Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

Last week, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, spoke on the US House Floor.

McCarthy was Tuesday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”. Here are his words:

“Mr. Speaker — Democrats won the House by the slimmest of margins in November: a mere five seats and 32,000 votes nationwide.

Their victory in the other branches was also tight.

Usually, when one party has a tiny majority, they recognize that governing requires compromise.

Not this majority.

Less than two months into controlling the House — despite promising to solve problems and restore democracy — Democrats have proven that their primary goal is not governing, but grievance — the politics of censorship, not common ground.

In January, they eliminated the Motion to Recommit — the last chance for the minority to improve legislation — without a single Republican vote.

Already, millions have lost their voice in Congress due to this brazen partisanship.

What Democrats are doing this week is even worse.

Today, they will hold a subcommittee hearing that will focus on broadcasters’ and cable news’ ‘devotion to journalistic integrity’.

This explanation should concern every American.

It has never been Congress’s role to define and enforce journalistic standards. The First Amendment expressly prohibits the government from controlling what the press says.

But Democrats are trying to give themselves the power to dictate what you can read and watch in your own home.

And their assault on free speech goes beyond today’s disgraceful hearing.

On Monday, Representatives Eshoo and McNerney sent a letter to 12 cable, streaming, and satellite companies — essentially threatening them to remove Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network from the airwaves.

Here is just a quick snapshot of the answers they’re demanding from the carriers:

‘What moral or ethical principles … do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a channel?’
‘What steps did you take … to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans?’
‘Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network both now and beyond any contract renewal date? If so, why?’

These are Members of Congress who are using their official positions to coerce and control the information Americans can watch and access in their homes.

They are demanding more censorship, more deplatforming, and more control over what Americans can watch.

In their letter, Eshoo and McNerney suggest that censorship is necessary because conservative views are not only different — they are dangerous.

This is not only false, it is the same script used in countries like China to silence speech they disagree with.

Democrats would bring those same socialist standards to America.

Yet those standards are dangerous, vague, and easily abused. They have no place here.

Democrats’ actions this week make it clear that the greatest threat to free speech today is not a law from Congress, which is bound by the First Amendment.

The greatest threat is politicians who bully private companies to silence dissenting views.

Lastly, beyond these serious threats to free speech, the irony of Democrats’ actions this week should not be lost on us.

For the last four years, we were told that the greatest danger to free speech was President Trump.

To underscore this accusation, a liberal legacy newspaper in Washington adopted its first official slogan: ‘Democracy dies in darkness.’

As usual, the heated rhetoric from the other side was off base — badly.

The same party that is now worried about ‘misinformation rumor mills and conspiracy theory hotbeds’ was comfortable with endorsing destructive and false narratives for four years.

Back in August, Rep. Eshoo herself baselessly alleged that the Trump Administration was intentionally attacking the U.S. Postal Service. She called it ‘election theft’ and a ‘campaign of sabotage.’

How about Rep. Schiff? For years, he said he had more than circumstantial evidence of Russian collusion. That was false. Nonetheless, networks like MSNBC continued to perpetuate the baseless accusation.

Or how about Speaker Pelosi, who said in 2017 ‘Our election was hijacked. There is no question.’

Mr. Speaker — The American people are capable of making decisions about how best to live their lives.

They deserve to decide how to take care of their families or open their businesses during a pandemic.

And they deserve to decide to watch the news, judge the information they choose, and draw their own conclusions about its accuracy.

They need us to trust them, not try to control them.

If Democrats accepted robust debate, they would find that more people would trust Washington.

I yield back.”

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.

Written by Mark Truppner.

Categories: Uncategorized.


Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
February 16, 2021

LDPCSD Board President Dan Hankemeier opened the meeting at 1PM and started to perform the Pledge of Allegiance until Board Secretary Syndie Marchiello asked for the attendance report for the record. All directors present except Johnson apparently. You’ll have to listen for yourself – an attempt at humor?

After pledge the Secretary reminded the president about the public comment portion – and then explained to the unknown speaker (who was apparently still trying to sell some solar system to the district) that public comment was not a question answer period. GM began asking questions…. the “unknown” self-identified “expert” explained there were ways to accomplish what he was suggesting the district purchase…..yet apparently GM had received some contradictory information that there were regulations prohibiting the suggested process. Very cryptic information.
(What do you folks think?)

