nass)

Members of the state license board did not return numerous phone calls from The Epoch Times for comment about Nass’s case.

Nass joins doctors and physician assistants in at least 10 states including Kansas, Florida, Hawaii, Washington, Texas, and Arkansas who have had their license suspended or found themselves under investigation by their state’s medical license board.

According to the state’s complaint, the Maine board’s harsh scrutiny of Nass stems specifically from three legal prescriptions she wrote for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

The patients didn’t complain about the prescription. All recovered from the virus. One complaint came from a Twitter user, another from a hospital doctor, and a third from a midwife associated with the same hospital. The midwife complained about Nass’s prescription of hydroxychloroquine to a pregnant woman.

The board also accused Nass of spreading “misinformation” about the pandemic by way of her personal blog, writing that she posed a “danger to the public.”

Nass certainly does not hold back on her blog. In announcing she would livestream the CDC’s Feb. 4 ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices) hearing, she wrote “the same cast of characters who lie, cheat and befuddle us with the poorest quality federal science ever invented, will be back tomorrow. Don’t miss their weasel words. Watch how they try to turn myocarditis into the mildest malady known to man.”

She added, “Watch how the CDC turns those who have taken the Oath of Hippocrates into robotic Hypocrites who merely want to transform your children into SpikeVax factories.”

According to documents obtained by The Epoch Times, the Maine board originally gave Nass until Feb. 1 to undergo its directive that she undergo a neuropsychological evaluation, which was to be conducted by a psychologist of the board’s choice and paid for by Nass.

“Failure of Dr. Nass to undergo the evaluation as directed constitutes an admission of the allegations against her,” the board wrote in its order.

Nass told The Epoch Times that she has yet to undergo the ordered evaluation or complete any of the other conditions set by the Maine board.

She emphasized that prescribing Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is not against the law, but the state said it is unethical.

In a joint statement issued last April, The Maine licensing board along with the state Board of Osteopathic Licensure warned that prescribing alternative drugs to prevent or treat COVID-19 “may lead to stockpiling of medication, inappropriate use, and potential drug shortages for patients with a legitimate need” for the medication. They drew the conclusion that “absent acute or emergency circumstances,” prescribing the drugs “is considered unethical and unprofessional conduct” and that “it may also violate applicable Board rules.”

“These are made up policies from nowhere,” Nass told The Epoch Times, “they should be [a] wake up calls to Americans—from local towns to state boards—the government is using them to replace the law and the Constitution.”

Nass said she fears her days as a doctor in Maine are numbered and that she suspects the board’s intentions may be to make sure she can’t get a job as a doctor anywhere else.

Nass told the Epoch Times on Tuesday that she just learned the Maine licensing board has already submitted her name to National Practitioner Database, the Laurie-list version for discredited doctors.

Nass, however, is still a hero at least to some in the northern reaches of Maine where she ran her private practice.

Daniel Lorey, a recently retired hospital clinical social worker who worked closely for many years with Nass at MDI Hospital, recently wrote a letter to the editor published by the Bangor Daily News in which he called Nass an “impeccable MD” with clinical skills “second to none.”

Lorey said Nass prescribed him “life-saving medication” to help him combat COVID-19 last October.

“I am quite convinced that her early interventions and timely prescriptions saved my life and limited my hospitalization to a brief two-hour emergency room visit,” Lorey wrote.

Categories: Uncategorized.

Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat

U.S. Department of Homeland Security emblem is pictured at the National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) located just outside Washington in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 24, 2010. (Hyungwon Kang/Reuters)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security emblem is pictured at the National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) located just outside Washington in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 24, 2010. (Hyungwon Kang/Reuters) US News

By Jack Phillips February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 7 declared a heightened terrorism threat due to “false and misleading narratives,” misinformation, and “conspiracy theories.”

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors,” the DHS bulletin said.

The agency did not say what foreign or domestic actors are responsible for the alleged proliferation of misinformation or disinformation.

“Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation,” the DHS continued, adding that some individuals are seeking to “sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.”

Some individuals, the bulletin alleged, are calling for violence against critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions like churches or synagogues, colleges, government personnel or facilities, and other targets.

As an example of key factors that allegedly contribute to the heightened threat environment, the DHS said there are misleading narratives surrounding COVID-19 and claimed that some individuals have used COVID-19 mandates or vaccines to carry out attacks since 2020. The agency did not elaborate or provide additional evidence for its allegations. The DHS also listed online claims of election fraud as a contributor, and it also did not provide additional details or evidence.

The agency said that “foreign terrorist organizations and domestic threat actors continue to amplify pre-existing false or misleading narratives online to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions. It said violent extremists, including the individual who recently launched an attack against the synagogue in Texas, highlight “the continuing threat of violence based upon racial or religious motivations, as well as threats against faith-based organizations.”

The ISIS terrorist group and its affiliates “may issue public calls for retaliation due to the strike that recently killed ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi,” the bulletin said. The Biden administration announced last week that al-Qurayshi was killed during a raid in northern Syria.

The bulletin also made note of alleged recent threats to black colleges and universities across the United States.

“Domestic violent extremists have also viewed attacks against U.S. critical infrastructure as a means to create chaos and advance ideological goals, and have recently aspired to disrupt U.S. electric and communications critical infrastructure, including by spreading false or misleading narratives about 5G cellular technology,” the bulletin continued.

The DHS said the heightened threat alert will expire on June 7, 2022.

Categories: Uncategorized.

‘There’s No Law’: Physician Experienced in Investigating Biological Warfare Challenges Medical Board’s Misinformation Allegation

Dr. Meryl Nass. (Courtesy of Dr. Meryl Nass)

Dr. Meryl Nass. (Courtesy of Dr. Meryl Nass) Big Tech, Censorship, and Socialism

By Matt McGregor February 8, 2022 Updated: February 8, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

Though Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician, has been untangling narratives of dis- and misinformation long before COVID-19, it wasn’t until recently that her license was temporarily suspended under the allegation that she is now spreading it.

Her research has brought her before Congress and state legislatures to give testimonies on bioterrorism, Gulf War syndrome, and vaccine safety.

Throughout her career, she’s consulted for international health and intelligence agencies regarding prevention, investigation, and mitigation of chemical and biological warfare and pandemics.

She spent three years investigating what had been deemed a naturally occurring anthrax outbreak during Rhodesia’s civil war.

Nass was able to prove that it was due to biological warfare, with her findings published in a 1992 paper that marked a new achievement in scientific research.

“This was important because it was the first time in history potential perpetrators learned they could be identified,” Nass told The Epoch Times. “You couldn’t just start an epidemic somewhere and assume that no one was ever going to prove it because there wasn’t any scientific way to prove that it was done. I established that way.”

She was the main author, along with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (author of “The Real Anthony Fauci”) and Children’s Health Defense, of a citizen’s petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its vaccine advisory committee regarding the authorization of COVID vaccines and why she said they’re not suitable for children.

As censorship and disinformation have thickened around the COVID narrative, Nass has followed and written about the suppression of early-treatment medication such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Given this background, the Maine Medical Board of Licensure nevertheless saw it appropriate to charge Nass—a physician for 41 years—with misinformation, an allegation that came with no explanation as to what misinformation she was spreading.

“Never before has any censorship been imposed by a collection of organizations who are attempting to make law by whining in unison about misinformation with threats to licenses and board certifications—while there is no legal mechanism by which they can strip certification,” Nass said.  “There are no rules, regulations, or laws underpinning the threats of punishment for ‘spreading misinformation.’”

The Maine Medical Board of Licensure didn’t respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.


Five matters were reviewed by the board regarding Nass’s suspension.

There are two allegations that she was spreading misinformation.

In addition, a doctor reported that she had treated a patient with ivermectin, while someone else reported that she had prescribed hydroxychloroquine.

