Been a while huh?  The March 15th, 2011 “Bright New Look For CSD” article was the last to be exact.

Notice the new format?  (That’s a story we’ll get into at some later date.)

Needless to say, this site will be “under construction” for a while as I learn new software.  So much has, is, and will be happening in this community there is no convenient way to simply “jump0 back in” to current events.  Let’s start this new chapter of the continuing saga of Lake Don Pedro with some public information, namely, The 2010-2011 Mariposa County Grand Jury Final Report.  This publication is something every current and potential district customer should be aware.

The section dealing with our LAKE DON PEDRO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (LDPCSD) is on page 32.

Here’s the link to the county website [I’ll also place it on the top menu]:


My best to you and yours, Lew

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Categories: Uncategorized.