This solar contractor referenced utilizing a “map” and I almost shot Mtn Dew out my nostrils! lol WHICH FRIGG’N MAP OF THE DISTRICT ? Rather peculiar matter on the agenda actually.

No report by presiding officer, who then made a comment regarding the GM’s past review process.
Director Warren suggested changes to the review process – in a future agenda item.
GM McGOWAN REPORT: Intake working great, currently considering the possibility of drought and making preparations. Finishing touches on the barge taking place. USDA information and CAL OES. The later a denied request for backup power generators – too many applicants for the funds. (Office of Emergency Services – I believe) All district groundwater wells are producing but the flow meter on Ranchito Well #2 failed due to getting wet – apparently a design flaw with the sub ground vault. (Production not being recorded) Tank cleanings – hydrants being repaired, raised, and painted. Discover more work to be done when faulty equipment and valves are identified.

Meter audit…..not yet. Site inspections proceeding. Need to replace flow meters to obtain ACCURATE METER READS OF WATER. Still not completely done. Financial audit report next month. Two hour administrative inquiry meeting on March 10th scheduled with the Mariposa County Grand Jury. Only GM/Secretary will be required to attend. Just a traditional administrative review which is what they are supposed to do. Legal counsel stated it was something that should be done every year since there are so few governmental agencies in this area. More to report later after meeting.

District received $6,200 in a settlement for a damaged hydrant. President asked where? Panchito…? GM unsure of similar street names. Comments about roads in the area. GM discussed the 13,000 acre feet of water during the one storm that was released. (Approximately 6 inches of rainfall)
Water audit: 13.5% system loss – well within acceptable loss. GM states he believes the past loss was due to spreadsheet errors (?) Water in pipe was not being deducted, or system flushing (?)…..little things added up…… leaks are being fixed…..the new valve certainly stopped pumped water from trickling back into the lake..

Director Ross commented on the Grand Jury of the past…Ross suggested anyone speaking with the Grand Jury who is not sure of a particular fact, to just say you “don’t recall” because the Grand Jury asks questions for which they already have the answers. Ross went on about how one individual in the past was indicted and ultimately resigned. So if you don’t know the answer, say you don’t recall.

Consent agenda approval – Ross commented that it incorrectly stated Johnson had called the meeting open….. approved with correction.
Hankemeier expressed pleasure not seeing many large item costs.

CSDA nominations – seat A, GM McGowan running for the position. Used example of the OES denied grant…. GM said he needs to get out and attend the meetings… many by zoom.
Ross questioned if GM went to the meetings do we have the proper procedures for repayment or compensation….policies and such…. GM said there were line items in budget for such contingencies. Whether our district will pay for GM to attend meetings of another agency….Ross said it was not like a convention setting, but geared more to that specific agency. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION CSDA. GM read that the CSDA reimburses. Ross stated there were a lot of past scheduling conflicts with former GM/Treasurer Pete Kampa. Approved CSDA motion.

Proposition 218 rate study information: No meeting at the school was confirmed. NBS (company board is paying thousands of dollars to advise how to best raise our rates) advised all other rate studies are on hold due to COVID-19. GM continued to research and thought it best to wait until the COVID-19 issue subsides in a couple of months. Even using “streamline” (online apparently) was not recommended at this time.

Hankemeier said there were 400 vaccinations a week in Mariposa – 70+ year olds. Barge Renovation update: 2017 started…. multiple contractors/designers … $39,000 spent before any work was even done. Steel shortage influenced also. Many delays with good excuses. Request for additional funds for drought measures….maybe $30,000
$142,000 total so far spent. ($39,000 planning). Project was supposed to be $60,000.
Warren stated it was well invested money.
GM stated it was a unique situation hauling pipe on the water – definitely over budget, but not too bad considering all the change orders for safety issues. (Plus $11,000 for a motor.)
Discussion of typical work days and activities.
Water storage tanks: approximately 100 pages of reports. Sent to state with estimates of repair time. Gaskets on the hatch and mesh on the air vents – can be done in house. Alamo – 6′ of water at all times due to the altimeter functioning… replace ladder…. etc. state wants to see gaskets and mesh replaced. Generally good reports.
Directors commented on the past repairs needed and how much better the sites look now.
Cross talking…
Adjourned meeting, 19 after 2.

Categories: Uncategorized.

McClintok: The death of dreams and childhood

On Thursday, Congressman Tom McClintock spoke on the US House Floor, in opposition to HR 5.