In one matter, when asked by the pharmacist why she was prescribing hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, she told the pharmacist that it was to treat Lyme disease.

“By fall, more and more pharmacies were refusing to dispense these medications if you were giving them for COVID, so every time I wrote a prescription for these drugs, the pharmacist would ask why I’m giving it, which they normally didn’t do,” she said. “If I said COVID, they wouldn’t dispense it.”

It was during this time that she was trying to obtain hydroxychloroquine for a high-risk patient.

“So, when the pharmacist called and asked why I was ordering the medication, I told them for Lyme disease, and therefore the patient was able to get the drug,” Nass said. “Five minutes later, I wrote the Maine Medical Board of Licensure and told them that my patients can’t get a potentially life-saving drug unless I tell a white lie, which is unacceptable.”

The board then used this to accuse her of committing “a serious crime.”

“Not a single one of these matters alleges that a patient was harmed or that I did anything illegal, apart from telling a white lie to a pharmacist,” she said.

However, there is another charge to be considered that should be applied to the medical boards, she said, which is inducement.

Inducement is a legal concept alluding to the creation of circumstances that cause someone to have to go against the law to prevent a worse problem.

“And I self-reported it to the board immediately after I did it, asking them to please change their policies so no one would have to be placed in this position again and we could go back to focusing on the care of patients primarily,” Nass said.

Psychological Evaluation

In addition to having her license suspended, Nass must undergo a psychological evaluation to get her license back.

“I guess they claim I’m crazy for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or for writing articles about problems with the vaccine,” Nass said.

By ordering a neuropsychological evaluation, Nass’s name gets sent to a national physician’s database, which she said is the “blackest mark” a doctor can get and makes it impossible for her to get a job or license in another state.

“The other thing it does is it allows all the records that I have sent to the board to enter the public domain, resulting in some of the medical records of my patients being repeated in media reporting on the case,” Nass said.

Nass hadn’t been seeking publicity, however, those records accessed through public domain were now cast into the limelight.

Nass suggested that the evaluation could also be an attempt by the board to punish her for challenging what she called the board’s self-appointed authority to create a new crime—the spreading of misinformation without defining what misinformation is—and charging her with it.

Fraudulent Studies and Media

The vagueness of the allegation shifts with time, as public officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases were at one time stating that one couldn’t contract COVID-19 after being vaccinated, a claim that could currently be classified as misinformation.

Nass cited several instances in which fraudulent studies picked up by media resulted in the manufacturing of misinformation, such when The Lancet medical journal published a May 2020 observational study claiming that hydroxychloroquine significantly increased mortality.

The Lancet report contributed to a widespread stigma surrounding hydroxychloroquine, however, The Lancet later retracted the study.

Nass details how the suppression of hydroxychloroquine was accomplished in her article “How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more,” which can be found on her website “Truth in the Age of COVID.”

On ivermectin, she pointed to misinformation generated by Rolling Stone last year.

The magazine sourced a local media outlet that cited Oklahoma physician Jason McElyea who claimed that people overdosing on farm-grade ivermectin were causing emergency rooms to fill up, leaving no room for gunshot victims.

Rolling Stone updated its article after a spokesperson at Northeastern Health System Sequoyah—where McElyea said the overcrowding was taking place—said McElyea hadn’t worked at that location in over two months, and that the hospital hadn’t treated any patients experiencing complications from ivermectin.

Epoch Times Photo
A screenshot taken Dec 24, 2020, of shows the retracted study that prompted some countries to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. A study published in The Lancet that was later retracted prompted some countries to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19. (Screenshot/

‘There’s No Law’

“There’s no law about misinformation,” Nass said. “The First Amendment gives you freedom of speech, and the Fourteenth Amendment specifically prohibits states from abridging those rights that the U.S. Constitution has given.”

Because of this, Nass said, the Maine medical board can’t suddenly enforce a law prohibiting misinformation.

