
Absolutely unbelievable the disinformation and censorship so frigg’n obvious in the “lame stream media”. I get so frustrated with the constant emotional and illogical rants by these pretend news reporters – I seriously doubt they could be as ignorant as presented. Have they watched ANY of the hearings regarding the manipulation of the 2020 election? They actually seem more like actors. Like on a television sitcom (situation comedy) or old time day soap operas spanning decades – You know?,…the sort of series where a former viewer could miss a bunch of programming yet drop in for 35 minutes weeks later and be up to speed with with the gist of new information. Rather like CNN et al with their typical excuse for news, which is essentially their opinion that everything bad is Trump’s fault and their choice for a leader will make everything good. Pssst…regardless of the real serious news about Biden and his family “such lame stream” won’t report to their viewing sheeple. Of course these news sitcoms are all professionally produced and glued together with Socialist Left Democrat politics with a few excellent advertisements with general social appeal and appreciation just so viewer’s don’t accidentally see past the actor’s draped carcass of wool apparel.

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Current Time 16:09/Duration 16:091x 2020 Election

Jenna Ellis to the American People: ‘Take Heart, This Is Not Over Yet’

By Janita Kan and Jan Jekielek December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020 biggersmallerPrint

Trump legal adviser Jenna Ellis on Wednesday urged the American people concerned with election integrity to have hope in the ongoing efforts aimed at exposing voter irregularities and alleged fraud.

“I would just say to the American people: Take heart. This is not over yet. And we absolutely have every intention of continuing to fight for election integrity,” Ellis told The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders.

Trump’s legal team, which is led by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, is fighting against the clock to ensure that the sanctity of the ballot box is preserved. The team and its allies have been building a case to ensure that all concerns about voting irregularities and alleged unconstitutional actions passed by state and election officials in the 2020 election are investigated to secure confidence in the election outcome for all.

Although Dec. 14, the day that presidential electors case their votes for president, has come and gone, Ellis argues that President Donald Trump still has time to challenge the election results and that state legislatures still have time to decide which set of votes from dueling slates of delegates to send to Congress on Jan. 6, the day when the electoral college votes are counted.

This comes after Republican electors in seven states cast alternate votes for President Donald Trump, setting up a new challenge for Congress when they count the votes next month. Critics argue that those votes are merely symbolic and have no force of the law. However, alternate votes have been accepted by Congress before.

In 1960, Democrats successfully cast an alternative set of votes for John F. Kennedy in Hawaii after the state’s governor certified the electors for Richard Nixon amid a recount. Congress ultimately counted the votes from Kennedy electors, who were signed off by the governor as well, even though he wasn’t declared the winner in the election until 11 days after Nixon’s electors were certified.

Republicans in the seven states said their rationale for sending dueling electors to Congress was to preserve Trump’s legal claim in the election as his team pursues legal challenges over the counting of “illegal votes.” The offices of the Nevada and Pennsylvania secretary of state told The Epoch Times that they have only received the certificates of the vote from Democratic electors and not Republicans.

Ellis is urging state legislatures in the contested states to hold an electoral session to consider evidence of potential election fraud and pass a resolution to send to the Republican slate of electors.

“If one state is willing to do this, I think others will follow,” she said.

She also believes it is the responsibility of every American to protect free and fair elections, noting that there is a group of Americans who would like to get to the bottom of all the allegations.

“It’s incumbent, though, upon every American—regardless of who you voted for, whether or not you like the outcome of this election—to stop any cheating, to stop any lawlessness, to stop anything that runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution to make sure to protect free and fair elections,” she said. “I think there is a movement among the American people who really want to get to the bottom of these questions.”

She added that every state legislature should also be looking at their own laws and their own administration to ensure the integrity of votes.

Ellis said Americans have the ultimate say in holding their leaders accountable for their actions, and there are a series of actions that can be taken to ensure that politicians are held responsible.

“We can do that through not only contacting them and through putting pressure on them to continuing this fight, not only in the media, but also to make sure that our elected officials know that that’s what we expect of them—to take election integrity seriously,” she said.

She said that Americans in some of the contested states could also consider initiating recall petitions—a procedure that allows citizens to recall and replace public officials before their term ends. The petition requires a specific number of signatures over a specified period of time. If a valid number of signatures are collected, then a recall election can be held. Different states have different rules for this procedure.

“And so now, when we’re looking at the state legislatures, if that branch fails, then it’s up to ‘We the People’ to make sure that we go through the constitutional processes, that we can then change those who are in authority because no person in the United States is entitled to government authority,” she said.