McClintock was Friday’s KVML “Newsmaker of the Day”. Here are his words:

“Mr. Speaker:

This law could not be plainer: It says, gender is NOT a question of genetics; but of personal choice. Leftist dogma now calls for this doctrine to be imposed under force of law, and its effect is frightening.

States that have adopted similar laws have threatened safe spaces for women and intimidated the free exercise of conscience. But let me focus on just two aspects: how they destroy women’s sports and render parents powerless to protect their own children.

Selina Soule, a teenager worked her heart out and qualified for the Connecticut State Championship track meet. She said, “Eight of us lined up at the starting line … but when six of us were only about three quarters into the race, two girls were already across the finish line…What just happened? Two boys identifying as girls happened. Fair is no longer the norm. The chance to advance, the chance to win has been all over for us … This policy will take away our medals, records, scholarships and dreams.”

An anguished mother named Elaine, told her story: “Let me explain to you how this works… questioning a child’s professed gender identity is now illegal. So, if a little boy is 5 years old and believes he is the opposite sex, affirmative care means going along with his beliefs. Parents are encouraged to refer to him as their “daughter” and let him choose a feminine name…Is it really harmless to tell a child who still believes in the tooth fairy that he is the opposite sex? … If a 10-year-old girl is uncomfortable with her developing body and suddenly insists she is a boy, affirmative care means blocking this girl’s puberty with powerful drugs.”

America, wake up. This is the brave new world that House Democrats propose under the name “equality.”

The parents of every daughter who has ever poured their hearts into a sport should be outraged that their daughter’s dreams and hopes no longer matter to their representative. Every parent who would give their life to protect their child should be livid that this bill is about to replace them with bureaucrats who can administer puberty-blocking drugs on their child’s say-so. And every American should be scared as hell to realize the ideological extremism that is now running rampant behind the razer-wired, militarized U.S. Capitol. Hard to believe we once called it “the people’s house.”

Let this be a wake-up call to every voter that if you elect enough radicals to Congress – you get a radical Congress.”

HR 5 was passed shortly after this speech.

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.

Written by Mark Truppner.

Categories: Uncategorized.


Congressman Tom McClintock delivered opening remarks last week during the House Judiciary Sub-Committee on Immigration.

McClintock was Tuesday’s KVML “Newsmakr of the Day”. Here are his words:

“Before we took a wrecking ball to our economy last year, we were enjoying one of the greatest expansions of economic opportunity in our lifetimes. Unemployment was at its lowest rate in 50 years, the poverty rate was at its lowest rate in 60 years. Wage growth was the strongest in 40 years. The wage gap was narrowing for the first time in many years, as blue-collar wages increased dramatically. The unemployment rate for women was the lowest in 70 years. For African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans, veterans and disabled Americans, and those without a high school diploma, unemployment was the lowest ever recorded. The labor participation rate began to increase after years of decline as workers who had given up hope of work began seizing opportunities. The participation rate for men aged 25-34 grew for the first time since 1962.

Big business and big agriculture hated this because it required them to pay higher wages but in the growing economy it produced, many more people were prospering than in many decades.

Tax and regulatory relief explain much of this success, but the extraordinary improvement of wages for unskilled and low-skilled workers begs for greater insight. Could it be that the Trump Administration’s success in restoring control of our borders stemmed the flood of low-wage labor into the job market that had been suppressing wages for American workers for decades?

We’ll soon find out. President Biden has signed several executive orders in the last few weeks that together are already producing a new migrant crisis on the southern border.

Customs and Border Protection agents report that the daily flow on the southern border has nearly doubled from 2,000 last month to 3,500 this month. The number of illegal immigrants encountered on the southern border during the first four months of FY 2020 was 164,932. That number has nearly doubled for the first four months of FY 2021 to 296,259.

The effect of these executive orders includes abandoning the border wall, questioning the longstanding premise that that immigrants should be able to support themselves, releasing illegal immigrants with minors into the interior, ending the remain-in-Mexico policy for those claiming asylum in the United States after travelling through other countries where they could have sought it, granting what amounts to sanctuary status for a wide variety of criminal offenses including drunk driving and sex offenses, and ordering ICE not to enforce immigration law for 100 days – an order that has been stayed by the federal courts.

Apparently, that isn’t bold enough for the open borders left, and it is seeking even bolder actions that I’m sure we’ll get a glimpse of today.