“Also, laws are made in the legislature,” she said. “That’s the purpose of legislatures. And then agencies issue rules and regulations to carry out those laws; however, there is no law or rule on the books at a federal or state level about misinformation in the medical sphere.”

However, a group of non-profit medical organizations began issuing warnings in the fall of 2021, threatening physicians with license suspensions if they spread misinformation about COVID-19.

‘Bloated Nonprofits’

The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), a non-profit organization that Nass said has no regulatory authority, is an organization to which state medical boards pay dues and depend upon for policies and training, Nass said.

In July 2021, FSMB issued this statement warning that physicians “who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”

Medical boards such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Pharmacists Association followed suit.

“All of these organizations have presidents who earn about a million dollars, so they are what I call bloated nonprofits,” Nass said. “None of them had authority to threaten doctors’ licenses or their specialty certifications.”

After the non-profit organizations applied pressure, 15 of the 70 U.S. state medical boards began investigating their local doctors, Nass said.

The Misinformation Inquisition

In September 2021, the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners adopted FSMB’s statement.

After one board member asked who will determine what constitutes misinformation, a staff member referred to an investigative process that would require the doctor to show proof from “recognized” academic and medical journals that support the doctor’s opinion.

Later, Tennessee state Rep. John Ragan said the board didn’t have the authority to create a new disciplinary offense without lawmakers’ approval.

The board pulled the statement from their website, but the question remained as to whether the board would continue to investigate and charge physicians because some have argued that there isn’t a precedent for the board upholding a policy that was not published on its website.

Ragan, a Republican who is chairman of the Government Operations Committee, the oversight committee for the board, told The Epoch Times that the adopted policy moved out of “the guardrails of the law” and gives the board arbitrary judgment on what misinformation is.

“I explained that if they are going to have a policy on this sometime in the future, they need to define what misinformation and disinformation are because otherwise what you have is the Inquisition,” Ragan said.  “It then becomes a situation of, ‘Heresy is what I say it is, and I’ll know it when I see it kind of thing.’”

In October, the Tennessee legislature passed a bill that emphasized the legislature’s role in drafting laws that establish disciplinary offenses regarding dispensing and prescribing medication for COVID-19.

‘They Have Invented a Law That They Refuse to Define’

While some lawmakers argued that legislators aren’t elected to oversee medically educated boards, Nass argued that the board members and staff are working for the state to assure the safe practice of medicine.

“Their role is to carry out the law, not invent new laws, which is the role of the legislature,” Nass said. “Not only that, they have invented a law that they refuse to define. None of the organizations, like the FSMB or AMA, or state agencies that have threatened or suspended doctors’ licenses, has had the courage to put into writing how they define misinformation and disinformation.”

Nass asked, “Do you want to live in a state that says the law is what we think it is, but we’re not putting it in black and white?”Matt McGregorReporter Follow Matt McGregor covers news from North and South Carolina for The Epoch Times. Send him your story ideas:

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Destruction of Traditional Culture Key to Successful Marxist Revolution: James Lindsay

James Lindsay, co-author of "Cynical Theories," in New York on Feb. 28, 2020. (Brendon Fallon/The Epoch Times)

James Lindsay, co-author of “Cynical Theories,” in New York on Feb. 28, 2020. (Brendon Fallon/The Epoch Times) Critical Race Theory

Culture prevented communist revolutions in advanced capitalist societies By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp February 7, 2022 Updated: February 7, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

Marxist revolutions failed in advanced capitalist countries because people valued their traditional culture, institutions, and values, according to James Lindsay, bestselling author and founder of New Discourses.

Critical race theory is used like “acid” to dissolve American society and break down its critical institutions, Lindsay told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

Marx expected that the communist revolution would begin in advanced capitalist countries, asserting that these societies’ “contradictions would build up so dramatically that the proletariat would awaken and form workers parties that would become a ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and lead us into an idealized socialism,” Lindsay explained.

Marx published his “Communist Manifesto” around the mid-19th century but the first communist revolution succeeded only about 70 years later in 1917 in Russia.