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Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington in a file photograph. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington in a file photograph. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Election Integrity

Rand Paul: Voter Fraud ‘Happened’ and Election ‘In Many Ways Stolen’

By Tom Ozimek December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020 biggersmallerPrint

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said at a Senate hearing on election security Wednesday that there were instances of voter fraud in the November election and that it “in many ways was stolen.”

The Kentucky Republican told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing that he believes allegations of fraud in the 2020 election are credible.

“The fraud happened. The election in many ways was stolen and the only way it will be fixed is by in the future reinforcing the laws,” he said.

At the hearing, Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) disputed the notion that voter fraud was widespread enough to influence the outcome of the election and called integrity enhancing measures adopted by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) ahead of the 2020 election “very successful.”

“President Trump’s own Department of Justice concluded, and I’m going to quote the Department of Justice … ‘we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.’”

Paul characterized as a distraction arguments that the fraud was not widespread enough to sway the election.

“We can’t just say it didn’t happen. We can’t just say ‘oh, 4,000 people voted in Nevada that were noncitizens’ and we’re just going to ignore it,” he said.

He also challenged assertions by Christopher Krebs, former CISA director, who signed onto a joint statement by CISA and a coalition of elections infrastructure advisory councils, which called the election “the most secure in American history” and that “there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

“While elections are sometimes messy, this was a secure election,” Krebs said during the hearing, adding that he stands by the earlier CISA statement, which was opposed by President Donald Trump, who challenged the characterization and fired Krebs in November.

Epoch Times Photo
Christopher Krebs, former director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, testifies during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in Washington, on Oct. 19, 2017. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

“I think his job was keeping the foreigners out of the election,” Paul said, referring to Krebs’ work as head of CISA. “It was the most secure based on security of the Internet and technology, but he never has voiced an opinion—and he’s welcome to today—on whether or not dead people voted. I don’t think he examined that,” Paul said.

“Did he examine non-citizens voting? So to say ‘it was the safest election,’ sure,  I agree with your statement if you’re referring to foreign intervention, but if you’re saying it is the safest based on no dead people voted, no non-citizens voted, no people broke the absentee rules, I think that’s false and that’s what has upset a lot of people on our side, is that they’re taking your statement to mean ‘oh, there was no problem in the election.’”

Before he was fired, Krebs repeatedly said the election was run in a secure fashion, though he later clarified his remarks were not meant to refer to allegations of fraud.

“Rumor Control: I never claimed there wasn’t fraud in the election, [because] that’s not CISA’s job—it’s a law enforcement matter. We did provide info on measures election officials use to prevent and detect dead voters, tho,” Krebs wrote on Twitter.

Paul also said he wants hearings next year on election fixes, including limiting the involvement of courts and election officials in amending election laws, as some Republican lawsuits in key battleground states have alleged.

“I think state legislatures will need to reaffirm that election law can only be changed by a state legislature,” he said, referring to the fact that the U.S. Constitution gives the authority to establish election laws to legislatures, not courts or elections officials.

Categories: Uncategorized.


Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) speaks in Washington in a Sept. 16, 2020, file photograph. (Anna Moneymaker/Pool/Getty Images)

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) speaks in Washington in a Sept. 16, 2020, file photograph. (Anna Moneymaker/Pool/Getty Images) 2020 Election

Sen. Lankford: More Americans Believe in Election Fraud in 2020 Than Russian Interference in 2016

By Zachary Stieber December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020 biggersmallerPrint

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) on Wednesday defended the hearing dealing with election “irregularities,” noting poll results that show more Americans believe fraud occurred in the 2020 election than Russian interference in 2016.

A poll in December 2016 showed 32 percent of Americans thought Russia influenced the outcome of the election that year, Lankford said at the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearing.

“Based on that belief and what was going, it launched a whole series of hearings,” Lankford said.

“Certainly the Russians were trying to interfere in our elections, but we spent millions and millions of dollars investigating it, going through it,” he added. “We did six different public hearings on Russian interference just on that one topic to make sure we were paying attention to it.”

Lankford then noted that 46 percent of respondents to a recent poll said they believe there was election fraud in this year’s election.

“Now, amazingly, after this election all kinds of issues have come up and said there are potentials for problem and everyone seems to be saying ‘move on.’ The only reason that I can think that would be different was because the election outcome seem to be different. And one side is now saying let’s just move on and ignore this,” he said.