Every American needs to fully understand the implications of these policies. If we are not going to enforce our immigration laws, our borders mean nothing. And if our borders mean nothing, we are no longer a country but rather a vast international territory between Canada and Mexico – both of which HAVE immigration laws that they actually enforce.

But I hope my Democratic colleagues will take the time to answer some questions the American people have a right to know:

• How are American workers helped by flooding the labor market with another wave of illegal immigration?
• How are our children – who have been robbed of an entire year of their educations – helped by filling their classrooms with non-English speaking classmates?
• How are our streets made safer by allowing aliens who drive drunk to remain on our roads rather than to be arrested and placed in removal proceedings?
• How is our nation made safer by reopening virtually unrestricted travel with hotbeds of international terrorism?
• How are our communities made safer by making it harder to deport criminal illegal aliens and gang members?
• How are our hospitals made more accessible by overwhelming emergency rooms with illegal immigrants demanding care?

If you are going to advocate these policies, you have an obligation to answer these questions.

But I want to conclude on a hopeful message. If the majority wants to make progress this session, there is not only room for compromise, but a necessity for it. We need to provide legal status to children brought here illegally who have grown up here and have no memory of their home country, and we need to reform our temporary agricultural worker program. But we can’t address these issues until we secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. Otherwise, we just invite a new wave of illegal immigration – just like we are seeing right now.

If you want to make progress, the minority is anxious to start down this road.”

The “Newsmaker of the Day” is heard every weekday morning at 6:45, 7:45 and 8:45 on AM 1450 and FM 102.7 KVML.

Written by Mark Truppner.

Categories: Uncategorized.


YES! Remember the names and faces of the politicians who betrayed, not only President Trump, but more importantly, our UNITED STATES of AMERICA and ALL HER CITIZENS. Share their betrayal with others who may not know who these lowlifes actually are.

These people have NO BUSINESS IN AMERICAN POLITICS after running, supporting, and worst of all, assisting in the CONCEALMENT of the most crooked and manipulated election in U.S. history so they could STEAL THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF THE US GOVERNMENT to reconfigure America to fit their LEFTIST AGENDA.

How many truly believe the majority of legal American citizens actually voted for Socialism and Communism to replace our FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY? Much less a leader who can barely string his own words together and has a history of truth fabrication anyway? Unbelievable. The most precious and valuable thing any of us possess as American Citizens is now in the hands of professional liars and cheats without conscience who will never voluntarily acknowledge what a sham of an election they orchestrated. Absolutely shameful conduct.


Throw them all out!

Lew has left his soapbox. 🙂

PS: (of course) THANK YOU President Donald John Trump, your family and prior administration officials….and ALL SUPPORTERS for the excellent performance in defending, protecting and MAKING OUR AMERICA GREAT AGAIN – COME BACK AND DO IT AGAIN ASAP – IT NEEDS FIXING ALREADY!

Categories: Uncategorized.



Democrats, like a proclaimed anti-arsonist organization whose primary leadership consists of pyromaniacs and convicted arsonists, have FINALLY and EFFECTIVELY illustrated to the world what their envisioned, carefully planned, and now actively executing fast track plan is for America – HER DESTRUCTION.


These Democrats; various Anti-American self interested “ISM” parties (Communism, Socialism, Marxism, etc), and other confused traitors to America, continue the daily bombardment of an already traumatized citizenry with once unimaginable changes to our society and the American way of life.

Changes that cause an average legal American citizen (regardless of political party affiliation or particular individual background) to scratch their head in utter bewilderment while pondering how such obviously flawed logic and misplaced allegiance could be emanating from our nation’s highest “elected position of responsibility” charged with the protection of this country and her citizens. (Obviously now under Democrat rule the once honored position is now the – “highest un-elected position of irresponsibility”)


We are becoming numb to the outrageously stupid policies and programs being pushed and implemented every day with the unquestionably clear and foreseeable damaging affects to our entire population – legal citizens and residents alike, completely ignored by the Democrat creators.


A predictably unpredictable environment is taking shape that is extremely dangerous and exceptionally difficult for average law abiding, tax paying, honest citizens to understand and navigate. Why is this happening?

Without that previously accepted [and enforceable] traditional framework of law and order, citizens become confused and more susceptible to the damaging affects being brought to bare on them by this recently de-camouflaged domestic enemy. Now exposed for their deceitfully outrageous and criminal manipulation of 2020 election ballots, Democrats actually double down on their betrayal of the American citizen by taking steps to insure such election corruption becomes the norm.