“Nowhere in the developed capitalist societies was this happening, but you have peasant Russia which is an aristocratic mode still that’s able to be flipped over by the Bolsheviks,” Lindsay said.

“Same thing happened later in China. China was not an industrial center, it was not an advanced capitalist society, it was a peasant society.”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) founded in 1920 by Chinese Marxists under the influence of the Soviet Union gained control of China in 1949 and established the most brutal totalitarian communist regime on earth.

The Marxists of the time in the 1910s, 20s, and 30s were examining the situation trying to figure out why Marx’s doctrine failed, Lindsay continued.

They realized that it was the culture that was preventing Marx’s theory from being accepted and successfully implemented in these advanced capitalist societies, Lindsay explained.

Mao Zedong, a CCP leader who ruled communist China from its inception until his death in 1976, was able to undermine the existing proud culture of the Chinese, the author said.

Marxist thinkers came to understand that people considered their Western culture or their Chinese culture with their values sets as being fairly good, and despite being aware of some of its imperfections, did not want to overthrow it, he continued.

“[Marxists] realize that if you can undermine the existing culture and create a break from the existing culture and demonize the existing culture, then you can especially get the younger generations to want to pick up with a whole new program. And that’s the way that you can affect what they call a cultural revolution.”

Epoch Times Photo
CCP cadres hang a placard on the neck of a Chinese man during the Cultural Revolution in 1966. The words on the placard states the man’s name and accuses him of being a “Black Gang” anti-revolutionary. (Public Domain)

“Mao called it destroying the four olds,” Lindsay said.

In the 1960s, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, carried out by fanatical youth encouraged to smash, beat, torture, and murder for the sake of destroying the so-called “four olds”—old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas—of China.

The death toll of the Cultural Revolution in China was estimated by many researchers at a minimum of two million, while an American professor R.J. Rummel who researched the mass killing, wrote in his book that the Cultural Revolution claimed the lives of 7.73 million people.

“So you have to poison the institutions.” For example, in America, “you have to make people think all the founding of America was rooted in racism … and that racism is still the organizing principle of the society today,” Lindsay said. This is why the 1619 Project was launched, he added.

The 1619 Project is a series created by New York Times reporter Nikole Sheri Hannah-Jones based on the claim that America was founded in 1619 when a group of 20 Africans, who were considered to be the first enslaved Africans in British America, arrived in the colony of Virginia.

After destroying the old culture, Marxists have to get “the young generation to want to grow up to be a new man in a new society that understands that we aren’t individuals at all,” Lindsay said.

The goal is to have people perceive their “true nature as a social collective, or as a communist kind of person,” he pointed out.

Epoch Times Photo
Signs against Critical Theory in front of the Loudoun County School Administration building on Nov. 9, 2021. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times)

Critical race theory (CRT) takes this whole set of great values that have successfully shaped the West such as punctuality, hard work, Judeo-Christian values of right and wrong transmitted from one generation to the next, and characterize them as toxic whiteness, the author said.

“They put it into a scapegoat bucket and they just relentlessly criticize it until people are ashamed to be associated with it.”

Lindsay, who wrote the book “Race Marxism: The Truth About Political Race Theory and Praxis,” said that critical race theory “is rooted in negative thinking … [and] its goal is a ruthless criticism of all that exists.” It is present across virtually every workplace, he added.

It is based on the Marxist concept of class struggle, which pits two social classes—the bourgeoisie and the proletariat—against each other to divide and conquer. CRT applies this same principle to race, dividing people into oppressors and the oppressed based on their skin color.

It is an offshoot of a Marxist branch of thought known as critical theory developed in the 1930s by a group of Marxist scholars, the founders of the Frankfurt School, first associated with the University of Frankfurt in Germany and later with Columbia University in New York.

Lindsay cited two of the prominent critical theorists of the Frankfurt School, Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, who said they could not describe a good or positive society but could criticize an existing society.