“It’s reasonable to be able to ask if people can drift around and gather ballots from other people and do ballot harvesting—and in some states that’s legal—does that provide an opportunity for fraud? I think the obvious answer is yes. The obvious answer is if you mail a ballot to everyone in the state even if they didn’t ask for it does it provide an opportunity for fraud? Especially when the state did not first purge or verify those addresses and they sent thousands of ballots to people that no longer live there.”

Lankford spoke during a hearing that was opposed by Democrats, who called for its cancellation.

Using a Senate committee to spread “misinformation” about elections “is beyond the pale,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on the Senate floor last week.

Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.), the ranking member on the committee, during his opening statement accused President Donald Trump and many of his supporters of attempting to “undermine the will of the people, disenfranchise voters, and sow the seeds of mistrust and discontent to further their partisan desire for power.”

“Whether intended or not, the hearing gives a platform to conspiracy theories and lies, and it’s a destructive exercise that has no place in the U.S. Senate,” Peters added. He also claimed that moving forward with the hearing was “dangerous,” alleging it could spark violence.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the committee, responded.

“I don’t see anything dangerous about evaluating information, about doing legitimate congressional oversight. Nothing dangerous about that whatsoever,” he said. “Close-mindedness is a real problem for a lot of issues we face today.” Follow Zachary on Twitter: @zackstieber

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ProBaBly OnE oF TheM

Well, this is it. No Red Dawn sort of attack with guns, tanks and aircraft by our country’s enemies. Just a cyber-clean manipulation of an open free system deeply infiltrated by treasonous Anti-American operatives at all levels of government and the private sector (any wonder that your “local LEFT” also operates in the same fashion – outside the law with seeming impunity? Called a clue.) What about the CCP infiltration into the US stock market? Wake up! Another complete betrayal and cheat brought to you by the SOCIALIST LEFT DEMOCRATS with massive assistance by their news media outlets. Yup, this is it. May not be another chance to SAVE YOUR COUNTRY if these criminals are not STOPPED RIGHT NOW! Trump, his family, administration, officials and supporters have been working for ALL AMERICANS against the swamp of corruption. Didn’t expect them to say, “oh golly gee! A new Sheriff Trump is in town. Guess we better move our criminal activities somewhere else?” Nope. Swamp creatures have been attacking Trump since before our President and have obviously used every nasty trick in the book – including corrupting the 2020 US Presidential Election! No wonder the Democrats were wrongfully accusing Trump of working with the Russians. The Dems were, and with the CCP! Trump wasn’t a politician when he came in, he was a business person and that’s what we wanted. He delivered yet the swamp creatures don’t like losing turf. It’s on now folks. They attempted to hi-jack our entire government (country) with a fraudulent election to overthrow the the will of the legal citizen as to who they wanted to lead our Nation! I’m pretty sure we’ve (the USA) invaded other countries for far less. Trump is the only President to stand up to such organized crime and I will continue to support him – in WHATEVER he determines is best for this Country! After all, if we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything. My best to you and yours, Lew May God continue to Bless this great Nation and all her citizens.




<BELOW> FITTING. Yeah? Please, once again….listen all the way through – think about the lyrics and what has been happening within America recently….ahh come on! I’m going to right now before I post it just to make sure everything works. Come on! For old times sake – it is a classic that every American citizen should understand – whether multi-generational or the first generation of American Citizens! WE ARE ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS and Our Country has been attacked. You know, I was quite fortunate to have met so many new citizens at that La Grange intersection petition stand. Some of their comments still haunt me as they have only recently experienced what the LEFT has proposed and is now attempting to force upon America – those new citizens were not only very angry about having their recently accomplished dream of American Citizenship (and the rights and privileges thereof) threatened – but were simultaneously frightened with the possibility. I still believe them. Anyway, turn it and imagine ……. later.

Categories: Uncategorized.

Maybe this will work? (In getting 411 out)

Staffers organize state's ballots during the counting of the electoral votes from the 2016 presidential election during a joint session of Congress in Washington on Jan. 6, 2017. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Number of Congress Members Planning to Challenge Election Results Expected to Grow

Trio working to convince senators to join them By Zachary Stieber December 9, 2020 Updated: December 9, 2020 Print

The number of members of Congress who will commit to challenging the results of the Nov. 3 election during the upcoming joint session is expected to grow.

“There’s three of us that have publicly said that we will refuse to certify Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, and I definitely have a very strong feeling that there will be more of us,” Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) told The Epoch Times.