Democrats are proud of their accomplishment in WRONGFULLY MANIPULATING A US ELECTION AND INSTALLING a senior citizen with obvious signs of dementia in addition to his pathetic 47 years of truth fabricated public service. Public service earmarked with highly unethical and illegal wealth building activities for his family and others who can so easily betray their country’s trust for selfish personal wealth. Apparently they believe in only this ONE ASPECT OF LIFE with which to accumulate what they believe to be the ultimate wealth.


Under Democrat rule there will never be another honest election in the United States of America. I again admit to my confusion and ignorance over this matter. Is a declared winner in a horse derby allowed to keep the prize and title if the horse is later proved to have been drugged at time of race? What about all the famous sports figures who have forfeited trophies, awards, medals, etc. who were challenged and convicted for some form of cheating? Driver awards when the vehicle in the race was later disqualified for nonconforming engineering changes or prohibited configurations? Haven’t proclaimed “winners” in all sorts of “contests” later had their titles, trophies, awards, recognition for achievement revoked due to subsequent incontrovertible evidence of some form of cheating. Cheating which clearly meant there was never a FAIR CONTEST from the start.


What happens when a car dealer is proven in court to have unethically and in violation of law tricked the consumer in some extended service contract? Or misrepresented important contract provisions? The contract is null and void due to fraud and the responsible party is fined/imprisoned for his culpability in the activity.


So how can an election be permitted to stand (which jeopardizes our entire country and system of justice), when clear evidence indicating the reality of MALEVOLENT FOREIGN COUNTRY INVOLVEMENT IN COOPERATION WITH DOMESTIC TRAITORS was completely ignored by “DEEP STATE ACTIVIST OFFICIALS” within our government who were elected/appointed with the legal duty of preventing such corruption and foreseeable damage they so obviously permitted?


When a carefully thought out organized system dedicated to the pursuit of equal justice is suddenly reconfigured into producing exactly the opposite results (harming those it was intended to protect), a repetitiously scratched “contemplation area” on the head may start to bleed from chronic irritation in pondering the many ludicrous decisions from a DC “appointed” and manipulated senile puppet exploited by Leftist ideology.


Example: current dementia compromised senior being exploited in the White House after a Democrat orchestrated fraudulent election placed him there. Sure went to much trouble to place an incompetent in office.

An environment where formerly recognized laws, restrictions, and regulations are made meaningless while illogical anti-productive foolishness reigns high, where nothing makes sense anymore, can be easily explained by recognizing, and accepting, the reality that Democrats indeed seek the destruction of America and her freedoms as the average American citizen has always been taught and raised to understand them.


Drastic changes that even children can comprehend as dangerous are taking place right now. They are consistently praised by MSM (Main Stream Media) professional propagandists who intentionally distract from what is truly important (LOSS OF OUR COUNTRY) while attempting to emotionally cajole cooperation from the very victims Democrats setup to lose everything they cherish and value. They conceal the shocking reality that our country’s RED DAWN has already occurred and we are all BEHIND ENEMY LINES.


We can see and feel the changes daily. We wonder and pray for some form of super hero who will arrive in the nick of time to snatch our struggling America from the closing jagged jaws of a Democrat designed quick collapse and unceremonious death.


We certainly have to acknowledge that Democrats have not wasted any time or overlooked any sneaky underhanded trick in prohibiting, dismantling and restricting anything that could possibly assist the legal American citizen. This is especially evident when considering these citizens have already been suppressed and manipulated due to our current COVID-19 pandemic environment conveniently released just before the greatest election FRAUD IN AMERICAN HISTORY which Democrats are working hard to guarantee will occur in every future US election. Local, state and federal. All will be corrupt with the same Democrat complicity as the 2020 election.


You know, we (the victimized American public) should not expect anything less from these LEFTIST DEMOCRAT TRAITORS than what they have already so clearly demonstrated in the short time of their wrongfully assumed power.

There can be little doubt that AMERICA’S DESTRUCTION is the prime directive of this MUTANT ANTI-AMERICAN ORGANIZATION. Yes indeed, the lines have been irrevocably and clearly drawn.

Hold on, it’s probably going to be quite a bumpy ride, but have faith as such scoundrels will eventually be held accountable for what they have so clearly engineered into reality.