Once the culture is made “sufficiently toxic, America [becomes] a bad word, we can’t talk about Christopher Columbus … we have to feel a little bit ashamed if we bring up Thomas Jefferson because we know he held slaves,” Marxists try to make people break off from the old culture, Lindsay said.

Then campaigns such as the “Year Zero” carried out by Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge communist regime in the 1970s or Mao’s campaign to eradicate “four olds” can commence.

“Year Zero” was an idea declared by Cambodia’s communist dictator Pol Pot in 1975 to completely destroy the country’s culture including the institution of family and religion and replace it from scratch with a purportedly utopian peasant lifestyle. City dwellers, especially intellectuals, were targeted for persecution and elimination.

As a result of this policy, the Pol Pot regime murdered between 1.4 million and 2.2 million people during four years of its rule—up to one-third of Cambodia’s population at the time.

Lindsay said that the idea of a “Great Reset,” which involves “a whole new culture with a whole new model … [such as] a new economic model like stakeholder capitalism,” also requires breaking off from the old culture.

The “Great Reset” of capitalism is promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab.

“The changes we have already seen in response to COVID-19 prove that a reset of our economic and social foundations is possible,” Schwab said in June 2020. “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

The Great Reset will harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to address health and social challenges among other things, the WEF Chairman explained. “The revolutions occurring in biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which are redefining what it means to be human … will compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries.”

Subjective Reality

Reality can be perceived from an objective standpoint or a subjective standpoint, Lindsay said. For people who believe in God, the source of objectivity and the objective truth is God, while others believe the “brute fact of the world” is objectively true, he explained.

“The world is out there and then we are receiving information about the world via our senses, and that we understand the world and make our models of the world as best we can and try to work out the details and get things right. But the world itself is something that we must be humbled before. That’s the objective standpoint.

“The subjective standpoint sees it the other way around, that the world is actually that which we create in our consciousness.”

Some schools of thought assert that a person’s true being is suppressed if their sex assigned at birth doesn’t actually accord with what that person believes their true identity is, the founder of New Discourses continued.

“The fact that that assignment then brings with it all of these restrictions upon how you’re supposed to present, how you’re supposed to act, who you’re supposed to hook up with, or have sex with, or marry, or whatever—all of that is enormous oppression upon you,” Lindsay described how these schools view gender identity.

“[Queer theory] explicitly says that the goal is not to create stable LGBT identities. It is, in fact, to create destabilized identities that are under absolutely no restrictions or no moral shackles of any kind.”

According to these theories, the ideas of a stable, monogamous relationship to raise the children, that children are supposed to be regarded as innocent and therefore non-sexualized, are just fictions that oppress people and have been created by people to maintain this system, so people need to liberate themselves from these artificial social relations and self-imposed limits, the author said.

“What that amounts to is the absolute destruction of morality,” Lindsay concluded.Ella KietlinskaReporter Follow Ella Kietlinska is a reporter for The Epoch Times focusing on U.S. and world politics. Joshua Philipp Follow Joshua Philipp is an award-winning investigative reporter with The Epoch Times and host of EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program. He is a recognized expert on unrestricted warfare, asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and historical perspectives on today’s issues. His 10-plus years of research and investigations on the Chinese Communist Party, subversion, and related topics give him unique insight into the global threat and political landscape.

Categories: Uncategorized.

CDC Signals Changes to COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule, in Part to Address Heart Inflammation

A general view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta on Sept. 30, 2014. (Tami Chappell/Reuters)

A general view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta on Sept. 30, 2014. (Tami Chappell/Reuters) Vaccines & Safety

By Zachary Stieber February 6, 2022 Updated: February 6, 2022 biggersmallerPrint

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Feb. 4 outlined an expected change to the COVID-19 vaccine schedule for people with weak immune systems and signaled that a different alteration is coming for the general population to try to cut the number of post-vaccination heart inflammation cases.