“The number will grow, you’ll see the number will grow, because I’m talking to a lot of people. Seventy-five million Americans voted for President Trump, and right now 70 percent of that number feel that that the election was stolen, and that fraud has taken place, and we know that we have big problems here in Georgia. So I think this is definitely something the American people will be supporting us in our efforts.”

Greene, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), and Rep.-elect Barry Moore (R-Ala.) have publicly committed to challenge the election results during the upcoming joint session of Congress.

“I think as the process becomes more public and the media starts to get the word out that this is our plan, I feel like there’s good conservative people, ethical people—I’d love to see some Democrats join us,” Moore told The Epoch Times.

“I think we’ll have some join us, certainly some people who say they will stand by the president on the campaign trail—it’s time now to stand and to make sure we get this right.”

Greene and Moore will be sworn in on Jan. 3, 2021, three days before the joint session of Congress. Brooks won reelection.

Epoch Times Photo
President Donald Trump, left, and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in file photographs. (Getty Images)

According to the current vote count, Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, narrowly won the election by capturing traditional Democratic states and most swing states.

President Donald Trump and other Republicans allege fraud and other irregularities occurred during the election, such as extended mail-in ballot deadlines that they assert were unlawful.

The Epoch Times will not call the race until all ongoing lawsuits and related matters have been resolved.

Under the Electoral College system, Americans who vote for the president are in actuality voting for a slate of electors who go on to vote for the candidate who won the state’s total vote count. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes based on its population.

Electors are scheduled to meet and vote on Dec. 14 in their respective states. They sign certificates of the vote, which are sent to the vice president, the archivist, and the secretary of state and district court judge in their respective states.

Electors can cast votes for candidates who don’t win the popular vote, but doing so is unusual.

The final decision on the votes come before Congress early next year. Both congressional chambers meet in January to count the votes and declare the winners of each state.

Epoch Times Photo
Then-Vice President Joseph Biden, presides over the counting of the electoral votes from the 2016 presidential election during a joint session of Congress in Washington on Jan. 6, 2017. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Objections can be filed but must be endorsed by at least one senator and one representative. If an objection is registered properly, the joint session breaks up and each chamber meets separately to consider and vote on the objection. A simple majority passes the objection, rendering the electoral votes for the state in question null.

Democrat representatives registered objections in 2016 but no senators would join them.

No senators have yet committed to a challenge this time around.

Both Greene and Moore have been working to sway senators and senators-elect, but each declined to identify any by name on the record.

“I’m in the process of talking to several senators. I don’t want to say their names right now, but I feel pretty hopeful that I’ll be able to bring out a senator. I think that we’ll be able to get one,” Greene said.

Inquiries sent to every Republican senator and senator-elect who will or who will possibly be in the next Congress weren’t immediately returned.

Epoch Times Photo
Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) arrives to the Hyatt Regency hotel on Capitol Hill in Washington on Nov. 12, 2020. (Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)

Trump thanked Brooks last week for promising to challenge the results. His campaign didn’t respond when asked whether the president is in contact with lawmakers regarding the planned challenges. Biden’s team didn’t return an inquiry.

The challenges are aimed at triggering a little-known, secondary system of electing a president if no candidate reaches the 270 electoral votes required to win. The House of Representatives chooses the president and the Senate picks the vice president. In that scenario, each state has a single vote in each chamber. Republicans have the majority under that system in the House and the Senate, making the option attractive to them.

Brooks, Greene, and Moore plan to file objections because they believe Trump won the election despite the current vote count.

“I’ve lived in Georgia my entire life, and I know for a fact that Georgia did not elect Joe Biden for president. We reelected President Trump,” Greene said, pointing to testimonies given last week during a state legislative hearing in Georgia, alleged election fraud, the video with suitcase-like containers, and counties finding thousands of uncounted ballots during a hand audit.

Greene and Moore pointed to the large crowds Trump drew in pre-election rallies, contrasting them to Biden spending months at home and, when he emerged, holding events with just dozens of attendees.

“I was an early supporter of Trump in 2016, and people were concerned that he could beat Hillary, and I said, ‘watch the rallies, just look at the numbers.’ And then, this year, the same exact thing, people would ask me, they’d say, ‘well he’s behind in the polls,’ and I’d say, ‘watch the rallies,’” Moore said.

“My only concern is that they steal it, I never dreamed that they would actually try to steal it. The data just doesn’t line up to me and then I have concerns about process, and regardless—regardless—of who ends up winning, we’ve got to get this right. The American people need to have confidence in the process.”

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