Yup, could not have made it anymore clear – thanks to the following Domestic Traitors:

Tammy Baldwin, Wis.
Michael Bennet, Colo.
Richard Blumenthal, Conn.
Cory Booker, N.J.
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Maria Cantwell, Wash.
Ben Cardin, Md.
Tom Carper, Del.
Robert Casey, Pa.
Chris Coons, Del.
Catherine Cortez Masto, Nev.
Tammy Duckworth, Ill.
Dick Durbin, Ill.
Dianne Feinstein, Calif.
Kirsten Gillibrand, N.Y.
Maggie Hassan, N.H.
Martin Heinrich, N.M.

Hinkenlooper, CO
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Tim Kaine, Va.
Kelly Az

Angus King, Maine
Amy Klobuchar, Minn.
Patrick Leahy, Vt.
Lujan, NM

Joe Manchin, W.Va.

Ed Markey, MA

Robert Menendez, N.J.

Jeff Murkley, Or

Chris Murphy, Conticu

Patty Murrey, Wa

Jon Oshoff, Ga

Padilla, CA

Gary Peters, Mich.
Jack Reed, R.I. Yes
Jacky Rosen, Nev.
Bernie Sanders, Vt.
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Chuck Schumer, N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen, N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema, Ariz.
Tina Smith, Minn.
Debbie Stabenow, Mich.
Jon Tester, Mont.
Chris Van Hollen, Md.
Mark Warner, Va.
Warnock, GA

Elizabeth Warren, Mass.
Sheldon Whitehouse, R.I.
Ron Wyden, Ore.

Richard Burr, N.C.
Bill Cassidy, La.
Susan Collins, Maine
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Mitt Romney, Ut
Ben Sasse, Neb.
Patrick Toomey, PA


My best to you and yours, Lew

Categories: Uncategorized.


Tammy Baldwin, Wis.
Michael Bennet, Colo.
Richard Blumenthal, Conn.
Cory Booker, N.J.
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Maria Cantwell, Wash.
Ben Cardin, Md.
Tom Carper, Del.
Robert Casey, Pa.
Chris Coons, Del.
Catherine Cortez Masto, Nev.
Tammy Duckworth, Ill.
Dick Durbin, Ill.
Dianne Feinstein, Calif.
Kirsten Gillibrand, N.Y.
Maggie Hassan, N.H.
Martin Heinrich, N.M.

Hinkenlooper, CO
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Tim Kaine, Va.
Kelly Az

Angus King, Maine
Amy Klobuchar, Minn.
Patrick Leahy, Vt.
Lujan, NM

Joe Manchin, W.Va.

Ed Markey, MA

Robert Menendez, N.J.

Jeff Murkley, Or

Chris Murphy, Conticu

Patty Murrey, Wa

Jon Oshoff, Ga

Padilla, CA

Gary Peters, Mich.
Jack Reed, R.I. Yes
Jacky Rosen, Nev.
Bernie Sanders, Vt.
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Chuck Schumer, N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen, N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema, Ariz.
Tina Smith, Minn.
Debbie Stabenow, Mich.
Jon Tester, Mont.
Chris Van Hollen, Md.
Mark Warner, Va.
Warnock, GA

Elizabeth Warren, Mass.
Sheldon Whitehouse, R.I.
Ron Wyden, Ore.

Richard Burr, N.C.
Bill Cassidy, La.
Susan Collins, Maine
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Mitt Romney, Ut
Ben Sasse, Neb.
Patrick Toomey, PA

Categories: Uncategorized.


YUP, Saturday, February 13th, 2021 @ 1251hrs!

Every single guilty vote for this politically motivated vindictive sham of an impeachment hearing should be answered by ALL PATRIOTS with the removal from office (as soon as possible) for those who REFUSED to uphold OUR US CONSTITUTION and RULE OF LAW!

If these LEFTIST DEMOCRAT/RINO (Republican In Name Only) TRAITORS could not ethically rule on such a ridiculous fabrication of facts, how could they possibly protect the USA and her legal citizens from the DEMOCRAT supporting Chinese Communist Party and other traditional global enemies of our country?

Time for these TRAITORS to find employment elsewhere!

Lew has left his soapbox (until being summoned back with more mushroom nutrition consistently furnished by Left Demo RATS!(

My best to you and yours, Lew

Others can kiss my RED, WHITE & BLUE ASS!

Categories: Uncategorized.