The CDC told its vaccine advisory panel that it’s planning to adjust guidance for people with compromised immune systems, a group that doesn’t respond as well to vaccines as the general population and is the only population that is advised to get four doses of the Moderna or Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

Current CDC guidance for the immunocompromised says they should receive three doses of an mRNA vaccine within two months, and a fourth dose at least five months after the third dose.

The revised schedule would recommend the population get that fourth shot as soon as three months after their third one.

For recipients in the population who received the single-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, the updated guidance says they should get a second dose at least 28 days after their vaccination, and a third dose as soon as two months later.

The guidance update applies to people 18 and older who received the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccines, and people 12 and up who received the Pfizer jab.

The rationale for the adjustment includes small studies that indicate the immunocompromised are better protected if they get the fourth shot sooner, Elisha Hall, a health education specialist at the CDC, told the panel, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

The goal is “to help this population that may not be as well protected get their booster dose sooner, particularly with concerns about initial immune response, loss of protection over time, and high community transmission due to the Omicron variant,” she said.

Omicron is the dominant variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus in the United States. The CCP virus causes COVID-19.

The vaccines already were waning in protection over time against infection while the Delta variant was dominant in the country, and have performed even worse against the Omicron strain.

Epoch Times Photo
A vial of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in Los Angeles, Calif., on Dec. 15, 2021. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images)

Dr. Camille Kotton, an infectious disease expert at Massachusetts General Hospital and a panel member, said she had seen many immunocompromised patients in the past two months who “followed all the rules,” including the recommended vaccination schedule, but still became infected with the virus.

The updated guidance “will help dramatically,” she said.

The other likely change would apply to the general public and deals with the length of time that elapses between the first and second shot of the mRNA vaccines. Both have a two-dose primary schedule.

At present, the second Pfizer dose is recommended around 21 days after the first, and the second Moderna dose is recommended around 28 days after the initial shot. However, surveillance data show that among many age groups, particularly young males, who have received the vaccines, there has been a higher than expected rate of heart inflammation.

Data from Canada and England, which have both extended the interval, suggest an extended time period between the first and second doses increased vaccine effectiveness and lowered rates of myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of heart inflammation that have cropped up following mRNA vaccination.

“The longer interval resulted in lower myocarditis rates, whereas the shorter interval had higher myocarditis and pericarditis rates,” said Dr. Bryna Warshawsky of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Dr. Grace Lee, a medical officer at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and the advisory panel’s chair, said the data presented “are fairly convincing that an extended interval is not only potentially safer from a myocarditis standpoint, but also potentially more effective.”

The data pertain to when Delta was the dominant variant in much of the world. Omicron displaced Delta in December 2021 in the United States.

Some countries have halted or curtailed the use of the mRNA vaccines, particularly Moderna’s, among youths due to the heart inflammation issues, but U.S. health authorities have so far continued to recommend the shots for all Americans 5 and older, asserting the vaccines prevent more hospitalizations than the heart inflammation cases they cause.

The panel’s COVID-19 vaccines working group, after analyzing altered vaccine schedules from various countries, endorsed an interval of eight weeks between the first and second dose of an mRNA vaccine primary series. The CDC hasn’t yet decided whether to follow the advice.

If changed, the revised schedule could affect millions of people. Some 33 million Americans aged 12 to 39 remain unvaccinated, as well as tens of millions of Americans in older age groups. It would also push back booster shots, which are currently recommended five months after the Moderna or Pfizer primary series, and two months after the initial Johnson & Johnson shot.

Dr. Walid Gellad, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, called the expected change “a big deal.”

At the same time, it is “troubling” that it “took so long for US policymaking to catch up to other countries,” Gellad, who is not on the panel, wrote on Twitter.

Panel members said they hoped the change would help convince unvaccinated people to get a jab.

“I think that it affords a level of safety and also demonstrates to the public that we are very focused on doing this in the right way,” said Dr. Oliver Brooks, chief medical officer of Watts HealthCare Corp.

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